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欧洲种猪育种与冷冻精液同步育种技术 EU pig breeding and improving by frozen semen

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Presentation on theme: "欧洲种猪育种与冷冻精液同步育种技术 EU pig breeding and improving by frozen semen"— Presentation transcript:

1 欧洲种猪育种与冷冻精液同步育种技术 EU pig breeding and improving by frozen semen

ROBERT OVEREND MBE 罗伯特 – 欧坲兰德 Past Chairman British Pig Association 英国猪业协会前会长 Founder and Managing Director 创建人和总经理 NIGEL OVEREND 欧奈杰 – 欧坲兰德 Council member British Pig Association 英国猪业协会理事 CEO, Deerpark Pedigree Pigs 公司CEO 2

WILLIAM SPIERS 王威廉 Representative Of Deerpark Pedigree Pigs Directors In Asia DP亚洲代表 3

4 The Mission of EU Genetic 欧洲种猪育种的目的
Larger litter size with long working life 母猪产子多使用年限长 Higher FCR 商品猪饲料转化率高 Stronger disease resistance 猪抗病能力强 Better nutrition in pork 肉质营养好 Good results come after the effort of breeding program last generations and the elaborately measurements 这需要整体并且长久的选育方案并精心测试

5 breeding characteristic in EU 欧洲养猪生产特点
The size of the farms are moderation with 400–500 pigs per herd (because of the limited land, strict environmental protection and better disease control ) 养猪企业规模适中,单体母猪群 头合适。(原因是:土地面积有限,环境保护严格,有利于疫病) Commercials FCR is really high. The everage FCR is 2.3:1 – 2.4:1 at 120kgs (because of the combination of good nutritional feed, delicacy management and first-class terminal sire ) 商品猪饲料转化率高,到120kg体重平均料肉比为2.3:1-2.4:1 (原因是:好的饲料营养和精细化管理以及优秀的终端父本的良好结合) The saws have larger litter size and higher piglet survival (because of the combination of excellent genetics and good nutrition support) 母猪年产子数高,成活率高。(原因是:遗传育种和母猪营养的良好结合)

6 Every farm has its own breeding program 每一个育种企业都有属于自己的遗传选育方案
The content of the breeding program including: 这些方案包括: Producing data record 生产数据记录 Breeding data record 繁殖数据记录 Single pig tracing单只猪追踪 Multi-genetic lags tracing多代遗传缺陷的追踪 Complete pedigree inbreeding record完整谱系近交记录 Breeding project data evaluation繁殖项目数据评估 Growth performance project data evaluation 生长性能项目数据评估 FCR data evaluation饲料转化率数据评估 Inner herd selection data tracing and evaluation 种群内选育数据追踪和评估 Among herds selection data tracing and evaluation种群间选育数据追踪和评估 The proper pigs are selected gradually based on the analysis of those data above 在这些精密数据分析的基础上逐渐选育出猪场需要的种猪

7 Concerned hereditary characters of Sire line 父系种猪关注的遗传特性
Growth speed 生长速度 Lean rate 瘦肉率 Body robustness 肢体稳健性 Further generations stability and averageness 后代稳定性和均匀性 FCR capability 饲料转化能力

8 Concerned hereditary characters of dam line 母系种猪关注的遗传形状
Maximum the hybrid vigor and reproductive performance of F1 最大化保证后代F1杂交优势与繁殖性能 Including: 包括: piglets first bone alive 初生活仔数 weaning weight 断奶重 piglets weaned 断奶仔猪数 saw service life 母猪使用寿命 wean first service interval 母猪断奶后发情期间隔时间

Location: 地址: Drumanee Magherafelt County Londonderry BT45 8LE Northern Ireland United Kingdom 英国北爱尔兰 9

10 Deerpark纯种猪公司 DEERPARK PEDIGREE PIGS Unpolluted Water Source + =
绿色无污染水源 + Fresh Air 清洁的空气 Less People & Pollution 人口稀少 Generations of Research 基因研究代代延续 Special DP Techniques 独有的DP技术 = THE BEST AI STUD 最好的人工授精中心 10

1958 The Deerpark herd was formed Deerpark创立于1958年 1980 The oldest privately owned AI station in the UK 1980年成为英国最早的人工授精中心 1982 successfully freezing and thawing pig semen 1982年成功 冷冻和解冻种猪精液 1990 Robert was awarded the Giovanni Marcora European Award for Agriculture for his contribution to the Genetic improvement of pigs in the UK 1990年罗伯特获得农业GM欧洲奖,表彰其对基因遗传业所做的突出贡献 2014 The top genetic herd in the UK 2014年获得英国最佳种群称号 11

1996 Robert awarded MBE by Her Majesty The Queen 1996年罗伯特获得英女王颁发的大英帝国勋章 2003 Deerpark was the winner of the Marsh Christian Trust Award for it’s work with Frozen AI. 2003年DP赢得MC信托奖,表彰其冻精人工受精工作 1990 – 2000 Robert elected Chairman of the British Pig Association. 1990 – 2000年罗伯特担任英国种猪协会会长 2012, Nigel, now represents Northern Ireland on the British Pig Association, youngest member on Board 2012年,现任英国种猪协会理事欧奈杰成为历史上最年青的理事 2014 Robert is the only person who has judged pigs in Australia, Barbados, Brazil, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Zambia, and South Africa. 2014年,罗伯特成为唯一受邀参加过澳大利亚、巴巴多斯、巴西、津巴布韦、肯尼亚、赞比亚和南非的历届畜牧业展的评委。 12


The MBE . A Personal honor to Robert from Queen Elizabeth II of England 大英帝国勋章,伊丽莎白二世授予罗伯特的个人荣誉

Herds based on three separate farms and an AI Centre with no movement between the farms 3个互相毫无关联的独立种群和一个人工授精中心

16 DEERPARK genetics Dp的纯种
Over 1000 Pedigree Sows and Boars all registered with the British Pig Association. 1000多头拥有详细系谱的公母种猪,全部在英国猪业协会注册 16

17 DEERPARK genetics Dp的纯种 Top Quality高品质 Large White大白 Landrace长白
Pietrain皮特兰 Hampshire 汉普夏 Duroc杜洛克 Berkshire伯克夏 Welsh威尔士 Large Black大黑 Old spot老化 Middle White中白 Tamworth汤姆沃斯 Saddleback鞍黑 ………. 17

18 DEERPARK genetics Dp的纯种 18

19 Dp的冻精 DEERPARK Frozen semen Deerpark的冻精帮助您同步育种
DEERPARK is able to improve your pigs through using our top quality frozen semen Deerpark的冻精帮助您同步育种 Frozen semen is the most cost effective method for Improving genetics 使用冻精是最经济有效的方法进行同步育种 19

20 Dp的冻精 DEERPARK Frozen semen larger number Deerpark的冻精帮助您同步育种 of pigs
DEERPARK is able to improve your pigs through using our top quality frozen semen Deerpark的冻精帮助您同步育种 larger number of pigs per sow per year 年产仔数更多 20

21 Dp的冻精 DEERPARK Frozen semen Deerpark的冻精帮助您同步育种 TEATS 乳头
DEERPARK is able to improve your pigs through using our top quality frozen semen Deerpark的冻精帮助您同步育种 TEATS 乳头 Sufficient number, Good Shape有效乳头数,形状完美 Evenly Spaced, well forward 分布均匀,最佳倾斜度 Boar must have good teats also to ensure all the progeny have very good teats种公猪也要拥有优质的乳头,确保有两基因遗传给下一代 21

22 Dp的冻精 DEERPARK Frozen semen Deerpark的冻精帮助您同步育种 TOP LINE最佳流线
DEERPARK is able to improve your pigs through using our top quality frozen semen Deerpark的冻精帮助您同步育种 TOP LINE最佳流线 CHEST AND SPRING OF RIB胸部和富有弹性的肋条 Long and Level长而平 Wide and Well joined to Shoulder宽阔并与肩部协调连接 22

23 Dp的冻精 DEERPARK Frozen semen Deerpark的冻精帮助您同步育种 VULVA 阴户
DEERPARK is able to improve your pigs through using our top quality frozen semen Deerpark的冻精帮助您同步育种 VULVA 阴户 Proper Shape and Size适当的形状和大小 23

24 Dp的冻精 DEERPARK Frozen semen Deerpark的冻精帮助您同步育种 LEGS腿 FEET蹄 HAMS臀
DEERPARK is able to improve your pigs through using our top quality frozen semen Deerpark的冻精帮助您同步育种 LEGS腿 Good Bone骨头好 Free-Moving活动自由 FEET蹄 Straight Clays笔直的脚趾 even and a good size大小平均且合适 HAMS臀 Shape and filled down the leg, running smoothly into Loin 形状浑圆,渐渐融入腿部,顺滑的伸向腰部 24

25 Dp的冻精 DEERPARK Frozen semen Deerpark的冻精帮助您同步育种 TEMPERAMENT秉性
DEERPARK is able to improve your pigs through using our top quality frozen semen Deerpark的冻精帮助您同步育种 TEMPERAMENT秉性 Docile in Gilt温顺的后备母猪 High Libido in Boar性欲高涨的公猪 25

26 Dp的冻精 DEERPARK Frozen semen Deerpark的冻精帮助您同步育种 HEAD头
DEERPARK is able to improve your pigs through using our top quality frozen semen Deerpark的冻精帮助您同步育种 HEAD头 Typical for Breed:育种典型 Lop Ear for Landrace长白两耳下垂 Prick Ear for Large White 大白两耳高耸 Good Bright Eyes明亮的双眼 Jowl Clean and Neat干净整洁的猪喙 26

27 What you get is the best of the best 您获得的将是精品中的精品
DEERPARK Frozen semen Dp的冻精 DEERPARK is able to improve your pigs through using our top quality frozen semen Deerpark的冻精帮助您同步育种 What you get is the best of the best 您获得的将是精品中的精品 27

28 developing breeds 同步育种
Benefit of frozen semen冻精的好处 Will drive greater genetic improvement through the out-cross with the latest high merit genes from a breeding program that is up to date and not suffering from genetic lag. 通过及时更新和减少基因缺陷的育种程序,进行携带最新优良性能的外部杂交,将获得更大的基因优势。 Frozen semen will deliver冻精提供 An immediate benefit to bring an ‘old’ population up to date 在不改变种群的前提下的既得收益 28

29 developing breeds 同步育种
Quickly see the results快速见效 1st Generation第一代 offspring from Frozen Semen will carry 50% UK genetics 的后代立刻携带50%的优良英国基因 2nd Generation第二代 offspring will be 75% UK genetics, 的后代携带75%的优良英国基因 3rd Generation第三代 you will have pigs that are 87.5% UK genetics, without any genetic lag. 的后代携带87.5%的优良英国基因,基因缺陷被消除 In 3 years 3年之内 you will have your herd up to date with the top 98% UK genetics at low cost 您的种群携带98%的优良英国基因,与英国同步,成本低廉 Now no longer a need to import expensive live pigs. 现在,不再需要进口昂贵的活畜了 29

30 THE DEERPARK process 同步育种步骤 Step 1: Selecting the Sows: 第一步:选种
Select sows or top quality gilts: 筛选后备或能繁母猪 Deerpark find it is best to use 3rd. 4th. or 5th. parity sows with proven record of high fertility and good mothering ability. DP认为具有高产和优良母性记录的第三、第四、第五次配种后的后代是最佳选择 Batch wean批量断奶 so that you can select two sows on heat at the same time. 这样就可以在种群中获得至少两头同时发情的母猪 Sows or Gilts后备或能繁母猪 For insemination with frozen semen should be checked at least twice each day. When they stand firm in the presence of a boar wait for 8 to 10 hours before the first insemination. 用冻精授精应该每天至少检查两次,当母猪在公猪可以站定不动的时候,至少等待8到10小时进行第一次授精。 Consult 咨询 your senior stock person as they will know their sows best. 最了解种猪状况的人就是自己牧场的饲养管理人员 30

31 THE DEERPARK process 同步育种步骤 Step 2:Thawing the straw: 第二步:解冻 Ensure 确保
You have all the equipment , water and diluent necessary to thaw the straw as trained and as in the video. 如培训或视频中所示,准备所有必须的设备、水、稀释剂 Day One -Thaw the straw第一天-解冻 Divide it into two bottles and inseminate each sow with one bottle on day 分成两瓶,每头母猪一瓶 Day Two -Repeat 第二天-重复 The process of insemination on day two approximately 18/20 hours after the first insemination. 大约第一次授精的18到20小时后,即第二天,重复第一天的程序 31

32 DEERPARK Reaping the rewards
坐享方便 The strengths of Deerpark frozen semen Deerpark冻精的优势 Always available when you need to inseminate your sows. 当您需要的时候总是可以随时使用 Easy to thaw and can be done on any farm without expensive equipment 解冻简便,可以在任何种类的牧场操作,无需价格昂贵的设备 Long Life storage 储存期限长 All you need to do is check your tank regularly and have access to a supply of liquid nitrogen when needed 您所要注意的就是经常检查储存罐,有方便获取液氮的途径 32

33 DEERPARK Reaping the rewards
坐享方便 Piglets resulting from the use of frozen semen will have:使用冻精后的猪仔将会: Better food conversion: Less expensive feed. 更好的饲料转化:减少饲料费用 Bigger daily gain: Faster growth, less days to slaughter means more pigs through your expensive houses. 更高的日增重:长得更快,缩短屠宰日期意味着圈舍内周转速度更快 Higher % lean: More quality pork from younger pigs. 更高的瘦肉率:一代代年轻的种猪携带质量更高的肉 Superior replacement animals the greatest advantage is 更替的动物越优异,获得的遗传优势就越大 33

34 DEERPARK Reaping the rewards
坐享方便 Piglets resulting from the use of frozen semen will have:使用冻精后的猪仔将会: Top quality boars to work on your farm or for sale. 优异的种公猪即可以自留也可以出售 Choice of Selected gilts to replace your older sows and make excellent females to inseminate with more frozen semen from Deerpark Pedigree Pigs. 优选的后备母猪代替旧的能繁母猪,用DP的冻精对优选出的卓越母猪人工授精 Continuous Herd improvement 持续不断的发展种群基因 34

Deerpark Freezing Method DP冷冻方法 Semen that freezes and thaws well from Deerpark. Selected and tested from the top quality boars. DP优选最高质量的种猪收集精液用于冻精,使解冻后的精液更具活性 Correct diluent and mix the at the proven required proportion. 按久经实验的成功比例,与独有的稀释液进行混合 Proven Procedures .Take the necessary time to cool to the required temperature prior to Spinning in the Colorimeter. 久经证实的程序,冷冻之前按必要时间降温到要求的温度 ROBERT OVEREND MBE, DEERPARK PEDIGREE PIGS

36 Deerpark Freezing Method
DP冷冻方法 Careful selection of only the Sperm-rich fraction of the ejaculate. 仔细选择富含精子的单次射精精液 = Sperm rich fraction 其中富含精子的部分 = Total ejaculate 单次射精量 A A B B 36

37 Deerpark Freezing Method
DP冷冻方法 Colour coded straws. 细管标记色码 Name of each boar on the individual straws. 每只独立细管标注猪名 Each Straw Carefully prepared and filled prior to placing in the liquid nitrogen. 放入液氮前,每只细管被仔细准备 Quality Control. At least one straw from each freezing is tested to ascertain the quality of each batch of frozen semen. 质量控制,每次冷冻都要对单批冻精进行抽检 The special freezing technique combined with specialised Deerpark thawing method results in much improved conception rate. 独有的冷冻技术配合特别的DP解冻方法,更大提高受胎率 37

38 Selecting the correct Straw 选择正确的细管
Deerpark Freezing Method DP冷冻方法 Selecting the correct Straw 选择正确的细管 38

39 Deerpark Freezing Method
DP冻精使用方法 Careful selection of the sows to mate and mating at the correct time results in higher than average rate of numbers born and reared. 仔细选择交配母猪,并保证时间正确,其结果高于平均胎数和成活率 Results from frozen semen exported to other Countries: 出口到其他国家后反馈的使用结果 Average conception from 65% up to 91%. 平均受孕率65%到91% Average born alive from 9.2 up to a maximum of 17 born alive. 平均活胎9.2到17 39

40 Deerpark Freezing Method
DP冻精使用方法 Double check that the sows are ready to be inseminated. 不断检查母猪是否可以人工授精 Decide which straw you are going to use and identify where it is placed in the tank of frozen semen. 确定所要使用的细管,确认储存在储存管的什么位置 Prepare the water bath by adding at least 6 litres of warm water to the bath. 准备装有至少6升热水的水盆 The water should be 50º Centigrade and the diluent which had been mixed earlier should be 30º Centigrade. 水温保持在50度,混合稀释液保持在30度 40

41 Deerpark Freezing Method
DP冻精使用方法 A small amount of diluent at 30 degrees should be placed in each of the two bottles in preparation to receive the thawed semen. Two thermometers required. On for diluent and one for the water. A pair of scissors and a paper tissue should be beside the bottles. Open the tank containing the semen and carefully remove the selected straw from the goblet with the forceps holding the straw by the end. Place the straw on the gloved hand or on a piece of cloth and then move quickly to the water bath. Check the time on the clock and, holding the straw firmly in the centre with the forceps, immerse it in the water and gently move it slowly through the water at 50 degrees for 50 seconds. 41

42 Deerpark Freezing Method
DP冻精使用方法 Remove the straw from the water, wipe dry, remove the sealing ball from the end of the straw and place the open end of the straw in the bottle and remove the other sealing ball. Flush the semen with diluent from the straw into the bottle, top up the bottle with diluent, rotate gently and then divide into two bottles. Top up the two bottles with diluent at 30 degrees. The diluted semen is estimated by Microscope and then inseminated immediately in the two sows for best results. Repeat the process of thawing and insemination on the same two sows about 18/20 hours after for excellent results. 42

43 Deerpark semen worldwide DP冻精销往世界各地
Hungary匈牙利 Irish Republic爱尔兰共和国 Italy意大利 Poland波兰 Portugal葡萄牙 Romania罗马尼亚 Scotland苏格兰 Ukraine乌克兰 Wales威尔士 Europe欧洲 Belgium比利时 Channel Islands海峡群岛 Denmark丹麦 England英格兰 France法国 Germany德国 Greece希腊 Holland荷兰 43

44 Deerpark semen worldwide DP冻精销往世界各地
Asia亚洲 Malaysia马来西亚 Philipines菲律宾 Thailand泰国 Vietnam越南 Canada加拿大 25 customers25个客户 including Chinese suppliers 包括向中国的供应商 Africa非洲 Kenya肯尼亚 South Africa南非 Zambia赞比亚 Zimbabwe津巴布韦 United States of America美国华多 Including well known Chinese supplier - W 包括有名的供应商-W

45 Deerpark EXPERTISE worldwide judging DP专家世界级裁判
South Africa南非 Scotland苏格兰 Zambia赞比亚 Zimbabwe津巴布韦 Wales威尔士 Australia澳大利亚 Bahamas巴哈马群岛 Brazil巴西 England英格兰 Ireland爱尔兰 Kenya肯尼亚

46 Deerpark Worldwide DP 在世界各地的足迹

Top Results from DEERPARK Frozen Semen ! 来自DP 冻精的成果 47

2013 Champion 2013年冠军 Top Results from DEERPARK Boars ! 来自DP种公猪的成果 48

With Thanks Deerpark Directors representative: MENGLIANZHOU (BEIJING) INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS 盟联洲(北京)国际商务有限公司 British Pig Association BPA 英国猪业协会 Deerpark China selling agent: BEIJING HUIJIAYUAN ANIMAL HUSBANDRY TECH. CO, LTD 北京汇佳源牧业技术有限公司 SEMEN FREEZING – APPROVED BY RBST & BPA 49

50 DEERPARK在中国 DP公司在中国通过原种猪冷冻精液技术,计划与5家种猪企业合作,通过联合育种方案,选育更加适合中国本土的优秀育种群。目前,天津市已经正式签约一家种猪企业。相信,未来,我们的合作更加紧密。相关合作业务,请联系DP冻精推广中国区经理:王永辉 先生。 王永辉  联系电话:133 3105 2757  微信号:wyh13331052757

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