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Unit 5 Travelling Abroad go sightseeing study abroad

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1 Unit 5 Travelling Abroad go sightseeing study abroad
Nowadays there is a growing tendency for people to study abroad. Such kind of experience can be exciting but challenging.

2 Oxford University

3 Cambridge University

4 Harvard University

5 The cradle of presidents
总统的摇篮 The cradle of presidents Yale University

6 Princeton University(普林斯顿大学)
33 winners of the Nobel Prize once studied here. Princeton University(普林斯顿大学)

7 IELTS(雅思) /TOEFL/SAT apply to a university for admittance meet the academic requirements visa board a plane for your destination

8 Chinese student fitting in well
Keep it up, Xie Lei Chinese student fitting in well

9 adjust/adapt to keep it up fit in (well)(with) board the plane for wait in a queue apply for highly recommend sth the host family the student accommodation board with 适应 继续努力 相适应,相融合 登上前往...的飞机 排队等候 申请 极力推荐 房东 学生公寓 寄宿

10 revise the draft be numb with shock as far as sb is concerned refer to an autonomous learner feel at home be occupied with sth join a club wish sb all the best deserve to succeed 修改草稿 惊呆了 就…而言 参考 自主学习者 感到自在 忙于 在学习和社会活动之间取得平衡 加入俱乐部 祝某人一切顺利 应该成功 have a balance between study and a social life

11 这是她第一次离开自己的祖国。 This was the first time that she had ever left her motherland. 困难不仅仅在学习方面,你得适应一种全新的生 活方式。 It’s not just study that’s difficult. You have to get used to a whole new way of life, which can take up all your concentration in the beginning. 当我想家的时候,房东家就是我家的替身。和他 们在一起给了我很大的慰藉。 When I miss my family, it’s a great comfort to have a substitute family to be with.

12 我一直忙于学习,以至于没有时间去参与社会活动。
I have been so occupied with work that I haven’t had time for social activities. 我们衷心祝愿她学业有成. 她应该成功。 We wish Xie lei all the best in her new enterprise. She deserves to succeed.

13 Fast Reading: Title & Para.7
1.Who is the main character? A Chinese student _____________ Xie Lei. named/called 2. Does she get used to/adjust to the life abroad? Yes, she fits in well. 3. Where is the text probably from? Supporting sentences? We will follow XL’s progress in later editions of this newspaper. 关于谢蕾的进步,我们将在今后几期的报纸中作跟踪报道。

14 General information about XL
Para. 1-2 How old? 21 years old How long? 6 months ago/ board a plane for London halfway through the preparation year XL highly recommends it. Why? to study for a business qualification Feeling? both excited and nervous It was the first time that she had ever left her motherland.

15 Para. 3-4 Things XL has to learn:
1. how to use the phone/pay the bus fare 2. how to ask a shopkeeper for things __________ she didn’t know the English ___ (that/which) for 3. how to ask for directions and understand the native’s language Reasons why XL lives with a host family 习惯一种全新的生活方式在一开始时占据了她的 全部精力。 Getting used to a whole new way of life takes up all her concentration in the beginning.

16 Getting used to the new life
Para. 3-4 Getting used to the new life feel much more at home Reasons why XL lives with a host family boards with 1. give her lots of good advice 2. give her the chance to learn more about the new culture 3. When she misses her family, it’s a great comfort to have a substitute family to be with. 当她想家的时候,房东家就是她家的替身,和他们 在一起给了我很大的安慰。

17 Getting used to ________________________
Para. 5 Getting used to ________________________ the academic requirements 1. How did she write her first essay? find an article make a summary hand it in revise the draft The result made him numb with shock. 2. What advice did the tutor give her? He recommended that she should _____ many articles, _______ them, give her own _______, and explain it by __________ other authors. If she refer to others’ opinion, she should ____________ them. The tutor even encouraged her to __________ others’ opinion and become an __________ learner. read analyse opinion referring to acknowledge contradict autonomous

18 Para. 6: Her plan for the near future
have a balance between study and social life join a few clubs make some new friends This is her new e_________. We wish her ___________ because she deserves to succeed. enterprise all the best

19 Discussion What kind of person is Xie Lei? a daptable b rave/bright r
espectful o ptimistic/outgoing a ctive d etermined/diligent Discussion What kind of person is Xie Lei?

20 Summary boarded qualification preparation host opportunity customs
Xie Lei _______ a plane for London six months ago to study for a business___________. She is now halfway through the __________ year. At the beginning, she had to learn almost everything again. She lives with a _____ family, which gives her the __________ to learn more about everyday life and _______ in her new country. She got an E in her first ______ .Thanks to her ____, she is now an ___________ learner. She feels much more __ _____ and is going to participate in _____ activities in order to have a _______ between study and a social life. We wish Xie lei all the best with her_______. Keep it up ! Xie lei. boarded qualification preparation host opportunity customs essay tutor autonomous at social home balance enterprise

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