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Basic Application Software

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1 Basic Application Software
Chapter 3

2 应用软件 应用软件: 帮助终端用户在计算机上完成各种工作的程序 共同的特点: 使用友好的图形用户界面 提供许多方便 使用的辅助功能
Two kinds of software (as discussed in Chapter 1) System software (Key Term) – works with end users, application software, and computer hardware to handle the majority of technical details Application Software (Key Term) – is end user software that is used to accomplish a variety of tasks Three categories of Application Software General Purpose Applications (Key Term) – word processing, spreadsheets, database management systems and presentation graphics. Specialized Applications (Key Term) – tend to be more focused and used in specific areas and disciplines Mobile Apps (key Term) – add-on features or programs designed for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.

3 通用软件(general-purpose applications)
字处理软件 创建和编辑文本文件 电子制表软件 用表格的形式组织和存储数据,并提供简单的分析和画图功能, 数据库管理系统 建立和管理数据库的软件,在各行各业被广泛使用 演示图形软件 用幻灯片的形式图文并茂地展示报告内容

4 专用软件(Specialized Applications)
专用软件: 针对特定从业人员开发的专业性较强的软件 包括: 图片编辑软件 图片库 音乐制作软件 网页制作软件 …… Specialized applications included graphics programs and web authoring programs.

5 软件套装(Software Suites)
软件套装: 捆绑在一起销售的一组软件 常见的软件套装有: Microsoft Office 360安全软件 …… Office Software Suite (ley term) / Office Suite (key term) / Productivity Suite (key term) A collection of separate applications bundled and sold as a group that share information between applications Less expensive than individual applications; but more expensive than integrated packages Cloud Suites (key term) or online office suites (key term) are stored at a server on the Internet and access is gained through the Internet. Ease in collaboration Downside – dependent on server so be sure to have a backup Specialized suites (key term) include graphics or financial suites among others. Utility suites (key term) are designed to make computing safer for all.

6 A Look to the Future – 下一代人机接口
人机接口: 人与计算机之间建立联系、交换信息的输入/输出设备 传统的人机接口包括:键盘、鼠标、显示器、打印机等 下一代人机接口: 触摸屏:如微软的桌面电脑(Microsoft Surface) 语音识别:通过自然语言交互 手势识别:通过手势交互 脑机接口:利用脑电波进行操控 虚拟现实:利用计算机生成模拟环境,使用户沉浸到该环境中 增强现实:将真实环境和虚拟物体实时叠加到同一个画面或空间中 ……

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