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Module 4 The natural world

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1 Module 4 The natural world
Oxford English Module 4 The natural world 10 Air

2 This is our home. Look and read Pre-task preparation 1:
活动目的:引出主题。 操作方法:教师叙述,引出主题。

3 There are many natural elements around us.
Look and read We live on Earth. There are many natural elements around us. We cannot live without them. They are everywhere around us. 其他建议:本部分为拓展内容,请教师根据实际情况选用。 3

4 Mind-map natural elements Think and say
操作方法:教师提问What natural elements do you know? Why do you think it’s important? 学生回答。

5 LISTEN AND Guess air light sky What is it? water wind sun
Pre-task preparation 2: 活动内容:Listen and guess 活动目的:引出主题。 操作方法:学生听短文,两两讨论猜测短文描述的是哪个单词,并简单地说出理由。下一页揭示答案。 water wind sun

6 air Think and say 活动内容:Think and say 活动目的:结合已有知识,打开思路。

7 Air is everywhere around us.
Think and say Air is everywhere around us. What do you know about air? Air is … Air has … We need air to … We can … with air.

8 Air has no smell. Air has no taste.
Look and read Air has no smell. Air has no taste. Air has no colour. Air has no shape. When the wind blows, we can feel it. We need air to breathe. We need air to survive. When we breathe it, It keeps us alive. Pre-task preparation 3: 活动内容:Look and read 活动目的:对air有更多了解。 操作方法:学生自读,教师讲解。 其他建议:breathe和survive为拓展词,请教师根据实际情况选用。

9 Does air have taste or smell?
Ask and answer Does air have taste or smell? Pre-task preparation 4: 活动内容:Ask and answer 活动目的:对air有更多了解。 操作方法:教师提问,学生回答。 No.

10 How does a balloon lift people up?
Ask and answer How does a balloon lift people up? It uses hot air.

11 How do kites and planes stay in the sky?
Ask and answer How do kites and planes stay in the sky? They ride on air.

12 Does it have any colour or taste?
What is it? Does it have any colour or taste? Can you see or feel it? While-task procedure 2: 活动内容:Ask and answer 活动目的:了解课文的主要意思。 操作方法:读完课文后,根据课文回答问题,然后完成填空练习。

13 What is it? It is air. Does it have any colour or taste? No, it doesn’t. Can you see or feel it? I cannot see it, but I can feel it.

14 Think and complete It has no ______ or _______.
We cannot ____ it, but we can ____ it. colour shape smell taste see feel 操作方法:教师可以发小练习纸,学生可以单独完成,也可以同桌一起完成。

15 Why is it important? We all need it to keep us alive.

16 Think and complete It is __________. It is important to all ______.
It is also important to ______ and _____. We all need it to keep us _____. everywhere people animals plants 操作方法:教师可以发小练习纸,学生可以单独完成,也可以同桌一起完成。 alive

17 What other things need air?
Kites, hot-air balloons, planes and birds.

18 Think and complete Look at the _____ and the ______.
They all need it too. It keeps them _____ in the sky. kite balloon plane bird 操作方法:教师可以发小练习纸,学生可以单独完成,也可以同桌一起完成。 high

19 It keeps them high in the sky.
While-task procedure 3: 活动内容:Look and learn 活动目的:教授句型It keeps them high in the sky. 操作方法:教师讲解keep的含义。并且解释them在课文中所指代的内容。

20 Read and recite It is air. It has no colour or shape.
It has no smell or taste. We cannot see it, but we can feel it. It is everywhere. It is important to all people. It is also important to animals and plants. We all need it to keep us alive. Look at the kite and the balloon. Look at the plane and the bird. They all need it too. It keeps them high in the sky. While-task procedure 3: 活动内容:Read and recite 活动目的:将谜语的答案揭晓,背诵全文。 操作方法:学生熟读之后背诵。

21 Post-task activity 1: 活动内容:看图学词。 活动目的:通过降落伞的图,了解单词parachute。 操作方法:结合图片,了解单词跟读。






27 parachute

28 How to make a parachute? Post-task activity 2: 活动内容:Make and say
活动目的:了解降落伞的制作过程,并能动手自己做一个。 操作方法:根据图片学做。

29 What do we need? a piece of cloth a string a small toy

30 Take a piece of cloth.

31 Tie a piece of string to each corner.

32 Bring the four pieces of string together and tie them to a small toy.

33 Throw the toy up in the air.

34 What happens?

35 How to make a parachute?

36 Think and choose 1. The parachute falls down quickly / slowly.
2. The parachute is open / closed. 3. The parachute hits the ground gently / heavily. Post-task activities 3: 活动内容:Think and choose 活动目的:了解降落伞的降落过程中的知识。 操作方法:学生做完降落伞实验之后进行回答。 4. There is air / water in the parachute.

37 The toy moves slowly in the air.

38 Homework 1. Listen to and read Student’s Book pages 68 and 72.
2. Recite the riddle in “Listen and say” on Student’s Book page 68. 3. Make a toy parachute. 4. Finish Workbook pages 56 and 58.

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