Regional customs.

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1 Regional customs

2 America

3 除了在加拿大魁北克省出现法国式的圣诞老人pere noel之外,在美国和加拿大,圣诞老人的习俗基本上是相同的。纽约洛克菲勒中心的摆放圣诞树和滑冰场的盛大溜冰活动、华盛顿的给白宫上圣诞装饰的的活动,是美国圣诞节中最亮丽的风景线。北美防空联合司令部在每年都会跟踪圣诞老人在全球的行程,这引起了众多媒体的关注和报道。 In addition to the Canadian province of Quebec, French outside of Santa Pere Noel in the United States and Canada, the custom of Santa Claus is basically the same. New York's Rockefeller Center Christmas tree and skating rink's grand skating activities, to the White House in Washington on the activities of Christmas decorations, Christmas in the United States the most beautiful landscape. Norad to track Santa Claus in the annual trip around the world, which caused a lot of media attention and coverage.

4 In Mexico, posada is a lot of non-religious Christmas celebrations in the highlight. In nine days, groups of people going door to door visits to town, symbolizing the birth of Jesus visitors. People still play a specific time at home playing Christmas gift from the piñata in the game. 在墨西哥,posada是诸多非宗教式的圣诞节庆祝活动中的最亮点。在9天中,一群群城镇市民挨家挨户地走访,象征着刚出生的耶稣的拜访者。人们还在特定时间在家中玩从piñata中打出圣诞礼物的小游戏。

5 Prevalent in South America, the Catholic Church, Christmas celebration filled with religious themes. In these countries, the secular customs and gift-giving is a tradition in Europe and the Americas, a mixture of indigenous people, and is more and more by the impact of American culture. 在天主教盛行的南美洲,圣诞节的庆祝活动充满着宗教主题。在这些国家,世俗的风俗和互赠礼物是欧洲和美洲土著人传统的混合体,并且正越来越多的受到了美国文化的影响。

6 Europe

7 To celebrate Christmas by the decorations of the house (southwest England) in the United Kingdom, the Christmas pulling guns (christmas cracker) is an essential form of celebrating Christmas, the Christmas fairy tale farce (pantomime) is popular for young families . Festival nine lessons and carols in Cambridge is a very popular religious activities. Since the year 1947 AD, Oslo, Norway spruce tree will be presented one to the British people as expressed support for the United Kingdom in World War II, Norway appreciation. Tree set in London's Trafalgar Square (Pigeon Square, trafalgar square) but for all of Britain's most famous Christmas tree, a symbol of the United Kingdom and Norway, the friendship between the people. 为了庆祝圣诞节所装饰的房子(英国西南部)在英国,圣诞拉炮(christmas cracker)是一种庆祝圣诞节不可或缺的形式,而圣诞童话闹剧(pantomime)更是风行于年轻的家庭中。节日nine lessons and carols在剑桥是一个很流行的宗教活动。自从西元1947年开始每年挪威首都奥斯陆都会赠送一棵云杉树给英国人民作为表示英国于二战支援挪威的感谢之意。这棵树立于伦敦的特拉法加广场(鸽子广场, trafalgar square)而且是全英国最知名的圣诞树, 象征着英国和挪威人民之间的友谊。

8 In Sweden, traditionally the company will invite employees to participate in the week before Christmas, a Christmas lunch (julbord or jullunch). Christmas in Sweden is a place to enjoy food of any season, the focus is on the Christmas feast with baked ham, but the day to enjoy it in different places, but also different. But in Sweden there is a established practice, it is Christmas Eve day is at 15:00 on December 24th time watching Disney's special program. In Poland, Christmas Eve dinner is the first day of Christmas Eve dinner is the first star appears from the start, and then we began to exchange gifts in the day people will visit relatives and friends. 在瑞典,传统上公司会在圣诞节前一星期邀请员工参加一个圣诞午餐(julbord或jullunch)。圣诞节在瑞典任何一个地方都是享受美食时节,圣诞节盛宴上的重点还是以烘烤火腿为主,但是哪一天享用它在不同的地方却也不同。不过在瑞典有一个约定俗成的惯例,那就是圣诞前夜这一天也就是12月24日下午3点准时收看迪士尼的特别节目。   在波兰,圣诞夜是宴会的第一天.宴会是从圣诞夜第一颗星星出现时开始的,然后大家开始互赠礼物.在第二天人们会走访亲戚朋友们.

9 Norwegian Christmas dinner will be held on December 24, Norway each region has its own particular food as a Christmas dinner, and then "Julenissen" (jule is the meaning of Christmas, nissen Norway legendary wizard) will bring gifts to the performance of good kids. After a quiet family reunion on December 25, Boxing in the future there will be another major celebration, the children will be going door to door in the neighborhood at this time to accept hospitality. Joulupukki (or Christmas goat) is the Finnish version of Santa Claus. He sat in a reindeer sleigh in children send gifts to good performance 挪威的圣诞大餐会在12月24日举行,挪威各个地区都有自己特定的食物做为圣诞晚餐,然后"Julenissen"(jule是圣诞的意思,nissen是挪威传说中的精灵)会带礼物给表现好的小朋友。经过安静的与家人团聚的12月25日,节礼日后会有另一场大型庆祝,儿童们会在此时在邻居中挨家挨户接受款待。Joulupukki(或圣诞山羊)是芬兰版的圣诞老人。他坐在驯鹿拉的雪橇里给表现好的小朋友发送礼物。

10 Asia

11 Hong Kong by the British sovereign state before the impact, December 25 and December 26 Christmas Day Boxing Day are public holidays (but in some cases, may not be the Christmas holiday, to replace the winter festival, Boxing Day holiday may have not more compensation leave, please refer to the Hong Kong public holidays and holiday items), December 24, Christmas Eve, though not a public holiday, but some institutions may be released from work, the stock market has just opened the morning. Christmas atmosphere is thick 香港受前宗主国英国影响,12月25日圣诞节及12月26日节礼日均属公众假期(但某些情况下,圣诞节可能不放假,以冬节取代,节礼日更可不放假亦不予补假,详情请参阅香港节日与公众假期条目),12月24日平安夜虽然不是公众假期,但部分机构或会提早下班,股市亦仅上午开市。圣诞气氛相当浓

12 Philippines is a Catholic country, has the world's longest Christmas season. Traditionally, the Philippines, Christmas started from December 16. Traditionally, the Spaniards called "Misas de Aguinaldo" (gift mass), the Philippines, they are more popular name is "Simbang Gabi". December 24 Christmas Eve there will be pre-prepared "noche buena" - after the traditional midnight mass at Christmas feast. Sit with family members enjoy the traditional "noche buena, festivals, children will be to their priests to" aguinaldos "(gift), the priest will be happy gift gifts happiness and prosperity and blessing them. 属于天主教国家菲律宾,拥有世界上最长的圣诞季。传统上,菲律宾的圣诞节从12月16日开始。传统上被西班牙人被称作“Misas de Aguinaldo”(礼物弥撒),他们更通俗的菲律宾名字是“Simbang Gabi”。12月24日的平安夜会有预先准备好的“noche buena”——在午夜弥撒后的传统圣诞盛宴。家庭成员坐在一起尽情享用传统“noche buena,节日里孩子们会向他们的神父要“aguinaldos”(礼物),神父则会快乐的赠与礼物然后祝福他们繁荣快乐。

13 Philippines 'Santa Claus' diver

14 Other Southern Hemisphere South of Commonwealth countries such as Australia and New Zealand, Christmas is still celebrated on December 25, although the summer heat at a time when their season, and Christmas is usually the opposite image of the winter ice and snow, resulting in a Santa Claus wearing a red fur cloak, was riding a surfboard to the beach to eat outdoor barbecue turkey comical Scene. 其他南半球地区   南半球的英联邦国家,如澳大利亚和新西兰,圣诞节依然是在12月25日庆祝,虽然其时正值他们夏季的酷暑时节,与圣诞节通常的冬季冰天雪地形象完全相反,结果出现圣诞老人穿着红色毛皮大氅,却乘着冲浪板到海滩去吃露天火鸡烧烤的趣怪景像。


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