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Technology and Diagnostic Assessment in Lang Acquisition

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1 Technology and Diagnostic Assessment in Lang Acquisition
如何将技术手段和学习诊断结合起来有效地提高美国学生的汉语学习(按出场顺序) 谭捍卫 周晓燕 汪 雁 国防语言学院

2 如何将技术手段和学习诊断结合起来有效地提高美国学生的汉语学习
关于我们的研究 三位一体:技术手段+ 学习诊断+ 课堂教学 谭捍卫

3 如何将技术手段和学习诊断结合起来有效地提高美国学生的汉语学习
孔子 “因材施教”的现代翻版 根据学生的学习风格和个人特点进行教学. E-Generation

4 如何将技术手段和学习诊断结合起来有效地提高美国学生的汉语学习
现代教学课题: 如何 “因材” ? 如何 “施教”? 如何“因材施教”(合二为一)?

5 如何将技术手段和学习诊断结合起来有效地提高美国学生的汉语学习
如何 “因材” ? 用西方有关理论和学习诊断和测试手段对学生的学习风格和性格特点进行量化,准确定位。 如何定位材? 1.了解学生性格 2.把握学习风格 “Learning styles are characteristic cognitive, affective, and physiological behaviors that serve as relatively stable indicators of how learners perceive, interact with and respond to the learning environment” –Keefe,1979. p. 4 (Cited from Leaver, B. L. Teaching the Whole Class. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.1997)

6 学习诊断的重要性 如果不把握好学生的学习风格与个性,在教师,教材,和同学们之间建立起一种默契,就不能使学生取得学习上的成功和进步。Those styles and types that seem to create the greatest impediment to successful learning when style mismatches occur between the teacher, textbook, or peer group and a given student. --DLI Diagnostic Assessment Workshop

7 如何将技术手段和学习诊断结合起来有效地提高美国学生的汉语学习
如何 “施教”? 各种计算机技术教学手段, 各种外语学习方面的 软件: Rapid rote,文林 硬件: 语音室,投影器,Smartboard, 网络教学工具:Blackboard, Chinesepod, Wordchamp

8 技术手段在教学中的地位 技术应该支持新的教学理念
以学生为中心 “student-centered learning,” 以问题为中心“problem-based learning,” 以事例为中心“case-based learning,” and 教师在旁辅导 the teacher’s being the “Guide on the Side.” (Prensky, Marc. “The Role of Technology in teaching and the classroom” . Published in Educational Technology, Nov-Dec 2008 )

9 教育技术的应用与障碍克服 第一障碍(外部障碍)克服,技术培训 第二障碍 (内部障碍)克服,技术模式的教法
两者间的关系,技术在教育中的使用率非常低。(47) Ertmer, Peggy A. Ertmer. “Addressing first- and second-order barriers to change: Strategies for Technology Integration Journal by Educational Technology Research and Development No p 47-61)

10 如何将技术手段和学习诊断结合起来有效地提高美国学生的汉语学习
如何“因材施教”(合二为一)? 学习诊断和测试手段 +计算机技术教学和学习手段 “By incorporating the learning styles in the courses we teach, we make our material more accessible, more ‘learn-able’ for the students.” -- Alice Smith “Incorporating Learning Styles into Technology” < 2. 对症下药,开学习处方,跟踪辅导,负责到底。

11 如何将技术手段和学习诊断结合起来有效地提高美国学生的汉语学习
我们这次研究工作的性质和特点 1.了解学生使用现代化手段,包括软件,英特网上学习的特点。 了解学生对技术手段的认识:设计问卷调查学生掌握的技术手段是什么?这些技术手段到底能怎样帮助他们学习?(周晓燕教授) 2. 学习诊断测试和实验 : 了解学生的学习风格和个性,帮助他们寻找适合他们的技术手段,个例实验对象分析 (汪雁教授) 3. 分析和总结(谭捍卫教授)

12 如何将技术手段和学习诊断结合起来有效地提高美国学生的汉语学习
关于我们的实验 根据我们学校DA 的诊断,和我们自己做的诊断,我们对8个学生进行了试验。其中5个是在一个毕业班,三个在其他系的三个班里。

13 如何将技术手段和学习诊断结合起来有效地提高美国学生的汉语学习
实验结果(毕业班): 试验前参加实验的学生DLPT5 Mock成绩是听力三个failed,阅读两个failed。 试验一个多月后听力两个通过,阅读一个通过 5个学生中三个通过了DLPT 5

14 如何将技术手段和学习诊断结合起来有效地提高美国学生的汉语学习
Conclusion To incorporate technology into students learning style in Chinese language acquisition is a positive road to take. Teachers must know technology students use in order to guide them. Technology training Required. Teacher must know the students’ learning style super well in order to give them helpful instructions. DA Training required.

15 如何将技术手段和学习诊断结合起来有效地提高美国学生的汉语学习
关于问卷的设计和结果分析 周晓燕

16 此次调查研究的目的 Technology and Diagnostic Assessment in Lang Acquisition
了解学生学习时如何和为何选择技术手段。 了解学生所选技术手段如何在听,读,说方面帮助他们 学习。 了解学生选择技术手段时是否知道自己的学习风格。

17 问卷内容 如何将技术手段和学习诊断结合起来有效地提高美国学生的汉语学习 学上最常使用的软件/技术手段 所选软件/技术手段对听、读、说的作用
最值得推荐的学习手段 学生对软件/技术手段的重要性认识 获得技术手段信息的来源 学生是否经过学习诊断并知道自己的学习风格。

18 如何将技术手段和学习诊断结合起来有效地提高美国学生的汉语学习
问卷设计 1.问卷形式 2.参加人数:100+ (网上问卷人数:37人) 3. 参与者:最近一次网上问卷包括3个月到一年的18-35岁的学生。 4. 调查软件/技术手段包括: Chinese pod, Wordchamp, GLOSS, Rapid Rote, Schola, VOA/BBC, TV Programs, JLU, Blackboard, Wenlin

19 如何将技术手段和学习诊断结合起来有效地提高美国学生的汉语学习

20 问卷结果与分析 Q2.What software or internet resource have you ever used?
 Q5. Which one of the following software/Internet resources you use the most? Chinese b. Rapid Rote Wordchamp d. GLOSS Schola f. VOA/BBC TV Programs h. JLU Blackboard j. Wenlin k. other 使用最多: 文林、GLOSS、Chinese pod 和Rapid rote.

21 问卷结果与分析

22 问卷结果与分析

23 问卷结果与分析 阅读: Wenlin 66%, GLOSS 50% and Rapid rote 40%
7)  How much does the software or Internet resource help you with your reading? (please check the number from 1 through 5. 1 is the least helpful and 5 is the most)?  阅读: Wenlin 66%, GLOSS 50% and Rapid rote 40% 听力: Chinese pod 60%, GLOSS 51%, TV Programs 43%, VOA/BBC 40%

24 问卷结果与分析 a. Chinese b. Rapid Rote Wordchamp d. GLOSS Schola f. VOA/BBC
Q14. What technology/software would you recommend to other students? Why? a. Chinese b. Rapid Rote Wordchamp d. GLOSS Schola f. VOA/BBC TV Programs h. JLU Blackboard j. Wenlin k. other

25 问卷结果与分析

26 问卷结果与分析 学生推荐什么? 文林 Chinesepod GLOSS VOA/BBC TV Wordchamp

27 问卷结果与分析 Q4 如何知道应该使用哪种技术手段? 40% 是老师推荐的 32% 是其他同学介绍的 25%是无意间找到的
A. I was introduced to it/them by another student. B. It was recommended by my teacher. C. I pick it up randomly myself and believe it will work for me. D. I don’t know. E. Other 40% 是老师推荐的  32% 是其他同学介绍的 25%是无意间找到的


29 问卷结果与分析 老师推荐的占很大比率,其次是其他同学推荐。还有自己无意发现的。很明显,盲目性、随意性很大;对老师来说是否熟悉这些手段是一个挑战。那么老师在推荐的时候,是否有针对性呢?是否同一种软件对每个学生都适合呢?学生们对这些软件有什么认识呢?

30 问卷结果与分析 Q10 If the software or Internet resource becomes unavailable, how likely you think your study would be affected? (please check the number from 1 through 5. 1 is the least level and 5 is the most). 结果表明:70.65% (4 +5) 认为如果没有这些技术手段的帮助,他们的学习将会受到很大的影响。这说明学生们需要这些帮助。 Q13 How much do you feel the need for technology devices/means to cope with your difficulties/problems in study?”. 选择 4 和 5 的占 54.3%. 但是什么样的技术手段对他们是最有帮助的呢?

31 对一个学生很有帮助的软件也许对另一个人不大有用。 每一个人都有各自的性格和学习特点!
“I received a copy of Wenlin from a roommate during the first few weeks of the course and use it very often. I also have a large collection of Chinese movies or Chinese dubbed movies, and I watch at least one or two a week. I practice gloss, but less often if it is not required as homework. I have used Wordchamp, rapid rote and ChinesePod in the past, but stopped after 2 or 3 uses.” 很明显,选择的盲目性! 对一个学生很有帮助的软件也许对另一个人不大有用。 每一个人都有各自的性格和学习特点!

32 通过问卷所得到的启示 学生的盲目性 老师对这些技术的熟悉程度的要求。 在推荐或选择一种技术手段时,是否要考虑学生的个性和学习特点

33 Technology and Diagnostic Assessment in Lang Acquisition
Diagnostic Assessment: Tests and Experiment by Prof. Yan Wang

34 Technology and Diagnostic Assessment in Lang Acquisition
I. Tests : Tools used to find out learning style II. Experiments: Two Cases Study

35 Tests Tools E & L Learning Style Questionnaire
Barsch Learning Style Inventory Personality Types

36 Tests Tools E & L Learning Style Questionnaire
(from Understanding Second Language Learning Difficulties by Dr. Madeline E. Ehrman)

37 Tests Tools Synopsis - Ectasis
Synoptic processing accomplishes preconscious, behind the scenes. Ectenic processing seeks to maintain conscious control of what is being learned Synopsis: all at once Ectasis: stretched out, one at a time

38 Tests Tools Synoptic subscales Ectenic subscales Field Sensitive
Field Independent Leveling Global Impulsive Synthetic Analogue Concrete Random Inductive Field Insensitive Field Dependent Sharpening Particular Reflective Analytic Digital Abstract Sequential Deductive

39 Barsch Learning Style Inventory
Tests Tools Barsch Learning Style Inventory (Learner are divided by four types) Visual Learners (learn by seeing) Auditory Learners (learn by hearing) Tactile Learners (learn by touching) Kinesthetic Learns (learn by moving around)

40 Tests Tools Personality Types
The Sixteen Types according (see Shippensburg University version) For example ENFJ for Extroverted feelings with intuiting ISTP for Introverted thinking with sensing

41 Experiments: Two Cases Study
Case Study (1) Student A Barsch Learning Style Inventory: Visual = 34; Auditory =26; Tactile = 26; Kinesthetic = 24 Personality Type Questionnaire: ENFP Extroverted intuiting with feeling As a primary visual learner, he is weak in listening.

42 Experiments: Case (1) Student A E & L Learning style
Random rather sequential. Non-linear, follows an internally-developed order of processing. Global rather than particular attends to gestalts and big pictures, oriented toward “top-down”. See forest first before trees

43 Experiments: Case(1) Concrete rather than abstract. hands-on, experiential. Learns through application, often physical, of knowledge. Leveling rather than sharpening, often does not notice disparities but seeks maximum simplicity of cognitive field. Looks for similarities. Deductive rather than inductive. Goes from the general to specific; does not instinctively know what to do with a multitude of examples and thus prefer that the teacher explain the rules

44 Experiments: Case(1) Digital rather than Analogue. Deal with information in a fairly literal way without attempting to seek or impose additional meaning. Does not use associations. Reflective rather than impulsive. Think then respond, does not act on “gut”.

45 Experiments: Case(1) Suggestions: Based on his personality and learning style, this is what we have done to help him using internet resources and software to help him over come his shortcomings Use Internet resources such as GLOSS in ChinesePod, and DLI CM sound files

46 Experiments: Case(1) 1. Focus on comprehension when listening (to improve his weakness in listening by taking advantage of his strengths as a Global type of learner).

47 Experiments: Case(1) 2. Read the scripts of the same material he just listened ( working on the lexical and structural by taking advantage of his strengths as a primary visual learner and Reflective type, such as think before respond)

48 Experiments: Case(1) 3. Use Rapid Rote—software with which he can study by listening to all the new words so as to improve his listening skills from the very bases. He passed DLPT5 at a score of Listening 2 Reading 2 Speaking 2

49 II.Experiments: Case(2)
Student B Barsch Learning Style Inventory Test Result: Kinesthetic = Visual = 36 Tactile = Auditory =24

50 Experiments: Case(2) Personality Test Result :Type :
ESTJ:extroverted, sensing, thinking and judging The characteristic of ESTJ: Practical, traditional and organized. Likely to be athletic. No interested in theory or abstraction unless they see the practical application. Have clear versions of the way things should be. Loyal and hard –working.

51 Experiments: Case(2) E & L Learning style Test Result:
Global rather than particular: Attends to gestalts and the big picture, top down processor Field insensitive rather than Field sensitive:can‘t learn by staying open to everything around. Field Independent rather than Field Dependent. Read and pick out key words and listen for gist. Sharpening rather than Leveling: Sharpeners seek maximum complexity and differences .

52 Experiments: Case(2) Reflective rather than impulsive: Thinks then response, work accurately. Analogue rather than Digital: Uses a qualitative mechanism of more or less. Makes frequent use of associations Random rather than Sequential: Finds information, makes connections from unlinked places. Deductive rather than inductive: begin with a rule and apply it to specific cases.

53 Experiments: Case(2) What we have done to help him in using internet resources and software to overcome his shortcomings.

54 Experiments: Case(2) 1. Speaking. Use internet resources like ntdtv, VOA and BBC Chinese news channel in addition to use Speaking Club. These resources can be outside stimulation to help him in both speaking and listening.

55 Experiments: Case(2) 2. Listening: As a primary kinesthetic learner who learns through physical involvement, we suggest him to use flashcards in Rapid Rote, Wenlin, or Wordchamp. First (Lexical level) type in the word as he hears the pronunciation of that word before looking at it to confirm the word, sound and meaning are the same. Then read it aloud.

56 Experiments: Case(2) Second, (discourse and comprehension level, GLOSS) Suggest him to pay attention to details when he listens to a paragraph this is to improve his weakness in listening by taking advantage of his strengths as a Global type of learner).

57 Experiments: Case(2) Use Internet resources such as GLOSS in When listening to GLOSS, pick up the passage which objective emphasizes the competence of ”Lexical” and “structure”. In this way, he improves his weakness by being too random so that he learns how to use orders to process information and details. Other resources such as ChinesePod, and DLI CM sound files can also help him in this respect.

58 如何将技术手段和学习诊断结合起来有效地提高美国学生的汉语学习
最后的总结 重新定义因材施教 实验阶段 方向肯定 任重道远

59 如何将技术手段和学习诊断结合起来有效地提高美国学生的汉语学习

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