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冀教版 七年级下册 Lesson 16 We Are with You!.

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1 冀教版 七年级下册 Lesson 16 We Are with You!

2 Review Words and expressions

3 I. 根据提示写出单词的正确形式。 1. What’s the __________ (差异) between an ape (猿) and a monkey? 2. Did you make the dress _________ (你 自己)? 3. Can you d____ (停止) what you're doing and help me with this report? 4. Come as quickly as p_______. 5. It’s _______ (决不) too late to start eating a healthy diet. 6. We need to plan for the ______ (未来). difference yourself drop possible never future

4 II. 单项选择。 1. — Have you ever been to Disneyland? — No, ______. I hope I can go there next year. (2012山东济南) A. always B. sometimes C. never D. often 2. — Zhang Lili, "the most beautiful teacher", has moved us deeply. — Yes, and she is ______ popular with her students. (2012浙江宁波) A. sometimes B. never C. always D. hardly

5 III. 根据提示写出短语的正确形式。 1. Exercise can ________________ (有作用) to your state of health. 2. She doesn’t ________ (放弃) easily. 3. Some students in poor areas ________ ________ (辍学) because of poverty (贫 困). 4. I’ll try to do better ____________ (将来). 5. Your dream is to ______________ (过好 的生活) for yourself. make a difference give up drop out of school in the future make a good life

6 IV. 根据句意及提示用适当的频度副词 完成句子。 1. __________ (有时) I worry about the future. 2. It’s _______ (总是) cold in this room. 3. He _______ (通常) gets home about 6 o'clock. 4. I _____ (常常) see him in the garden. 5. I shall ______ (决不) stay at that hotel again. Sometimes always usually often never

7 1.放弃我的学业/学游泳 2.给我希望   3.辍学 4.用一切可能的方法 5.将来   6.受到良好的教育,你就可以有所不同。

8 Read the words and expressions loudly.

9 Words Jason Glen Riverside High School terrible happen lose fire raise 杰森·格伦(人名) 河畔中学 adj. 可怕的;非常严重的 v. 发生 v. 失去;失败 n. 火;火灾 v. 募集(钱财)

10 Objectives: 1. 学习课文,了解文章内容;掌握本课知识点 2. 想想都有哪些方法可以帮到需要帮助 的人; 3. 学习句子: On the first day of school, something terrible happened. It was a very hard time for them. So they came up with a plan.

11 Free talk

12 Let’s practise Work in groups. Imagine you work for a company that helps poor children. What will you do for them? How will you help them? Discuss with your classmates and make a plan.

13 We can help the poor in so many ways
We can help the poor in so many ways. Even the smallest effort counts (有价值; 有重要意义) and that can be achieved with the following steps: volunteer (志愿者), donate and fundraise (募捐). Volunteering is the easiest way to give your time to another person in need.

14 Donating money can be donecomfortably on any budget (预算), because every penny counts.
Fundraising can be challenging (挑战的), but the reward (报答) in the end makes all the hard work worth (值得) it. Whether you are helping the poor in your community (社区) or the poor around the world, you are doing a good deed (行为) and helping those less fortunate (幸运的).

15 a cookie sale a car wash

16 Read and answer. 1. What happened to Jason Glen and his family? Jason Glen and his family lost everything in a big house fire. 2. Who helped Jason and his family? Jason’s classmates helped them.

17 3. How did they help Jason and his
family? Many students brought clothes and food from their homes. The school had a car wash and a cookie sale. In just three days, the school raised $1 200 and then gave the money to Jason’s family.

18 1. 一个12岁的男孩 在上学的第一天 3. 一个艰难的时刻 想出一个计划 5. 第二天 在仅仅三天之内 7.可怕的事情发生了 8. 我和我的家人永远不会忘记。

19 Language points

20 raise 1. In just three days, the school raised $1,200.
2.If you have any question, please raise your hands. 3. I want to raise a dog as a pet. 4. There is too much noise, I have to raise my voice.

21 On the first day of school, something terrible happened.
形容词作定语通常置于被修饰词之前,但当被修饰的词是复合不定代词时,则置于复合不定代词之后。 There's something interesting on the front page. 头版上有些有意思的消息。

22 So they came up with a plan.
come up with 的意思是“想出;提出(主意、答案等)” She came up with a new idea for increasing sales. 她想出了增加销售量的新主意。


24 II. 单项选择。 1. I hope I can find ______ for my son in the shop. (2012四川雅安) A. good something B. something good C. many thing D. good anything 2. A ______ girl named Dong Xinyi looked after her disabled father. (2012甘肃鸡西) A. three-year-old B. three-years-old C. three years old

25 I. 根据提示写出单词的正确形式。 1. The weather was t_______. 2. Anything could _______ (发生) in the next half hour. 3. He ____ (lose) his leg in a car accident. 4. Animals are usually afraid of ____ (火). 5. They tried to _____ (募集) money for the homeless. terrible happen lost fire raise

26 III. 根据句意完成下列句子。 1. ____________________ (学期的第一 天), the teacher made a speech. 2. They all ________ (起立) and cheered (欢呼). 3. I know ______________________ (这 段时间对他来讲很辛苦). On the first day of term stood up it is a hard time for him

27 something terrible 4. About three years ago, __________ _______ (某些可怕的事) happened to him. 5. Don’t be afraid. _____________ (我和 你在一起). 6. We ___________________ (永远不会 忘记他). 7. They’ve tried to ____________ (想出) a solution. I am with you will never forget him come up with

28 Time for Reflection 你知道下列单词和句子的意思吗? terrible, happen, lose, fire, raise On the first day of school, something terrible happened. It was a very hard time for them. So they came up with a plan.

29 Homework 1. Review the key points in this lesson
2. Finish off the exercises in Activity Book 3. Preview the next lesson

30 Thank you!

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