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Presentation on theme: "G-Dragon."— Presentation transcript:

1 G-Dragon


3 Big Bang ,king of K-POP, is from south Korea
Big Bang ,king of K-POP, is from south Korea. They made a hit by issuing their debut album in August 2006.In 2007,they released their title song-lies, which retook the airwaves from Korean singers.

4 Big Bang is not just a simple band, but considered a symbol of their culture. They play an important part in the fashion as well as the musical field.

5 Big Bang has conquered the domestic and foreign innumerable fans by splendid music strength ,individuality style and impressive style charm, has taken team leader G-Dragon as the cutting edge, participating to write words to compose. He has the strength to compare with Rap strength and is thought highly of the numerous musician which was honored as the new epoch of idol combination and lead the trend of the South Korea and even the Asian music.

6 G-Dragon His korean name is KwonJi yong. His English name is G-Dragon. He was born in August 18, In 2001,he got on stage for the first time in Korea Hip-Hop Flex. He is the leader and rapper of Big Bang. As well, he is a songwriter, producer and model.

7 He is such a talented person that on the one hand, he was awarded the top 10 Korean Composers before he was 20. Meanwhile he composed over 150 songs registrated in the Korea Muisc Assosiation which let him become the most songs' owner and bring him the highest royalty fee. On the other hand, he is a world-class level rapper with handsome apperance. Also the Koreans announced him to be the top ten Mr. Attractive and the fashion star of the Korea. Besides, the CNN website picked him to be one of the "50 reasons why Seoul is the world’s greatest city"

8 I'm the one and only G to the D, many fake Flies of the mall, over head, on your feet I flip it the way with doggy thoughts beat I'm wild and young ,they old and obsolete. Why so damn serious? got ur girl delirious. I'm only 25 and got the world so curious. Is it cuz of my style or my flow is mysterious? King with the aces, I'm the best! They clone me, they phony, cheesy like macaroni The blueprint of original, you are a sketch of old me ! Threndsetter , be better, style is never for free ~ Get it up for my ladies, and you make some noise yo ! Music makes me one. 我才是绝无仅有的GD,即便有太多人模仿我 飞翔在舞台的中央, 全世界都为我倾倒 发挥卓越的rap技巧是我与生俱来的本能 我年轻气盛.狂放不羁.而他们早已年迈过气 为何总是对我如此严苛?因为你们的女人都在为我而疯狂吗? 我年仅25岁.但全世界都在用好奇的眼神关注我 是因为我独特的风格亦或我所带动的神秘潮流? 我是王牌中的王牌,我就是最强的 他们模仿我,尽是些假货,简直有够庸俗的 ... 干脆直接拿我的原版出来拷贝吧!但你们顶多只能停留在我的曾经! 潮流引导者只能愈发出色!想要独俱风格从来没有那么简单! 我的女人们!再次为我尖叫起来吧!!

9 G-Dragon's influence extends beyond the music industry, having shaped major trends in South Korea. His tight control over his image and artistry have won praises for his contribution to fashion, and his lyrical contents and composition have garnered him awards.

10 G-Dragon’s style

11 clothing collocation

12 G-Dragon’s hairstyle

13 第一组:黑卷毛贵妇

14 第二组:霸气侧分

15 第3组:彩刘海权小孩

16 第4组 海带系列

17 第5组:小清新发型

18 第6组:软式莫西干

19 第7组:恶魔红发龙

20 第8组:白蘑菇

21 第9组:王子归来

22 第10组:鲔鱼寿司发型

23 第11组:LURE OF PINK

24 第12组: 雷鬼造型

25 第13组:金发少年

26 第14组:亚麻金发贵族

27 第15组:渐变色发型

28 第16组:蜡笔匹诺曹

29 第17组:凭海临风头

30 第18组:清纯的志龙

31 第19组:银色光芒

32 第20组:心似飞扬

33 第21组:暖暖的米色龙

34 第22组:穿过你的黑发的我的眼

35 第23组:King With the Aces

36 第24组:王者归来,舍我其谁?

37 第25组:警告发型

38 第26组:短暂的修养

39 第27组:又一个新的开始

40 第28组 black and white

41 If you ask me why I love him so much ,I want to say that he called G-Dragon.

42 Thank You

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