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Presentation on theme: " FLYING EAGLE TECHNOLOGY INC/INFOBRIDGE CONSULTING GROUP"— Presentation transcript:


2 活化投影片簡報流程的 互動關聯式簡報網風格
Introduction i-PPT 第一章 管理的基本概念 第二章 管理思潮的演進 第三章 企業環境與組織文化 第四章 企業倫理與社會責任 第五章 策略規劃 第六章 管理者的決策模式 第七章 組織設計 第八章 人力資源管理 第九章 組織變革與創新管理 第十章 領導統御 第十一章 激勵與溝通 第十二章 群體與團隊 第十三章 管理控制 管理學:挑戰與新思維 DEMO 簡報主講人簡介

3 簡報主講人簡介 專任講師:Patrick Chang 【中文講座】 台灣金融研訓院系列講座『品牌行銷與互動關聯式投影片簡報風格』
台灣亞東技術學院系列講座『品牌行銷與互動關聯式投影片簡報風格』 台灣開南大學系列講座『品牌行銷與互動關聯式投影片簡報風格』 台灣中央大學客家學院講座『品牌行銷與互動關聯式投影片簡報風格』 台灣中央大學客家學院講座『職場美語面試的策略與技巧』 台灣財團法人中央通訊社講座『品牌行銷與互動關聯式投影片簡報風格』 中國北京大學講座『職場美語面試的策略與技巧/互動關聯式投影片簡報風格』 中國清華大學講座『職場美語面試的策略與技巧/互動關聯式投影片簡報風格』

4 簡報主講人簡介 專任講師:Patrick Chang 【學歷】 台灣政治大學商學院統計系
美國 Ohio State University (Columbus, Ohio USA) MBA 【經歷】 美國加州 Infobridge Consulting Group, Inc. 首席技術顧問 美國加州 Crowell, Weedon & Co. 資訊管理系統資深顧問 美國加州 Kaufman & Broad Home Co. 總公司商務資訊主管 美國加州 Standard Pacific Corp. 總公司資訊長 (Chief Information Officer) 美國加州 Glenfed Development Corporation. 副總裁(資訊管理) 美國加州 Angeles Corporation 資深專案經理 美國俄亥俄州 Liebert Corporation 資訊系統設計師

5 管理的基本概念 什麼是管理 管理是一種程序 管理是要達成組織目標
為了「有效率」(efficiently)及「有效能」(effectively)的達成組織目標,所進行規劃(planning)、組織(organizing)、領導(leading)、及控制(controlling)的一種程序。 管理是一種程序 管理是要達成組織目標 管理的目的是採用「有效率」及「有效能」的方式,來達成組織目標。 效率(efficiency) : 管理者以最低的資源投入(input),獲得一個既定的產出(output)。 效能(effectiveness) : 管理者選擇一個適當的目標,並達成此目標。

6 管理的基本概念 管理基本概念的其它小主題

7 管理思潮的演進 管理者的挑戰:豐田式管理 系統觀點(system view) 權變理論(contingency theory)
又稱豐田生產系統(Toyota Production System, TPS)。 最早是由豐田汽車副社長大野耐一所創,是豐田公司一種獨特的生產方式。 美國麻省理工學院將豐田式生產管理稱為「精實生產」( Lean Production),強調「及時存貨」(Just In Time, JIT),一方面依據顧客需求量生產必要的數量,另一方面可以減少存貨 。 系統觀點(system view) 權變理論(contingency theory)

8 管理思潮的演進 管理思潮的演進其它小主題

9 企業環境與組織文化 組織的總體環境 經濟環境 科技環境 政治環境 法律環境 社會文化環境
微軟創辦人比爾.蓋茲(Bill Gates)說:電子書一定會改變全世界以及閱讀行為! 2009年5月,亞馬遜推出九‧七吋大螢幕的 Kindle DX,進入報紙、雜誌、教科書等市場全球逾100校宣布推廣電子書,未來課本將消失。

10 企業環境與組織文化 企業環境與組織文化的其它小主題

11 企業倫理與社會責任 組織內部與外部的利害關係人 外部利害關係人 內部利害關係人 顧客 股東 供應商 員工 社區 管理階層 政府 一般社會大眾
「利害關係人」(stakeholders)是指企業在創造價值的過程中,與企業經營績效有關的內部或外部人員或群體 (people and group)。 外部利害關係人 內部利害關係人 顧客 股東 供應商 員工 社區 管理階層 政府 一般社會大眾 倫理(ethics)是一種道德原則(moral principles)、價值觀(values)、及信念(belief),人們用它來分析及判斷什麼是「正確」(right)或「適當」的行為。

12 企業倫理與社會責任 企業倫理與社會責任的其它小主題

13 策略規劃 策略規劃的定義與程序 策略規劃的定義 企業的使命 策略(strategy) ─
為了達成組織目標,進行資源分配,所採取的 一些行動。 規劃(planning) ─ 管理者認定和選擇最適目標及採取行動 方案的過程。 策略規劃─ 就是策略與外部環境、組織內部資源及 組織目標間的三角關係。 企業的使命 使命 (mission) 是一個組織存在的理由,用來描述組織的價值觀、未來的方向、及存在的責任。

14 策略規劃 策略規劃的其它小主題

15   管理者的決策模式 決策的定義與類型 決策的類型  規劃性決策與非規劃性決策
在制定決策過程中,依據決策是「重覆發生」或「偶爾發生」,可以區分成: 規劃性決策 (programmed decisions) 例行性的 不確定性程度較低 風險程度低 模糊性程度也低 例如:宣布颱風假的決策 非規劃性決策 (non-programmed decisions) 非例行性 不確定性程度相對較高 風險程度高 模糊性程度也高 例如:誠品書店重要決策

16 管理者的決策模式 管理者的決策模式其它小主題

17 組織設計 組織結構的內容 組織的定義: 組織的定義 組織結構: 組織結構的定義 組織結構的基本概念—專業分工 組織結構的基本概念—指揮鏈

18 組織設計 組織設計的其它小主題

19 人力資源管理 人力資源管理的定義 人員招募與選用
指一個組織(例如:營利或非營利企業)以有效率及有效能的方法,規劃、控制、及執行人力資源活動,以達成組織目標。 人員招募與選用 招募:組織透過內部或外部管道,將人力需求資訊散播出去,以吸引合格的人才來應徵 (內部管道是指組織從內部尋求合格、適當的人才;外部管道是指對外公開尋求合格、適當的人才) 選用:組織挑選合格、適當的員工做特定的工作,新進員工要考慮是否有該項工作所需之技能外,還要注意與企業文化間的「契合性」

20 人力資源管理 人力資源管理的其它小主題

21 組織變革與創新管理 組織變革的原因 中華電信民營化的組織變革 新力(SONY)組織變革
組織變革:指一個組織(營利或非營利企業),從目前的狀態,轉變到另一個自己渴望的狀態,以提高組織效率、與效能的過程。 組織變革的因素: 中華電信民營化的組織變革 新力(SONY)組織變革

22 組織變革與創新管理 組織變革與創新管理的其它小主題

23 領導統御 什麼是領導統御 領導係指「引導部屬努力方向,影響部屬的態度、信念、價值觀、及行為,以達成組織目標」
我們歸納出三大理論觀點,來說明如何提高領導效能,如下: 菲奧莉娜的領導風格 2005年6月,李焜耀宣佈併購西門子時,展現出霸氣與冒險精神; 李焜耀併購西門子失敗後,領導的風格有了轉變。他沈潛、刻意低調,對身邊的人、事物有更多的關懷與耐性;

24 領導統御 領導統御的其它小主題

25 激勵與溝通 需求 行為 報償 激勵的定義 Motivation:激勵或動機
指內心的一種心理力量,會決定在某組織內部某種行為的方向、面對挫折不退縮、及努力工作的程度等。 內在動機:挑戰自我、樂在工作、興趣 外在動機:加薪、高獎金、升遷 需求 行為 報償

26 激勵與溝通 激勵與溝通的其它小主題

27 群體與團隊 群體與團隊之差異 團隊與群體的比較 團隊 群體 成員互動程度 高 低 是否有特定目標 有 無 工作成果 集體 個人 責任歸屬
是否有共同使命 不明確 協商成本:領導者為了使團隊成員能有良好的默契、有效率的執行任務,所花費的時間與精神。 衝突解決成本:團隊成員間有衝突時,領導者要化解成員間的衝突、解決問題,所產生的成本。

28 群體與團隊 群體與團隊的其它小主題

29 霸菱銀行那裡出問題,讓員工利用職權之便,私自更改稽核系統,使霸菱銀行一夕之間宣佈倒閉?
管理控制 管理控制的重要性 前言  霸菱銀行的倒閉 1995年,具有232年歷史的霸菱銀行宣佈倒閉 任職的高級期貨交易員尼克‧李森,自行更改稽核系統,導致霸菱銀行損失14億美元。 霸菱銀行那裡出問題,讓員工利用職權之便,私自更改稽核系統,使霸菱銀行一夕之間宣佈倒閉? 平衡計分卡 (Balanced Scorecard, BSC) 公司治理 全面品質管理

30 管理控制 管理控制的其它小主題

31 THANK YOU Custom animation effects: floating petals (Difficult) Tip: For best results with the animation effects on this slide, choose a picture with an object that is made up of multiple parts, like the flower in this example. To reproduce the background effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. Right-click the slide and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, click Fill in the left pane. In the Fill pane, select Picture or texture fill, and then under Insert from, click File. In the Insert Picture dialog box, select a picture, and then click Insert. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Rectangles, click Rectangle (first option from the left). On the slide, drag to draw a rectangle. Select the rectangle. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, do the following: In the Shape Height box, enter 7.5”. In the Shape Width box, enter 10”. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click the arrow next to Shape Outline, and then click No Outline. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click the arrow next to Shape Fill, point to Gradient, and then click More Gradients. In the Format Shape dialog box, click Fill in the left pane. In the Fill pane, select Gradient fill, and then do the following: In the Type list, select Radial. Click the button next to Direction, and then click From Center (third option from the left). Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until two stops appear in the drop-down list. Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops that you added as follows: Select Stop 1 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 0%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click Black, Text 1, Lighter 5% (sixth row, second option from the left). In the Transparency box, enter 40%. Select Stop 2 from the list, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 100%. In the Transparency box, enter 10%. Select the rectangle. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then do the following: Click Align Middle. Click Align Center. To reproduce the shape effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Lines, click Freeform (11th option from the left). On the slide, click points to trace an outline around a shape on the background picture (in the example above, one of the flower petals). Right-click the freeform shape and click Edit Points. To make the freeform shape more similar to the shape on the picture, right-click a place to include another point, and click Add Points. Drag the new point to follow the contour of the shape on the picture. To outline rounded edges of the shape on the picture, right-click a straight line segment, and click Curved Segment. Select the freeform shape. On the Home tab, in the bottom right corner of the Drawing group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box, click Line Color in the left pane, and then in the Line Color pane, select No line. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, click Fill in the left pane, and then in the Fill pane, select Slide background fill. Repeat the process in steps 1-5 to create six full-color shapes on the slide (in the example above, six flower petals from the same flower). To reproduce the animation effects on this slide, do the following: On the Animations tab, in the Animations group, click Custom Animation. On the slide, select the rectangle. In the Custom Animation task pane, do the following: Click Add Effect, point to Entrance, and then click More Effects. In the Add Entrance Effect dialog box, under Subtle, click Fade, and then click OK. Under Modify: Fade, in the Start list, select After Previous. Under Modify: Fade, in the Speed list, select Medium. On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Select, and then click Selection Pane. In the Selection and Visibility pane, press and hold CTRL and select all of the freeform shapes. In the Custom Animation task pane, do the following: Click Add Effect, point to Emphasis, and then click More Effects. In the Add Emphasis Effect dialog box, under Basic, click Spin, and then click OK. Press and hold CTRL and select all of the freeform spin effects. Under Modify: Spin, in the Start list, select With Previous. Under Modify: Spin, in the Speed list, select Medium. Also in the Custom Animation task pane, do the following to edit each freeform shape spin effect: Select the first freeform shape spin effect, and then do the following: Under Modify: Spin, in the Start list, select After Previous. Under Modify: Spin, in the Amount list, in the Custom box, enter 360⁰, and then press ENTER. Also in the Amount list, click Counterclockwise. Select the second freeform shape spin effect, and then do the following: Under Modify: Spin, in the Amount list, in the Custom box, enter 30⁰, and then press ENTER. Also in the Amount list, click Clockwise. Right-click the freeform shape spin effect, and then click Timing. In the Spin dialog box, on the Timing tab, in the Delay box, enter 0.3. Select the third freeform shape spin effect, and then do the following: Under Modify: Spin, in the Amount list, in the Custom box, enter 40⁰, and then press ENTER. Also in the Amount list, click Clockwise. Select the fourth freeform shape spin effect, and then do the following: Under Modify: Spin, in the Amount list, in the Custom box, enter 90⁰, and then press ENTER. Also in the Amount list, click Counterclockwise. Right-click the freeform shape spin effect, and then click Timing. In the Spin dialog box, on the Timing tab, in the Delay box, enter 0.4. Select the fifth freeform shape spin effect, and then do the following: Under Modify: Spin, in the Amount list, in the Custom box, enter 90⁰, and then press ENTER. Also in the Amount list, click Clockwise. Right-click the freeform shape spin effect, and then click Timing. In the Spin dialog box, on the Timing tab, in the Delay box, enter 0.5. Select the sixth freeform shape spin effect, and then do the following: Under Modify: Spin, in the Amount list, in the Custom box, enter 360⁰, and then press ENTER. Also in the Amount list, click Clockwise. Right-click the freeform shape spin effect, and then click Timing. In the Spin dialog box, on the Timing tab, in the Delay box, enter 0.6. In the Selection and Visibility pane, press and hold CTRL and select all of the freeform shapes. In the Custom Animation task pane, do the following: Click Add Effect, point to Emphasis, and then click More Effects. In the Add Emphasis Effect dialog box, under Basic, click Grow/Shrink, and then click OK. Press and hold CTRL and select all of the grow/shrink effects (the final six effects in the list). Under Modify: Grow/Shrink, in the Start list, select With Previous. Under Modify: Grow/Shrink, in the Speed list, select Medium. Also in the Custom Animation task pane, do the following to edit each freeform shape grow/shrink effect: Select the first freeform shape grow/shrink effect, and then do the following: Under Modify: Grow/Shrink, in the Size list, in the Custom box, enter 40%, and then press ENTER. Also in the Size list, click Vertical. In the pane, drag the effect until it is third in the list of effects. Select the second freeform shape grow/shrink effect, and then do the following: Under Modify: Grow/Shrink, in the Size list, in the Custom box, enter 50%, and then press ENTER. Also in the Size list, click Horizontal. In the pane, drag the effect until it is fifth in the list of effects. Select the third freeform shape grow/shrink effect, and then do the following: In the pane, drag the effect until it is seventh in the list of effects. Select the fourth freeform shape grow/shrink effect, and then do the following: In the pane, drag the effect until it is ninth in the list of effects. Select the fifth freeform shape grow/shrink effect, and then do the following: In the pane, drag the effect until it is 11th in the list of effects. Select the sixth freeform shape grow/shrink effect, and then do the following: In the pane, drag the effect until it is 13th in the list of effects. In the Selection and Visibility pane, press and hold CTRL and select all of the freeform shapes. In the Custom Animation task pane, click Add effect, point to Motion Path, point to Draw Custom Motion Path, and then click Curve. On the slide, click five points to create a simple curved motion path, starting on the group of freeform shapes and ending off the right side of the slide. Double-click the final point to accept the motion path. Press and hold CTRL and select all of the freeform shape custom path effects (the final six effects in the list). Under Modify: Custom Path, in the Start list, select With Previous. Under Modify: Custom Path, in the Speed list, select Medium. Also in the Custom Animation task pane, do the following: Drag the first custom path effect until it is fourth in the list of effects. Drag the second custom path effect until it is seventh in the list of effects. Drag the third custom path effect until it is 10th in the list of effects. Drag the fourth custom path effect until it is 13th in the list of effects. Drag the fifth custom path effect until it is 16th in the list of effects. Drag the sixth custom path effect until it is 19th in the list of effects. 歡迎個人或書商出版公司來函洽詢如何委託我們將您的 實體教科書/教案製作成互聯式 iPPTbook 簡報書

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