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Scam Prevention Workshop 詐騙防範 講座

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1 Scam Prevention Workshop 詐騙防範 講座

2 Goals of the Workshop 今日講座目標:
After the workshop... /希望您在今日講座 後 You will be able to recognize the 10 most common scams. You will be able to identify the red flags of scams. You will create your own Scam Action plan. You will be able to list agencies to call if you need help. 能夠辨認10種最常見的詐騙套路 能夠從細節預判詐騙行為 能夠有計劃的應對詐騙行為 能夠自主尋求反詐騙機構的援助 After the workshop... You will be able to recognize the 10 most common scams. You will be able to identify the red flags of scams. You will create your own Scam Action plan. You will be able to list agencies to call if you need help.

3 Why is this important? 詐騙防範的重要性
每一年,每五名年長者中有一名會有被詐騙的經歷 每年詐騙行為會為所有年長者造成總額 30億到300億美金的經濟損失 根據《普通內科醫學》期刊的一項研究:“如果同等比例的年長者受到一項新型疾病的同樣威脅, 這將會被認定為一項重大的公共衛生危機事件。” 1 in 5 seniors are taken advantage of financially each year. Seniors lose $3 to $30 billion dollars annually due to scams. A study in the Journal of General Internal Medicine said that if a new disease struck that same percentage of older Americans, “a public health crisis would likely be declared.” 1 in 5 seniors are taken advantage of financially each year. Seniors lose $3 to $30 billion dollars annually due to scams. A study in the Journal of General Internal Medicine said that if a new disease struck that same percentage of older Americans, “a public health crisis would likely be declared.” Source: Consumer Reports, Source: Consumer Reports,

4 職業詐騙犯善於以無所不用奇,利用各種手段來榨光我 們的血汗錢,現在是時候讓我們對這種行為說不!
Scammers are professionals in taking advantage of all of us, and getting our hard-earned money. Enough is enough! 職業詐騙犯善於以無所不用奇,利用各種手段來榨光我 們的血汗錢,現在是時候讓我們對這種行為說不! Scammers are professionals in taking advantage of all of us, and getting our hard-earned money. Enough is enough!

5 $64,000 Real-life example: Beth Baker is an older Californian. She helped raise her grandchild. One day, she got a phone call from her grandson, saying he was in Peru and that he was in trouble, and he needed his grandma to send him money. Because of their close relationship, Mrs. Baker rushed to the store to purchase a MoneyPak card for $1000. As Ms. Baker sent the money, the scammer kept calling her and asking for her to send more. Over the course of a few days, Ms. Baker had sent $64,000 to someone she didn’t know. See full story here:

6 Talk to a partner: What are scams you have heard about? (5 minutes)
現在與你旁邊的同伴: 用五分鐘分享一下你有聽過身邊人經歷詐騙的故事

7 Recognizing scams 辨別詐騙行為
For this next section, we are going to present the top 10 most common scams. If you’ve heard of the scam, raise your hand and we will ask you to explain what that scam is to the group.

8 Sweepstakes/lottery scam 彩票詐騙
(ask for volunteers who know what the scam is/have examples) Sweepstakes/lottery scam Fraudsters send seniors a check they have “won,” and the senior advances the fraudsters fees before the check bounces.

9 Romance scam 情感詐騙 (ask for volunteers who know what the scam is/have examples) Romance scam Scammers create fake online profiles using photos of other people, they profess their love quickly and tug at your heartstrings with made-up stories of how they need money.

10 Door-to-door scams 直銷詐騙
(ask for volunteers who know what the scam is/have examples) Door-to-door scams Fraudsters come to your door, offering to install solar panels, pave a driveway, or lower bills. Fraudsters refuse to give details or let you review a contract.

11 Medicare/health insurance scams 醫療健康保險詐騙
(ask for volunteers who know what the scam is/have examples) Medicare/health insurance scams Scammers may pose as a Medicare representative to get older people to give them their personal information, then use the personal information they provide to bill Medicare and pocket the money. ** draw attention to medicare scam page**

12 Funeral and cemetery scams喪葬/慶祝活動詐騙
(ask for volunteers who know what the scam is/have examples) Funeral and cemetery scams Fraudsters read obituaries or attend funerals of someone they don’t know, and then call the widow claiming the deceased had a debt with them. Disreputable funeral homes tack on extra charges onto funerals.

13 Telemarketing/ phone scams 電話銷售詐騙
(ask for volunteers who know what the scam is/have examples) Telemarketing/phone scams Scammers solicit money for a fake charity. Scammers get older people to wire over transaction fees for large inheritances or money they have “found” for the senior. Scammers call seniors repeatedly.

14 Internet fraud 網絡詐騙 (ask for volunteers who know what the scam is/have examples) Internet fraud Fraudsters fool victims into downloading a fake anti-virus program through a pop-up window. Seniors receive an from a seemingly legitimate company asking them to update their information with the IRS. **draw attention to internet scam page**

15 Homeowner/mortgage 房貸詐騙
(ask for volunteers who know what the scam is/have examples) Homeowner/mortgage Scammers advertise on telephone poles and via flyers. Scammers request an upfront fee for loan modification and offer to make payments to a company other than your lender.

16 Identity theft 個人信息盜竊 (ask for volunteers who know what the scam is/have examples) Identity theft Fraudsters get your personal information and runs up bills in your name. You find out by checking your bank statements or your credit report, or getting bills for something you didn’t authorize.

17 Grandparent scam 偽造個人身份詐騙
(ask for volunteers who know what the scam is/have examples) Grandparent scam Scammers call and claim your grandchild is in trouble and needs help with an emergency, such as getting out of jail, paying a hospital bill, or leaving a foreign country.

18 Recognizing scams (examples) 辨認詐騙行為 (實例)
These are examples of scams. (ask: what makes the scam believable and not believable?) Bottom line, they are saying that you can pay $20 and get $2.3 million dollars in return. That’s a scam.

19 Here’s another scam, which threatens a lawsuit for a pay day loan
Here’s another scam, which threatens a lawsuit for a pay day loan. There are many spelling errors and confusing court processes that make this suspicious.

20 This is an arrest warrant. Arrest warrants do not come in the mail
This is an arrest warrant. Arrest warrants do not come in the mail. There are other elements that make it suspicious (ask for volunteers)

21 任何堅持:你為交易信息對身邊的親戚朋友進行保密;
Red flags 預判詐騙行為 A PROMISE that you can win money, make money, or borrow money easily; An INSISTENCE that you keep the offer secret, and not tell family or friends; 任何承諾:你能輕易的獲得金錢; 任何堅持:你為交易信息對身邊的親戚朋友進行保密;

22 任何需求:你如不馬上行動就會失去某種機會;
Red flags 預判詐騙行為 A DEMAND that you act immediately or else miss out on this great opportunity; A REFUSAL to send you written information before you agree to buy or donate; 任何需求:你如不馬上行動就會失去某種機會; 任何拒絕:在你捐贈/購買前,提供相關書面文件;

23 Red flags 預判詐騙行為 任何嘗試:對你進行恐嚇購買; 任何堅持:你需要現金/禮品/匯款來進行付款; 任何否絕:停止無休止的來電;
An ATTEMPT to scare you into buying something; An INSISTENCE that you wire money, pay cash, or pay in iTunes or other gift cards; A REFUSAL to stop calling after you’ve asked not to be called again; 任何嘗試:對你進行恐嚇購買; 任何堅持:你需要現金/禮品/匯款來進行付款; 任何否絕:停止無休止的來電;

24 Red flags 預判詐騙行為 A THREAT that you will go to jail or be deported;
An UNPROFESSIONAL letter with spelling and grammar errors. 任何恐嚇:你會有牢獄之災或被驅除離境; 任何非官方:文件材料具有拼寫語法錯誤.

25 $6,000 92 year old Florence Muto chose to pre-pay her funeral so that her family wouldn’t have to pay the hefty funeral expenses. Unfortunately, she paid a scammy funeral home and lost $6000. Muto was but one of 60 other individuals scammed by the owners of the now-closed Ziomek Funeral Home between 1998 and Luckily, the Ziomek’s were charged at the end of last month with six charges, one of which carries a possible 15-year sentence if they are found guilty. Officials estimate that the Ziomek’s stole approximately $250,000 between the 60 people that purchased pre-paid funerals and cremations. Read more here:

26 Scam prevention tips 詐騙防范小提示
Ask someone Don’t answer the phone Reach out 主動與身邊人溝通 拒接詐騙電話 積極尋求幫助

27 Scam prevention tips 詐騙防范小提示
Don’t wire money Check your statements Get all offers in writing 拒絕現金匯款 隨時查看銀行賬戶流水 索要書面文件

28 My Scam Action Plan 我的反詐騙小計劃
Turn to the page in the packet entitled “My Scam Action Plan”

29 My Scam Action Plan 我的反詐騙小計劃
Take 3 minutes and write down the names of three people you can contact if you are not sure something is a scam. 花三分鐘,寫下會幫助你辨別 詐騙行為的三個身邊人姓名. Take 3 minutes and write down the names of three people you can contact if you are not sure something is a scam

30 My Scam Action Plan我的反詐騙小計劃
You can also contact: Adult Protective Services A department of consumer affairs Your bank A legal aid office 你能夠聯繫: 成人保護服務中心 消費者事務部 你的銀行 東灣社區法律中心詐騙預防項目

31 Thank you!! Any questions? 問題答疑

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