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Module 6 Animals in danger

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1 Module 6 Animals in danger
Unit 2 The WWF is working hard to save them all..

2 Olympic flame fish panda symbol swallow Tibetan Antelope

3 A. Nature parks for pandas C. The panda’s home
Skim the passage and choose the best heading for each paragraph. A. Nature parks for pandas C. The panda’s home B. WWF and animals in danger D. An animal in danger Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 D. An animal in danger C. The panda’s home A. Nature parks for pandas B. WWF and animals in danger

4 Wolong Panda Reserve Habitat (栖息地)? Problems? Food?
It’s in the southwest of China. They mainly live on bamboo. Wolong Panda Reserve Wolong is the biggest nature reserve for pandas in China. The situation is very serious.

5 b ... to save all the animals. c ... to protect pandas
Watch the flash movie of the passage. Then match the beginnings with the endings to make full sentences. a ... to be its symbol b ... to save all the animals. c ... to protect pandas in the wild. d ... to help pandas produce more babies and help baby pandas live . 1. Scientists do a lot of research ... 2. The government is setting up nature parks ... 3. The WWF chose the panda ... 4. The WWF is working hard ...

6 While-reading: Scan Paragraph 1 and fill in the blanks. 1,600 About ______ pandas are living in the wild today. 2. Zoos and research centres are looking after about ______ pandas. 340

7 Read Paragraph 1 &2 carefully and answer this question:
Why are the pandas in danger? Reason 1: Pandas are losing their home, because the bamboo forests are getting smaller. Reason 2: Pandas don’t have many babies, and baby pandas often die.

8 The government is setting up nature parks, and developing other plans.
Scan Paragraph 3 and answer the question How is the government try to save the pandas? The government is setting up nature parks, and developing other plans.

9 The government is developing
other plans to help pandas. 1. The nature parks will be bigger. 2. The bamboo will grow better. …have enough food to eat …have enough place to live in

10 Paragraph 4 The panda is the symbol for the World Wide Fund for Nature. 2. The panda is the symbol of all animals in danger everywhere. 3. The WWF is working hard to save tigers, elephants and any other animals in danger. T T T

11 Read the passage again, and fill in the blanks.
Number of pandas:_______ ________ PANDAS Problems:________ Solution:__________ __________ 1600 less land less food fewer babies make reserves have more babies (解决方法)

12 Complete the passage. Zoos and research centres protect animals.(1)___________ do a lot of research to help pandas (2)______________more babies. Very few (3) pandas are born outside zoos. Many people are worried about the panda's (4)_________. Luckily, the (5) _____________ is developing plans to (6)_______pandas, and is setting up (7)_______ parks to protect them. People all over the world love pandas, and the panda has become a (8) ____________ of China. scientists produce baby situation government save nature symbol

13 My poster: (What is the animal?) The panda is in danger.
Panda Protection (What is the animal?) The panda is in danger. (Why is it in danger?) It has less and less land to live on. (What is the problem?) Only about 1000 pandas live in nature reserves today. (What can we do to save the animal?) Our government and the WWF are trying to save the pandas. The panda is in danger. (What is the animal?) It has less and less land to live on. (Why is it in danger?) Only about 1000 pandas live in nature reserves today. (What is the problem?) Our government and the WWF are trying to save the pandas. (What can we do to save the animal?)

14 Post-reading: Work in groups to make your own poster
for an endangered animal (濒危动物). Name: The northeast tiger Reason: people’s killing / less land Problem: 1,500 left in the world Name: The Asian elephant Reason: people’s killing Problem: 35,000 left in the world Name: The blue whale Reason: people’s killing / no clean water Problem: 1,300 left in the world

15 When the buying stops, the killing can too.

16 模块主题写作六 话题分析 本模块以“保护濒危动物”为话题,Unit 2 介绍了我国大熊猫的数量、生存现状、生活习性以及政府为保护大熊猫采取的行动,号召人们多多关爱地球上的濒危动物,保护环境,保护地球。通过本模块的学习,我们可以增强保护动物的意识。

17 模块主题写作六 典型例题 请以“Let's help animals!”为题,写一篇70词左右的文章,呼吁人们热爱动物、保护动物。 提示: 1.动物是人类的朋友,人们应该善待动物。 2.分析动物濒临灭绝的原因。 3.提出保护动物的方法。 参考词汇: treat v. 处理,对待 kill v. 杀死 destroy v. 毁坏 raise v. 饲养;筹集

18 模块主题写作六 思路点拨

19 模块主题写作六 素材积累 常用短语 1.好好对待…… ____________ 2.为了……杀死…… ____________ 3.砍倒 ____________ 4.毁坏家园____________ 5.饲养动物____________ treat…well  kill…for…  cut down destroy the home raise animals

20 模块主题写作六 常用句型 1.We should… 2.…have no place to live. 3.…becoming fewer and fewer. 4.It's not right to…

21 模块主题写作六 高分模板 名师点评 Net Mother Let's help animals!
①Animals are our good friends. We should treat them well. But now people kill too many of them for their meat and fur. People also ②cut down many trees and destroy their home. Animals have no place to live. And they are becoming fewer and ewer. ③It's not right to kill animals. People should stop killing animals and cutting down trees. People should also plant more and more trees. And zoos can raise animals, too. ①“Animals are our good friends.”开篇点题,指出动物是我们的好朋友,从而引起下文。 ②“cut down, have no place to live,…fewer and fewer”等短语或句式运用得恰到好处,说明动物目前的现状。 ③“It's not right to…,…should…”等句式的运用,呼吁人类该如何保护动物。

22 模块主题写作六 小试身手 请以“Saving Tigers”为题,为某中学生英文报《习作园地》专栏写一篇80词左右的征文稿,内容要点如下: 1.老虎是动物园里最受人们欢迎的动物之一; 2.现在世界上仅存大约3200只老虎,数目日趋减少; 3.老虎处境危险的原因; 4.保护老虎的建议。

23 模块主题写作六 One possible version: Saving Tigers
Tigers are one of the most popular animals to see in zoos. But there are only about 3,200 tigers in the world now. Their number is going down. Tigers are in danger because some hunters kill them for their fur and bones. And people have cut down so many trees and forests that their living environment is becoming worse and worse. So something must be done to protect tigers. We must punish those hunters. We should build more tiger reserves.

24 Homework: To describe your favorite animal to your friends.
2.To search the Internet for more information about endangered animals and discuss how to protect them better.

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