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1 英语·必修3(人教版)

2 第一学时 Reading and Comprehension


4 Task 1 语 篇 理 解 快速阅读课文“A trip on ‘The True North’”,以约40词写出文章的段落大意。
语 篇 理 解 Task 1 快速阅读课文“A trip on ‘The True North’”,以约40词写出文章的段落大意。 温馨提示:本文是记叙文,写摘要时要扣住记叙文的要素: 人物 (Li Daiyu,Liu Qian)、事件(took a trip across Canada by train)、结果(what they saw and heard on the way)等要素。

5 语 篇 理 解 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 答案:The passage tells us what Li Daiyu and Liu Qian saw and heard when they took a trip across Canada by train including beautiful scenery, wild animals and some information of the country, like natural resources, population,and some cities.

6 Task 2 语 篇 理 解 根据课文“A trip on ‘The True North’”, 选择正确答案。
语 篇 理 解 Task 2 根据课文“A trip on ‘The True North’”, 选择正确答案。 1.“The whole continent” in Paragraph 1 refers to______. A.The USA  B.Canada C.Atlantic coast  D.The American continent B

7 语 篇 理 解 2.Why did the cousins not fly direct to the Atlantic coast? A.Because there was no direct flight to the Atlantic coast. B.Because the distance from the west coast to the east wasn't so long. C.Because they wanted to travel across Canada. D.Because it was cheaper to take a train in Canada. C

8 语 篇 理 解 3.Which is the right order of the route of their trip? A.Rocky Mountains—Vancouver—Calgary— Thunder Bay—Toronto. B.Calgary—Vancouver—Rocky Mountains— C.Thunder Bay—Vancouver—Rocky Mountains— Calgary—Toronto. D

9 语 篇 理 解 D.Vancouver—Rocky Mountains—Thunder Bay— Toronto.

10 语 篇 理 解 4.What is Calgary famous for? A.Cowboys. B.Mountain goats. C.Grizzly bear and eagle. D.The Calgary Stampede. D

11 语 篇 理 解 5.Why do many cowboys come to compete in the Stampede? A.To show off the gift. B.To win much money in prizes. C.To be famous. D.To spend the holidays. B

12 Task 3 语 篇 理 解 根据课文“A trip on ‘The True North’”完成下面的路线图。
语 篇 理 解 Task 3 根据课文“A trip on ‘The True North’”完成下面的路线图。 1.______________(the most beautiful city)Rocky Mountains2.______________(famous for the Calgary Stampede)3._______________________(farms)Thunder Bay(4.________________city)The Great Lakes(5.______________) Vancouver Calgary Wheat-growing province busy port fresh water

13 语 篇 理 解 Task 4 根据课文“A trip on ‘The True North’”, 在下文空格中填上恰当的词语, 使文章连贯完整。 Li Daiyu and Liu Qin were on a trip to Canada to visit their cousins on the Atlantic coast.Rather 1.________take the airplane all the way, they took the train 2.________west to east across Canada.The thought 3.________they could cross the whole continent was exciting.Canada is the second 4.________(large) country in the world.People say than from that largest

14 语 篇 理 解 Vancouver is Canada's most beautiful city 5.____________(surround) by mountains and the Pacific Ocean.6.________the coast north of Vancouver, it is 7.________wet there that the tree are extremely tall.That afternoon aboard the train the cousins settled 8.________in their seats.They know cowboys from all over the world compete in the Stampede.Many cowboys have a gift 9.________riding wild horses.They also learned surrounded On so down for

15 语 篇 理 解 that 10.________most Canadians live within 320 kilometers of the USA border and the population is only slightly over thirty million.



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