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Presentation on theme: "STUDYING FILM MECOMM-103 with BRENDAN DAVIS"— Presentation transcript:

Lesson 13: SOUND DESIGN 音效设计 Copyright © 2018 Brendan Davis and respective rights holders. For classroom / student use ONLY. Redistribution or reuse is strictly prohibited.

Screening: JURASSIC PARK侏罗纪公园 Discussion 讨论 Homework 作业 Final Exam Prep考试准备

3 SOUND DESIGN SOUND DESIGN refers to all of the elements that build the audio environment of the film, including the: 音效设计指的是构建电影音频环境的所有要素,包括: Dialogue & character / creature sounds 对白人物或生物音效 Environmental sounds 环境音效 Music & Score音乐和音效 Silence 留白

4 SOUND DESIGN Dialogue and environmental sounds are captured / created in two ways: 对话和环境声音以两种方式被捕捉/创造: On set (“practical”)现场收录(现场) Post-Production (“post”)后期制作(后期) Practical dialogue is preferable to directors and actors because it matches the picture the best technically, and it is what the actor actually said in the moment we are seeing, so it is the performance the actor gave during filming. BUT sometimes noise or other circumstances make the “practical” dialogue recorded on set need repairwork, and this is fixed by ADR (aka “looping”). 与导演和演员相比,现场对话更可取,因为它在技术上最符合画面,而这正是演员在我们看到的那一刻所说的,因此这也是演员在拍摄过程中的真正表现。但有时噪音或其他情况使“现场”对话录音需要调整工作,这是固定的数据记录仪(又名“循环”)。

5 SOUND DESIGN BD explains ADR. 解释数据记录器 Score is done to a LOCKED picture – meaning: the film cut is complete and “locked”; visual work like color correction and VFX can still be in progress, but having a “locked picture” means that NO changes can or will be made to the edit of the movie. 数字锁定的图片–意义:电影完成剪辑和“锁定”;视工作如色彩校正和视觉特效制作仍然可以进行,但有一个“锁定画面”意味着没有变化,或将有利于这部电影的编辑。 BD explains why. 解释为什么

6 SOUND DESIGN Music is almost always added in Post. 音乐总是在后期被加入的。 If a scene requires the actors to sing or play instruments, they MIGHT be playing / singing on set, BUT they are doing so to a pre-recorded track of the music, and what YOU are hearing is the recorded track mixed with environment sounds in such a way as to make it sound “live”. 如果一个场景要求演员唱歌或演奏乐器,他们可能是在片场演奏/唱歌,但他们是这样做的,以预先录制的音乐轨道,而你所听到的是录制的音轨与环境声音混合,这样才能使声音听起来“生动”。 The technical process of how to do this is complicated to explain, but I’ll give a short example. 如何做到这一点的技术过程很复杂,但我举一个简短的例子。

7 SOUND DESIGN Silence, or the absence of sound, is also a strategic choice. As we saw / heard yesterday in ALIEN, the lack of sound can be just as effective at setting up an emotional “beat” of the film as a busy, noisy, loudly emotional soundtrack. 留白,或没有声音,也是一种重大选择。正如我们昨天在《异形》中看到的一样,缺乏声音同样可以作为一部繁忙、嘈杂、充满感情的原声带,有效地将电影中的情感“宣泄” 。

8 Today’s FEATURE FILM: JURASSIC PARK侏罗纪公园 Directed by Steven Spielberg导演史蒂文斯皮尔伯格 1993 JURASSIC PARK is a “sci-fi adventure thriller” that also has a lot of humor and emotion; this film and its sequels are hard to categorize by genre. 侏罗纪公园是一个“科幻惊悚片”,也有很多幽默和情感;这部电影和它的续集是很难归类的体裁。 It has been a wildly successful film series, with multiple films in the direct series so far, and even more sequels and spinoffs are in the pipeline. 这是一个非常成功的系列电影,有很多直接系列电影,甚至更多的续集在筹备中。

9 DISCUSSION How did the director, Steven Spielberg, and his team use sound design to maximum advantage? 导演史蒂文斯皮尔伯格和他的团队如何最大限度地利用音效设计? What did you notice in particular about the 你特别注意到什么? Dialogue / creature sounds对话和生物音效 Environment环境 Music / Score音乐音效 The use of silence?留白的运用

10 HOMEWORK 在你的作业上,现在花10-15分钟写一些关于侏罗纪公园声音设计的快速想法。
In your Journals, take minutes NOW to write a few quick thoughts about JURASSIC PARK’s sound design 在你的作业上,现在花10-15分钟写一些关于侏罗纪公园声音设计的快速想法。 Then, one member of each class will collect all of their class’s journals and carry them over to the office for me, for grading purposes 然后,每个班长将收集他们班上所有的作业,然后把它们带到办公室给我,以便评分。 Tomorrow at 8:25am, I need one person from each class to meet me at the office and pick them up again, bring them back here 明天早上8:25,每个班长去办公室领回大家的作业。 Note: please do NOT show up early and bother anyone at the office building for a key to get in before I get there. If you are early, thank you kindly, but WAIT for me. 注意:请不要提早到办公室去打扰任何人,在我到达那里之前一定要找一把钥匙进去。如果你来早了,谢谢你,等我一下。

11 FINAL EXAM PREP 在今天剩下的时间里,让我们为期末考试做更多准备…
In the remaining time today, let’s prep more for the final exam… 在今天剩下的时间里,让我们为期末考试做更多准备…


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