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华彬天星·航空医疗救援(上) Reignwood Star·HEMS.

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Presentation on theme: "华彬天星·航空医疗救援(上) Reignwood Star·HEMS."— Presentation transcript:

1 华彬天星·航空医疗救援(上) Reignwood Star·HEMS

2 直升机医疗救援任务回顾 HEMS Missions review

3 首次国际无缝隙医疗转运,开通空中生命绿色通道!
案例一: 首次国际无缝隙医疗转运,开通空中生命绿色通道! First internetional seamless HEMS transport,open aerial green channel for life!

4 中国首次全程无缝式空中医疗转运空中急救路线示意图
The route map of the first seamless HEMS transport of China 华彬天星医疗转运直升机 Reignwood Star HEMS helicopter 密云机场 Miyun Airport 04:45 华彬天星医疗转运直升机 Reignwood Star HEMS helicopter 北京·999急救中心 Beijing·999 EMC 05:15 美国救援专机 US rescue jet 华彬亚盛救援公务机 Reignwood Star rescue jet 美国·犹他州 US·Utah 06:20 天津· 滨海机场 Tianjin·Binhai internetional airport 999 救护车Ambulance 04:20 次日08:00 08:00 on next day 协和医院 PEKING UNION MEDICAL COLLEGE HOSPITAL 韩国·首尔 Korea·Seoul 08:50 这将是一次中国史无前例的空中接力转运,通过救护车、直升机和固定翼医疗专机的连接,成就中国首次全程无缝式空中医疗转运!This will be an unprecedented rescue chain connects via ambulance、helicopter and professional medical jet and will achieve the first seamless HEMS transport in China ! 注:图中时间为北京时间 Note:Time in the map is GMT+8

5 这是一次国际性全方位无缝隙的空中救援转运任务案例,不仅需要救护车对直升机,还需要直升机对救援飞机全方位立体救援模式,通过华彬天星通航直升机中短途空中救援、医疗转运和华彬亚盛航空中远程空中医疗救援的完美搭配,让国内的医疗转运能力得到了国际认可! This is an internetional omnibearing seamless HEMS transport case. Not only needs ambulance vs helicopter but also needs helicopter vs rescue jet to form a stereoscopic rescue mode. With the perfect collocation of Reignwood Star helicopter and Reignwood Asia medical jet, our medical transportation capability gains internetional ratification.

6 Speed up, keep the heart beats 国内首次医疗救援直升机转运活体器官事件回顾
案例二: 生死时速,让心在人间继续跳动 Speed up, keep the heart beats 国内首次医疗救援直升机转运活体器官事件回顾 The review on the first domestic living donor organ transportation executed by medical rescue helicopter

7 2014年5月2日,在桂林脑死亡的21岁广西小伙子小叶无偿捐献心脏、肝、肾和眼角膜,率先被摘取的心脏,心脏供体离开人体不能超过6个小时,需要火速送往1887公里之外的北京——一名正在靠“人工体外心肺辅助装置”维持生命的12岁江西小男孩,正在焦急地等待着这颗圣洁的“爱心”做移植手术。 On May 2,2014, Mr Ye,who was declared brain dead in Guilin,Gratuitous donated his heart、liver、kidney and cornea for the public.Since the living heart have to be transplantated back to human bady within 6 hours,it needed to be sent to Beijing 1887km away on top speed for an 12 years old child which is maintaining living by artificial extracorporeal cardiopulmonary accessory device.

8 18:42,接到120北京急救中心的求援电话,五一假期首都机场高速严重堵车,要使用直升机运送活体器官。
Received the call from Beijing 120 EMC Centre.Since the Captial Airport Highway suffered serious traffic jam the Centre requested to transport living organ by helicopter. 18:50,密云机场机务开始准备直升机,并以最快速度完成飞行前的航前检查。 Maintenance of Miyun airport started to prepare and finished pre-flight check as fast as possible. 18:55,通知距离安贞医院最近的公司员工到医院进行降落地点的勘察。(公司所有员工都进行过场地勘察培训) Send the nearest company staff to survey the landing spot of the hospital(All staff was trained to execute the survey mission.) 19:10,转运救援飞行计划获批。 The flight plan was approved. 19:38,华彬天星120医疗救援直升机开车。 Reignwood Star 120 medical rescue helicopter started up.

9 19:40, 安贞医院地面指挥到位,只有医院外路口具备起降条件,联系122协调交警对道路
实施临时管制,借助交警车辆进行场地照明和人员隔离。 The ground control was in persition,but only the cross road outside the hospital can be used. Contacted 122 and requested the traffic plice to execute a temporary control. By the meantime,the pilce`s cars were borrowed to light the landing zone and quarantined the public. 19:44,医疗救援直升机起飞,飞往首都机场T2航站楼。 Helicopter Took of and headed to T2 terminal of the Capital Airport. 20:11,医疗救援直升机降落首都机场T2航站楼停机坪。 The helicopter landed on the apron of T2 terminal. 20:15,携带着活体心脏的南航CZ3287航班客机着陆。 Flight CZ3287 carrying the living heart landed. 20:39,由首都机场T2航站楼停机坪起飞,飞往安贞医院临时起降场地。 The helicopter took of and headed to the temporary landing zone of ANZHEN Hospital. 20:48,直升机抵达安贞医院上空。 The helicopter reached the hospital. 20:52,完成转运任务的直升机飞离安贞医院,顺利返航。 The helicopter took of from ANZHEN Hospital and returned to base.

10 华彬天星通航开创了国内直升机航行史上首次在北京市区夜航着陆的先例。
Reignwood Star executed the first night landing in the downtown of Beijing, which also was the first time in the GA history in China.

11 案例三: 跨三省,七小时,连夜转运车祸重伤患者
Ranged three provinces, over seven hours to transport the patient continuously

12 120北京市急救中心接到内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯市准格尔旗人民医院消息,一名男性遭遇车祸身受重伤,经医院确认,该男子脊髓损伤,颈椎外伤,四肢瘫痪,截肢术后呼吸衰竭,病情十分严重,受当地医疗条件限制,急需送往北京接受全面深度治疗。 Beijing 120 EMC centre received a request from Zhungeer hospital of Inner Mongolia, a male patient suffered severe traffic accident. The locial hospital confirmed the patient had spinal injury,cervical spinal injury,quadriplegia,respiratory failure after amputation,the situation was critical.Since the locial medical condition was not sufficient,he needed to be sent to Beijing for further treatment.

13 救援直升机从北京密云机场起飞途经山西大同机场加油补给,跨越河北、山西、内蒙三省,抵达准格尔旗人民医院接上患者后,飞往华彬天星航空救援备勤站,北京120急救车进行空地救援无缝对接。往返航程长达1360公里,夜间飞行时长多达7个小时之久。 The helicopter started from Miyun airport ,refueled from Datong airport to reach the destination which flew through 3 provinces.After loaded the patient,the helicopter returned back to Sunhe base and transfer the patient to 120 ambulance. Totally,the helicopter flew 1360km and the mission took over 7 hours. 任务难点: Task difficulties: 1.协调经停加油机场,确认机场夜间接收并能快速进行加油保障。 Coordinate the refuel airport,confirm the airport can offer night operation service and rapid refuel service. 2.直升机夜航、高海拔、长转场作业 Helicopter night operation、high altitude、long time flight. 3.医院着陆场地远程视频选址,起降场地环境复杂 The landing spot was only surveyed through remote video,the terrain of the landing spot was complicated. 4.病患伤势较重,转运风险高 The patient was heavily injured,the transportation risk was very high.

14 Review on Reignwood Star HEMS Drill
华彬天星航空医疗救援直升机救援演习回顾 Review on Reignwood Star HEMS Drill

15 多次配合北京多家医院共同完成航空应急救援演练,为医护人员增加航空救援经验
Cooperated with several hoapitals of Beijing to accomplish HEMS drills. Those drills offered precious HEMS operation experiences for the medical staff. 2014年4月11日,华彬天星联合120开展航空医疗救援演习首次降落亦庄同仁医院。 On Apr. 11,2014,Reignwood Star holded HEMS drill with Beijing EMC centre and landed at TONGREN hospital of Yizhuang 2016年9月8日,华彬天星联合120在北大国际医院停机坪的首降! On Sep.8,2016,Reignwood Star realized the first land at the apron of Beida International Hospital cooperated with Beijing EMC centre

16 Focusing on downtown tall buildings rescue
关注城区楼宇救援 Focusing on downtown tall buildings rescue 2014年7月1日,华彬天星联合120开展北京首次三环内楼宇医疗救援演习 On,Jul.1,2014,Reignwood Star holded HEMS drill on the buildings within the 3rd Ring Rd of Beijing with Beijing EMC centre. 2015年1月6日,华彬天星联合120开展北京国贸三期超高层救援演习 On,Jun ,Reignwood Star holded HEMS drill on The three phase of China World Trade Center with Beijing EMC centre.

17 为国家重要活动和重要地标提供救援保障 Offer rescue service for important national activity and important landmark 2015年7月27日·华彬天星首次开通崇礼冬奥会救援航线 On Jul ,Reignwood Star FIRST opened the Winter Olympics airway to Chongli. 2016年9月8日,华彬天星联合120开展航空医疗救援演习首次降落鸟巢 On,Sep ,Reignwood Star holded HEMS drill at the Bird's nest with Beijing EMC centre

18 配合天津、山西五台山、山东烟台、湖北宜昌、湖北荆州、湖南长沙、陕西渭南、河南郑州等省市进行医疗救援演习
Executing HEMS drills at Tianjin、Wutai Mountain、Yantai, Shandong、Yichang, Hubei、Jingzhou, Hubei、Changsha, Hunan、Weinan, Shaanxi、Zhengzhou, Henan cooperated by their local medical staff. 2014年6月12日,华彬天星联合120开展北京至天津医疗救援演习 On Jun 12,2014,Reignwood Star holded HEMS drill fromBeijing to Tianjin with Beijing EMC centre 2017年5月24日,华彬天星入驻湖北荆州开启当地首次紧急救援演习 On May.24,2017,Reignwood Star holded HEMS drill at Jingzhou, Hubei which was the first HEMS drill holded locally.

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