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The seven trumpet judgment

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1 The seven trumpet judgment

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3 Dig Key verse: 关键章节: Read Rev 8 through 11.读启示录第8-11章.
What had happened when the last seal was broken? Seven trumpet angels. 当最后的印揭开后发生了什么? 拿着七枝号的天使. Before the first trumpet angel, what was in the hand of the angel? A golden censer which had the prayers of the saints (power of prayer being remembered) 在第一个持号天使之前, 另有一位天使手里拿着什么?一只金香炉,盛有圣徒的祷告(祷告的能力被纪念)。

4 Dig What was happening when the censer filled with altar fire hurled to the earth? Peals of thunders, rumblings, lightning flashes and an earthquake. 当香炉乘满坛上的火,倒在地上时,发生了什么?雷轰,大声,闪电,地震。 With that the first trumpet angel was ready and what happened next? Hail and fire mixed with blood hurled to the earth. 第一位天使吹号时, 发生了什么? 雹子与火搀着血丢在地上。 As a result, what happened? 1/3 of the earth burned up including trees and green grass (not dead grass in big fire) 结果是什么?地的三分之一和树的三分之一被烧了,一切的青草也被烧了(青草不像干草,是不易被烧的)。 Compare this to Moses’ plague: Ex 9:22-26 与摩西的瘟疫比较: 出埃及记 9:22-26 Other name can be Egyptian plague 可名为埃及的瘟疫。

5 Dig What happened after the 2nd trumpet angel? A huge mountain, all blaze, was thrown to the sea. 第二位天使吹号时, 发生了什么?有仿佛火烧着的大山扔在海中。 What’s next? 1/3 again of the sea turned into blood, killing 1/3 of the living creatures and ships (none could escape)。 接下来发生什么? 海的三分之一变成血。海中的活物死了三分之一。船只也坏了三分之一(船上的人无人能逃)。 Then, there came the 3rd angel and what’s next? A blazing star like torch fell to the rivers and the springs, causing 1/3 of the water become sour and people died because of it. The star is named,Wormwood (poison), referred by Jeremiah at Jer 9:13-15 随着第三位天使出来,接下来发生什么?有烧着的大星,好像火把从天上落下来,落在江河和众水的泉源上。导致三分之一的水变苦,就死了许多人。这星名叫茵陈(有毒)。参考耶利米书 9:13-15

6 Dig What’s happening next with the 4th angel? 1/3 of the sun, moon and stars darkened, causing 1/3 of day light lost. (affecting ecology cycle) 第4位天使吹号,接下来发生什么?日、月、星的三分之一黑暗了,导致三分之一白昼的光消失。(影响生态循环) Mentioned by Christ at Luke 21:25 and 26. 在路加福音 21:25 和 26,耶稣有提到。 With that, what was heard from the midair angel and why? X3 woes because of woes going to occur to the people on the earth. 随之,空中的天使说什么,为什么?3个祸哉-因为灾祸将会临到地上的民。 next to the 5th angel? A star given to the Abyss’ key was fallen. 第五位天使吹号呢?被赐无底坑的钥匙一个星落下。

7 Dig What’s happening? The Abyss was opened and out came locusts in gigantic smoke. 接下来发生了什么?无底坑被打开,有蝗虫从巨大的烟中飞出来。 What was their mission? Not to harm any grass, plant or tree, but can torment people without God’s seals on their foreheads. 它们的任务是什么?不伤害地上的草、植物或树,惟独要伤害额上没有神印记的人。 What’s to the people tormented? Suffered but won’t be able to die. 人将受什么折磨?受痛苦却不会死。

8 Dig What did those locusts look like? Scorpion tail to strike men, like horses arrayed for battle, with human faces, but long women like hair, teeth like lions’ teeth, wearing iron breastplate, wings like thundering of horses and chariots, using their tail to hurt men. 那些蝗虫象什么?蝎子尾巴袭击人,好像预备出战的马一样,脸面好像男人的脸面,但头发像女人的头发,牙齿像狮子的牙齿,胸前有铁甲,翅膀好像许多车马奔跑上阵的声音, 用尾巴伤人。 Who’s in charge of them and what’s his name? a king, Abaddon in Hebrew, Appolyon in Greek. (destroyer). This isn’t Satan; he’s still at large. 谁来管它们?他的名字是什么?一个王,,名叫亚巴顿(希伯来语),或亚玻伦(希腊语)- 毁灭者。这不是撒但;他仍为大。

9 Dig So, 5th trumpet judgment = first woe. 第五枝号的审判 = 第一个灾祸
Before the 6th angel, what was heard from John? Release the 4 angels at the River Euphrates, ready for this moment. This is the Demon invasion. Notice more Satanic and demon activity after the rapture. 在第六个天使之前,约翰听到什么?把那捆绑在伯拉大河的四个使者释放了,他们原是预备好了。这是魔鬼入侵。在教会被提之后,撒但和魔鬼将会有更多的活动。 What’s their mission? To kill 1/3 of the mankind. 他们的任务是什么?要杀人的三分之一。 What’s their number? 200 millions mounting troop. 他们的数目有多少?马军有二万万。

10 Dig What did they look like? Wearing three colored breastplate – fiery red, dark blue and sulfur yellow, lions like heads of their horses, mouths with fire, smoke and sulfur and snake like tail to inflict people with. 他们像什么?穿着三种颜色的胸甲-火红,深蓝和硫磺黄,马的头好像狮子头,有火,有烟,有硫磺,从马的口中出来,尾巴像蛇, 用来伤人。 How did they torment people? Using what they’d in their mouth, fire, smoke and sulfur. 他们怎么折磨人?用他们的嘴中的火,与烟,和硫磺。 Even with that, did the rest of the people repent? No, they still didn’t worship the Lord, but their lifeless idols. 即便这样,剩下的人有悔改吗?不,他们不敬拜神而是拜无生命的偶像。

11 Dig Afterward in chapter 10, what was seen about the other mighty angel? Coming from heaven, robed in a cloud with a rainbow over and got a shinny sun face with pillar like legs, in his hand holding a little scroll, getting one foot on the land and the other on the sea, shouting like a lion. When he spoke, the seven thunders sounded. 在第十章,另一位大力天使像什么?从天降下,披着云彩,头上有虹。脸面像日头,两脚像火柱。他手里拿着小书卷是展开的。他右脚踏海,左脚踏地,吼叫像狮子。他说话时, 就有七雷的声音。 Notice this is an interval. 注意到这是一个间隙。 Just as John was to write, what happened? He was forbidden to write it down at first. But, the mighty angel mentioned above said it shouldn’t be delayed any more. 约翰正要写出来时,发生了什么?他被禁止将之写出. 但前面所提到的大力天使对全能的神说不再耽延了。

12 Dig Why not no delay? The 7 angels are to sound their trumpets and the mystery spoken by the prophets should be accomplished. 为什么不再耽延?第七位天使吹号发声的时候,众先知所说的奥秘就成全了。 What happened to John? He heard the same voice from heaven to have him taken the scroll. 约翰有什么发生?先前从天上所听见的那声音,又吩咐他去把书卷取过来。 And what was told from the angel about it? Eating it and it would be sweet in the mouth; but sour in the stomach. 天使对他说什么?你拿着书卷吃尽了,便叫你肚子发苦,然而在你口中要甜如蜜。 And so, he did. It occurred as he had said. And John started to prophesy affecting many nations.(the world) 他就这样做了。天使说的发生了。约翰指着多国多方(世界)再说预言。

13 Dig In Chapter 11, what happened first? John, while continued to prophesy, he was given a reed as a measuring rod to measure God’s temple and the altar. But, he was told not to count anything in the outer court and only the worshipers within. 在第11章,先发生了什么?当约翰继续他的预言时,有一根苇子赐给他,当作量度的杖,来量神的殿,和祭坛。但他被告知不要量殿外的院子的任何东西,只量在殿中礼拜的人。 Why? The Gentile would trample the outer court (the holy city) for 42 mouths (3 1/2 years) 为什么?外邦人要践踏殿外的院子(圣城)42个月(3年半)。

14 Dig What else was seen? X2 witnesses, prophesying fro 1,260 days (3 ½ years) 还有看到其他什么?两个见证人,传道1,260天(3年半)。 What did they look like? X2 Olive tress and x2 lampstands. 他们像什么?两棵橄榄树,两个灯台。 One is said to be Elijah and the other, Moses. 一个据说是以利亚,另一个是摩西。 Elijah Mal 4:5 and 6, Moses Jude 9, both in mountain of transfiguration. 以利亚-玛拉基书4:5-6, 摩西-犹大书第九章,均在变像山上。 How did they protect themselves? Fire from their mouths to devour them, got power to shut up the sky not to rain and also turned waters into blood and strike anyone with plagues. 他们怎样保护自己?有火从他们口中出来,烧灭仇敌,这二人有权柄在他们传道的日子叫天闭塞不下雨,又有权柄叫水变为血。并且能随时随意用各样的灾殃攻击世界。

15 Dig What happened after the two prophesying? A beast from the Abyss to attack the two witnesses and subdued them. Their bodies laid in the street of the great city, called Sodom and Egypt, where the Lord had crucified for 3 ½ days without being buried. 两人传道之后发生了什么?从无底坑里上来的兽,和这两个见证人交战,并且得胜,把他们杀了。他们的尸首就倒在大城里的街上。这城叫所多玛,又叫埃及,就是他们的主钉十字架之处。他们的尸首三天半都没有埋葬。 What happened next? The nations, every people, tribes, languages and nations just gazed at their bodies and refused to bury them; celebrated their death via exchanging gifts (like Christmas ) 接下来发生什么?各民各族各方各国的人观看他们的尸首,并拒绝为他们下葬;互相馈送礼物庆祝他们的死。(像Christmas  )

16 Dig Then, what happened? After 3 ½ days they resurrected and horror struck the people; they got up to heaven in a cloud with their enemies looking on. 然后发生了什么?过了这三天半,他们复活。看见他们的人甚是害怕。他们就驾着云上了天。他们的仇敌也看见了。 Then what next? At the very hour, a big earthquake occurred and 1/10 of the city collapsed killing 7000 people. The rest of the survivors gave glory to the God of heaven. This was said to be the second woe. 然后呢?正在那时候,地大震动,城就倒塌了十分之一。因地震而死的有7000人。其余的都恐惧,归荣耀给天上的神。这就是所说的第二个灾祸。

17 Dig Then, what happened? The 7th angel was ready to sound the trumpet. 然后发生了什么?第七位天使准备吹号。 What was heard? A voice in heaven said the kingdom of the world had become the kingdom of the our Lord, or Christ and he would reign for good. 有什么声音?天上就有大声音说,世上的国,成了我主和主基督的国。他要作王,直到永永远远。 With that, the x24 elders reverenced to the Lord and gave thanks to the Lord Almighty and he was to reign. They continued to say about the time of the judging the dead and rewarding the saints, servants and prophets, including those who destroyed His creation, the world. 随之,二十四位长老,就面伏于地敬拜神并感谢全能的神执掌大权作王了。他们继续说审判死人,赏赐圣徒、仆人和先知的时间到了,审判那些败坏世界之人的时候也到了。

18 Dig Then what happened? God’s temple in heaven was open and the ark of His covenant could be seen, together with flashes, lightning, earthquake and hail storms etc. 然后发生了什么?神天上的殿开了,在他殿中现出他的约柜。伴随着闪电、雷轰、地震和冰雹。

19 Reflect later







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