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张宁宁 全国成人高等教育规划教材 英语 4 (非英语专业专科用)

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1 张宁宁 全国成人高等教育规划教材 英语 4 (非英语专业专科用)
Unit 10 Saying Goodbye 张宁宁 全国成人高等教育规划教材 英语 4 (非英语专业专科用)

2 Menu Background information Vocabulary Language points Blank filling
Pre-reading While-reading Post-reading Background information Vocabulary Language points Grammar Focus Blank filling Translation Discussion writing

3 Introductory remarks of the passage
It’s quite popular now for the soon-to=be graduates to gather together, chatting while drinking and eating for hours in a restaurant. This is the way many students choose to enjoy their last moments at college. While recalling the leisurely days they had in the previous years at the university, they feel very sad departing and some are uncertain about their future. Back

4 Integrated skills development
Main words: 1. graduate vt.授予学位, 准予毕业;(在表、计、尺上)刻[分]度; a ruler graduated in centimeters 刻度为厘米的尺 The university must graduate more science students. 该大学要有更多的理科学生毕业。 He was [has been] graduated from Oxford in the class of 他是牛津大学1978届毕业生。

5 2. drown vt.把...淹死; 淹没; 消除(忧愁等); 使沉溺于; 使迷恋(in);搀淡
be [get] drowned 淹死, 溺死 drown oneself 投水(自杀) eyes drowned in tears 泪汪汪的眼晴 drown one's cares in wine 以酒解忧 be drowned in fishing 对钓鱼入迷了 The cheers of the audience drowned the professor's voice. 听众的欢呼声淹没了这位教授的声音。 Don't drown my whisky. 不要在我的威士忌酒里加太多的水。

6 3. sorrow 悲痛; 忧伤; 遗憾; 惋惜; 悔恨 不幸; 魔鬼 伤心事 悲哀的原因; 伤心的原故
the Man of Sorrows 耶稣 the muscle sorrow [苏]魔鬼 cause much sorrow to 使...非常伤心; 给...造成许多烦恼 express one's sorrow for one's mistake 对错误表示遗憾 share one's joys and sorrows 与某人苦乐与共

7 4. alcohol n.酒精, 酒 absolute alcohol 无水酒精, 纯酒精 wood alcohol 甲醇, 木醇

8 5. chat n.闲谈, 聊天; 非正式谈话 have a chat with 与...闲 聊
They dropped in for a chat last night. 他们昨晚顺便来闲聊了一会儿。 chat show (电台或电视台的)现场采访节目 chat sb. up 同某人闲谈以取得好感[信任]

9 6. depressed adj.忧伤的,抑郁的,消沉的; 压下的,降低的; 萧条的 depressed areas 贫困地区
His reading achievement is depressed. 他的阅读能力低于一般水平。

10 7. polishing n.(大理石雕像, 铜版等) 磨[抛, 擦, 打]光, 磨料 cup polishing 抛光笔
oil polishing 油的滤清(脱臭和冷却后的过滤), 油的精加工 rice polishing

11 8. printing n.印刷, 印刷术[业、品]; [pl. ]供印刷用的纸;书的一次印数; 版数 印刷字体
printing and dyeing 印染 printing house 印刷厂 printing ink (印刷)油墨 printing machine 印刷机 printing office 印刷所 printing press (电动)印刷机, 印刷厂

12 9. draft n.草稿, 草案, 草图 vt.起草, 为...打样, 设计 v.草拟
a draft for [of] a speech 讲话底稿 a rough draft 草稿 the first draft 初稿 a draft system 征兵制 a draft for 100 yuan on the bank 一张向银行支取100元的汇票 a demand draft 即期汇票 drink off at a draft 一饮而尽 a draft of air 一阵风 stand in a draft 站在通风处 a ship with a draft of 25 feet 吃水二十五英尺的船

13 10. explanation 解释, 说明; 注释;辩解[明];(为消除彼此误会或分歧等的)交谈
notes in explanation 注解 oral explanation 口头说明 supplementary explanation 补充说明事项 explanation of symbols 符号注解, 符号凡例说明 come to an explanation with sb. 与人交谈后消除了误会 in explanation of 解释

14 11. gather 集合, 聚集, 搜集;逐渐获得[加快]; 推断[测]; 打皱;吸引, 唤起注意 gather crops 收庄稼
gather flowers 采花 gather information [experience] 逐渐获得消息[积累经验] gather strength 恢复体力 gather taxes 收税 gather one's brows 皱眉 The train gathered speed as it left the station. 火车离站时, 速度逐渐加快。 What did you gather from his statement? 你推想他的声明是什么意思?

15 12. immaturity n. 未成熟, 粗糙,未臻完美 Immature adj. 未成熟的, 未发育完全的, 幼年的, 未成年的
未完成的, 不完全的 粗糙的, 生硬的 Immaturely adv. Immatureness n.

16 13. independent 独立的; 不愿受约束的; 不依赖他人为生的; 单独的 [Independent ]【宗】独立派的
【语】主要的 【数】无关的; 独立的 an independent thinker 独立思考者; 有独特见解的思想家 independent country 独立的国家 independent variable 自变数 an independent clause (主从复合句中的)主句 be independent of one's parents 不依赖父母而自立 They went camping so as to be independent of hotels. 他们去露营, 免得住旅馆。

17 14. treasure n.金银财宝, 珍宝, 财产; 财富; 珍藏 被珍爱的人[物]; 珍品 art treasures 艺术珍品
my treasure 我的宝贝儿(尤指孩子) spend blood and treasure 牺牲生命和财产

18 15. loneliness Lonely adj.孤独的;寂莫的;人迹少的;荒凉的 Lonely adv. Loneliness n.
lone hand the L-star state 孤星州(得克萨斯州的别称)

19 16. accept vt.接受[收], 领受; 承受(责任); 接纳, 接待; (默默地)忍受; 理解, 了解
【商】承兑, 认付(汇票等) 验收(合格) accept the situation 听天由命 accept an office 承担一个职务 accept a note 承兑票据 [to be] ... 把...当作...; 认为...是...

20 17. reality n.逼真, 真实; 事实; 现实性;【哲】现实; 实在
describe a scene with reality 逼真地描写情景 bring sb. back to reality 使某人面对现实, 不再抱有幻想 in reality 事实上, 实际上, 其实 make sth. a reality 实现某事, 落实 Ultimate R- 主宰一切的最高权力(在基督教中 指上帝) reality of law 【律】财产法, 物权法

21 18. regret (regretted; regretting) 遗憾, 惋惜; 抱歉; 悔恨, 懊悔; 悼念, 哀悼; 怀念
I regret (to say) that.. 我很遗憾...; 很抱歉... It is to be regretted that ... 使人遗憾的是...; 真可惜... I regret my ignorance on the subject. 我很遗憾, 对此问题一无所知。 I regret to tell you that my friend is ill. 遗憾地告诉你, 我的朋友病了。 To this day I do not regret having made that remark. 说了这话, 我至今不后悔。 He died regretted by all. 他死了, 大家深感痛惜。

22 19. warn vt. 警戒[告](against, of); 预先通知, 预告 warn sb. off [away]
通知某人离开; 告诫某人避开 Warner n 警告者; 告戒者; 报警器 Back

23 Language points Para1: …a graduate majoring in physics at a state university. majoring in...,a present participle, acts as a post-modifier, modifying graduate and meaning specializing in or doing physics at collage. As a student, you can take a minor course in addition to your major.

24 Para 2: Philip drank a lot of wine while having supper with a few friends.
When a participle clause acts as an adverbial in a sentence, it can take a corresponding conjunction, such as while, when, if, unless, etc. Hence we have here while having supper…in these cases, the participle clause shares the same subject with the main clause and therefore the sentence can be rewritten as: Philip drank a lot of wine while he was having supper with a few friends.

25 Para6: they just need polishing…
When an “-ing” form is used as the object of such verbs as need, demand, deserve, etc. it carries the meaning of passive voice. Need polishing is equal to need to be polished. We could also say: The front gate needs/wants/requires mending. Back

26 Grammar focus: inversion
1. 由there, here, now或then引起、谓语为come (go, follow)等运动动词的句子。 如果主语为代词,则仍用正常语序。 如:Here we are. 1.Here comes the bus. 2.Now comes your turn. 3.Then came the famine. 4.Here is a new book. 2. 由so, neither 或 nor 引起的表承续的句子。 1.A: I’m thirsty. B: so am I. 2. A: I'm not nervous. B: Neither (Nor) am I.

27 3. 由hardly, never, rarely, scarcely, little, often, only+ adv
3. 由hardly, never, rarely, scarcely, little, often, only+ adv., not only, not until 等词引起的句子。 1.Hardly can I understand what he means. 2.Oftn do our parents urge us to study and work harder. 3.Little does he know about it. 4.Not until yesterday did l learn that he had gone abroad. 4. 前置表语引起的句子。 More important is the principle of equality and mutual benefit. 5. 省略了if 的条件从句。 Had I studied harder, I could have passed the exam. 6. 表示祝愿的句子。 May you be happy forever!

28 Rewrite the sentences below starting with the words given.
1. I had scarcely finished speaking when James jumped to his feet. Scarcely ______________________________________________. 2. I have never heard such a lot of nonsense before. Never before ___________________________. 3. we got in the bus and went off to Briton. We got in the bus and off ______________. 4. she opened the box and o live mouse jumped out. She opened the not and out_________________. 5. she did not tell me once that she would be coming round. Not once___________________________________. 6. they do only spend all my money, they also wasted a good deal of my time. Not only_______________________________________________. had I finished speaking when James jumped to his feet. have I heard such a lot of nonsense did we go to Briton did a live mouse jump did she tell me that she would be coming round did they spend all my money, they also wasted a good deal of my time

29 Suppose you are talking to someone. You have the same ideas, taste etc
Suppose you are talking to someone. You have the same ideas, taste etc. as your friend. Use so… or neither… each time. Examples: I’m feeling tired. So am I. I don’t like eggs. Neither do I. 1. I need a holiday. 2. I don’t like milk. 3. I couldn’t get up this morning. 4. I’d love ca cup of tea. 5. I’ve never been to Africa. 6. I was ill yesterday. 7. I should smoke less. 8. I spent the whole evening watching television. 9. I didn’t know Ann was in hospital. Back

30 Check your understanding
Please answer the following questions (in no more than 3 words) according to the passage. 1. whom is the passage about? _____________. 2. what do some students do before the graduation? They _________ all day and night. 3. The soon-to-be graduates know that what is outside campus is __________ their colleges or universities. 4. they drink and even cry because they find it difficult to ___________. 5. David thinks that eating and drinking as they do is _________. soon-to-be graduates drink and chat different from accept the reality a real waste

31 Build up your language stock
The following experiences are taken from the passage you have just read. Match these expressions with the Chinese equivalents given in the table by putting the corresponding letters in the brackets. A. accept the reality G. give an explanation B. from the bottom of one’s heart H. academic career C. enjoy the last moments I. major in D. drown one’s sorrows J. day and night E. experience loneliness K. treasure time F. order dishes L. waste one’s time 享受最后的时光( ) 体验孤独( ) 接受现实( ) 浪费时间( ) 珍惜时间( ) 日日夜夜地( ) 点菜( ) 做出解释( ) 学术生涯( ) 借酒消愁( ) C E A L K J F G H D Back

32 长句的翻译 翻译长句时,首先要弄清楚原文的句法结构,找出整个句子的中心内容及其各层意思,然后分析各层意思之间的相互逻辑关系(因果、时间顺序等),再按照汉语特点和表达方式,正确译出原文的意思,不拘泥原文的形式。长句的译法主要有顺序法、逆序法、分析法和综合法。 如:television keeps one informed about current events, allows one to follow the least development in science and politics, and offers an endless series of programs which are both instructive and entertaining. 电视使人了解时事,熟悉科学和政治领域的最新发展, 并能源源不断地为观众提供既有教育意义又有娱乐趣味的 节目。(顺序法)

33 Translate the following sentences into Chinese by choosing the best from the four choices of suggested translation. 1. They treasure this period of time when they experience happiness, sadness, lave, friendship, hopes and loneliness.( ) A. 他们珍惜这段时光,在其间他们品尝了欢乐,悲伤,爱情,希望和孤独。 B. 当他们品尝了欢乐,悲伤,爱情,希望和孤独以后,他们珍惜这段时光。 C. 当他们珍惜这段时光的时候,有了欢乐,悲伤,爱情,希望和孤独的经验。 D. 在品尝欢乐,悲伤,爱情,希望和孤独的时候,他们珍惜这段时光。 A

34 2. And he knew how ashamed he would have been if she had known his mother and the kind of place in which he was born, and the kind of people among whom he was born.( ) A. 若是让她知道了,他出生在这一类人中间,他出生在这种地方,他有这样的母亲,他知道她该多么难为情。 B. 她知道若是让他知道了,他出生在这一类人中间,他出生在这种地方,他有这样的母亲,他该多么丢人。 C. 他出生在这一类人中间,他出生在这种地方,他有这样的母亲,这些若是让她知道了,他知道该多么丢人。 D. 他知道要是他出生在这一类人中间, 在这种地方,有这样的母亲,该多么丢人。 C

35 3. The fact that a good teacher has some of the gift of a good actor doesn’t mean that he will indeed be able to act well on the stage, for there are very important differences between the teacher’s work and the actor’s.( ) A. 一个优秀教师可能拥有优秀演员的某些礼物,这个事实意味着他也能上台表演得很好,尽管教师的工作和演员的工作有着重要的区别。 B. 一个优秀教师可能比优秀演员的更加具有 天赋,但这并不是说他实际上已经能上台表 演得很好了,因为教师的工作和演员的工作 有着重要的区别。 C. 一个优秀教师可能送优秀演员一些礼物,但这个 事实并不是说因此他就能上台表演了,因为教师工作和演员的工作有着重要的区别。 D.一个优秀教师可能具有优秀演员的某些天赋,但这并不是说他实际上就能上台表演得很好,因为教师的工作和演员的工作有着重要的区别。 D

36 4. A very important problem, if not the most important, of all the great world problems which affect us at the present time, is the increasing number of people who live in the world.( ) A. 世界人口不断增加问题还不是我们面临的最重要问题,但是一个十分严重的影响我们的问题。 B. 目前,世界人口不断增加,即使它还不是我们目前面临的最主要问题,但也是一个十分严重的具有全球性影响的问题。 C.目前,世界人口不断增加,即使它是我们面临的最主要问题,但也不是一个十分严重的具有全球性影响的问题。 D.目前,世界人口不断增加,成为我们面临的最主要问题,但还不是一个十分严重的具有全球性影响的问题。 B Back

37 Here is a summary of the sentence patterns and expressions used for expressing feeling of saying goodbye. You can add more example. Sad feeling 1. I’ve forgotten the last time that I cried. But I really can’t cheer up now. 2. being half drunk, he was speaking from the bottom of his heart. 3. some soon-to-be graduates become sad and drown their sorrows in alcohol. 4. though excited at the start of the event, they gradually become depressed. Uncertainty of future 1. are these graduates simply uncertain of the future, or do they feel hopeless of the future? Treasuring of today 1. they treasure this period of time. 2. I’ve no regret from four years.

38 Practice your language skills
Logical connectors(表示逻辑关系的词语) 阅读中表示逻辑关系的词语有:1.表示相同或类似关系: and, also, moreover, further, in addition, besides, similarly etc.2. 表明先后顺序:before, after, another, next, then, last, finally, later on etc.3. 表示转折关系:but, however, on the contrary, otherwise, yet, etc. 4. 表示目的和因果关系:as for, because, since, as a result, for this reason, thus, so, therefore, so/such…that etc. 5. 表示终结归纳关系:in short, in a word, in belief, to conclude something etc.

39 Learn to talk about careers using the situations given below.
Model: A: which city would you like to go after graduation? B: I want to stay in Beijing. A: What job do you want to do here? B: I want to be a secretary. A: what kind of company do you want to work for? B: I want to work for a trade company. A. very interesting.

40 Try to use the following sentence patterns in your talk.
Which city would you like to go? I’d like to… When … get married? I want to… What job…? I’m going to… What … after 5 years from now I intend/plan/aim to… …have your own business? I expect/hope to… Back

41 Applied writing Structure analysis Here is s summary of
the sentence patterns and expressions used in farewell speech. You could add more of them.

42 Addressing Ladies and gentlemen Introduction It gives me a great pleasure to be here to say a few words about our manager. Looking back He jointed the firm in 1976. He worked in our office for more than 20 years Personal qualities All of us have been impressed not only by his abilities but also by his personal qualities of kindness and patience. Looking forward Mr. Franks can look forward to a new career and new responsibilities. He will enjoy the challenges that lie ahead. Expressing thanks It will be difficult, if not impossible, to replace him. We will all be very sad to see him leave. I’m sure that you will all join me in wishing him the very best for the future and thanking him for everything he has done here for us.

43 Simulated writing B E C A D para.1 Para. 2 Para. 3 Para.4
Match each paragraph of the farewell speech with a suitable heading given below. Write the corresponding letter in the table. A. Mr. Frank’s future B. introduction C. Mr. Frank’s personal qualities D. expressing thanks E. Mr. Frank’s past para.1 Para. 2 Para. 3 Para.4 B E C A D

44 史密斯先生要退休离开公司了,晚上公司要举行一个欢送会,写一段欢送辞。包括以下内容:
1. 回顾他在公司的工作经历,做出的贡献。 2. 大家对他的良好印象 3. 祝福她以后生活幸福 4. 代表公司赠送礼物 Back

45 Thank you !!!

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