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United, we stand; divided, we fall !

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1 United, we stand; divided, we fall !
Lesson 1 Grammar – Past Participles United, we stand; divided, we fall ! 团结则存, 分裂则亡

2 Teaching objectives: In this lesson, students will
Identify past participles from lesson 1. Learn different functions of past participles. 3. Learn to apply the use of past participles to daily life.

3 Grammar: find out the sentences
教育 Grammar: find out the sentences At work, it is IQ that get you hired but it is EQ that gets you promoted. Supported by his academic research, Prof. Salovey suggests …, their character, as measured by EQ tests, might actually matter… …, have you ever wondered why some students in your class… 4. It is generally believed that…

4 教育 Summary 1 过去分词用于以下三种情况 和助动词一起构成完成时的谓语 (have done) 2.和be动词一起构成被动语态的谓语 (be done by) 3. 非谓语动词

5 教育 Summary 2 过去分词包含两个特点 完成 被动 过去 分词 2 1

6 For example: excited The _______ (excite)fans cheered at the pop star _______ (sing)on the stage. 2. She saw the thief ________ (climb) into the house through the ________(break) window. singing climbing broken

7 Function: (adv/adj) 1.作定语(Attribute) 2.作表语(Predicative) 3.作宾补 4.作状语

8 ? 功能1:做定语 前置定语 1. A highly developed coutry 2. A well-respected man

9 注意区别: 沸水 ----- 开水 What’s the water like? boiling water boiled water
(= water that is boiling) boiled water (= water that has boiled) 沸水 ----- 开水 What’s the water like?

10 who was named which was built 作后置定语 = 一个定语从句
一个叫Jerry的男孩给了这个好建议。 A boy named Jerry gave this good suggestion who was named 我们住在我祖父建造的房子里。 We lived in the house built by my grandfather. which was built

11 1、昨天举行的会议非常重要 2、现在举行的会议非常重要 3、明天举行的会议将非常重要 注意: V-ed与V-ing与to do的区别
The meeting held yesterday was very important which was held The meeting being held now is very important which is being held The meeting to be held tomorrow will be very important. which is to be held

12 教育 Linking clauses 课文原句
. Supported by his academic research, Prof. Salovey suggests… . Prof. Mayer, recognised by many as a leading expert in … 补全句子: . Prof. Salovey, who was supported by his academic research, suggests… . Prof. Mayer, who is recognised by many as a leading expert in …

13 功能2:做表语 +done 电影很令人感动, 观众都被感动了 使动词 be/look/feel/seem/get/become
电影很令人感动, 观众都被感动了 The film is moving. The audience feel/are moved. 过去分词作表语, 无“被动”的意思,只是表示主语的状态或思想感情等。——— 多为?动词 使动词 结构为: be/look/feel/seem/get/become +done

14 功能3:做宾补 主语 谓语 宾语 宾语补足语 I heard a bell ringing somewhere .
主语 谓语 宾语 宾语补足语 I heard a bell ringing somewhere . I had (got) a decayed tooth pulled off. 常用动词有:hear, see, notice, watch, observe, feel, find, leave, make, have, get, keep, discover, etc. hear sb doing hear sb/sth done I saw him ________(shoot) at a bird. I saw a bird _______(shoot) at. shooting shot

15 1) The next morning she found the man ______
(躺在)in bed, dead. 2) At last they saw the missing boys ______ (玩耍)near the river. 3) Mary is so busy that she doesn’t have time to clean the house. So she has her house_________ (清洁)every weekend. lying playing cleaned 4) The murderer was brought in, with his hands _______ ( 捆,系 ) behind his back. 5)We had the fire _________(burn) all day. 6)When he returned, his wife found his hair ____(dye) black. 7)In order to make himself ______(hear), he spoke loudly. tied burning dyed heard

16 功能4:做状语 表示原因, 条件,时间,伴随等, 相当于原因、条件、时间、伴随、让步等状语从句. 因为我们被教室的噪音打搅了,所以我们不得不 去图书馆学习 。 We had to study in the library, because we were disturbed by the noise in the classroom. Disturbed by the noise in the classroom, we had to study in the library. 过去分词做原因状语

17 1)表原因,相当一个原因状语从句 激动的同学们深深地被那个故事感动了,停止了争吵.
The excited students were deeply moved by the story, so they stopped quarrelling. Deeply moved by the story, the excited students stopped quarrelling. 受到了讲演的鼓舞,Jerry决定与困难作斗争. _________________________, Jerry made up his mind to struggle with the difficulty. = ? Encouraged by the speech,

18 2)表时间,相当一个状语从句 从山顶看, 这座体育馆就象一个大鸟巢.
When the stadium is seen from the top of the hill, it looks like a big net. Seen from the top of the hill, the stadium looks like a big net. 当Jerry被问到为何迟到时,他沉默不言. When Jerry was asked why he was late, he kept silent. (When) asked why he was late, Jerry kept silent. 注意区别:从山顶看, 我觉得这座体育馆就象一个大鸟巢.

19 If he was given another chance, he would say “I love you” to her.
如果再给他一次机会,他会对她说:我爱你! If he was given another chance, he would say “I love you” to her. Given another chance,he would ....

20 4)表让步, 相当一个由though/although引到的从句
Translate: Laughed by many people, she continued her study. Told many times, he still didn’t remember them all. Although she was laughed by many people, she… Although he was told many times, he still…

21 The old man came into the room, supported by his wife.
5.表示方式或伴随情况. 那个老人在他的妻子搀扶下走进了房间.(support) The old man came into the room, supported by his wife.

22 _____for a long time, the book looks old.
与ing分词作状语的区别: ing分词作状语时, 分词与句子主语之间是主动关系; ed分词作状语时, 分词与主语之间的关系被动关系. _____for a long time, the book looks old. _____the book, I find it useful. (use) Used Using _____from the top of the hill, the stadium looks like a big net. ______from the top of the hill, I find that the stadium looks like a big net. (see) Seen Seeing

23 Linking clauses (课文原句)
教育 Linking clauses (课文原句) They also showed a better understanding of the disabled students’ feelings compared to students who had not been involved in the study. 补全句子: They also showed a better understanding of the disabled students’ feelings when they were compared to students who had not been involved in the study.

24 Most of the artists ______ to the party were from South Africa.
Small Test Most of the artists ______ to the party were from South Africa. A. invited B. to invited C. had been invited D. being invited 2. Traveling is _____, but we often feel ______ when we are back from travels. interesting; tired B. interested; tiring C. interesting; tiring D. interested; tired

25 3. ______ more time, I’ll work out all the maths problems. A. Given B
3. ______ more time, I’ll work out all the maths problems A. Given B. Giving C. To give D. Gave 4. The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see ____ the next year. A. carry out B. carrying out C. carried out D. to carry out

26 Try to apply Past Participles to use

27 Diary: 昨天早上的班会非常重要, 情绪激动的班长给我们作了非常鼓舞人的演讲, 我们都被深深的感动了.
当Mary点我讲话时,我感到有一点担忧, 但是我没有放弃. 我努力的让同学们理解我, 但是还是不能让我自己被理解, 因为他们听不到我. 当我想重复我的讲话时, 忽然,我听到下课铃声响了.

28 The meeting _____ yesterday morning was very important
The meeting _____ yesterday morning was very important. Our _______monitor gave us a quite ___________ speech, and we were all deeply ______ at it. When _____ to say something, I felt a little_______ , but I didn’t give up. I tried my best to make myself __________ , but actually not, because I couldn’t make myself _______. When I wanted to have my speech _________ , suddenly, I heard the bell _______ outside. held excited encouraging moved asked worried understood heard repeated ringing

29 Homework Review the use Write some sentences using Past participles

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