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---Non-finite verbs used as adverbials in writing

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1 ---Non-finite verbs used as adverbials in writing
高 二 英 语 Module 6 Unit2 Grammar and usage(2) ---Non-finite verbs used as adverbials in writing 非谓语动词作状语在写作中的应用 授课教师:桂东一中 胡 君

2 Sharing & Guessing 1) It is a popular reality show (真人秀) in China.
2) Five star-dads take their young children on a trip without the company(陪伴) of moms. 3) It has won high ratings (收视率) since it was broadcast on Oct 11 in 2013. Do you know what it is?

3 Do you remember some unforgettable
moments? Watching this TV show, we had a lot of fun.

4 Task 1:Revision Fill in blanks by using the proper non-finite verbs.

5 1. (see) Xiao Huang taken away, Kimi felt heart-broken.
(take) away by the crew, the toy dog Xiao Huang was put into a bag. (be) such a brave girl, Cindy is my favorite kid among them five. (encourage) by her father, Cindy decided to slide on sand herself. (turn) to the left, they will find the path to the farm. (give) more chances, children can perform better. (stand) in front of the bed, Angela was having lunch. (comfort) by her father, Angela stopped crying. 5. Tian Tian showed his love for his mother, (send) her a flower. (guide) by his father, Tian Tian slid on sand. 6. Shi Tou broke his arm, (cause) him to use only one hand. Shi Tou hurried to the kitchen, (find) there is no water for cooking. (build) up a better relationship with their kids, five star-dads decided to join the TV show.

6 Competition Group A vs Group B

7 (see) Xiao Huang taken away, Kimi felt heart-broken.
1. doing 和done作时间状语 Seeing (see) Xiao Huang taken away, Kimi felt heart-broken. Taken (take) away by the crew, the toy dog Xiao Huang was put into a bag.

8 (be) such a brave girl, Cindy is my favorite kid among them five.
2. doing 和done作原因状语 (be) such a brave girl, Cindy is my favorite kid among them five. Being Encouraged (encourage) by her father, Cindy decided to slide on sand herself.

9 3. doing 和done 作条件状语 Turning Given
(turn) to the left, they will find the way to the farm. Given (give) more chances, children can perform better.

10 4. doing 和done 作伴随状语 (stand) in front of the bed, Angela was having lunch. Standing Comforted (comfort) by her father, Angela stopped crying.

11 5. doing和done作方式状语 Tian Tian showed his love for his mom,
(send) her a flower. sending (guide) by his father, Tian Tian slid on sand. Guided

12 Shi Tou broke his arm, (cause) him to use only one hand. causing
6. doing和done作结果状语 Shi Tou broke his arm, (cause) him to use only one hand. causing Shi Tou hurried to the kitchen, (find) there is no water for cooking. to find

13 7. to do作目的状语 To build up (build) up a better relationship with their kids, five star-dads decided to join the TV show.

14 1.Seeing Xiao Huang taken away, Kimi felt heart-broken.
Taken away by the crew, the toy dog Xiao Huang was put into a bag. 2. Being such a brave girl, Cindy is my favorite kid among them five. Encouraged by her father, Cindy decided to slide on sand herself. 3. Turning to the left, they will find the path to the farm. Given more chances, children can perform better. 4. Standing in front of the bed, Angela was having lunch. Comforted by her father, Angela stopped crying.

15 5. Tian Tian showed his love for his mother, sending her a flower.
Guided by his father, Tian Tian slid on sand. 6. Shi Tou broke his arm, causing him to use only one hand. Shi Tou hurried to the kitchen, (only) to find there is no water for cooking. 7. To build up a better relationship with their kids, five star-dads decided to join the TV show.

16 Summary 在我们写作时,可以选择用非谓语动词作状语来表示时间、原因、方式,结果、伴随、条件等,若需要表示目的,可以选择用to do。
doing作结果状语, 表自然而然,合乎逻辑的结果。 (only / just) to do 作结果状语, 表意料之外的结果。 非谓语动词在句中做状语时,其逻辑主语一般是句子的主语, 常用doing表主动,或done表被动。 非谓语动词作状语时相当于状语从句。

17 Task 2: Presentation Rewrite sentences by using non-finite verbs.
1. 当他们听到这则消息时, 高兴得跳了起来。 When they heard the news,they jumped with joy. → ,they jumped with joy. 2. 由于他出生于上海, 他对这座城市很熟悉。 As he was born in Shanghai, he knew the city very well. → , he knew the city very well. 3. 他起得很早, 以便赶上那趟火车。 He got up early so that / in order that he could catch the train. → , he got up early.

18 Hearing the news, they jumped with joy.
1. 当他们听到这则消息时, 高兴得跳了起来。 When they heard the news , they jumped with joy. 用非谓语结构 Hearing the news, they jumped with joy.

19 As he was born in Shanghai, he knew the city very well.
2. 由于他出生于上海, 他对这座城市很熟悉。 As he was born in Shanghai, he knew the city very well. Born in Shanghai, he knew the city very well. 用非谓语结构

20 To catch the train, he got up early.
3. 他起得很早, 以便赶上那趟火车。 He got up early so that / in order that he could catch the train. To catch the train, he got up early. 用非谓语结构

21 (一去连词,二看主语,三改成非谓语动词)
1. When they heard the news,they jumped with joy. → Hearing the news ,they jumped with joy. 2. As he was born in Shanghai, he knew the city very well. → Born in Shanghai , he knew the city very well. 3. He got up early so that / in order that he could catch the train. → To catch the train , he got up early. 口诀:一去、二看、三改 (一去连词,二看主语,三改成非谓语动词)

22 Task 3: Practice Use non-finite verbs to rewrite sentences.

23 1. When they had a birthday party for Kimi, fathers and kids were happy and excited.
2. As long as she saw a camel, Angela would touch it immediately . 3. Tian Tian was criticized by his father. So he looked unhappy. 4. Kimi held chopsticks and a plate in the hands.He was running. 5. They got some food for dinner by catching fish in the lake. 6. Lin Zhiying broke the egg and made Cindy cry. 7. Kimi hoped to play with Cindy, so Kimi asked Angela to help him take care of his sheep.

24 Competition Group A vs Group B

25 When they had a birthday party for Kimi, fathers and kids were happy and excited.
Having a birthday party for Kimi ________________________________, fathers and kids were happy and excited.

26 As long as she saw a camel, Angela would touch it immediately .
Seeing a camel _____________________, Angela would touch it immediately.

27 Tian Tian was criticized by his father. So he looked unhappy.
____________________, Tian Tian looked unhappy.

28 Kimi held chopsticks and a plate in the hands. He was running.
Holding chopsticks and a plate in the hands ___________________________________________________, Kimi was running.

29 They got some food for dinner by catching fish in the lake.

30 Lin Zhiying broke the egg and made Cindy cry.
making Cindy cry. Lin Zhiying broke the egg,_______________.

31 Kimi hoped to play with Cindy, so Kimi asked Angela to help him take care of his sheep.
Hoping to play with Cindy ______________________, Kimi asked Angela to help him take care of his sheep. To play with Cindy ______________________, Kimi asked Angela to help him take care of his sheep.

32 Task 4: Writing 1.Complete sentences using non-finite verbs.

33 Writing task 《爸爸去哪儿》(Dad,Where Are We Going)这个电视节目广受欢迎。这个节目走红有以下几个原因:1. 因为五个孩子很可爱,所以招人喜爱。2.为了让孩子成长、发展,节目组为他们提供了许多探索的机会 。3.通过沟通,父亲和孩子们建立了亲密关系,值得大家学习。4. 与唱歌类的选秀比赛相比,这种亲情类节目反而更受关注和喜爱。 要求: 每个句子中至少要使用一种非谓语动词形式。

34 1.________________, the five kids are admired by many people.
2._________________________________, the show provided them many chances to explore. 3.__________________________, fathers and kids set up a close relationship. 4._____________________like singing competitions, this kind of show about family is more popular.

35 1. 因为五个孩子看起来很可爱,所以他们招人喜爱。
1. 因为五个孩子看起来很可爱,所以他们招人喜爱。 Looking very lovely ________________, the five kids are admired by many people. 2.为了帮助孩子成长、发展,节目组为他们提供了许多探索的机会 。 ________________________________________________, the show provided them many chances to explore. To help the kids grow and develop

36 3. 父亲和孩子们通过沟通,建立了亲密关系,值得大家学习。
Communicating with each other ______________________________, fathers and kids set up a close relationship. 4. 与唱歌类的选秀比赛相比,这种亲情类节目反而更受关注和喜爱。 __________________________like singing competitions, this kind of show about family is more popular. Compared with other shows

37 2. Put the sentences above into a complete passage.(可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯)

38 The show ,Dad,Where Are We Going is very popular in China
The show ,Dad,Where Are We Going is very popular in China. The reasons are as follows. For one thing, looking very lovely, the five kids are admired by many people. For another, to help the kids grow and develop, the show provided them many chances to explore. Besides, compared with other shows, like singing competitions, this kind of show about family is more popular. Communicating with each other, fathers and kids set up a close relationship. Watching this TV show, we had a lot of fun and learned a lot . 1

39 Task 5:Homework 1.Finish your writing after class.
2.Write another composition and share it with others.

40 Write a composition and share it with others

41 Practice makes perfect!

42 One possible version The mid-term examination is coming, To relax ourselves, our class decided to have a picnic. We set off early in the morning, guided by an experienced climber. We climbed the mountain, talking and laughing . When we arrived, we began to barbecue. Having a big dinner, we enjoyed the beautiful view. We were tired but happy. 42

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