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Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.

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1 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.
Section A 3a–3c

2 一、创设情境,呈现目标

3 What problems do you have in your neighborhood?

4 Our neighborhood

5 学习目标 □ 一、熟练掌握以下词汇: noise, policeman, wolf
了解以下词组的语音、语义:each other, have fun, too much 二、口、笔头掌握下列句型: 1. My wife thinks that it could be an animal, but my friends and I think it must be teenagers having fun. 2.They think it might be the wind. 3. There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood. 三、学习掌握情态动词must, might, could 和can’t与现在进行时的连用。 四、通过对一些奇怪现象的推测和最后真相的思考,培养讲科学,信科学的思想。

6 二、自主学习,交流展示

7 everyone knows each other something unusual the town newspaper
1.每个人彼此认识 2.不寻常的事 3.城镇报社 4.奇怪的噪音 5.报警 6.隔壁邻居 7.其他的任何东西 8.逃跑 9.感到不安 10.不知道 11.直接走开 12.乐于制造恐惧 something unusual the town newspaper strange noise call the policeman next-door neighbor anything else run away feel uneasy have no idea simply go away have fun creating fear

8 Skimming: Look through the passage quickly to find the main idea without having to read every word.
1. Everyone in our neighborhood is uneasy. Why? Because something unusual is happening in the neighborhood.

9 Read the article and decide which might be the best title.
2. Which is the best title? ( ) A. A Small and Quiet Town B. Strange Happenings in My Town C. Animals in Our Neighborhood B It is a good idea to read the first or the last sentence of each paragraph before you read the whole text.

10 He is a school teacher. Scanning:
Move your eyes quickly down the page to find specific information. 1. Who is Victor? He is a school teacher.

11 2. Victor’s next door neighbor Helen is unhappy too
2. Victor’s next door neighbor Helen is unhappy too. What does “neighbor” mean? ( ) A. 亲戚 B. 邻居 C. 朋友 B If you read something for the first time, don’t worry about the words you don’t know. Use the context to help you guess the meaning.

12 neighborhood uneasy teenagers wolf noise-maker neighbor

13 Match the people to their ideas.
Victor’s wife wind Victor and his friends b the police c Helen d an animal

14 They think it must be teenagers having fun.
They think it might be the wind. She thought it might be a dog. She thought that maybe it was a bear or a wolf. He thinks the noise-maker is having too much fun.

15 三、难点释疑,拓展延伸

16 We live in a small town and almost everyone knows each other
We live in a small town and almost everyone knows each other. It used to be very quiet. Nothing much ever happened around here. However, these days, something unusual is happening in our town. Victor, a teacher at my school, is really nervous. When he was interviewed by the town newspaper, he said, “Every night we hear strange noises outside our window. My wife thinks that it could be an animal, but my friends and I think it must be teenagers having fun. My parents called the policemen, but they couldn’t find anything strange. They think it might be the wind. I don’t think so!” 彼此了解 =nearly几乎 used to do sth. 过去常常做某事 没有什么事情 在这儿周围 a usual thing / an unusual thing be+ done (by+动作执行者) 可能是(推测) make noises / make a noise /make so much noise制造噪音 call sb.打电话给某人 一定是(推测) can的过去式 可能是(推测)

17 I often hear her sing in the next door. 我经常听到他在隔壁房间唱歌 隔壁邻居
Victor’s next-door neighbor Helen is worried, too. “At first, I thought that it might be a dog, but I couldn’t see a dog, or anything else, either. So I guess it can’t be a dog. But then, what could it be?” One woman in the area saw something running away, but it was dark so she is not sure. “I think it was too big to be a dog,” she said. “Maybe it was a bear or a wolf.” 可能是(推测) 首先;开始first of all/at the beginning can的过去式 不可能是(推测) 可能是(推测) 太…而不能… It may be 可能是a bear or a wolf.

18 Everyone in our town is feeling uneasy, and everyone has
his or her own ideas. There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood, but what is it? We have no idea. Most people hope that this animal or person will simply go away, but I do not think that is going to happen. The noise-maker is having too much fun creating fear in the neighborhood. 感到不安 =we don’t know. simple简单的 走开;离开 have fun (in) doing sth. 愉快得做某事 have a good /great time enjoy oneself

19 Read the language points and fill in the blanks.
1. There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood.本句用到了句型:There must be sb. doing sth. 动词-ing 形式修饰前面的主语,做定语。 如:一定有人在等你。 There _______ _______ someone ________ for you. 一定有孩子们在玩耍。 There _______ ________ some children _________. 2. 你能用sound, noise, voice 完成下列句子吗? (1) Don’t make so much ________. The baby is sleeping. (2) I hear the ________ of rain. (3) The singer is famous for her sweet ________. Read the language points and fill in the blanks. waiting must be must be playing noise sound voice

20 3. 将本句译成汉语。 Victor, a teacher at my school, is really nervous. ________________________________________________ 4. When he was interviewed by the town newspaper, … (改为主动语态) When the town newspaper __________ ______, 维克托,我学校的一位老师,非常地担心。 interviewed him

21 happy 快乐的 unhappy 不快乐的 lucky 幸运的 unlucky 不幸的 friendly 友好的 unfriendly
usual 通常的 unusual 不平常的 反义 happy 快乐的 unhappy 不快乐的 lucky 幸运的 unlucky 不幸的 friendly 友好的 unfriendly 不友好的 easy 轻松的 uneasy 不安的

22 四、反思小结,当堂测评

23 an strange noises animal having fun strange the wind a dog
Writers describe events in a certain order. The order will help you understand the story better. People What they heard/saw What they think Victor’s wife It could be ____ ________. an ______ _______ outside their window strange noises animal Victor and his friends It must be teenagers ___________. Strange things are happening. having fun The police nothing _________ It might be __________. strange the wind _________ outside Helen It might be __________. noises a dog

24 Thank you!

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