Victimless Crimes 無受害者的犯罪

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1 Victimless Crimes 無受害者的犯罪
Class 3 Victimless Crimes 無受害者的犯罪

2 Today’s missions Finish “Anti-Smoking Laws” “Victimless Crimes”
3. Quiz 1 4. 指定作業1, 下週交,逾時不候。 5. 本課分組段落指定

3 Finish “Anti-Smoking Laws”- 1
ever since可以翻成自從,跟since的差別在於語氣較強烈,跟since用法一樣,接在後面的子句通常用過去式,主要子句時態則需用完成式。 Ever since smoking was identified as a leading cause of death, governments have been trying to enact laws to prevent some of those deaths. Since the time that the Canadian government first took action, the number of adult male smokers has declined.

4 Finish “Anti-Smoking Laws”- 2
This is good news because illnesses related to smoking can cause a lot of damage to our bodies.

5 Finish “Anti-Smoking Laws”-3
epidemic 流行病、 傳染病 1. Smoking-related deaths are so widespread that many people say it is an epidemic. nicotine 尼古丁 2. Smoking is so addictive(令人上癮的) because the nicotine in the tobacco.

6 Finish “Anti-Smoking Laws”-4
secondhand smoke 二手煙 3. Non-smokers breathe in the secondhand smoke of smokers when they are in public places. put out 熄滅 4. Don’t forget to put out your cigarette when you’re finished.

7 Finish “Anti-Smoking Laws”-5
5. I have a habit of chewing gum(嚼口香糖) in class; I do it almost every day. pipes 煙斗 6. I think cigarettes and cigars stink(發臭的), but I don’t really mind the smell of pipes.

8 4. 作業1: * 寫下這些國家的形容詞(人)及其首都 Korea, Japan, China, Iran, Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Turkey, England/Britain, France, Russia, German, Morocco, Egypt, Sudan, Nigeria, South Africa, Canada, America, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Australia, Chille 下週交,逾時不候

9 Victimless Crimes 無受害者的犯罪
2. Victimless Crimes 無受害者的犯罪

10 Vocabulary 參考翻譯 victimless crimes 無受害者的犯罪 victim 受害者 criminal 罪犯
litter v. 亂丟東西 laws against selling alcohol to kids 禁止販賣 酒給小孩的法律 alcohol sales 酒精販售(賣酒) drug use 使用藥、使用毒品 using drugs watch pornography 看色情(刊物) gambling 博奕 gamble賭博 addict 上癮者 addictive 容易上癮的

11 Vocabulary 參考中文翻譯 無受害者的犯罪 victimless crimes 受害者 victim 罪犯 criminal
litter 禁止販賣 酒給小孩的法律 laws against selling alcohol to kids

12 Vocabulary 參考中文翻譯 博奕 酒精販售(賣酒) alcohol sales 使用藥、使用毒品
drug use (using drugs ) 看色情(刊物) watch pornography 博奕 gambling 上癮者 容易上癮的 addict addictive

13 Reading -1 1. there is/are no + n. 沒有、、 there are no victims 沒有受害者
Even though there is no specific victim 雖然沒有特別的受害者 2. Normally 正常地、自然地 Normally, laws are made to protect people, but if there are no victims of these acts, why do we make laws against them?

14 Reading -2 1. Even though there is no specific victim, the laws protect our society. 2. People supporting such laws believe that if we didn’t have laws against victimless crimes like using drugs, watching pornography, or gambling, our society would fail.

15 Reading -2 3. freedom requires responsibility 自由需要責任
democracy requires laws 民主需要法律

16 Can you read these pornography gambling special specific democracy
requires responsibility

17 Assigned Homework 1. 下週交作業1
2. Look up these words from the dictionary: 1. viewpoint 2. assume 3. indirect victims 4. insufficient funds 5. rob 6. contribute to

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