是何嬰孩? What Child Is This, Who, Laid to Rest ?

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1 是何嬰孩? What Child Is This, Who, Laid to Rest ?
聖誕詩歌 是何嬰孩? What Child Is This, Who, Laid to Rest ? 會 眾 Congregation

2 是何嬰孩? What Child Is This, Who, Laid to Rest?
這位奇妙嬰孩是誰, 安臥瑪麗亞懷中? 夜半降生天使歌頌, 牧人們驚奇歡騰. 這是基督我王, 天使頌揚牧人歡欣: 快來歡呼敬拜, 瑪麗亞懷中聖嬰. 摘自 “教會聖詩” (1)What child is this, who, laid to rest, On Ma-ry’s lap is sleep-ing? Whom an-gels greet with an-thems sweet, While shep-herds watch are keep-ing? This, this is Christ the King, Whom she-herds guard and an-gels sings: Haste, haste to bring Him laud. The Babe, the son of Ma-ry.

3 是何嬰孩? What Child Is This, Who, Laid to Rest?
為何看來窮苦微賤, 牛馬就在祂旁邊? 應當敬畏應當敬畏, 聖道贖罪到人間。 這是基督我王, 天使頌揚牧人歡欣: 快來歡呼敬拜, 馬利亞懷中聖嬰。 (2)Why lies He in such mean es-tate Where ox and ass are feed-ing? Good Chris-tian, fear: for sin-ners here. The si-lent Word is plead-ing. This, this is Christ the King, Whom shep-herds guard and an-gels sing: Haste, haste to bring Him laud. The Babe, the son of Ma-ry.

4 是何嬰孩? What Child Is This, Who, Laid to Rest?
(3)So bring Him in-cense, gold, and myrrh, Come peas-ant, king, to own Him; The King of kings sal-va-tion brings, Let lov-ing hearts en-throne Him. This, this is Christ the King, Whom shep-herds guard and an-gels sing: Haste, haste to bring Him laud. The Babe, the son of Ma-ry. 獻上乳香沒葯黃金, 眾人當齊來拜他; 萬王之王帶來救恩, 應當傾心接待祂。 這是基督我王, 天使頌揚牧人歡欣: 快來歡呼敬拜, 馬利亞懷中聖嬰。

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