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华彬天星·航空医疗救援(下) Reignwood Star·HEMS.

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Presentation on theme: "华彬天星·航空医疗救援(下) Reignwood Star·HEMS."— Presentation transcript:

1 华彬天星·航空医疗救援(下) Reignwood Star·HEMS

2 Reignwood Star national wide aerial emergent rescue training
华彬天星全国航空应急救援培训 Reignwood Star national wide aerial emergent rescue training

3 aerial emergent rescue training project:
航空应急救援培训项目: aerial emergent rescue training project: 1、CPR(心肺复苏术)实操训练:(公司全员) CPR training( All staff): CPR是指当呼吸终止及心跳停顿时,合并使用人工呼吸及心外按摩来进行急救的一种技术,这是针对呼吸心跳停止的急症危重病人所采取的抢救关键措施。人们只有充分了解心肺复苏的知识并接受过此方面的训练后才可以为他人实施心肺复苏。心搏骤停的黄金时间只有短短的4分钟,因此掌握心肺复苏的要领,如何在关键时刻实施救援,在航空救援中也是至关重要的。 CPR is a very important technique used for the emergent rescue.But only the one who received the right triaining can do it right.The golden rescue period for cardiac arrest is only 4mins. So the key point iis to use the right technic at the first time.

4 2、医疗救援飞行训练: Medical rescue flight traing: 对医疗救援飞行员进行飞行强化训练:定点悬停、定点着陆、规避颠簸气流、楼宇平台着陆、夜间飞行等专项培训。 Give the HEMS pilots strengthen training: pin hovering, pin landing, avioding bumpy air, land on the roof of buildings, night flight and so on.

5 3、医疗救援地勤及医护人员培训: Triaining for the ground and medical staff 地面人员的防护、安全管理、人员在不关车情况下的安全管理、现场环境的安全管理、野外选址的评估、风险控制、机载的医疗设备的使用等安全培训。 The protection for the staff,secure mangement,the secure mangement when helicopter still running,secure mangement of the field,the evaluation of the field Site selection,Risk Management, onboard medical equipments using key points.

6 4、航空救援绞车手及救援员专项训练: Special training for winchman and rescuer: 在救援中会遇到直升机无法起降的情况,比如山地、交通瘫痪的路段、楼宇等特殊地理环境,对绞车手和救援员进行索降操作程序、安全措施及特情处置训练。 Some special environments,like mountainous region,traffic jam road,tall building,may cause the helicopter difficult to land,hence the winchman and rescuer are needed and they have to take Special training for that.

7 5、航空救援应急演练: Emergent aerial rescue drill: 制定医疗救援应急预案,对所有运行相关人员进行培训。在人员完全不知情的情况下,启动应急程序,检验应急处置反应速度。 Make emergent plan, offer training to all staff. Initiate a drill when everyone is unprepared to check the response speed.

8 A brief introduction about the HEMS helicopters of Reignwood Star
华彬天星航空医疗救援型直升机简介 A brief introduction about the HEMS helicopters of Reignwood Star

9 医疗救援型直升机的机载设备: Onboard equipment: 1、上机担架:可直接推上直升机,并直接在直升机上固定的担架。
Folding Stretcher : can load on the helicopter and fixed.

10 2、双色医用光源系统:可在夜间满足舱内医用照明。
Dual-colour medical light system: can be used for carbin in the night.

11 3、机载正压空气系统,可以提供正压空气。 Onboard positive pressure air system can offer pressure air . 4、机载真空系统,可以提供医用真空源。 Onboard vacuum system can offer medical vacuum source. 5、110伏2000瓦交流电源系统,专业医用。 110v 2kw ALT power system, professional medical use. 6、十升液态氧系统,可以蒸发出两瓶40升钢瓶的供氧量,不储压,更安全。 10L liquid oxygen system, can evaporate 80L oxygen,pressure free, and much safer.

12 7、多参数除颤监护仪。 Multi parameter defibrillation monitor 8、输液泵。 Infusion pump 9、双通道微量注射泵。 Double channel microinjection pump 10、呼吸机。 Respirator

13 11、自动复苏板,可以自动完成机上心脏按压操作。
Auto resuscitation plate,can finish heart pressure automaticly. 12、生物安全防护装备,用于传染性患者的转运。 Biological safety protection equipment,used to transport Infectious patients.

14 13、全套气道管理设备:气管插管、喉镜、喉罩等。
Complete set of airway management equipment:trachea cannula laryngoscope,laryngeal mask and so on. 14、呼气末二氧化碳检测仪。 End expiratory carbon dioxide detector 15、尸体运输保护装置。 Corpse transport protection device 16、数十种急救药品。 Dozens of first aid drugs

15 The present situation and difficulties
国内航空医疗救援现状和困难 The present situation and difficulties for domestic HEMS

16 我国直升机医疗救援整体发展水平较为落后:
The total HEMS development level is low: 1、大众对于航空救援的认知和理念较为保守 The pubilc is conservative about HEMS. 2、民航缺少航空医疗救援运行标准 Civil aivation is lack of HEMS Operation standreds. 3、航空医疗救援运行成本高、收费高 The cost and charge are both high. 4、专业航空医疗救援航空器少 Lack of professional HEMS helicopters. 5、各自为战,没有专业航空医疗救援组织 Operation separately, don`t have a professional HEMS organization. 6、并不能实现真正的24小时航空救援,夜间运行能力差 Can`t really realize 24 hours operation, lack of night operation capability. 7、尚未形成全域覆盖的直升机医疗救援网络。 Haven`t form a full area covered HEMS grid.

17 Future development of HEMS
航空医疗救援未来发展 Future development of HEMS

18 随着航空救援高时效性的救治理念深入人心,航空救援的比例将大大增加。
While the high chronergy idea is widely spreaded,the ratio of HEMS will have a tremendous rise. 行业将探索建立标准化、规范化的航空救援法规和资质认证体系。 Practitioners will explore and create the standards,methods and qualification certification system. 救援需求的增大、专业航空救援机构的成立将促进应急救援体系网络的建立。 With the rising demands and more HEMS companies join in,the rescue grid will be built faster. 直升机医疗救援的高成本使得直升机医疗救援不可能完全以福利形式或个人支付形式实现,势必会带来医疗保险制度的改革。 Due to the high charge of HEMS,it can not be paid be personal or be offered as welfares.So,that will bring the innovation of medical insurance system.

19 Reignwood Star responsibility in the heart
华彬天星 责任于心 Reignwood Star responsibility in the heart

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