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Content Listening and speaking Reading Grammar Writing Culture express.

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2 Content Listening and speaking Reading Grammar Writing Culture express

3 Listening and speaking
Pronunciation and listening skills Conversations Passage

4 ŸInferring where conversations take place
Now you will hear four short conversations. A question will follow each conversation. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. Tips 推断对话发生的地点是听力中常见的一种考题。遇到这样的题目,要注意听整个对话,理解对话的内容。不要听到某个表示地点的词就认为该对话发生在这里,导致选择错误。 点击左上角的“Unit 1”的左半部和右半部可以前后翻页。点击“?”按钮可以打开更多的“tips”。展示答案请点击右下角的“钥匙”按钮,点击“扫把”按钮可以清空答案。

5 ŸInferring where conversations take place
Now you will hear four short conversations. A question will follow each conversation. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. 1. A In a car. B In the street. C In a restaurant. D At home. 2. A In a hotel. B At a dinner table. C In the street. D In the man’s house. 点击左上角的“Unit 1”的左半部和右半部可以前后翻页。点击“?”按钮可以打开更多的“tips”。展示答案请点击右下角的“钥匙”按钮,点击“扫把”按钮可以清空答案。 3. A At a clinic. B In a supermarket. C In a restaurant. D In an ice-cream shop. 4. A In a library. B In a hotel. C In a hospital. D In an elevator. 5

6 Inferring where conversations take place
Scripts 1 W: Oh, dear, I’m tired. I can’t walk any farther. M: Let’s go to the restaurant across the street and get something to eat, OK? Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place? 2 W: Dear, I feel hungry now. How about you? M: So do I. Let me call Room Service. Hello, Room Service? Please send a menu to Room 320 right away. Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place? 点击左上角的“Unit 1”的左半部和右半部可以前后翻页。点击“?”按钮可以打开更多的“tips”。展示答案请点击右下角的“钥匙”按钮,点击“扫把”按钮可以清空答案。 6

7 Inferring where conversations take place
Scripts 3 M: I’ll have the steak, French Fries, and let’s see, chocolate ice cream for dessert. W: Oh, you know these things will ruin your health, too much fat and sugar, how about ordering some vegetables and fruit instead? Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place? 4 M: Excuse me, I’m looking for the emergency room. I thought it was on the first floor. W: It is. This is the basement. Take the elevator one flight up and turn left. Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place? 点击左上角的“Unit 1”的左半部和右半部可以前后翻页。点击“?”按钮可以打开更多的“tips”。展示答案请点击右下角的“钥匙”按钮,点击“扫把”按钮可以清空答案。 7

8 Inferring where conversations take place
Tips 推断对话发生的地点时要注意听完整个对话,理解对话的内容,切忌断章取义,听到某个表示地点的词就认为该话发生在那里,导致选择错误例如,在对话1 中,先提到了walk,又提到了 go to the restaurant across the street,综合这些,可以推断出该对话发生的地点是在大街上,而非其他地方。如果仅听到了restaurant 就作出选择的话,就会推断错误。

9 Conversation 1 Exercises Functional language Conversation 2 Exercises
Conversations Conversation 1 Exercises Functional language Conversation 2 Exercises Functional language

10 ✔ Conversation 1 - Asking for information
1. Listen to a conversation and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. 1 When will the man come to dine in the restaurant? Word tips reservation n. 预订;预约 reserve v. 预订;预约 A On Saturday night. 点击右下角的“ABC”按钮可以查看录音原文。 B On Tuesday night. C On Thursday night.

11 Conversation 1 - Asking for information
2 How many people does the man reserve for? Word tips reservation n. 预订;预约 reserve v. 预订; 预约 A. Seven. B. Eight. C. Nine. 3 Where does the man prefer to sit in the restaurant? A. He prefers to sit at a table by the window. B. He prefers to sit at a table by the door. C. He prefers to sit at a table at the corner.

12 3. What is the man’s last name and phone number?
Conversation 1 - Asking for information 2. Listen again and answer the following questions by filling in the blanks. 1. Why does the man call the restaurant? He’d like to __________ a reservation. make 2. What time would the man like to come to the restaurant? His first choice would be _____________, __________ is OK as well. 7:00 o’clock 7:30 3. What is the man’s last name and phone number? His last name is ___________and his phone number is ______________. Foster 12

13 Conversation 1 - Asking for information
Scripts I’d like to reserve a table for eight, please. And could I have a table by the window? B: 7:00 o’clock is fine. I’d like to know how many of you will come, Sir. A: Our first choice would be 7:00 o’clock, or perhaps 7:30. Could you tell me what time you’d like to come? Tuesday night. Could I know when you’re coming, Sir? Hello, I’d like to make a dinner reservation. Hello, this is Quay Restaurant. 13

14 Conversation 1 - Asking for information
Scripts Thanks for your help. I look forward to having a wonderful dinner in your restaurant. B: Thank you, Mr. Foster. See you this Tuesday at 7:00 o’clock. A: Great! My last name is Foster, and my phone number is Let me see what’s available. Yes, we have one. May I have your name and phone number, please? 14

15 Conversation 1 - Asking for information
3. Role-play a conversation in pairs according to one of the following situations. You may refer to the Functional Language. Situation 1 A would like to join the Students’ Union and is asking B how he / she can join it. Situation 2 The Photography Club is going to hold a photography exhibition in the university. A is asking B how he / she can take part in this exhibition. (Sample) (Sample)

16 Conversation 1 - Asking for information
GUIDED CONVERSATION A: Greet B and express that you want to join the Students’ Union / take part in the photography exhibition. B: Show welcome. A: Ask how you can join / take part in it. B: Tell A the requirements of joining / taking part in it. A: Show your understanding and ask about something else you are caring about. B: Give the answer. A: Show thanks.

17 Conversation 1 - Asking for information
Role play - Sample conversation Situation 1 Jack: Hi, Henry! I’m thinking about joining the Students’ Union. Henry: That’s great! You’re welcome to join us. Could you please tell me how I can join it? Sure. You need to go to the office of the Students’ Union and fill out an application form. Liz: I see. Do I need to pay any membership fee? No, you don’t need to. Got it. Thanks a lot! 17

18 Conversation 1 - Talking About Responsibilities
Role play - Sample conversation Situation 2 Lisa: Good morning, May. I heard the Photography Club is going to hold an exhibition in the university. I am wondering if I can take part in it. May: Of course. All the members of the Club are welcome to join us. How can I take part in it? The participants are required to submit an application form and five photographic works for the exhibition. OK. Are there any requirements for the works? I will give a flyer this afternoon. You can check the requirements on your own. I see. Thank you! 18

19 Conversation 1 - Asking for information
Functional Language ASKING FOR INFORMATION Could I know… ? Could you (please) tell me… ? May I have your… , please? I’d like to know…

20 ✔ Conversation 2 -Asking for more information
1. Listen to a conversation and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. Word tips tuition n. 学费 technique n. 技艺;技法 appreciate v. 欣赏 Raphael 拉斐尔( ,意大利文艺复兴时期画家) definite adj. 肯定的; 确定的 1 What kind of painting is the man interested in? A Watercolor painting. 点击右下角的“ABC”按钮可以查看录音原文。 B Traditional Chinese painting. C Oil painting. 20

21 Conversation 2 -Asking for more information
2 How long does the painting course last? Word tips tuition n. 学费 technique n. 技艺;技法 appreciate v. 欣赏 Raphael 拉斐尔( ,意大利文艺复兴时期画家) definite adj. 肯定的;确定的 A For a week. B For a month. C For two months. 3 What level could the man reach after the course? A The man could paint like a master. B The man could paint by himself. C The man could paint under the teacher’s guidance.

22 Conversation 2 -Asking for more information
2. Listen again and complete the following sentences with what you hear. Pay attention to the function of these expressions. Could you please 1 Hello. I’d like to learn painting. __________________ ______ what course you offer? tell me Do you mind telling 2 I’m more interested in oil painting. _________________ _________________? me more about it 3 OK. ________________________________ what I will learn from the course? Could you be more specific about 4 ____________________ after the course, I could paint myself? Are you saying that

23 Conversation 2 - Asking for more information
Scripts A: Top Art School. What can I do for you? B: Hello. I’d like to study painting. Could you please tell me what courses you offer? Our subjects cover almost every painting style, such as oil painting, watercolor painting, traditional Chinese painting, and so on. I’m more interested in oil painting. Do you mind telling me more about it? The course is given twice a week for two months and the tuition fees are 1,600 yuan. OK. Could you be more specific about what I will learn from the course? 23

24 Conversation 2 - Asking for more information
Scripts A: It includes a brief introduction to oil painting and its basic techniques. You will learn to appreciate the paintings of some great masters such as Da Vinci, Raphael, and so on. And then you will finish your own work under the teacher’s guidance. B: Are you saying that after the course, I could paint myself? If you can keep up with the course, that is definite. Good. I’ll think it over and call you later. Thanks a lot. 24

25 Conversation 2 -Asking for more information
3. Role-play a conversation in pairs according to one of the following situations. You may refer to the Functional Language. Situation 1 A wants to get a second degree in English and is asking B for some information about the second degree courses. Situation 2 A wants to keep fit and is asking B about the courses the health club offers. (Sample) (Sample) 25

26 Conversation 2 -Asking for more information
GUIDED CONVERSATION A: Greet B and say you’d like to get a second degree in English / keep fit. B: Tell A the specific subjects. A: Ask for some information about what is taught in the class. B: Make a reply. A: Ask for the tuition fees. B: Tell A the tuition fees. A: Make a response and show thanks.

27 Conversation 2 - Asking for more information
Role play - Sample conversation Situation 1 Wendy: Good morning, Mr. White. I’m Wendy from the Education Department. Mr. White: Good morning, Wendy. What can I do for you? Could you please tell me how I can get a second degree in English? Well, you need to get at least 40 credits in the English Department. Would you mind telling me what kind of courses I need to take? Besides courses focusing on improving English listening, speaking, reading and writing, you also need to take courses on literature, translation and linguistics. 27

28 Conversation 2 - Asking for more information
Role play - Sample conversation Situation 1 Wendy: May I know how much I should pay for the courses? Mr. White: It depends on how many credits you are going to take. Usually it is 100 yuan for one credit. I see. Thank you very much, Mr. White. You are welcome. 28

29 Conversation 2 - Asking for more information
Role play - Sample conversation Situation 2 Jenny: Good morning, Mr. Smith. I’m Jenny who called you yesterday. Mr. Smith: Hi, Jenny. May I help you? I need to work out to keep fit. I’d like to know what kind of classes I can take. Tom: We have training classes like swimming, yoga, and so on. Could you give me some detailed information about yoga class? There are three different types of yoga taught in our club. The coach will help you find out which type is better for you. 29

30 Conversation 2 - Asking for more information
Role play - Sample conversation Situation 2 Jenny: May I know how much I need to pay? Mr. Smith: It depends. For example, we have 1280 yuan for 24 times and 1580 yuan for 30 times. Here is the flyer about the fees. You can check it out on your own. Thanks! 30

31 Conversation 2 -Asking for more information
Functional Language ASKING FOR MORE INFORMATION Could you be (more) specific about… ? Do / Would you mind telling me (more) about… ? Something else I was wondering about is… Something else I’d like to know is… Are you saying that… ? Could you give me more / some detailed information about… ? Could you put it more specific? 31

32 Passage 1. Listen to a passage and match the expressions about cats in Column A with what they really mean in Column B. Word tips canary n. 金丝雀 reveal v. 透露;泄露 supervision n. 监督;管理 Curiosity n. 好奇心 Column A Column B You let the cat out of the bag. He is very proud and satisfied with himself. People do what they want and have fun when there is no supervision. He looks like the cat that ate the canary. When the cat’s away, the mice will play. You reveal a secret or a surprise by accident.

33 Passage 2. Listen again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). F According to the speaker, cats are more popular than any other kind of pets among Americans. T “Has the cat got your tongue?” means you couldn’t speak or answer a question. T “Curiosity killed the cat.” means someone gets into great trouble because they are too curious. 33

34 Passage Scripts Good morning class! Today I’d like to introduce some English expressions about animals. Cats are one of the most popular pets among Americans; so it’s not surprising that there are many expressions about cats in American English. If someone looks very proud and satisfied with himself, we might say, “He looks like the cat that ate the canary.” If you reveal a secret or a surprise by accident, we can say, “You let the cat out of the bag.” If you couldn’t speak or answer a question, someone might ask, “Has the cat got your tongue?” 34

35 Passage Scripts And for the way you behave in class when the teacher leaves, we sometimes say, “When the cat’s away, the mice will play,” meaning to do what they want and have fun when there is no supervision. You may have also heard the expression, “Curiosity killed the cat.” This is to warn someone not to ask too many questions, as it might get them into trouble. 35

36 Oral work Make some sentences or describe
Passage Oral work Make some sentences or describe a situation by using one or more expressions about cats you have heard.

37 Passage A Passage B Reading Dog talk: Every dog has its day
Chinese fish paintings

38 Dog talk: Every dog has its day
Passage A Dog talk: Every dog has its day Lead-in Text study Exercises

39 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
Lead-in Video appreciation Extended reading Pre-reading questions

40 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
Lead-in - Video appreciation 40

41 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
Lead-in - Extended reading 小狗包弟(节选) ——巴金 我又想起我曾经养过的那条小狗。是的,我也养过狗,那是1959年的事情,当时一位熟人给调到北京工作,要将全家迁去,想把他养的小狗送给我,因为我家里有一块草地,适合养狗的条件。我答应了,我的儿子也很高兴。狗来了,是一条日本种的黄毛小狗,干干净净,而且有一种本领:它有什么要求时就立起身子,把两只前脚并在一起不停地作揖。这本领不是我那位朋友训练出来的。它还有一位瑞典旧主人,关于他我毫无所知。他离开上海回国,把小狗送给接受房屋租赁权的人,小狗就归了我的朋友。小狗来的时候有一个外国名字,它的译音是“斯包弟”。我们简化了这个名字,就就叫它做“包弟”。包弟在我们家待了七年,同我们一家人处得很好。它不咬人,见到陌生人,在大门口吠一阵,我们

42 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
Lead-in - Extended reading 一声叫唤,它就跑开了。夜晚篱笆外面人行道上常常有人走过,它听见某种声音就会朝着篱笆又跑又叫,叫声的确有点刺耳,但它也只是叫几声就安静了。它在院子里和草地上的时候多些,有时我们在客厅里接待客人或者同老朋友聊天,它会进来作几个揖,讨糖果吃,引起客人发笑。我的爱人萧珊也喜欢包弟。在三年困难时期,我们每次到文化俱乐部吃饭,她总要向服务员讨一点骨头回去喂包弟。 1962年我们夫妇带着孩子在广州过了春节,回到上海,听妹妹们说,我们在广州的时候,睡房门紧闭,包弟每天清早守在房门口等候我们出来。它天天这样,从不厌倦。它看见我们回来,特别是看到萧珊,不住地摇头摆尾,那种高兴、亲热的样子,现在想起来我还很感动,我仿佛又听见由起女士的问话:“您的小狗怎样?” 您的小狗怎样?”倘使我能够再见到那位日本女作家,她一定会拿同样的一句话问我。她的关心是不会减少的。然而我已经没有小狗了······

43 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
Lead-in - Extended reading 包弟送走后,我下班回家,听不见狗叫声,看不见包弟向我作揖、跟着我进屋,我反而感到轻松,真是一种摔掉包袱的感觉。但是在我吞了两片眠尔通、上床许久还不能入睡的时候,我不由自主地想到了包弟,想来想去,我又觉得我不但不曾摔掉什么,反而背上了更加沉重的包袱。在我眼前出现的不是摇头摆尾、连连作揖的小狗,而是躺在解剖桌上给割开肚皮的包弟。我再往下想,不仅是小狗包弟,连我自己也在受解剖。不能保护一条小狗,我感到羞耻;为了想保全自己,我把包弟送到解剖桌上,我瞧不起自己,我不能原谅自己!我就这样可耻地开始了十年浩劫中逆来顺受的苦难生活。一方面责备自己,另一方面又想保全自己,不要让一家人跟自己一起堕入地狱。我自己终于也变成了包弟,没有死在解剖桌上,倒是我的幸运······

44 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
Lead-in - Extended reading 整整十三年零五个月过去了。我仍然住在这所楼房里,每天清早我在院子里散步,脚下是一片衰草,竹篱笆换成了无缝的砖墙。隔壁房屋里增加了几户新主人,高高墙壁上多开了两堵窗,有时倒下一点垃圾。当初刚搭起的葡萄架给虫蛀后早已塌下来扫掉,连葡萄藤也被挖走了。右面角上却添了一个大化粪池,是从紧靠着的五层楼公寓里迁过来的少掉了好几株花,多了几棵不开花的树。我想念过去同我一起散步的人,在绿草如茵的时节,她常常弯着身子,或者坐在地上拔除杂草,在午饭前后她有时逗着包弟玩。 ······我好像做了一场大梦。满身的创伤使我的心仿佛又给放在油锅里熬煎。 这样的熬煎是不会有终结的······ 我不怕大家嘲笑,我要说:我怀念包弟,我想向它表示歉意。 44

45 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
Pre-reading questions Discuss with your partner what characteristics the animals in the pictures below generally represent. ________ ________ ________ ________ blind proud brave loyal

46 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
Pre-reading questions 2. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. He is as blind as a bat without his glasses. ______________________________________ 他不戴眼镜时像蝙蝠一样盲眼。 The soldier is lion-hearted ______________________________________ 这位士兵非常勇猛。 She is always as proud as a peacock. ______________________________________ 她总是像孔雀一样骄傲。 To be successful, a person has to work like a dog. _______________________________________ 一个人想要成功就得拼命工作。 46

47 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
Text study Text reading Organization of the text Language points

48 Dog talk: Every dog has its day
Passage A Dog talk: Every dog has its day 1. Americans have many expressions using the word “dog.” Nowadays people in the United States love their dogs and treat them well. They take their dogs for walks, let them play outside, and give them good food and medical care. However, dogs without owners to care for them lead a different kind of life. The expression “to lead a dog’s life” describes a person who has an unhappy existence. 2. Some people say “we live in a dog-eat-dog world.” This means that when many people are competing for the same things, like good jobs, they are quick to forget their basic humanity. They also say that, a person has to ______________________________ ________________________________________________________ 按图标S只显示需讲解的句子超链接;按图标W只显示需讲解的词汇和短语超链接;按扫帚图标清除所有超链接标记。按上箭头回到上一层。 ____ _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________

49 Dog talk: Every dog has its day
Passage A Dog talk: Every dog has its day “work like a dog” to be successful. This means they have to work very, very hard. Such hard work can make people “dog-tired.” And if we fall ill or become miserable, we might become “sick as a dog.” 3. Still, people say, “Every dog has its day.” This means that every person enjoys a successful period during his life. To be successful, people often have to learn new skills. Yet some people say that “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” They believe that older people do not like to learn new things and will not change the way they do things. ________________________________________ _____________________________ 按图标S只显示需讲解的句子超链接;按图标W只显示需讲解的词汇和短语超链接;按扫帚图标清除所有超链接标记。按上箭头回到上一层。 _______________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 49

50 Dog talk: Every dog has its day
Passage A Dog talk: Every dog has its day 4. Some people are compared to dogs in bad ways. People who are unkind or uncaring can be described as “meaner than a junkyard dog.” Junkyard dogs live in places where people throw away things they do not want. Mean dogs are often used to guard this property. They bark at or attack people who try to enter the property. However, sometimes a person who appears to be mean and threatening is really not so bad, so we also say, “His bark is worse than his bite.” 5. Many dogs in the United States sleep in a safe little house near their owner’s home. These doghouses provide shelter. Yet they can be cold and lonely in the winter. ____________________________________________ 按图标S只显示需讲解的句子超链接;按图标W只显示需讲解的词汇和短语超链接;按扫帚图标清除所有超链接标记。按上箭头回到上一层。 50

51 Dog talk: Every dog has its day
Passage A Dog talk: Every dog has its day 6. Husbands and wives use the term “doghouse”when they are angry at each other. For example, a woman might get angry at her husband for coming home late or forgetting their wedding anniversary. She might tell him that he is “in the doghouse.” She may not treat him nicely until he apologizes. However, the husband may decide that it is best to leave things alone and not create more problems. He might decide therefore, “to let sleeping dogs lie.” __________________________ ____________________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________ __________________________________________________ 按图标S只显示需讲解的句子超链接;按图标W只显示需讲解的词汇和短语超链接;按扫帚图标清除所有超链接标记。按上箭头回到上一层。 ______________ 51

52 Dog talk: Every dog has its day
Passage A Dog talk: Every dog has its day 7. Dog expressions also are used to describe the weather. “The dog days of summer” are the hottest days of the year. And if a rainstorm comes, we might say, “it’s raining cats and dogs.” 8. Dog expressions abound in all cultures reflecting all aspects of our humanity, for good or ill, suggesting our close relationship with a creature also called “man’s best friend.” ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 按图标S只显示需讲解的句子超链接;按图标W只显示需讲解的词汇和短语超链接;按扫帚图标清除所有超链接标记。按上箭头回到上一层。 ______ 52

53 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
Organization of the text Part I (Para. ______) 1 Introduction: Americans have many expressions using the word “dog.” Structure Part II (Para. ______) 2-7 The author’s exemplification: Some “dog” expressions and their profound cultural connotations. Part III (Para. ______) 8 Conclusion: Dog expressions abound in all cultures reflecting all aspects of our humanity…

54 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
They take their dogs for walks, let them play outside, and give them good food and medical care. (Line 4, Para. 1) 他们带狗去散步,让它们在户外玩耍,给它们上乘的食物和医疗。 三个动词take,let,give 在句中作谓语,构成平行结构。 take sb. / a dog for walks: 带某人去散步/ 去遛狗 他会带海伦娜去公园散步。 He’d take Helena for walks in park.

55 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
This means that when many people are competing for the same things, like good jobs, they are quick to forget their basic humanity. (Line 7, Para. 2) 这句话的意思是,许多人在为同样的东西——比如好的工作——竞争时,他们很快就忘了自己的本性。 compete for sth.: 为某物而竞争 在圣诞季节,商店不得不为争夺顾客而竞争。 The stores have to compete for customers in the Christmas season. 55

56 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
And if we fall ill or become miserable, we might become “sick as a dog.” (Line 10, Para. 2) 如果生病了或状况很糟糕,我们可能会“sick as a dog(病得很严重)”。 fall ill 和become miserable 一样,是“系动词+ 表语”构成系表结构,在从句中作谓语。常见的系动词有be,become,fall,feel,seem,sound,turn 等。 e.g. feel good, seem beautiful, sound great, turn red 如果我在旅游时生病了怎么办? What if I fall ill while I'm away on holiday?

57 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
They believe that older people do not like to learn new things and will not change the way they do things. (Line 7, Para. 3) 他们认为年长的人不喜欢学习新东西,不愿改变他们做事的方式。 the way they do things 表示他们做事情的方式,they do things 是定语从句,修饰限定 the way。 我不喜欢他打量我的样子。 I did not like the way he eyed me.

58 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
(Line 5, Para. 4) Mean dogs are often used to guard this property. 吝啬的狗总是守着它们的地盘。 be used to do sth.: 被用来做某事 这把刀是用来切苹果的。 This knife is used to cut apples. guard: v. to watch over in order to control entry 警卫;把守 门由警卫把守着。 The gates were guarded by these soldiers.

59 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
For example, a woman might get angry at her husband for coming home late or forgetting their wedding anniversary. (Line 2, Para. 6) 比如,妻子可能会由于丈夫回家晚了或者忘记了结婚周年纪念日而生气。 get angry at / with sb.: 生某人的气 我们有时会生家人的气。 We sometimes get angry at family members. 59

60 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
However, the husband may decide that it is best to leave things alone and not create more problems. (Line 7, Para. 6) 然而,丈夫可能会决定按兵不动,免得制造更多麻烦。 create: v. to cause sth. to happen as a result of sth. 引起;引发 离婚会引发孩童的很多问题。 Divorce may create problems for children.

61 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
Dog expressions abound in all cultures reflecting all aspects of our humanity, for good or ill, suggesting our close relationship with a creature also called “man’s best friend.” (Line 1, Para. 8) 在所有文化中都有许多与狗有关的表达,这些表达反映了人性或好或坏的方方面面,也表明了我们和被称为“人类最好的朋友”的动物之间的亲密关系。 reflecting all aspects of our humanity, for good or ill 和suggesting our close relationship with a creature also called “man’s best friend” 都是现在分词短语作伴随状语。

62 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
Dog expressions abound in all cultures reflecting all aspects of our humanity, for good or ill, suggesting our close relationship with a creature also called “man’s best friend.” (Line 1, Para. 8) for good or ill: 不论好歹 suggest: v. to make sb. think that a particular thing is true; to indicate 表明;显示 越来越多的人出国旅游表明了他们的日子比以前过得好了。 More and more people are traveling abroad, which suggests that they live a better life than before. 62

63 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
(Line 7, Para. 1) care for to do things for sb. who is old, sick, weak, etc. and not able to do things for himself / herself 照顾:看护: 母亲日夜看护她生病的孩子 The mother cared for her sick child day and night. 2) be fond of; be attached to 喜爱,对……中意: 我不喜欢那种颜色。 I don't care for that color.

64 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
(Line 8, Para. 1) lead a(n)… life to have a particular kind of life 过着······的生活 这对老夫妇退休后在乡下过着简朴的生活。 The old couple led a simple life in the countryside after retirement. 衍生短语:lead an easy life; lead a poor life; lead a snug life; lead a dog’s life 64

65 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
(Line 10, Para. 1) existence the type of life that sb. has, especially when it is difficult 生活;生活方式(尤指不幸的生活) 他在伦敦一个贫民区过着艰难的生活。 He lived a hard existence in a poor area of London. 2) the state of happening or being present in a particular situation or place 实有;存在 这家公司成立于二十年前。 The company came into existence 20 years ago. 65

66 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
(Line 3, Para. 2) compete v. to try to win or gain sth., or try to be better or more successful than sb. else 竞争;比赛 我得跟十九个人竞争这份工作。 I had to compete against 19 other people for the job. 派生词:competitive adj. 竞争的;比赛的;求胜心切的 competition n. 竞争;比赛,竞赛 competitor n. 竞争者,对手 competitiveness n. 竞争力,好胜心

67 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
(Line 7, Para. 3) trick n. 1) an effective way of doing sth. 技巧;窍门 在大学里,我学会了一种记忆姓名的窍门。 In college, I learned a trick to remember names. n. 2) sth. you do in order to deceive sb. 诡计;花招 假装不记得了是他的一个惯用伎俩。 Pretending he doesn’t remember is one of his old tricks. 67

68 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
(Line 2, Para. 4) unkind adj. cruel or not nice 不和善的;刻薄的 派生词:unkindly adv. 不亲切地;刻薄地;不客气地 unkindness n. 不亲切;不近人情;不仁慈 It’s unkind to laugh at a person who is in trouble. 嘲笑困境中的人是不厚道的。

69 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
(Line 2, Para. 4) uncaring adj. without any sympathy for other people 没有同情心的 同近义词: abstracted, distrait I don’t like your uncaring attitude to the poor. 我不喜欢你对待穷人这种态度,没有一点同情心。 69

70 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
(Line 3, Para. 4) mean adj. cruel or not kind 不善良的;刻薄的 派生词: meanly adv. 卑贱地;吝啬地;简陋地 meanness n. 卑鄙;吝啬;劣等 It was mean of you not to invite her. 你没有邀请她是不厚道的。 70

71 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
(Line 4, Para. 4) throw away to get rid of sth. that you do not want or need 扔掉;抛弃 火灾通常是由于人们不经意丢弃烟蒂引发的。 Fires are often caused by cigarette ends which people carelessly throw away. 同近义词:throw by, throw out 扔掉,丢弃 71

72 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
property (Line 6, Para. 4) n. 1) land and the buildings on it 地产;房地产 她进行房地产投资。 She invested her money in property. n. 2) sth. that sb. owns 财产;所有物 不要动那些工具——那不是你的东西。 Don’t touch those tools, they are not your property. 72

73 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
(Line 6, Para. 4) bark v. to make the sound that a dog makes (狗)吠,叫 你能别让那个狗冲着孩子叫吗? Can you make the dog stop barking at the child? 73

74 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
(Line 6, Para. 4) attack v. to try to hurt or kill sb. 袭击;攻击 衍伸短语:heart attack 心脏病发作 attack on 攻击 under attack 受到攻击;在攻击之下 main attack 主攻;攻击主力 These brown bears have been known to attack humans. 人们已经获悉这些棕熊对人类具有攻击性。 74

75 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
(Line 8, Para. 4) threatening adj. showing or saying that sb. is likely to do sth. that will harm you 威胁(性)的;恐吓(性)的 昨晚接到恐吓电话后,他就再也没法入睡了。 After receiving a threatening phone call last night, he couldn’t sleep any more. 派生词:threat n. 威胁,恐吓;凶兆 threaten v. 威胁;恐吓;预示 threatened adj. 受到威胁的 75

76 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
shelter n. a place to live, considered as one of the basic needs of life 栖身之地;住处 我们用砖头和树枝搭建了一个简单的住处。 We use bricks and branches of trees to form a simple shelter. 76

77 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
(Line 4, Para. 6) anniversary n. a date on which sth. important or special happened in an earlier year 周年纪念(日) He bought her a diamond necklace on their 10th wedding anniversary. 在他们十周年的结婚纪念日,他给她买了一条钻石项链。 77

78 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
(Line 5, Para. 6) be in the doghouse to be in a situation in which sb. is angry or annoyed with you 受冷落;惹某人生气(或发火) He is in the doghouse with his boss for criticizing the company policy. 他被老板冷落了,因为他抨击了公司的政策。 78

79 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
(Line 6, Para. 6) apologize v. to say that you are sorry about sth. that you have done, said, etc. 道歉 I must apologize for calling you so late. 我电话打晚了,我必须为此向你道歉。 派生词: apology n. 道歉;谢罪;辩护 apologetic adj. 道歉的;赔罪的 79

80 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
(Line 8, Para. 6) leave sth. alone to stop trying to deal with sth. 别管某事 这不是你的问题,你为什么就不能置身事外呢? It’s not your problem, so why don’t you just leave it alone? 80

81 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
(Line 1, Para. 8) abound v. to exist in large numbers 大量存在;盛产;充满 咖啡店遍布美国各个城镇。 Coffee shops abound in American towns. 81

82 Passage A – Dog talk: Every dog has its day
(Line 1, Para. 8) reflect v. to show or be a sign of a particular situation, idea, or feeling 反映;显示 人们现在比过去寿命增长这个事实在这个报告里有所反映。 The fact that people are living longer now than before is reflected in this report. 82

83 Passage A – Exercises Comprehension Vocabulary & Structure Translation

84 Passage A – Comprehension
1. Complete the following table. Dog expressions Explanations Responses ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________ ______________________ You can’t teach an old dog new tricks. Older people do not like to learn new things and will not change the way they do things. 老狗学不会新把戏。 dog eat dog 残酷无情的竞争 a situation in which people compete very hard and will do anything to be successful 84

85 Passage A – Comprehension
1. Complete the following table. Dog expressions Explanations Responses ___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ ________________________ _____________ ______________________________ Every dog has its day. Every person enjoys a successful period during his life. 人人都有走运的时候。 rain cats and dogs rain heavily 下倾盆大雨 the dog days of summer the hottest days of the year 三伏天 85

86 Passage A – Comprehension
2. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). F 1. There are many expressions with the word “dog” in the United States because people love their dogs. T 2. Some people think that older people cannot learn new things as the saying goes, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” T 3. The expression “meaner than a junkyard dog” is usually used to describe people who are unkind or uncaring. F 4. Many dogs in the United States sleep in their owner’s house. 86

87 Passage A – Vocabulary and structure
1. Compare each pair of words and complete the following sentences with the right one. Change the form if necessary. 1 2 own, owner His father ___________ a big factory. owns I am the ___________ of these three cars. owner compete, competition There was a lot of ___________ between my brother and me when we were kids. competition We are too small to ___________ with a company like that. compete 87

88 Passage A – Vocabulary and structure
1. Compare each pair of words and complete the following sentences with the right one. Change the form if necessary. existence, exist 3 4 5 Jones led a lonely ___________ in a village for several years. existence People can’t ___________ for long without water. exist apologize, apology I ___________ for taking so long to reply. apologized We would have been happy with an ___________. apology threat, threatening Pollution has become a great ___________ to our daily life. threat She’s been receiving ___________ phone calls lately. threatening 88

89 Passage A – Vocabulary and structure
2. Complete the following sentences with proper prepositions or adverbs. 1. She cared ___________ her father all through his long illness. for 2. Compared ___________ his early works, this is a rather successful novel. to/with 3. He always describes himself ___________ a genius. as 4. He was angry ___________ being kept waiting. at 5. I’m ___________ the doghouse because I forgot Sam’s birthday. in

90 Passage A – Vocabulary and structure
3. Add the suffix “-ing” to the words given below. Then complete the following sentences with the words thus formed. teach spell climb amaze relax 1. How yoga achieves its ___________ effects is not completely clear. relaxing 2. Animals can do many ___________ things when they are properly trained. amazing 3. She’s considering finding a job of ___________. teaching 4. Many people find it a dangerous thing to go mountain ___________ alone. climbing 5. I always get the ___________ of the word “receive” wrong. spelling

91 Passage A – Vocabulary and structure
4. Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese given in brackets into English using “where.” Sample: Junkyard dogs live in places where people throw away things they do not want ( 人们丢弃垃圾的地方). The places where I played in my childhood 1. _____________________________________ ( 我孩提时代玩耍的那些地方) have been built over. the place where the president 2. Many people want to visit ____________________________ ______________________ ( 总统曾经工作过的地方). once worked

92 Passage A – Vocabulary and structure
4. Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese given in brackets into English using “where.” 3. Henry’s great books have brought honor to _______________________________ ( 他任教的大学). the university where he teaches the village where he was born 4. Our destination is _____________________________ ( 他出生的那个小村庄). the place where I grew up 5. Compared with _________________________ ( 我成长的地方), this town is more prosperous. 92

93 Passage A – Translation
1. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1. They take their dogs for walks, let them play outside, and give them good food and medical care. ________________________________________________________________ 他们带狗去散步,让它们在户外玩耍,给它们上乘的食物和医疗。 2. Sometimes a person who appears to be mean and threatening is really not so bad. _____________________________________________________ 有时候看上去吝啬或者威胁性强的人其实并没有那么坏。

94 Passage A – Translation
2. Translate the following Chinese sentences into English with the help of the words or phrases given in brackets. 1. 她因为没有立刻回答而向我表示歉意。(apologize) _________________________ for not answering immediately. She apologized to me 2. 如果那个男孩不逗那条狗,就不会被咬了。(leave sth. alone) _______________________________, he wouldn’t have been bitten. If the boy had left the dog alone 3. 他一直在这个小镇上过着宁静的生活。(lead a(an)… life) _________________________________ in this small town. He has been leading a peaceful life 94

95 Chinese fish paintings
Passage B Chinese fish paintings Lead-in Text study Exercises

96 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
Lead-in Pre-reading activity Background information Video appreciation 96

97 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
Pre-reading 1 Chinese painters love to paint some animals such as the horse, tiger, cattle, or some plants like the peony (牡丹) or lotus (莲花). Match the items in Column A with their symbolic (象征的) meanings in China in Column B. Column A horse tiger cattle peony lotus Column B purity success Selflessness Power prosperity (富贵)

98 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
Work in groups to discuss the following question. At the Spring Festival in China, many families will cook a dish of fish. Can you explain the reason? Because in Chinese language, the pronunciation of fish (yu) is the same with that of the word for abundance, and thus people cook a dish of fish at the Spring Festival, hoping to have abundant food, clothes and wealth, etc. in the coming year.

99 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
Work in groups to discuss the following question. At the Spring Festival in China, many families will cook a dish of fish. Can you explain the reason? Because in Chinese language, the pronunciation of fish (yu) is the same with that of the word for abundance, and thus people cook a dish of fish at the Spring Festival, hoping to have abundant food, clothes and wealth, etc. in the coming year. Because in Chinese language, the pronunciation of fish (yu) is the same with that of the word for abundance, and thus people cook a dish of fish at the Spring Festival, hoping to have abundant food, clothes and wealth, etc. in the coming year.

100 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
Background information XU GU (虚谷) Xu Gu, a famous Chinese painter and poet during the Qing Dynasty, was an army official, and later a monk. He painted in a fluent and bold style using the side of the brush. His paintings include Plum Blossom and Cranes (《梅鹤图》), Fallen Petals and Goldfish (《落花金鱼图》). In poetry he produced the work Poetry of Xugu Monk (《虚谷和尚诗录》). 虚谷(1823—1896)清代著名画家,海上四大家之一,被誉为“晚清画苑第一家”。俗姓朱,名怀仁,僧名虚白,字虚谷,别号紫阳山民、倦鹤,室名觉非庵、古柏草堂、三十七峰草堂。籍新安(今安徽歙县),居广陵(今江苏扬州)。初任清军参将与太平军作战,意有感触,后出家为僧。工山水、花卉、动物、禽鸟,尤长于画松鼠及金鱼。亦擅写真,工隶书。作画有苍秀之趣,敷色清新,造型生动,落笔冷消,别具风格。性情孤僻,非相处情深者不能得其片纸。早年学界画,后以擅画花果、禽鱼、山水著名。风格冷峭新奇,绣雅鲜活,无一笔滞相,匠心独运,别具一格。亦能诗,有《虚谷和尚诗录》。传世作品有《梅花金鱼图》、《松菊图》、《葫芦图》、《蕙兰灵芝图》、《枇耙图》等。

101 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
XU GU (虚谷) 虚谷(1823—1896)清代著名画家,海上四大家之一,被誉为“晚清画苑第一家”。俗姓朱,名怀仁,僧名虚白,字虚谷,别号紫阳山民、倦鹤,室名觉非庵、古柏草堂、三十七峰草堂。籍新安(今安徽歙县),居广陵(今江苏扬州)。初任清军参将与太平军作战,意有感触,后出家为僧。工山水、花卉、动物、禽鸟,尤长于画松鼠及金鱼。亦擅写真,工隶书。作画有苍秀之趣,敷色清新,造型生动,落笔冷消,别具风格。性情孤僻,非相处情深者不能得其片纸。早年学界画,后以擅画花果、禽鱼、山水著名。风格冷峭新奇,绣雅鲜活,无一笔滞相,匠心独运,别具一格。亦能诗,有《虚谷和尚诗录》。传世作品有《梅花金鱼图》、《松菊图》、《葫芦图》、《蕙兰灵芝图》、《枇耙图》等。

102 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
Yun shouping (恽寿平) Yun Shouping was a famous Chinese painter of the early Qing Dynasty. Yun is generally associated with the painting of flowers, usually in a “boneless” (没骨) method that emphasizes washes instead of lines. Yun earned the respect of both his contemporaries and later generations 恽寿平(1633—1690),初名格,字寿平,以字行,又字正叔,别号南田,一号白云外史、云溪史、东园客、巢枫客、草衣生、横山樵者。江苏武进人。清代著名画家。创常州派,为清朝“一代之冠”。特点是以潇洒秀逸的用笔直接点蘸颜色敷染成画,讲究形似,但又不以形似为满足,有文人画的情调、韵味。其山水画亦有很高成就,以神韵、情趣取胜,与“四王”、吴历并称“清初六大家”。他又善诗文和书法,诗被誉为“毗陵六逸之冠”。书法主要学褚遂良,被称为“恽体”。

103 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
Yun shouping (恽寿平) as a representative of the school of “literati painting ( 文人画)”. His works include Lotus Flower Breaking the Surface (《出水芙蓉图》), Peonies (《牡丹》), and Old Trees and Bamboo (《枯木竹石》), etc. 恽寿平(1633—1690),初名格,字寿平,以字行,又字正叔,别号南田,一号白云外史、云溪史、东园客、巢枫客、草衣生、横山樵者。江苏武进人。清代著名画家。创常州派,为清朝“一代之冠”。特点是以潇洒秀逸的用笔直接点蘸颜色敷染成画,讲究形似,但又不以形似为满足,有文人画的情调、韵味。其山水画亦有很高成就,以神韵、情趣取胜,与“四王”、吴历并称“清初六大家”。他又善诗文和书法,诗被誉为“毗陵六逸之冠”。书法主要学褚遂良,被称为“恽体”。

104 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
- Background information Yun shouping (恽寿平) 恽寿平(1633—1690),初名格,字寿平,以字行,又字正叔,别号南田,一号白云外史、云溪史、东园客、巢枫客、草衣生、横山樵者。江苏武进人。清代著名画家。创常州派,为清朝“一代之冠”。特点是以潇洒秀逸的用笔直接点蘸颜色敷染成画,讲究形似,但又不以形似为满足,有文人画的情调、韵味。其山水画亦有很高成就,以神韵、情趣取胜,与“四王”、吴历并称“清初六大家”。他又善诗文和书法,诗被誉为“毗陵六逸之冠”。书法主要学褚遂良,被称为“恽体”。 恽寿平(1633—1690),初名格,字寿平,以字行,又字正叔,别号南田,一号白云外史、云溪史、东园客、巢枫客、草衣生、横山樵者。江苏武进人。清代著名画家。创常州派,为清朝“一代之冠”。特点是以潇洒秀逸的用笔直接点蘸颜色敷染成画,讲究形似,但又不以形似为满足,有文人画的情调、韵味。其山水画亦有很高成就,以神韵、情趣取胜,与“四王”、吴历并称“清初六大家”。他又善诗文和书法,诗被誉为“毗陵六逸之冠”。书法主要学褚遂良,被称为“恽体”。

105 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
Miao Fu(缪辅) Miao Fu was a Chinese court painter in the Ming Dynasty. He is known for painting swimming fishes. Miao’s masterpiece is Fish and Aquatic Grass ( 鱼藻图). 缪辅(公元15世纪)〔明〕字良佐,约宣德时人,江苏苏州人,生卒年不详。官武英殿锦衣镇抚,为宫廷画家。擅画水藻游鱼,重视写实,形态生动,勾染细腻。画学宋院体画,继承黄筌工整妍丽画风。

106 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
Lead-in - Video appreciation 106

107 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
Questions about video clip Can you tell us any types of the traditional Chinese painting? Do you know any Chinese painters and their famous painting ? 107

108 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
Text study Text reading Writing skill of the text Language points

109 Chinese fish paintings
Passage B Chinese fish paintings 1. The words for fish and abundance are pronounced the same in Chinese (yu), so fish in Chinese culture symbolize wealth. Fish also symbolize harmony, happy marriage, and reproduction because they multiply rapidly and sometimes swim in pairs. Chinese folk stories say people placed messages in the bodies of fish to communicate with others at a distance, and thus fish have come to represent communication with a distant friend or loved one. The most popular fish image found in Chinese art and culture is that of the carp. The carp has many symbolic values within Chinese culture. _____________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________ _____________________________________ 109

110 Chinese fish paintings
Passage B Chinese fish paintings The scales and whiskers of the carp are similar to those of the dragon, a great symbol of power in China, so the carp is also regarded as a symbol of power. Besides, some people believe that the carp also symbolizes good luck. At the Spring Festival, “lucky money” is sometimes given out in red envelopes with a carp or other symbols of long life like pine trees printed on them. 2. In this painting, four goldfish sink to the bottom among green water plants in the clear water. Two of the fish have their backs toward the viewer and the other two have their undersides shown. Although we can’t see the ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________ __________________________________________________ ____ _____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________ _______________________________________________ __________________________ 110

111 Chinese fish paintings
Passage B Chinese fish paintings quick movement of real life goldfish and the artist refuses to follow the convention by painting the underside of fish, the charm of the goldfish stands out. 3. “You are not fish, how would you know the happiness of fish?” This famous statement came from a discussion between Zhuangzi and Huizi. The point is that people might have their own fun which others cannot appreciate. Yun Shouping liked to paint water life on this theme. In this work, fallen flowers attract a school of fish chasing after them. The fish are beautiful, free, and relaxed. The water plants are half visible, providing enough space for ____________________ __________________________________________________ __ ________________________________________________ ___ _________________________________________________ 111

112 Chinese fish paintings
Passage B Chinese fish paintings the activities of the fish. The use of “boneless” techniques makes the swimming fish seem more real. The technique of painting flowers and birds from life was already quite sophisticated in the two Song dynasties and it became further developed in the hands of Yun Shouping. 4. In Miao Fu’s painting, a huge carp shakes its head and moves its tail in the water, relaxed and pleased with itself, looking down on the smaller fish. The carp is considered the dragon reborn in Chinese folk stories, and brings happiness and wealth to people. The painter makes this carp the king of the water. In fact, he is praising the ________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ _____________________________ ______________________ 112

113 Chinese fish paintings
Passage B Chinese fish paintings emperor’s nobility and generosity in a subtle way. What more would one expect of a court painter? ____________________ _______________________ 113

114 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
Writing skills of the text The author uses supporting sentences to further illustrate the topic of the text—fish and its symbolic meanings in Chinese culture, by examples of Chinese folk stories and fish paintings, etc.

115 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
Writing skills of the text Useful supporting sentences : The words for fish and abundance are pronounced the same in Chinese (yu) (L1,P1) Chinese folk stories say people placed messages in the bodies of fish to communicate with others at a distance (L6,P1) The scales and whiskers of the carp are similar to those of the dragon, a great symbol of power in China (L13,P1) Some people believe that the carp also symbolizes good luck (L16,P1)

116 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
Chinese folk stories say people placed messages in the bodies of fish to communicate with others at a distance, and thus fish have come to represent communication with a distant friend or loved one. (Line 6, Para. 1) 在中国的民间传说,人们把信息放在鱼的体内同远方的人联系,因此,鱼就逐渐开始象征人们与远方的朋友或爱人的交流沟通。 谓语动词say 后面跟了一个宾语从句该宾语从句前面省略了关系代词that。 116

117 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
Chinese folk stories say people placed messages in the bodies of fish to communicate with others at a distance, and thus fish have come to represent communication with a distant friend or loved one. (Line 6, Para. 1) 在中国的民间传说,人们把信息放在鱼的体内同远方的人联系,因此,鱼就逐渐开始象征人们与远方的朋友或爱人的交流沟通。 come to: to develop so that a particular situation exists 成为;变为 事情在公司已然成为这样一种局面以至于他在考虑离开。 Things have come to such a state in the company that he’s thinking of leaving. 117

118 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
The most popular fish image found in Chinese art and culture is that of the carp. (Line 10, Para. 1) 在中国的艺术与文化中,最受欢迎的鱼的形象是鲤鱼。 that 是代词,指代上文提到的人或事物,在此句中that 指代image。 这个声音是一位上了年纪的女性的声音。 The voice was that of an elderly woman. 118

119 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
The scales and whiskers of the carp are similar to those of the dragon, a great symbol of power in China… (Line 13, Para. 1) 因为鲤鱼的鳞片和胡须同龙的鳞片和胡须相似,而龙在中国是权力的象征… those 为代词,是that 的复数形式,在句中指代已经 提到的人或事物,在此句中those 指代scales and whiskers。 dragon 和a great symbol of power 构成同位语结构。 119

120 Passage B – A violinist in the metro
Besides, some people believe that the carp also symbolizes good luck. (Line 16, Para. 1) 另外,一些人认为鲤鱼象征着好运。 besides: adv. in addition, as well 此外;而且;也 易与besides 混用的一个词是beside,beside 是介词,意为“在……旁边”。 I had no time to tell you. Besides, I am not sure. On the table beside an empty plate was a pile of books. 120

121 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
At the Spring Festival, “lucky money” is sometimes given out in red envelopes with a carp or other symbols of long life like pine trees printed on them. (Line 18, Para. 1) 春节时,“压岁钱”有时被包在红包中分发出去, 红包上印有鲤鱼或其他象征长命百岁的事物,如松树。 give out: to give sth. to each person in a group 分发 学生们在向街头的人群散发传单。 The students are giving out leaflets to the people on the street. 121

122 Passage B – A violinist in the metro
At the Spring Festival, “lucky money” is sometimes given out in red envelopes with a carp or other symbols of long life like pine trees printed on them. (Line 18, Para. 1) print: v. make a mark on the surface 印上印记 “with sth. + 过去分词”这个结构通常作伴随状语,介词with 后面跟复合宾语。 He printed a mark on his skin. All afternoon he worked with the door locked. 122

123 Passage B – A violinist in the metro
Two of the fish have their backs toward the viewer and the other two have their undersides shown. (Line 3, Para. 2) 两条鱼背向观赏者,另外两条鱼露出腹部。 have sth. done: 使某物被…… She had all her jewelry stolen. My father had his car fixed. 123

124 Passage B – A violinist in the metro
The point is that people might have their own fun which others cannot appreciate. (Line 3, Para. 3) 主要是说人们可能有自己的乐趣,这种乐趣别人是无法体会的。 which 引导定语从句,先行词为their own fun,which 在定语从句中作appreciate 的宾语。 point: n. the idea or the most important fact 重点,要点 The point is that we have arrived at home. I’ll come straight to the point. 124

125 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
In this work, fallen flowers attract a school of fish chasing after them. (Line 6, Para. 3) 在这幅画中,落英缤纷,吸引鱼群追逐 fallen leaves: 落叶。fallen 在此处的用法为过去分词 作定语。 a written report ; cooked food ;required courses 书面报告; 熟食 ; 必修课 a school of: a large group of(鱼,海豚,鲸等)一群 a school of whales 125

126 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
In this work, fallen flowers attract a school of fish chasing after them. (Line 6, Para. 3) chase: v. to quickly follow sb. or sth. in order to catch them 追赶;追捕 A gang of boys chased after the dog. 126

127 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
The water plants are half visible, providing enough space for the activities of the fish. (Line 8, Para. 3) 水生植物若隐若现,为鱼儿活动提供了足够的空间。。 providing enough space for the activities of the fish 为现在分词短语作状语,在这里表示结果。 她的丈夫在1980年去世了,留下她和三个孩子。 Her husband died in 1980, leaving her three children. 127

128 Passage B – A violinist in the metro
In Miao Fu’s painting, a huge carp shakes its head and moves its tail in the water, relaxed and pleased with itself, looking down on the smaller fish. (Line 1, Para. 4) 在缪辅的画中,一条巨大的鲤鱼在水中悠闲地摇头摆尾,俯视着小鱼,十分悠闲快活。 relaxed 和pleased 在此句中为过去分词作伴随状语。 looking down on the smaller fish 在句中为现在分词短语作伴随状语。look down: 朝下看;俯视 look down on / upon sb. / sth. 还可意为“看不起或鄙视某人 / 某物”。 I felt dizzy when I looked down from the top of the mountain. She looks down on people who have never been to university. 128

129 Passage B – A violinist in the metro
In fact, he is praising the emperor’s nobility and generosity in a subtle way. (Line 6, Para. 4) 事实上,他在以微妙的方式歌颂皇帝的尊贵和慷慨。 in a subtle way: 以一种微妙的方式 in a … way: 以……的方式 “Hello,” he said in a friendly way. You should speak to your teacher in a polite way. 129

130 Passage B – A violinist in the metro
What more would one expect of a court painter? (Line 7, Para. 4) 你又能期待一个宫廷画家表现什么呢? expect: v. to demand that sb. does sth. 要求,期望某人 做某事 expect sth. from / of sb.: 从某人那里期望某事物 expect a lot / too much of sb.: 对某人期望过高 Tony’s parents expect great things of him. The school expects a lot of its students. 130

131 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
(Line 1, Para. 1) abundance n. a large quantity of sth. 充裕;丰富 晚会上食物和饮料都供应充足。 At the party there was an abundance of food and drink. 派生词: abundant adj. 丰富的;充裕的 abundantly adv. 丰富地;大量地 131

132 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
(Line 4, Para. 1) harmony n. a situation in which people are friendly and peaceful, and agree with each other 和睦;融洽 这兄弟俩的关系极其融恰。 There was perfect harmony between the two brothers. 派生词:harmonious adj. 和谐的,和睦的;协调 的;悦耳的 harmoniously adv. 和谐地;调和地 132

133 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
(Line 5, Para. 1) reproduction n. the act or process of producing babies, young animals, or plants 繁殖;生殖 科学家们对熊猫的繁殖、饮食结构和健康状况做了研究。 Scientists studied the reproduction, diet, and health of the pandas. 比较短语:sexual reproduction [胚] 有性生殖; [胚] 有性繁殖; artificial reproduction 人工生殖;人工繁殖 133

134 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
(Line 5, Para. 1) multiply v. 1) to increase in numbers by producing new animals, plants, etc. 繁殖 这些生物能迅速大量繁殖。 These creatures can multiply quickly. 2) to increase greatly, or to make sth. do this (使)激增; (使)倍增 因为管理不善,这家公司过去几年问题陡增。 The company’s problems have multiplied over the past year because of bad management. 134

135 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
(Line 5, Para. 1) rapidly adv. very quickly 迅速地;动作快地 由于政府的支持,公司发展迅速。 The company develops rapidly because of government support. 派生词: rapid adj. 迅速的,快的;急促的 135

136 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
(Line 6, Para. 1) in pairs in groups of two people or things 成双;成对 同学们俩俩一组进行英语对话练习。 The students practice English conversations in pairs. 同近义词:in couples 成对地;成双地 136

137 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
(Line 6, Para. 1) folk adj. traditional and typical of the ordinary people who live in a particular area 民间的;民俗的 没有什么比民乐更吸引她了。 Nothing interests her so much as folk music. 比较短语:folk dance 民族舞蹈;民间舞蹈; Folk Guitar 民谣吉他 folk culture 民间文化;民俗文化 137

138 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
(Line 10, Para. 1) distant adj. far away in space or time 遥远的;远方的 借助这个特殊的工具你可以看见远处的物体。 You can see distant objects with this special tool. 派生词:distance n. 距离;远方;疏远;间隔 distance vt. 使疏远;不介入 distantly adv. 远离地;疏远地;冷淡地 138

139 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
(Line 8, Para.1) at a distance at a place that is not close 在远处 蒂姆远远地跟在他后面。 Tim followed him at a distance. 139

140 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
(Line 13, Para. 1) scale n. 1) 鳞;鳞片 某些鱼的鳞片具有在黑暗中发光的奇特性能。 The scales of some fish possess the strange property of glowing in the dark. 2) the size or level of sth., when compared to what is normal 规模;程度 近年来房地产开发一直在大规模地进行。 There has been housing development on a large scale in the recent years. 140

141 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
(Line 16, Para. 1) regard v. to think about sb. or sth. in a particular way 认为;看待 我总是把你看做朋友。 I’ve always regarded you as my friend. 141

142 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
(Line19, Para. 1) envelope n. 信封 她急忙地把信放进信封里。 She popped the letter into the envelope. 142

143 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
(Line 1, Para. 2) sink v. to go down below the surface of water, mud, etc., or to make sth. do this (使)沉入水中(或泥中);(使)沉没 新鲜的鸡蛋会下沉而不新鲜的鸡蛋则会漂浮在水面。 A fresh egg will sink and an old egg will float. 孩子们看着硬币沉到池底。 The kids watched as the coin sank to the bottom of the pool. 短语:sink in 被了解;完全理解;渗进去;被理解 143

144 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
(Line 4, Para. 2) underside n. the bottom side or surface of sth. 下面;底面 岩石下面布满了海藻。 The underside of the rock was covered with seaweed. 144

145 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
(Line 5, Para. 2) movement n. an action in which sth. or sb. changes position or moves from one place to another 移动;活动 他站在那儿一动不动。 He stood there without movement. 145

146 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
(Line 7, Para. 2) convention n. behavior and attitudes that most people in society think are normal and right 习俗;惯例 让孩子们一起玩耍会教会他们社会习俗,比如如何与人分享。 Playing together teaches children social conventions such as sharing. 按照惯例,当要求我们再唱一次的时候,我们得先下台然后再返回台上。 We go offstage and come back for the convention of the encore. 146

147 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
(Line 8, Para.2) charm n. the special quality sb. or sth. has that makes people like him / her / it 魅力;魔力 这座小城有一种大城市所没有的魅力。 This town has a charm you couldn’t find in a big city. 派生词:charming adj. 迷人的;可爱的 charmed adj. 着迷的;喜悦的 147

148 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
(Line 8, Para.2) stand out to be very easy to see or notice 引人注目;显眼 她穿着红色的礼服裙,在人群中格外出众。 In her red dress, she really stood out in the crowd. 提问是让求职者在面试中表现突出的一种方式。 One way to stand out in an interview is to ask questions. 148

149 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
(Line 3, Para. 3) Zhuangzi 庄子(369 B.C.-286 B.C.,道家学派的代表人物) 149

150 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
(Line 3, Para. 3) Huizi 惠子(390 B.C.-317 B.C.,名家思想的开山鼻祖和主 要代表人物 ) 150

151 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
(Line 5, Para.3) appreciate v. 1) to understand a difficult situation or problem 理解;明白 医生才刚刚开始明白这种药物的危险性。 Doctors are only now beginning to appreciate how dangerous this drug can be. 2) to be grateful for sth. 感激;感谢 你能见我,我非常感激。 Thank you for meeting me. I appreciate it. 派生词:appreciation n. 欣赏,鉴别;增值;感谢 appreciative adj. 感激的;赏识的; 151

152 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
(Line 8, Para. 3) visible adj. that can be seen or noticed 可见的;可视的 山峦被云层遮住了,看不见了。 The mountains were not visible because of the clouds. 派生词:vision n. 视力;美景;眼力;幻象;想象力 visibility n. 能见度;能见距离;明显性 visibly adv. 明显地;显然;看得见地 152

153 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
(Line 10, Para. 3) boneless adj. being without a bone or bones 无骨的;去骨的 构词法:派生词,由名词+后缀-less构成 ,表示否 定,与后缀为–ful的同词根派生词 意思相反 aimless groundless odorless 漫无目的的 无根据的 无气味的 153

154 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
(Line 12, Para. 3) sophisticated adj. complicated and advanced in design 复杂的;精密的;尖端的 蜜蜂之间使用的是昆虫类里最复杂的一种沟通方式。 Bees use one of the most sophisticated communication systems of any insect. 154

155 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
(Line 13, Para. 3) dynasty n. 王朝;朝代 唐朝时期,中国一度非常繁荣。 China used to be very prosperous in Tang Dynasty. 派生词:dynastic adj. 王朝的;朝代的 dynast n. 元首;统治者;王朝的君主 155

156 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
(Line 13, Para. 3) further adv. more, or to a greater degree 进一步地;在更大程度上 搬迁到新的地点给蒂娜的生意带来了更大的损失。 Moving to a new place further hurt Tina’s business. 156

157 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
(Line 13, Para. 3) in the hands of sb. / in sb.’s hands being dealt with or cared for by sb. 在······手中;由某人处理 当他们到达事故现场时,发现医生已经在给他进行伤势处理了。 When they arrived at the accident scene, they found him already in the hands of a doctor. 157

158 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
(Line 4, Para. 4) reborn adj. being born again, especially according to some religions, ancient stories, etc. 重生的;转世的 健康随烟而灭,有多少生命可以重来? The health will be ruined by smoking, how hard could one get reborn? 恋爱是我们第二次的脱胎换骨。 Love is our second reborn. 158

159 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
(Line 7, Para. 4) nobility n. the quality of being morally good or generous in a way that should be admired 尊贵;高贵 大多数的绘画作品都赞美了双手劳动的高贵精神。 Most of the pictures celebrate the nobility of working with one’s hands. 我们都钦佩他的高尚品格和对国家的献身精神。 We all admire him for his nobility of character, and his devotion to his country. 159

160 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
(Line 7, Para.4) generosity n. kindness, especially in giving things to people 慷慨;大方 卡普兰夫妇的慷慨解囊使得这个博物馆项目得以落实。 The generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Kaplan made the museum project possible. 160

161 Passage B – Chinese fish paintings
(Line 7, Para. 4) subtle adj. not easily noticed unless you pay careful attention 微妙的 她注意到他的个性有了一些细微改变。 She noticed some subtle changes in his personality. 科学家们已经观察到这些生物中发生的缓慢且不易察觉的变化。 Scientists have observed the slow and subtle changes that take place in these living things. 161

162 Vocabulary & structure
Passage B – Exercises Comprehension Vocabulary & structure Translation Oral work 162

163 Passage B – Comprehension
1. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). F 1. The carp and pine trees are both symbols of long life. T 2. In the first painting, the special way of painting makes the charm of the goldfish stand out. T 3. The technique of painting flowers and birds has been quite sophisticated in the two Song dynasties. F 4. The painter of the last painting was a folk artist. 163

164 Passage B – Comprehension
2. Complete the following table. In Chinese culture, fish symbolize 1) , harmony, happy marriage, and 2) And fish can also help people 3) with their distant friends or loved ones. Among fishes, the carp is very popular and is regarded as a 4) of power because its scales and whiskers are 5) to those of the dragon. Many painters are interested in and good at painting fish. Three paintings are mentioned here: In the first painting, the painter refuses to follow the convention and shows the 6) of the happy goldfish in an unusual way. In the second wealth ________ reproduction _________________ communicate ________________ symbol _________ similar ________ charm ________ 164

165 Passage B – Comprehension
2. Complete the following table. painting, the 7) of “boneless” techniques makes the swimming fish seem more real. In the third painting, it is obvious that a court painter is praising the emperor’s 8) and ) in a skillful way through painting a(n) 10) carp. use ____ nobility _________________ __________ generosity huge _____ 165

166 Passage B – Vocabulary and structure
1. Complete the following words according to their definitions. The first letter of each word is given for your reference. 1. s__________ adj. not easily noticed unless you pay careful attention uibtle 2. a__________ n. a large quantity of sth. bundance 3. r__________ v. to think about sb. or sth. in a particular way egard 4. v__________ adj. able to be seen isible 5. a__________ v. to understand a difficult situation or problem ppreciate 166

167 Passage B – Vocabulary and structure
2. Complete the first three columns with correct word forms and then translate the expressions after them into Chinese. Words v. harmonize n. distance symbol adj. married harmonious Expressions 远程教育 distance education 象征和平 和谐社会 distant marry marriage 幸福婚姻 happy marriage symbolize symbolic symbolize peace harmony harmonious society 167

168 Passage B – Vocabulary and structure
3. Complete the following sentences with the expressions given below. Change the form if necessary. be similar to in the hands of be regarded as in pairs expect of 1 The problem has been solved ______________________ the police. in the hands of 2 Blessings ( 福气) never come _____________________; misfortunes never come singly. in pairs 3 Children may not always do as well as what parents and teachers ______________________ them. expect of 4 My opinion on the matter _____________________ Mary’s. is similar to 5 This will _____________________ a significant event in history. be regarded as 168

169 Passage B – Vocabulary and structure
4. Combine the sentence beginnings in Column A with the endings in Column B to form complete sentences. Column A Column B … because I hadn’t got your number. … he is still unhappy. … while reading the newspaper. … that we we’re spending too much time on details and forgetting the big picture. My point is… He fell asleep… I couldn’t phone you… Although he’s got a good job now, 169

170 Passage B – Translation
1. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. Fallen flowers attract a school of fish chasing after them. ————————————————————————— 落英缤纷,吸引鱼群追逐。 A huge carp shakes its head and moves its tail in the water, relaxed and pleased with itself, looking down on the smaller fish. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————— 一条巨大的鲤鱼在水中悠闲地摇头摆尾,俯视着小鱼,十分悠闲快活。 170

171 Passage B – Translation
2. Translate the following Chinese sentences into English with the help of the words or phrases given in brackets. 他被认为是城里最好的医生。(be regarded as) He _____________________________________ in town. is regarded as the best doctor 2. 我们将在下星期进一步讨论这个问题。(further) We will________________________________________. discuss this issue further next week 这个设计突出了中国文化的特点。(stand out) This design makes _______________________________ . Chinese culture stand out 171

172 Work in groups to do the following activities.
Passage B – Oral work Work in groups to do the following activities. 1 Match the following painting genres with the pictures below. A watercolor B pencil sketch C ink and wash D oil painting D C A B 172

173 Work in groups to do the following activities.
Passage B – Oral work Work in groups to do the following activities. 2 Discuss which genre in the above you like best and why. Words and expressions you may use • line 线条 • coloring 上色 • profile 轮廓 • shade 阴影 • stroke 一笔 • design 设计 • brush 画笔 • exact 精确的 • natural 自然的 • pigment 颜料 • transparency 透明度 • three-dimensional 立体的 • charcoal pencil 炭笔 • traditional Chinese painting (中国)国画 173

174 Guided Answer (Reference)
• I like the watercolor painting best. Its delicacy and softness of the colors attract me a lot. I am also drawn to the technical difficulty of how to blend the colors together to make a masterpiece. • I like the oil panting because it is colorful and natural. Moreover, it gives me a three-dimensional feeling.

175 Grammar The present continuous tense & the past continuous tense ( 现在进行时和过去进行时) Exercises

176 Grammar - The present continuous tense & the past continuous tense
一、现在进行时 现在进行时表示现在正在进行的动作。现在进行时由 “助动词 be + 现在分词” 构成。 现在进行时主要有以下几种用法: 1) 表示现在正在进行的动作和发生的事。 e.g. They are listening to the radio. It’s snowing hard. 表示现阶段正发生的事或一直在进行的动作,但此刻动作不一定正在进行。 e.g. She is teaching at a night school. I am learning Spanish as my second foreign language this semester.

177 Grammar - The present continuous tense & the past continuous tense
现在进行时 3) 表示将来的动作,特别是在口语中,这时常有一个 表示未来时间的状语,多指已计划安排好的事。 e.g. I’m flying to Hong Kong tomorrow. They are getting married next month. 表示在一段时间内反复发生的动作。往往带有赞赏、厌恶等感情色彩。 e.g. He is always helping people. She is always talking on the phone loudly in the office. 177

178 Grammar - The present continuous tense & the past continuous tense
二、过去进行时 过去进行时表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间内正在 进行的动作。其构成是 “was / were + 现在分词”。 过去进行时主要有以下几种用法: 1) 表示过去某时正在进行的动作或过去某时的情况。 e.g. I was eating breakfast when he came in. They were living in the U.S.A. in 2008. 表示过去某一阶段一直在进行的动作或持续的情况。 e.g. He was reading a novel this morning, but I don’t know if he has finished it. It was raining all day yesterday. 178

179 Grammar - The present continuous tense & the past continuous tense
过去进行时 3) 表示从过去某个时刻来看将要发生的事。 e.g. My mother asked me when I was leaving. 表示委婉的语气。用 hope,wonder 等动词的过去进行时表示有礼貌的请求。这种用法比用一般过去时表示请求更有礼貌。 e.g. I was wondering if you could give us some help. I was hoping you could go with us. 179

180 Grammar - Exercises 1. Choose the correct tense of the verbs in brackets to complete the following sentences. 1. He ___________ his experiment at the moment, but half an hour ago he___________ some cleaning. (is doing / was doing) is doing was doing 2. He ___________ Spanish last month and these days he ___________ French. (is learning / was learning ) was learning is learning 3. Don’t mention this when you ___________ with him. (are talking / were talking) are talking 4. I ___________ maybe he could go by taxi. (am thinking / was thinking) was thinking

181 Grammar - Exercises 2. Complete the following sentences with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets. am going 1. I ________________ not ________________ (go) out tonight. I________________ (stay) at home. am staying is borrowing 2. He ________________ always ________________ (borrow) money from me and ________________ (forget) all about it a few days later. forgetting was preparing 3. I was busy yesterday. I ________________ (prepare) for the exam. was wondering 4. I ________________ (wonder) if you could give me a lift.

182 Writing Notes Exercises Additional information

183 Writing - Supporting sentences & concluding sentences
Notes Supporting sentences & concluding sentences 辅助句(supporting sentence)对主题句作进一步的阐述,通过给出一些例子、原因、事实、统计数据或引文等,对主题句进行解释说明,通常包含若干个句子,置于段落的中间是段落的主体部分。 结尾句(concluding sentence)亦称总结句,位于段末,是对全段内容进行总结、归纳或提出结论性观点的句子。它不仅仅是重复段落主题句提出的段落主题,更为重要的是用来强调段落的中心思想,引起读者的注意和重视。有时,结尾句之前会出现 in brief,in conclusion,to sum up,on the whole,all in all, all in a word 等表示总结、归纳的词。

184 Writing - Supporting sentences & concluding sentences
Sample 1 Why are there so many fake commodities (假冒商品)? First, some Factories want to gain more profits, so they put a false brand name on their products to cheat the customers. Second, some customers buy fake commodities to satisfy their vanity (虚荣心). Finally, some fake commodities, a fake Nike bag for instance, though much cheaper, serve as well as those genuine ones. So, quite a few people are willing to buy them.

185 Writing - Supporting sentences & concluding sentences
此段共有五个句子。第一句是该段的主题句,提出了“为什么会有许多假冒商品?”这个问题。接下来的三句是辅助句,分别从厂家、顾客和产品三个不同的角度阐述了有许多假冒商品的原因。 185

186 Writing - Supporting sentences & concluding sentences
Sample 2 Buying a car requires careful planning. Do you want a new car or a used one? This depends on how much money you can spend. Sometimes a used car needs repairs. What style of car do you want? You can look at many different models to help you decide. Next, do you want extra features in your new car? Adding lots of extra features makes a car more expensive. Finally, you have to decide where you will buy your car. It is important to think about all these things when you are buying a car. 186

187 Writing - Supporting sentences & concluding sentences
此段的第一句是主题句,指出“买车需要周密的考虑”。接下来的几句具体说明买车时需要考虑哪些问题:预算多少?什么款式?是否需要额外配置功能?在哪里买?最后一句得出结论:买车时,考虑以上这些方面很重要。 187

188 Writing - Supporting sentences & concluding sentences
总结: 辅助句和结尾句在英语写作中是非常重要的手段和技巧。我们应该认真学习和多加练习,以求掌握它们的使用方法,为写出规范的文章打好基础。 188

189 Writing - Exercises Read the following paragraph. Find out the supporting sentence(s) and the concluding sentence(s). 1) My grandmother’s farm has given me a lot of enjoyable memories, but after she died, I left home to join the army and when I returned, I was disappointed at the changes that had taken place. 2) This farm had once been lively with the noise of a tractor plowing the land and a dog barking whenever someone came up to the house. 3) In less than three years the farm had gone to pieces. 4) All the windows had been broken

190 Supporting sentence(s): ______________________ 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)
Writing - Exercises Read the following paragraph. Find out the supporting sentence(s) and the concluding sentence(s). out of the big two-story farm house. 5) Paint was peeling ( 撕;剥) off the house and the porch roof was sagging ( 下陷). 6) In front of the house the grass was about three feet tall and the barn yard was full of weeds instead of pigs squealing ( 长而尖锐的叫声) to be fed. 7) There were no more cows to milk or horses to ride. 8) Lively as the place had been before my grandmother died, it seemed to have died with her now. Supporting sentence(s): ______________________ 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Concluding sentence(s): _____________________

191 Writing - Exercises Additional information 在写supporting sentences 时,要注意剔除与段落主题无关或没有直接关系的句子,因为它们会干扰段落中心思想的表达。例如: Topic sentence: My room is cozy and has everything I need. Supporting sentences: 1) It is small but has enough space for my things with a closet. 2) It has a big window with a view of a beautiful pine tree where birds often twitter. 3) The landlord is not very pleasant. 4) It’s nice and warm in winter. 5) It has a big desk and a large shelf for my books.

192 Writing - Exercises Additional information 解析:这个段落的主题句“我的房间很舒适,里面配有我所需要的一切”。下面的支撑句1),2),4),5) 都是围绕着这个主题的,而3) 是说房东不够友好,与主题句格格不入,所以在写这段时应该删去。

193 Culture express Symbolic meanings of animals Questions

194 Culture express - Symbolic meanings of animals
Hindus (印度教徒) have loved elephants for many centuries. When Hindus worship elephants, it is not the animal itself that they love, but rather, what it represents—a willingness to obey orders, an ability not to repeat past mistakes, and respect and care toward other elephants. Native Americans associate owls (猫头鹰) with wisdom, foresight (远见), and regard them as keepers of holy knowledge. This may be due to an owl being able to foretell weather conditions. Also, because an owl can see at night, Native Americans believe that it has secret knowledge which they call on during ceremonies and festivals. 194

195 Culture express - Symbolic meanings of animals
In Western tradition, black cats have often been considered to be a symbol of evil, specifically of being familiars of witches (女巫使唤的妖精). Western folk stories say that witches and demons (恶魔) can change into cats so as to be able to spy on humans without being noticed.

196 Culture express - Questions
Work in groups to discuss the following questions. Are there different beliefs about elephants, owls, and black cats between Chinese and Western cultures? What do you know about the symbolic meanings of the Chinese Zodiac Animals (十二生肖)? 196

197 Culture express - Questions
Guided Answer (reference) 1. (1) In many Western cultures, the elephant is related to the characteristics of reliability, dignity, power, and royalty. In China, the elephant is considered a symbol of happiness, longevity and good luck. (2) During medieval times, in Western and Central Europe it was fabled that owls were actually witches and wizards in disguise. To this day the owl is considered a witch’s familiar (an animal soul-spirit linked to a spiritual person via a unique, communicative bond). In China, the owl is considered bad luck. People usually think that the owl may bring death if they see it. 197

198 Culture express - Exercises
Guided Answer (reference) (3) Christianity connects black cats with Satan, witches, evil, and any other negative things that come to mind. Black cat is seen as the partner of its master, and they are often hanged together when the master is convicted of witchcraft in many Western cultures. In China, black cats are considered favorable because they can expel evils and bring their masters auspiciousness. 2. In general, the symbolic meanings of the 12 Chinese Zodiac Animals are: rat: intelligent, adaptable, and quick-witted; ox: loyal and reliable; 198

199 Culture express - Exercises
Guided Answer (reference) tiger: enthusiastic, courageous, and ambitious; rabbit: trustworthy, empathic, and modest; dragon: powerful, lucky, flexible, and imaginative; snake: philosophical, organized, and intelligent; horses: adaptable, loyal, and courageous; sheep: warm, elegant, and charming; monkey: quick-witted, charming, and lucky; rooster: honest, energetic, and intelligent; dog: loyal, sociable, and courageous; pig: honorable, determined, and optimistic. 199

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