English Club In The School Of Foreign Language

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1 English Club In The School Of Foreign Language
English Salon English Club In The School Of Foreign Language

2 外语系英语俱乐部活动

3 Tongue Twister

4 游戏内容:   即为英语的绕口令。游戏分组进行,每组7~8人。由志愿者(或老师)领读,参与者跟读,进行两到三遍,然后逐渐加快速度。之后由参与者自行操练一到两分钟。最后在组内进行简单的比 赛,看哪位说的最快最流畅。

5 Tongue Twister One A big black bear sat on a big black bug.
A big black bug bit a big black bear and made the big black bear bleed blood. A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose!

6 Tongue Twister Two Bake big batches of bitter brown bread.
Big black bugs bleed blue black blood but baby black bugs bleed blue blood. Blake's black bike's back brake bracket block broke.

7 Tongue Twister Three How many cookies could a good cook cook If a good cook could cook cookies? A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.

8 Tongue Twister Four I wish I were what I was when I wished I were what I am. I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won't wish the wish you wish to wish. I wish you were a fish in my dish.

9 Tongue Twister Five How may saws could a see-saw saw if a see-saw could saw saws? How much oil boil can a gum boil boil if a gum boil can boil oil?

10 Tongue Twister Six I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasn't the thought I thought. If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought, I wouldn't have thought so much.

11 小游戏

12 Game

13 1. make up your story  游戏内容: 分组进行,每7~8人。游戏开始前每位参与者(包括一位志愿者)准备一个单词,词义不限,写在卡片上。游戏开始后所有人围成一个圈,从任意地方开始,拿右手边的人的单词开始编故事,故事长度大约两到三句话,其中一定要出现此单词。之后把自己的单词给左手边的人,让左手边的人用此单词故事接龙,以此类推直到一轮结束。在结束后可对大家的故事进行简单的点评。

14 猜谜语

15 1.How many sides does a house have?
Two - inside and outside 2. What is yours, but is used more by others than by you? your name

16 the moon your age 3.What bank has no money? the riverbank
4.What can go around the earth without rockets? the moon 5.What goes up and never comes down? your age

17 6.What kind of dog never bite?
A hot dog. 7.Why does the Statue of Liberty stand in New York Harbor? Because it can't sit down. 8.What comes after the letter "A"? All the other letters.

18 9.What starts with a T, ends with a T, and is full of T?
Teapot 10.What has cities with no houses, rivers without water and forests without trees? A map. 11.What can be measured but has no length, width or thickness? The temperature

19 看图猜词

20 生活用品类 生活用品类 生活用品类 生活用品类 人物性格类 人物性格类 人物性格类 人物性格类 动物类 动物类 动物类 职业类 职业类

21 Handkerchief 手帕(纸)

22 Match 火柴

23 Blanket 毛毯

24 Pillow 枕头

25 Curtain 窗帘

26 Toothpaste 牙膏

27 Suitcase 手提箱

28 Torch 手电筒

29 Perfume 香水

30 Lamp 灯

31 Nun 修女

32 Priest 牧师

33 Director 导演

34 disc jockey D.J. 音乐节目主持人

35 bank teller 银行出纳

36 Pilot 飞行员

37 police 警察

38 Model 模特

39 Firefighter 消防员

40 Host 主持人

41 Wolf 狼

42 Camel 骆驼

43 Squirrel 松鼠

44 Donkey 驴

45 Fox 狐狸

46 Penguin 企鹅

47 Koala 考拉

48 Kitten 小猫

49 Giraffe 长颈鹿

50 Zebra 斑马

51 self-confident 自信的

52 Lovely 可爱的

53 Calm 冷静的

54 Romantic 浪漫的

55 Selfless 无私的

56 Rough 粗暴的

57 Humorous 幽默的

58 Gentle 温文尔雅的


60 将同学根据座次分成四组,每组取个名字。如EAM WINNER,TEAM DRAGON。每组出一人。就话题内容说一分钟。如果中间出现重复,或汉语或停。其他组喊STOP!然后由说STOP 的这一组继续进行。每一话题一轮,共三个话题即三轮。赢的一组加10分,其他组由外教和老师根据表现点评。

61 Ask and answer

62 3.关于大学生兼职的想法是什么?认为这些跟学业冲突吗?
1.大学开始一学期了,你们对大学生活有什么理解和疑问呢?有什么想做的事情和打算呢? 2.你认为在大学应该谈恋爱吗?原因什么? 3.关于大学生兼职的想法是什么?认为这些跟学业冲突吗?

63 Thank you

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