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Laughter The definition, examples and usages of 14 words relating to laughter.

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1 Laughter The definition, examples and usages of 14 words relating to laughter

2 sneer: to smile scornfully or curl the lip in contempt
smile: to have and make expression of the face, usually with the corners of the mouth turned up, showing happiness, amusement, pleasure, etc She smiled tenderly.她和藹地微笑了。 It is rare to see our boss smile.難得看到我們老板一笑。 sneer: to smile scornfully or curl the lip in contempt We sneered at his idea.我們嘲笑他的想法。 She pursed up her mouth and sneered at her supposed inferiors. 她噘嘴嘲笑自以為不如自己的人。

3 smirk: to smile in an unpleasant, silly, self-satisfied way That man sitting on the bench smirks at every one that passes. 那個坐在櫈子上的男子向每一個路人嘻笑。 “That’s where you’re wrong.” John said smirking 約翰微笑得意地說:「你就是錯在那裡。」 simper: to smile in a silly self-conscious way The girl lowered her head and simpered 那女孩低頭傻笑。 “Yes, sir “said the girl to her teacher with a simper. 「是的,老師」,那女孩傻笑地回答她的老師。

4 beam: to smile happily and cheerfully John beamed at his girl friend and said “You are wonderful.” 約翰滿面笑容地向她女朋友說:「妳好棒!」 The winner beamed with satisfaction.獲勝者滿意的笑了。 grin: to smile broadly, showing the teeth He grinned broadly at me.他開心地露齒而笑。 He grinned his approval.他咧嘴一笑表示贊成。

5 giggle: to laugh lightly in a nervous or silly way The kids giggled at the clown’s antics 小孩子們看了小丑的滑稽表演而格格地笑。 The girls giggled when their teacher talked about boys 當老師談到男生時,女孩子們就格格地笑了。 titter: to laugh quietly and shortly in a high voice because of nerves He was so embarrassed by the question, he tittered 他被問得不知所措地傻笑著。 The audience tittered politely.聽眾很有禮貌地吃吃地笑了笑。

6 snigger: to laugh quietly and often unkindly, especially at something improper or at another’s misfortune; snicker What are you sniggering at ?你們在偷笑什麼? They sniggered at her foreign accent.他們暗笑她的外國腔。 snicker: to laugh in a suppressed, especially unpleasant way; snigger They all snickered when the old lady fell over 那位老 婦人跌倒時,他們都竊笑不已。 Those teenagers snickered at obscene pictures 這些青少年看著春畫偷偷地笑。

7 chuckle: to laugh quietly and softly in a low tone or to oneself He chuckled while reading.他邊讀邊獨自低聲輕笑。 He chuckled at himself for having worn two socks that did not match.他對自己穿了兩隻不同雙的襪子而低聲輕笑。 chortle: to laugh, for pleasure or amusement He chortled in his joy.他高興地咯咯輕笑。 She chortles with delight at a joke.她讓笑話逗得哈哈大笑 。

8 guffaw: to laugh loudly or to give a noisy laugh The fat man guffawed and slapped his friend at the back.那個胖子捧腹大笑之餘,拍了他朋友的背部。 They let out a loud guffaw.他們發出哄然大笑。 laugh: to make sounds and movements of the face and body that express lively amusement, joy, contempt, etc We talked and laughed heartily on the bus 我們在巴士上談天且開懷大笑。 They laughed till tears came.他們笑到眼淚流出來了。 She laughed her mother into better humor 她笑得使她母親心情轉好了。

9 simper:傻傻地微笑,痴笑 smirk:傻笑,不自在的微笑,假笑,嘻嘻地微笑,得意的微笑,常含有幸災樂禍之意 beam:把嘴向上拉開而笑 grin:再把嘴拉開點,且露出牙齒,不出聲,開朗莞爾一笑,露齒/咧嘴一笑 giggle:小孩或女孩子們發出又短又尖的咯咯或吃吃的笑聲 titter:年輕女孩子感到有趣時而忍不住的竊笑,或因緊張、受窘時的笑聲 snigger/snicker:竊笑,暗笑,壓低聲音嘲笑 chuckle:壓低聲音不張口,獨自輕聲的笑 chortle:低聲咯咯輕笑,聲音較大且多當眾的

10 填空---Fill each blank with best answers 1
填空---Fill each blank with best answers 1. 她讓拙劣的笑話逗得咯咯笑。  She at one silly joke. 2.他真滑稽,總是引我笑。  He is so funny and always makes me 我朝那小孩笑了笑說:「你好。」  I at the child and said ‘Hello’. 4.客人不禁暗笑她窮酸的樣子。  Guests at her shabby appearance. giggled laugh smiled sniggered

11 5. When I told them what had happened to me, they all with mirth
5. When I told them what had happened to me, they all with mirth. 我把我的是告訴他們以後,他們咯咯得笑了起來。 6. ‘Ha ha,’ he 「哈哈」他哄笑起來。 7. The girl 女孩吃吃地笑。 8. He’s always at my suggestions. 他總是對我提出的建議嗤之以鼻。 chortled guffawed tittered sneering

12 翻譯---Translation 1. 他面有喜色。 2. 當我給這孩子蘋果時,他咧嘴而笑。 3. 他們故意對在桌對面的人傻笑。 4
His face beamed with joy. The boy grinned from ear to ear when I gave him the apple. They smirked knowingly at each other across the table. What are you chucking about?

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