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Boarding Programme 寄宿課程

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1 Boarding Programme 寄宿課程 2017 - 2018

2 寄宿課程 Boarding Programme
簡介會內容 Agenda 寄宿課程簡介 Introduction of Boarding Programme 家長分享 Parents’ Sharing 入宿須知 Memo for Boarders 問與答 Q & A

3 寄宿課程 Boarding Programme
課程目標 Aims of the programme 培養學生 We train pupils: 獨立: 有多方面技能,自信 to be independent, confident and disciplined 合群: 有領導才能,守紀律,樂於助人 to be co-operative and helpful to others 有氣質: 享受生活,熱愛藝術 to be able to appreciate, value and enjoy various art forms 自愛: 有正確價值觀,熱愛生命,熱愛家庭及社會 to be able to respect oneself, with a sense of righteousness, and to have a passion for life, family and society

4 寄宿課程 Boarding Programme
我們擁有: We have: 設備完善的宿舍及配套 well equipped dormitories and enviable facilities 寬敞的校園及幽美的環境 a picturesque environment and a spacious campus 充足的人力資源 resourceful manpower 2位男女舍監及20位在校住宿老師(包括 3位全職樂器老師) 2 house wardens and 20 resident tutors (including 3 full-time instrument teachers)

5 寄宿課程 Boarding Programme
Life skills training 生活技能訓練 Cultural Activities 體藝薰陶 四大訓練領域 4 Major aspects Personal Management Program 個人應用管理訓練 Community Service 社會服務

6 社會服務 Community service 讓同學: A new aspect added to ensure that: 懂得珍惜及感恩
the students learn to appreciate what they have in life 接觸弱勢社群 they are exposed to the less privileged in the society 有機會回饋社會 they have a chance to contribute to the well being of the society

7 生活技能訓練 Life skills training
縫紉 Sewing 手工藝 Art & Craft 包書技巧 Book Wrapping 攝影 Photography 烹飪及家務 Cooking and domestic skills 餐桌禮儀 Table etiquette 簡單急救 Basic first-aid 露營 Camping

8 個人應用訓練課程 Personal Management Program
團隊協作.領袖訓練.解難及溝通技巧訓練 Teamwork.Leadership.Problem Solving.Communication Skills 由專業人士負責授課,每星期上課一次, 整個課程上課12次,共18小時。 A 18-hour course comprising of 12 weekly sessions, conducted by specialists.

9 文化活動 Cultural Activities
中秋晚會 Mid-Autumn Festival Gathering 聖誕獻唱及聚餐 Christmas Carolling and Parent - child Dinner 寫揮春 Chinese calligraphy for Lunar New Year Language Programme 參觀博物館 Visiting museums 文化節目欣賞 Attending cultural shows 歷奇訓練 Adventure - based Training 音樂見證分享會 Gospel and Music Sharing Night

10 時間表 Timetable

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