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奧馬爾計數 15 你們要從安息日的次日,獻禾捆為搖祭的那日算起,要滿了七個安息日。16到第七個安息日的次日,共計五十天,又要將新素祭獻給耶和華。(利未記 23:15-16)

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Presentation on theme: "奧馬爾計數 15 你們要從安息日的次日,獻禾捆為搖祭的那日算起,要滿了七個安息日。16到第七個安息日的次日,共計五十天,又要將新素祭獻給耶和華。(利未記 23:15-16)"— Presentation transcript:


2 奧馬爾計數 15 你們要從安息日的次日,獻禾捆為搖祭的那日算起,要滿了七個安息日。16到第七個安息日的次日,共計五十天,又要將新素祭獻給耶和華。(利未記 23:15-16)

3 奧馬爾計數 cont. 15 你們要從安息日的次日,獻禾捆為搖祭的那日算起…(利23:15)
15 你們要從安息日的次日,獻禾捆為搖祭的那日算起…(利23:15) Like counting down to birthday, vacation, new iPhone release date, etc. Why? Because…

4 奧馬爾計數 cont. Every day during this season, a special blessing is recited naming exactly how many days are left. "Counting the Omer" was an act of faith, prayer and sacrifice, seeking God's blessing and a bountiful harvest.

5 奧馬爾計數屬靈的意義 1) Leaving Egypt (sin) and entering into covenant with God (marriage covenant by the giving of the Torah) 2) Reminder of God's provision for His people. 3) Positive expectancy/faith for a good harvest (both literally and spiritually) Actual wheat harvest Harvest of souls (3000 souls in one day) 4) For 40 days, Jesus showed Himself to His disciples during this time to prepare them for the coming Promise of the Father (new covenant: Torah now written on heart/mind)

6 第五十天 In culmination of counting off the 49 days of Omer, people will wait all night on the 50th day reading the Torah to prepare for the next day: the day of God’s visitation -OT: Giving of the Torah -NT: Pentecost

7 It is believed that believers prayed all night in unity for the outpouring of the Spirit as stated in Joel 2 We can do so this year as well:

8 禱告事項

9 禱告事項#1: 為聖靈的澆灌預備 神的供應 家庭,教會複興 新的開始/季節

10 禱告事項#2: Dr. Renny 的特惠 預備人心來參加 (像等待婚姻,生日,新手機,等等…) 挪去攔阻,分心的事

11 禱告事項#3: 猶太人得救 林後4 4此等不信之人被這世界的神弄瞎了心眼,不叫基督榮耀福音的光照著他們。
林後4 4此等不信之人被這世界的神弄瞎了心眼,不叫基督榮耀福音的光照著他們。 珥2 28以後, 我要將我的靈澆灌凡有血氣的…你們的老年人要做異夢,少年人要見異象。

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