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Unit Thirteen China’s Ethnic Groups

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Presentation on theme: "Unit Thirteen China’s Ethnic Groups"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit Thirteen China’s Ethnic Groups
and Religions

2 Part I Skill Focus--- Coping Tactics in Interpreting
Part II Topic Focus ----China’s Ethnic Groups and Religions

3 Dilemma in interpreting
Fail to hear Fail to understand Fail to memorize or take notes Fail to express

4 Coping tactics Inquiry Speculation Substitution Transliteration

5 inquiry Principle of necessity Principle of conciseness
Principle of politeness

6 Speculation Listening to the speaker actively not exclusively.
Guess the missed information from linguistic context, topic, speaker’s intention, communication situation and phonetic rules.

7 substitution 1) substitution with synonyms 座谈会?研讨会? “symposium”
用近义词替代:seminar, conference, meeting, discussion… 2) substitution with antonyms “事情很复杂” This matter is not a simple one.

8 3) substitution with interpretation
大量资金投入人浮于事的政府部门。 “人浮于事”? overstaffed Plenty of money has been invested into the government departments where the employees are much more than needed.

9 “我们必须制定严格的市场准入制度” “准入制度”? access system We must establish a strict system to decide who are qualified to enter the market.

10 4) Substitution with subordinates
“我们要加强基础设施建设。” “基础设施”? Infrastructure construction We must build more roads, hospitals, buildings, and things like those.

11 5) Substitution with super-ordinates
“这些都是我们生产的绒毛玩具。长颈鹿、袋鼠、恐龙、蜥蜴,什么都有。” These are all our toys. You can see we have different animals here.

12 Transliteration 对待公司名、外国人名、地名、机构缩写、习俗、菜名等,如果不太好译,就可以用音译加补充解释的方式对待。
人名翻译: 周恩来 Zhou En-lai, the late premier of the state council of PRC 孔夫子 Confucius, the ancient Chinese philosopher 孙中山 Sun Yat-sen, the great forerunner of Chinese 1911 revolution.

13 名族乐器: 古筝: Zheng, a 21- stringed instrument 箫:Xiao, a Chinese vertical bamboo 二胡:Erhu, a two-stringed bowed instrument 戏剧翻译: 京剧:Beijing opera, Peking opera 沪剧:Shanghai opera, Hu opera based on Shanghai dialect. 花鼓戏:flower drum opera, based on Changsha dialect. 双簧:Shuanghuan, one of the two-man act in traditional Chinese opera.

14 食品英译: 包子: baozi, a steamed bun stuffed with meat or vegetables. 粽子:Zongzi, a pyramid glutinous rice dumpling wrapped in reed leaves. 荔枝:lichi 龙眼:lonyan

15 Ignoring 青岛是中国北方运输中心之一,目前,青岛已经开通至北京、上海、广州等主要城市的82条航线。// 同时开通至东京、大阪、首尔、巴黎、新加坡、曼谷、法兰克福、洛杉矶以及中国香港、澳门等12条国际航线。 Qingdao is one of the transportation centers in Northern China. It has operated 82 domestic lines to major cities, including Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.// There are 12 international lines linking Qingdao with Tokyo, Osaka, Seoul, Paris, Singapore, Bangkok, Frankfurt, Los Angeles and Chinese Hong Kong and Macao.

16 Public Speaking Lingual Clear Fluent Logical
Use simple, clear and rather short sentences. Use the first person singular (speak on behalf of the speaker)

17 Public Speaking Articulation Clear and correct

18 Public Speaking Volume Be clearly audible all the time.
Don’t let the endings of your words or your sentences fall off; be clear to the last word. Observe the reaction of your audience

19 Public Speaking Pitch High pitch: nervous, excited
Low pitch: depressed, sad,hesitated Medium : calm, object, friendly and sincere. Note: Don’t be monotonous in your delivery. Be natural and sincere.

20 Public Speaking Pause: Avoid long pause
Short pause before important statement.

21 Public Speaking Rate Don’t speak too fast or too slowly, because they both prevent effective communication. Chinese : 150~180WPM English : 120~150WPM Note: proper names , titles, addresses and numbers are uttered a little bit more slowly. Modulate the rate when necessary.

22 Public Speaking Manner Properly dressed color
style: formal & business casual(商务休闲装) Postures & Gestures Don’t overdo it. Don’t imitate the speaker’s gestures Don’t slouch or become stiff. Don’t turn your head sideways.

23 Public Speaking Facial expression Keep smiling
keep eye contact with your audience constantly. Avoid too many facial expressions: e.g. frowning, grimace, even if you’ve just made a mistake.

24 Public Speaking Good preparation Sound psychological quality
Note: Don’t be a perfectionist

25 Part II Text Interpreting

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