GRE三空题 1 2 3 4 5 6 AEI CEH AFH CDH BDI BEG 前几题每个题计时做,看同学们时间和正确率.

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1 GRE三空题 1 2 3 4 5 6 AEI CEH AFH CDH BDI BEG 前几题每个题计时做,看同学们时间和正确率

2 ←: not allow facts to be _____ by politics
It is refreshing to read a book about our planet by an author who does not allow facts to be (i)____ by politics: well aware of the political disputes about the effects of human activities on climate and biodiversity, this author does not permit them to (ii)____ his comprehensive description of what we know about our biosphere. He emphasizes the enormous gaps in our knowledge, the sparseness of our observations, and the (iii)____, calling attention to the many aspects of planetary evolution that must be better understood before we can accurately diagnose the condition of our planet. AEI BP:①:②最后一句并列 → (iii)aw- TG:* 主体:author/ book V.S. political/politics * aware of: 意识到,知道 * dispute about: 争论,辩论 * 前两空关注对应 author (aw: +) ←: not allow facts to be _____ by politics :→ not permit political disputes to _____ the ~(= facts) (iii)= aw-, aw-, and ______

3 G. plausibility of our hypotheses
Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A. overshadowed D. enhance G. plausibility of our hypotheses B. invalidated E. obscure H. certainty of our entitlement C. illuminated F. underscore I. superficiality of our theories AEI BP:①:②最后一句并列 → (iii)aw- TG:* 主体:author/ book V.S. political/politics * aware of: 意识到,知道 * dispute about: 争论,辩论 * 前两空关注对应

4 Richard M. Russell said 52 percent of the nation’s growth since the Second World War had (i)____ invention. He said, (ii)____ research, the government’s greatest role in assuring continuing innovation is promoting a strong, modern patent office. “Unless we can (iii)____ original ideas, we will not have invention.” Mr. Russell said. Speculating on the state of innovation over the next century, several inventors agreed that the future lay in giving children the tools to think creatively and the motivation to invent. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A. been at the expense of D. in addition to restricting G. evaluate B. no bearing on E. aside from supporting H. protect C. come through F. far from exaggerating I. disseminate CEH BP TG:* (i)= growth与invention的关系,后保护创新,所以invention (aw+) * speculate on: 考虑到 A: 以……为代价 B: 与……无关 D: 除了限制之外 F: 并非夸大 G: 评价 I: 散布

5 Statements presented as fact in a patent application are (i)____ unless a good reason for doubt is found. The invention has only to be deemed “more likely than not” to work in order to receive initial approval. And, although thousands of patents are challenged in court for other reasons, no incentive exists for anyone to expend effort (ii)____ the science of an erroneous patent. For this reason the endless stream of (iii)____ devices will continue to yield occasional patent. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A. presumed verifiable D. corroborating G. novel B. carefully scrutinized E. advancing H. bogus C. considered capricious F. debunking I. obsolete AFH BP/TG: 第一空: unless doubt 第二空: although challenged → no challenge → no incentive exists 表了否定 第三空: for this reason顺承,device=patent A presumed verifiable:被推定为可信的、真实的 B carefully scrutinized:仔细调查 C considered capricious:被认为是变化无常的 D corroborating:(证实)to support with evidence or authority E advancing:(推进)to accelerate F debunking:(揭穿)to expose the sham or falseness of G novel:新鲜事物 H bogus:(假冒产品)not genuine : counterfeit I obsolete:(过时货) old-fashioned

6 No other contemporary poet’s work has such a well-earned reputation for (i)____, and there are few whose moral vision is so imperiously unsparing. Of late, however, the almost belligerent demands of his severe and densely forbidding poetry have taken an improbable turn. This new collection is the poet’s fourth book in six years——an ample output even for poets of sunny disposition, let alone for one of such (ii)____ over the previous 50 years. Yet for all his newfound (iii)____ , his poetry is as thorny as ever. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A. patent accessibility D. penitential austerity G. taciturnity B. intrinsic frivolity E. intractable prolixity H. volubility C. near impenetrability F. impetuous prodigality I. pellucidity TG:* 第一空:“,+and”结构等同于分号 // no other 和there are few也构成同义重复,∴把后面的特征填进去就好 imperious 专横、强制 unsparing 严厉的;不吝惜的;不宽恕的 【spare 节约、宽恕】 * 第二空:even + let alone(别提…)形成对比 sunny取反填进去 of late adv. 最近、近来 * 第三空:填入一个词表示这个诗人近来的一种状态。这个状态在前面已经出现,即这个人在近六年时间内写了4个诗集——高产、话多,用原文的话就是“ample” —————- 选项:(A) patent accessibility:明白易懂    (B) intrinsic frivolity[frɪ'vɒlɪtɪ]:轻浮本质    (C) near impenetrability:几乎难以理解(impenetrable——物理“不可穿透”、情感“无动于衷”、内容”晦涩难懂”) (D) penitential [penɪ’tenʃ(ə)l] austerity:低调简洁 【penitential 后悔的】    (E) intractable prolixity[prəu'liksəti] :不受控制地罗嗦    (F) impetuous prodigality:极度华丽 【impetuous冲动、强烈 prodigality [,prɒdɪ’ɡælətɪ] 浪费、慷慨】 译文:没有其他任何当代诗人的作品因为严谨而拥有这样的美名,同时也很少有诗人像他这样拥有一种不变的道德观。然而对于后者而言,来自他那些严苛的诗歌中那几乎可以说得上是专断的说法现在竟然难以置信地发生了转变。这个诗人最新的诗集是他在6年以来的第四部,而这对于一个开朗健谈的诗人来说都是很高产的了,更不用提向他这样在过去50年里一直惜字如金的诗人了。然而尽管他现在似乎比以前来说不是那么惜字如金了,但是他文字中流露出来的尖刻依旧存在。

7 Managers who think that strong environmental performance will (i)____ their company’s financial performance often (ii)____ claims that systems designed to help them manage environmental concerns are valuable tools. By contrast, managers who perceive environmental performance to be (iii)____ to financial success may view an environmental management system as extraneous. In either situation, and whatever their perceptions, it is a manager’s commitment to achieving environmental improvement rather than the mere presence of a system that determines environmental performance. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A. eclipse D. uncritically accept G. complementary B. bolster E. appropriately acknowledge H. intrinsic C. degrade F. hotly dispute I. peripheral BDI: OG Verbal Practice Set 5 Q5, Hard TG: * EP —(1)—- FP, 对一个claim~~ 有(2)的态度 方法1:help他们管理EP是valuable tools,所以EP aw+ → EP对FP应该是好的 * 方法2:by contrast 后extraneous → (3) →取反→(1)(2) 选项: A: 使黯然失色;形成蚀 F: 热烈的争辩 G: 互补的 I: [pə’rɪf(ə)r(ə)l] 外围的;次要的 略微费力:D和E的区别就是动作的感情色彩强烈程度。选项D在这里表示全盘接受,所以为正确答案。

8 Philosophy, unlike most other subjects, does not try to extend our knowledge by discovering new information about the world. Instead it tries to deepen our understanding through (i)____ what is already closest to us—the experiences, thoughts, concepts, and activities that make up our lives but that ordinarily escape our notice precisely because they are so familiar. Philosophy begins by finding (ii)____ the things that are (iii)____. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A. attainment of D. essentially irrelevant G. most prosaic B. rumination on E. utterly mysterious H. somewhat hackneyed C. detachment from F. thoroughly commonplace I. refreshingly novel BEG A: = achievement:实现 B: [‘ruːmɪnənt] adj. 反刍的;沉思的 C: 分离(因为原味又excape our notice了,没有再分离的必要了) E: 绝对的神秘 F: 彻底的平庸 G: prosaic 平凡的,乏味的;散文体的 H: 有点陈腐 I :清爽新颖 【refreshingly 清爽地;有精神地】

9 7 8 9 10 11 12 CDH BDG BEH AFG BFG

10 The most striking thing about the politician is how often his politics have been (i)______ rather than ideological, as he adapts his political positions at any particular moment to the political realities that constrain him. He does not, however, piously (ii)______ political principles only to betray them in practice. Rather, he attempts in subtle ways to balance his political self-interest with a (iii)______, viewing himself as an instrument of some unchanging higher purpose. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A. quixotic D. brandish G. profound cynicism B. self-righteous E. flout H. deeply felt moral code C. strategic F. follow I. thoroughgoing pragmatism TG: * adapt to.. 使自己适应于…… * 空1:Rather than对前面ideology的属性取反 * 空2:only to 却;不料竟会…… * 空3:balance A 和 B,补充提出以higher purpose为目标 选项:A [kwɪk'sɒtɪk] :唐吉诃德式的;狂想家的;愚侠的 B 自以为是的 C [‘brændɪʃ] 挥舞;炫耀 D 嘲笑;轻视;愚弄 I [‘prægmətɪz(ə)m] 完全的,彻底的实用主义

11 D. embrace only a portion of the truth G. erroneous
What readers most commonly remember about John Stuart Mill’s classic exploration of the liberty of thought and discussion concerns the danger of (i)______: in the absence of challenge, one’s opinions, even when they are correct, grow weak and flabby. Yet Mill had another reason for encouraging the liberty of thought and discussion: the danger of partiality and incompleteness. Since one’s opinions, even under the best circumstances, tend to (ii)______, and because opinions opposed to one’s own rarely turn out to be completely (iii)______, it is crucial to supplement one’s opinions with alternative points of view. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A. tendentiousness D. embrace only a portion of the truth G. erroneous B. complacency E. change over time H. antithetical C. fractiousness F. focus on matters close at hand I. immutable BDG 选项:A:adj. 有偏见的,有倾向的;宣传性的 B: 自满、自鸣得意 C: adj. 暴躁易怒 F: 在手边、即将到来 G: adj. 错误的;不正确的 H: direct opposite I : 不变的;不可变的;不能变的

12 Wills argues that certain malarial parasites are especially (i)______ because they have more recently entered humans than other species and therefore have had (ii)______ time to evolve toward (iii)______. Yet there is no reliable evidence that the most harmful Plasmodium species has been in humans for a shorter time than less harmful species. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A. populous D. ample G. virulence B. malignant E. insufficient H. benignity C. threatened F. adequate I. variability BEH TG: * 前三空都在第一句【malarial [mə'lɛəriəl] 疟疾的 】,所以看第二句 * 第二句:P最危险,不晚 = 早于or同时 其他species → 危险的P很早 → MP最新,应该最harmless,+ yet → harm * 1-3空格都依照上面这句填写 选项:B: [məˈlɪgnənt] 恶性的,致命的;恶意的,恶毒的 D: [æmpl ]足够的;充足的,丰富的;宽敞的,广大的;富裕的 G: [‘vɪrjələns] 毒力,毒性,恶意 H: [bɪ'nɪgnɪtɪ]温和;仁慈;善举;善行

13 Putting a cash value on the ecological services provided by nature—such as the water filtration “service” provided by a forested watershed—has, historically, been a (i)______ process. Early attempts at such valuation resulted in impressive but (ii)______ figures that were seized on by environmental advocates and then, when these figures were later (iii)______, they were used by opponents to tar the whole idea. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A. dispassionate D. redundant G. ignored B. problematic E. unsound H. discredited C. straightforward F. understated I. confirmed BEH TG * “service” + 后文所做的解释,证明对此service不认可 B filtration: 过滤;筛选;滤清;滤除 * tar n 焦油,沥青 v. 以焦油或沥青覆盖或涂抹(某物) * 【】中被环保者seized 肯定是不环保的,→E A: not influenced by strong feeling D: using more (words) than necessary E: adj.不健全的;不稳固的;无根据的;腐烂的 H: ① disbelieve ②destroy confidence in ③ loss of reputation

14 Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A. imminent D. corroborated
Only with the discovery of an ozone hole over Antarctica in 1985 did chemical companies finally relinquish their opposition to a ban on chlorofluorocarbons(CFCs), which destroy ozone. The discovery suggested that strong political action to halt production of CFCs might be (i)______, and fortunately, the chemical industry no longer felt compelled to oppose such action: although companies had recently (ii)______ their research into CFC substitutes, studies they had initiated years earlier had produced (iii)______ results. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A. imminent D. corroborated G. encouraging B. imprudent E. publicized H. inconclusive C. premature F. curtailed I. unsurprising AFG * chlorofluorocarbons:氟利昂 * antarctica [ n'tɑ:kt k ] 南极洲 * relinquish 放弃;让出(权利,财产等);放开,松手;撤离 “,and” 就是顺承关系,所以前面肯定是和“no longer oppose”同方向 * 第二第三空联动填,但是有了initiated,前面取反(∵although)后面顺承 B: 不明智的,不谨慎的 C: 宣布;发表;为…做广告 H: 不确定的,非决定性的,无结果的; 

15 Repression of painful memories is sometimes called “willed forgetting
Repression of painful memories is sometimes called “willed forgetting.” Yet true forgetting is (i)______ than the phenomenon of repressed memory. In spite of the effort that it (ii)______, repressing unwanted memories is less (iii) ______ than truly forgetting them, for repressed memories are prone to come back. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A. less controlled D. eases G. permanent B. different in its effect E. conveys H. arduous C. far more common F. entails I. immediate BFG TG:* (iii)for原因 ( come back ) = less ___ * (ii ) it指代willed/ repressed 尽管它怎么努力 * (i) C说的是频率、效果,less + ____ = prone to come back * less. little few不要翻译成少,全部是“不”,否定词 D—轻松,舒适; 容易; 安逸 E—传达,传递; 运送 F— v 缓解,减少;必须,使承担 I — made or done at once

16 13 14 15 16 17 18 CEG AEH BEG ADG BEI CFI

17 Rather than viewing the Massachusetts Bay Colony’s antinomian controversy as the inevitable (i)______ of the intransigent opposing forces of radical and (ii)______ beliefs, male and female piety, (iii)______ and secular power, and the like, as other critics have, Winship argues that the crisis was not “fixed and structural.” Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A. dissolution D. revolutionary G. clerical B. melding E. orthodox H. civil C. collision F. questionable I. cerebral TG:* rather than (否定),后面一定全部可以忽视,中心词留controversy. * of..of.. 逆着翻译 * antinomian [ˌæntɪ’nəʊmɪən] :反对遵从律法的,唯信仰论的 * male and female提示的对比 → + 三组对比的并列 →可轻松判断出分别选radical和secular的反义词。 * 第一空根据intransigent opposing forces可判断出所填名词涉及若干组极端相反的概念之间的关系,B选项与intransigent冲突,A选项则应当是某一个事物自身的变化而非两个事物之间的关系,故只有C项正确。 选项: G:[ˈklerɪkl] 文书或办事员的; 教士的 I:[ˈserəbrəl ] 大脑的; 脑的; 理智的; 翻译:不是像其他评论家那样将马萨诸塞湾殖民地的唯信仰论抗议事件看做诸如极端信仰与正统信仰、男版和女版的虔诚、神职人员及信徒之间的不可避免的纷争,Winship认为这场危机并非“一成不变的”和“结构化的”。

18 To the untutored eye the tightly forested Ardennes hills around Sedan look quite(i)_______ , (ii)_______ place through which to advance a modern army; even with today’s more numerous and better roads and bridges, the woods and the river Meuse form a significant(iii)_______. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A impenetrable D a makeshift G resource B inconsiderable E an unpropitious H impediment C uncultivated F an unremarkable I passage TG: * 在第一句话中没有表示反义的关联元素,也没有否定词→同 * 空1:应该填对A山一项属性的描述,→ tightly forested * 空2:而后面说的是关于让军队通过的问题,故茂密的森林对于军队通过是一项不利的影响,因为林木阻挡了通路。 * 空3: B: inconsiderable:(琐碎的)not considerable : TRIVIAL C: uncultivated:(荒芜的) D: makeshift:(临时的)a usually crude and temporary expedient : SUBSTITUTE E: unpropitious:不吉利的,恶运的、不方便的 【propitious 吉利的; 合适的】 F: unremarkable:平凡的

19 Room acoustics design criteria are determined according to the room’s intended use. Music, for example, is best (i)______ in spaces that are reverberant, a condition that generally makes speech less (ii)______ . Acoustics suitable for both speech and music can sometimes be created in the same space, although the result is never perfect, each having to be (iii)______ to some extent. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A. controlled D. abrasive G. compromised B. appreciated E. intelligible H. eliminated C. employed F. ubiquitous I. considered BEG TG:* 空1:对于music而言,其用法应该是“被听” * 空2:for example说明上面”according to use” 所以应该speech vs music是不同举例 所以less aw+ * 空3:not perfect + suitable → G 选项:D: abrasive:(粗糙的)causing irritation    E: intelligible:(可以理解的)capable of being understood or comprehended   F: ubiquitous:(遍布的)existing or being everywhere at the same time : constantly encountered : WIDESPREAD

20 【 】 Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A forgery D ballooned
The question of(i)________in photography has lately become nontrivial. Prices for vintage prints(those made by a photographer soon after he or she made the negative)so drastically(ii)_______ in the 1990s that one of these photographs might fetch a hundred times as much as a nonvintage print of the same image. It was perhaps only a matter of time before someone took advantage of the(iii) ________to peddle newly created “vintage” prints for profit. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A forgery D ballooned G discrepancy B influence E weakened H ambiguity C style F varied I duplicity ADG TG:* vintage:酿酒的; 老式的,过时的; 最好的 * fetch:接来(某人); 吸引; 售得(若干价钱)D * only a matter of time :只是时间的问题 * peddle:传播,散播; 兜售,叫卖; 忙于做琐事;  G: discrepancy [dɪs’krepənsɪ] 差异、矛盾、不符合

21 That the President manages the economy is an assumption(i)_______ the prevailing wisdom that dominates electoral politics in the United States. As a result, presidential elections have become referenda on the business cycle, whose fortuitous turnings are(ii)_______ the President. Presidents are properly accountable for their executive and legislative performance, and certainly their actions may have profound effects on the economy. But these effects are(iii)_______ . Unfortunately, modern political campaigns are fought on the untenable premise that Presidents can deliberately produce precise economic results. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A peripheral to D justifiably personified in G usually long-lasting B central to E erroneously attributed to H regrettably unnoticeable C at odds with F occasionally associated with I largely unpredictable BEI TG:* referenda[refə’rendə] :公民投票 * 空1: 假设(总统管理经济) vs 支配选举政治的流行观点的关系,只能依据后文来确定。后文结果,总统选举变成了商业周期的参照物,说明总统的重要性,因此1空应该填正评价词。 * 空3:转折前承认总统的影响,转折后应该说效果小(3空),总体上强调效果小。选项中G 相反,H unnoticeable 与转折前profound effects 矛盾(转折不绝对),只能选I。末句 unfortunately 提示作者的负评价。因此2空只能选E, 体现作者的负评价。 C: at odds with 与……不符、与……争吵 D: 恰如其分的拟人化 翻译: 总统管理经济是对于支配美国选举政治的流行观点的核心的假设。作为一个结果,总统选举已经变成商业周期的风向标,商业周期的难以捉摸的变化被错误地归因于总统。总统们应该为他们行政的和立法的表现负责,并且他们的行为或许对经济有深刻的影响,但这些影响基本上是难以预测的。不幸的是,现代的政治战役是在这样一个站不住脚的前提上进行的,即总统能够故意地制造精确的经济结果。

22 Higher energy prices would have many (i)______ effects on society as a whole. Besides encouraging consumers to be more (ii)______ in their use of gasoline, they would encourage the development of renewable alternative energy sources that are not (iii)______ at current prices. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A. pernicious D. aggressive G. unstable B. counterintuitive E. predictable H. adaptable C. salubrious F. sparing I. viable CFI TG: 空1:不能直接做,取决于后面内容 空2:prices ↑ more F 选项; A- [pəˈnɪʃəs] 很有害的,恶性的,致命的,险恶的 B- [kaʊntərɪn’tju:ɪtɪv] 违反直觉的 C- [səˈlu:briəs]有益健康的 F- 节约的; 贫乏的; 仁慈的 I - 切实可行的; 能养活的; 能自行生产发育的; 有望实现的; 

23 19 20 21 22 23 24 ADH CFG AEH CDG BEI

24 But they pay little attention to the opposite and more treacherous failing: false certainty, refusing to confess their mistakes and implicitly claiming (i)______, thereby embarrassing the nation and undermining the Constitution, which established various mechanisms of self-correction on the premise that even the wisest men are sometimes wrong and need, precisely when they find it most (ii)______ , the benefit of (iii)______ process. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A. infallibility D. discomfiting G. an adaptable B. immunity E. expedient H. a remedial C. impartiality F. imminent I. an injudicious ADH 空1:aw-,aw- and (i)=aw- → A 空2:先看主干填空3,wisest man wrong= need the benefit…of ..(H) → remedial系统只能是D 让人不舒服的 implicitly 不言明[含蓄]的;无疑问的 选项: A: infallibility:(无误的) B: immunity 免疫 D: discomfiting v.使为难; 使狼狈 ( discomfit的现在分词 ) E: 应急有效的,权宜之计的; 方便的 H: remedial [rɪ’mi:dɪəl] : 治疗的,医治的; 补救的,挽回的; I : injudicious:不明智的、判断不当的,不聪明的,浅薄的

25 There is nothing that (i)______ scientists more than having an old problem in their field solved by someone from outside. If you doubt this (ii)______ , just think about the (iii)______ reaction of paleontologists to the hypothesis of Luis Alvarez—a physicist—and Walter Alvarez—a geologist— that the extinction of the dinosaurs was caused by the impact of a large meteor on the surface of the planet. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A. amazes D. exposition G. contemptuous B. pleases E. objurgation H. indifferent C. nettles F. observation I. insincere CFG 表达方式复杂化:sb solve a problem → having an old problem in their field solved by someone from outside 空1:暂时不能填,看后面 空2:this是指上面所有的事儿,也不能填 空3:paleontologist古生物学家 [pælɪɒn’tɒlədʒɪst] =上文scientist LA,WA都是上文的sb. from outside 空3的事儿是空1的举例,所以(i)(iii)所在句子是同义,都是同义词 → CF ———————————————— C: 荨麻; 〈比喻〉使人烦恼的事 D: public exhibition :博览会; 展览会; 阐述 E: [ˌɒbdʒɜ:’geɪʃən] 叱责,非难; G: {kənˈtemptʃuəs] 蔑视的,鄙视的

26 If one could don magic spectacles—with lenses that make the murky depths of the ocean become transparent—and look back several centuries to an age before widespread abuse of the oceans began, even the most(i)_______ observer would quickly discover that fish were formerly much more abundant. Likewise, many now-depleted species of marine mammals would appear(ii)_______ . But without such special glasses, the differences between past and present oceans are indeed hard to(iii)______ . Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A casual D threatened G ignore B prescient E plentiful H discern C clearheaded F unfamiliar I dismiss AEH [easy级别] don [dɑn]:n 大学教师 vt.穿上,披上 spectacle: 眼镜; 奇观,壮观; 光景 murky[ˈmɜ:ki:]:阴暗的,昏暗的; 朦胧的 likewise : 同样地; 也,而且

27 Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A. diffident D. prickly G. dispel
Colleagues describe Padgett as both forthright and reticent, humble and (i)______ , good-natured and (ii)______ . And in her behavior as a businesswoman, Padgett herself does little to (iii)______ these contradictions. She says she is proemployee but is avowedly antiunion. She calls herself procustomer but acknowledges that she runs a store with higher profit margins and prices than almost any other grocer. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A. diffident D. prickly G. dispel B. eccentric E. solicitous H. fulfill C. arrogant F. phlegmatic I. accentuate CDG forthright + reticent沈默寡言的; 含蓄的 : 三组对比并列 → (i) (ii) says: 支持employee却公然(avowedly)反对公会 calls:支持customer却acknoledges (grocer: 食品商; 杂货商) B :[ɪkˈsentrɪk] 古怪的,异常的; 偏离轨道的; D: prickly [‘prɪklɪ] 多刺的; 刺痛的; 麻烦的 E: [səˈlɪsɪtəs] 关心的; 挂念的; 热切的; 渴望的 F: [flegˈmætɪk] 冷静的; 镇定的; 迟钝的; 冷漠的 (补充四种人格特质英文)

28 Historical research makes two somewhat antithetical truths that sounded (i)______ come to seem profound: knowledge of the past comes entirely from written documents, giving written words great (ii)______ , and the more material you uncover, the more (iii)______ your subject becomes. A B Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A. deep D. consequence G. elusive B. portentous E. antiquity H. contemporary C. banal F. simultaneity I. circumstantial CDG TG: * 看起来(i)的antithetical的事实变得(come to=become 对立的trigger)profound * 空1:sounded=seemingly 听起来,表面上,第一个空要选一个和profound是反义的词汇,banal更好 * 空2:因为全部的知识都来自它,所以它很重要(written documents=written words) * 空3:antithetical → 本来一般情况是看得uncover越多越明白→ 所以本题中必须是看得越多,反而越不明白 * truth A: 对过去的知识完全来自文字材料 * truth B: 发现了越多材料,研究对象却更令人费解 选项: B: 预兆的;凶兆的;自命不凡的;装腔作势的 C: 陈腐的;平庸的 D: 结果,成果;[逻]结论;重要性;推论1): result or effect 2): importance E: 古老,古代;古迹,古物;古人;古代的风俗习惯 F: [ˌsɪmltə’neɪətɪ] 同时发生,同时;同时性 H: 当代的,现代的;同时代的,同属一个时期的 I : 指描述)详细的;(指证据)有充分细节却无法证实的

29 The recent publication of the painter Robert Motherwell’s substantial body of writing, as well as writings by fellow Expressionist Barnett Newman,(i)_____ Ann Gibson’s assertion that the Abstract Expressionists were reluctant to(ii)_____ issues of artistic meaning in their work and suggests that this supposed reticence was perhaps more artistic(iii)_____ than historical fact. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A substantiates D forgo G conscience B undermines E articulate H focus C overlooks F conceal I posturing BEI 主体:RM的*,BN的writings,AG,第一个逗号后面都是AG的观点 substantial:1): plentiful 2): considerable大量的;结实的 body of wiring: focuses on the traces that an author's body leaves on a work of fiction 空1:最后填,前文ist的writings知道了,说明后面AG认为人家不爱写爱reticent是undermined的。 空2:and suggest同义解释,∴ that this supposed reticence与reluctant to (ii) ______ 二者意思一致,只能选择E 空3:more A than B,artistic对historical,posturing对应fact


31 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 AFH BEG AEI BDI BEH ADI

32 B . most accurately described E. collusions H.dismantle
The traditional gap between theorists and experimentalists is (i) ______ as one of haughty high priests versus pugnacious pragmatists. But the reality is more often that one researcher does not understand another’s jargon, or is afraid to ask stupid questions, or is hesitant about giving up vital and hard -won information to a distant colleague. These were the kinds of (ii) ______ that Dr. Sonnenwald was able to (iii) ______, leading to greater cooperation between theorists and experimentalists. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A. often caricatured D . deceptions G.propagate B . most accurately described E. collusions H.dismantle C. unnecessarily lamented F. barriers I.identify AFH haughty high priest: 傲慢的神父 // pugnacious 好战的实用主义者 versus [ˈvə:səs] prep. (表示两队或双方对阵)对; 与…相对 hard-won 难得的,来之不易的 选项: C: lament [ləˈmɛnt] : n/vi/vt 哀歌,挽歌;悲恸 A: caricature [‘kærɪkətʃʊə(r)] 漫画,讽刺画;漫画手法;夸张讽刺的描绘 E: collusion: secret cooperation for deceit G: propagate [‘prɒpəɡeɪt] 1): reproduce biologically 2): cause to spread H: dismantle: take apart 拆开;拆卸;废除;取消

33 G.similarly equivocal
I’ve long anticipated this retrospective of the artist’s work, hoping that it would make (i) ______ judgments about him possible, but greater familiarity with his paintings highlights their inherent (ii) ______ and actually makes one’s assessment (iii) ______. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A. modish D .gloom G.similarly equivocal B . settled E. ambiguity H.less sanguine C. detached F. delicacy I. more cynical BEG 空1:hoping that顺承,但与后面but形成转折,注意这就是不选C的原因 空2 & 空3一起看,and形成的并列 选项: A: mode → modish: 流行的,时髦的 B: settle → settled 确定的、下沉的 C: 分离的,分开的;公平的;超然的;分遣的,派遣的 D: n/vt/vi 昏暗,阴暗;忧郁 F: delicacy [‘delɪkəsɪ] 精美;美味佳肴;敏锐,敏感;世故,圆滑 H: [ˈsæŋgwɪn] 乐观的,充满希望的;面色红润的;血红色的

34 While the cerulean warbler’s status maybe particularly (i) ______, it is just one of the many species of migrant birds whose numbers have been (ii) ______ for years. Increasingly, biologists investigating the causes of these (iii) ______ are focusing on habitat loss in the Tropics, where the birds spend the winter. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A. precarious D. underreported G.pairings B . secure E. falling H.migrations C. representative F. copious I. declines AEI 词汇:cerulean [sɪˈru:liən] 蔚蓝的 // warbler [ˈwɔ:blə(r)] 鸣鸟,用颤音歌唱的人 // migration [maɪˈgreɪʃn] // 选项——————————————————— A: precarious:dangerously insecure C: representative [ˌreprɪˈzentətɪv] n 代表;继任者;议员;类似物 D: underreported 少报(收入等),低估 G: 配对;(核子等)成对;摞合;[机] 双层轧制

35 This book’s strengths are the author’s breadth of knowledge and the blending of ideas and findings from many disciplines, including history, the arts and the sciences. Ideas from diverse perspectives are (i) ______ to provide a historical and cross -cultural understanding. But a weakness of the book is its (ii) ______: sometimes there are leaps from one domain to another that (iii) ______ the reader’s ability to synthesize a coherent view of our current understanding of this subject. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A. hyperbolized D . organization G.exaggerate B . interwoven E. intensity H.oversimplify C. reversed F. uniformity I. undercut BDI 空1:由句意填写而来,(i)手段 → to目的provide... 空2:只能做完:后面再看 空3:leap跳跃 → (iii)↓了reader’s ability 选项:———————- A: hyperbolize [haɪ’pɜ:bəlaɪz] 运用夸张法;用夸张法表达 B: interweave → interwoven F: uniformity [ˌju:nɪ’fɔ:mətɪ] 均匀性;单调,无变化;同样,一样 G: [ɪɡ’zædʒəreɪt] (使)扩大;(使)增加;夸张 I : offer to sell or to work at a lower rate than // (牛的)腰部肉,里脊

36 Moore was (i) ______ ill at ease
Moore was (i) ______ ill at ease. His (ii) ______ had always been a distinguishing feature. It was what made him a good con artist and a good informant. He was one of those men who accepted dares with an easygoing smile and did outrageous things with (iii) ______ that made him successful in the dangerous world in which he operated. But just now he was not feeling very sure of himself. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A. uncharacteristically D . disquietude obvious clumsiness B . predictably E. magnanimity H.a sophisticated fearlessness C. naturally F. aplomb I.a wary vigilance AFH 词汇:at ease: 安逸,自由自在;自然;心净 con artist [俚]骗子,以花言巧语骗人的人;[俚]过上了舒适懒散生活的人 dare: n挑战;挑动 easygoing 脾气随和的,温和的 outrageous 粗暴的;无法容忍的;反常的;令人惊讶的 ———是通过时态来做这道题么??—- was/ had always been/ 空1:不能填,___ ill at ease 局促不安,不自在;惴惴不安 (过去式,注意) 空2:M的一个特征, it之后是这个特征的效果,一定是个好特征 选项:—————————————————- A: uncharacteristically adv.不典型地;反常地 D: [dɪs'kwaɪətjuːd] 不安,忧虑,焦虑 E: magnanimity [mægnə’nɪmɪtɪ] n. 宽宏大量;慷慨 F: [ə’plɒm] complete calmness or self-assurance 沉着;垂直;泰然自若 H: 久经世故的;富有经验的 I : vigilance: 警戒,警觉;警醒症

37 The journalism professor’s first lecture tackled (i) ______ itself, challenging the journalistic trope that an article has to represent all sides—no matter how marginal—equally. Instead, the professor argued that this impulse to (ii) ______ even obviously (iii) ______ views in order to furnish opposing perspectives is harmful to basic accuracy. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A. marketability D .approve G.controversial B .objectivity E. present H.fringe C. partisanship F. denigrate I. straightforward BEH 词汇:trope 英 [trəup] 修辞,比喻 // 空1: 最后填,看后面内容决定tackle(处理)什么 空2:instead提示我们取反,represent marginal → present fringe 词汇: A: market → marketability 可销售性;可销性 C: 偏见 D: accept as satisfactory F: speak ill of 诋毁,诽谤;玷污;涂黑;毁誉 G: clash of opposing views 争议的,引起争议的 H: 边缘

38 An esteemed literary critic, Mr
An esteemed literary critic, Mr. Wood has put together a (i) ______ volume about literary technique, his playful exuberance (ii) ______ the dry, jargon-strewn tradition of academic criticism. Mr. Wood can’t claim to be (iii) ______; he has restricted himself to citations available in his personal library. Nor does he attempt to be methodical, as chapters proceed in higgledy-piggledy fashion. But few books about novel writing provide such insights into the craft. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A. deft D . wonderfully at odds with G.entertaining B . pretentious E. heavily influenced by H.accessible C. comprehensive F. largely superseded by I.thorough ADI 空1:最后才能填,人们喜欢提到一本好书就选C,习惯 空2:对his~(aw+) V.S. dry jargon strewn (aw-) 空3:看冒号后,说了两件事,1.他的citation引用仅被限定在自己的私人图书管里(即自己书库里有什么他才引用什么);2.他也没系统方法,chapters是很混乱的。所以I,不彻底的、不全面的。 → 否定空1填C 选项: B: [prɪˈtenʃəs] 狂妄的,自命不凡的,自负的;虚伪的 D: 与…不和,与…争吵 F: 被取代 G: 好理解的 F: 彻底的、全面的

39 END

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