Chapter 3 Metabolism of Carbohydrate

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1 Chapter 3 Metabolism of Carbohydrate
生物化学 Chapter 3 Metabolism of Carbohydrate

2 糖分解代谢的调节 如代谢过程中加入碘乙酸,氟化物,结果如何?

3 Pentaose phosphate pathway p147
第四节 磷酸己糖支路 (HMP途径) Pentaose phosphate pathway p147 碘乙酸,氟化物等EMP相关酶抑制剂的加入,葡萄糖仍被利用. 同位素的标记葡萄糖C1,C6,标明放出的C1:C6比例不同.更多的是C1.Why? HMP

4 第四节 磷酸己糖支路 (HMP途径) p147 Also known as:
己糖单磷酸途径 (Hexose Monophosphate Pathway) 戊糖(磷酸)支路 (pentose phosphate shunt) 磷酸己糖支路 (Hexose Monophosphate shunt) 磷酸己糖旁路 磷酸葡萄糖酸途径(phosphogluconate pathway) It occurs in the cytosol (细胞溶质).

5 4. 磷酸己糖支路(HMP) 4.1 概 述 1、可在有氧条件下进行; 2、整个代谢途径在细胞液中进行;
4.1 概 述 4. 磷酸己糖支路(HMP) 1、可在有氧条件下进行; 2、整个代谢途径在细胞液中进行; 3、代谢主要目的不是获得能量,而是获得还原能力. One fate of G6P is the pentose pathway.

6 The pentose pathway is a shunt.
The pathway begins with the glycolytic intermediate glucose 6-P(G-6-P). It reconnects with glycolysis because two of the end products of the pentose pathway are glyceraldehyde 3-P (G-3-P) and fructose 6-P(F-6-P); two intermediates further down in the glycolytic pathway. It is for this reason that the pentose pathway is often referred to as a shunt (支路). glyceraldehyde 3-P (G-3-P) fructose 6-P(F-6-P)

7 It’s a shunt HMP

8 What does the pentose phosphate pathway achieve?
The pathway yields reducing potential in the form of NADPH . The pathway yields ribose 5-phosphate (核糖-5-P). DNA RNA Various cofactors (CoA, FAD, SAM:S-腺苷甲硫氨酸, NAD+/NADP+). The pathway yields reducing potential in the form of NADPH to be used in anabolic (合成代谢) reactions requiring electrons. Nucleotide biosynthesis leading to:

9 HMP提供大量还原能(NADPH) NADPH is a phosphorylated form of NADH.
In general, with some exceptions, NADH is used to drive the phosphorylation of ADP to ATP. NADPH is used where reducing potential is required for synthetic reactions.

10 NADPH参于的代谢 合成 脂肪酸 胆固醇 神经传递素 核苷 解毒 谷胱甘肽 单(加)氧酶

11 Pythagoras毕达哥拉斯 Falafel沙拉三明治 fava bean  蚕豆 

12 4. 磷酸己糖支路(HMP) 4.1 概述 4. 可产生戊糖、四碳糖等生物合成的原料; 5. 没有专一的终产物; 6. 反应分两个阶段进行
4.1 概述 4. 磷酸己糖支路(HMP) 4. 可产生戊糖、四碳糖等生物合成的原料; 5. 没有专一的终产物; 6. 反应分两个阶段进行 ①氧化阶段: 葡萄糖(C6)经脱氢、脱羧变为磷酸戊糖(C5). ②非氧化阶段: 戊糖经几种不同碳原子数的糖的转化,最终重新合成己糖。两个关键酶催化其中的反应,即转酮(转羟乙醛基)酶(transketolase)和转醛(转二羟丙酮基)酶(transaldolase)。 (C5C6)

13 C6 C5 C6 C5 C6 C5 4.2 The reaction of HMP C3 C6 C7 C4 C6 C3 C6 × 3
4.2.1 Carbon boon changes of sugars in HMP CO2 C C5 C3 C6 CO2 C3 C2 C C5 C7 C4 C6 CO2 C2 C C5 C3 C6 × 3 C6 × 2 + C3 + 3 CO2 × 2 6C6 C6 × 4 + C3 × CO2 C6 × CO2 1C6 6 CO2

14 The pentose pathway can be divided into two phases.
Non-oxidative interconversion of sugars

15 4.2 The reaction of HMP 4.2.2 5 carbon atoms Regulatory enzyme
6-磷酸葡萄糖酸-d-内酯 6-磷酸葡萄糖酸 5 carbon atoms 5-磷酸核酮糖

16 4.2 The reaction of HMP 葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶 6-磷酸葡萄糖酸-d-内酯 6-磷酸葡萄糖酸 5-磷酸核酮糖
△G0’= kJ/mol 6-磷酸葡萄糖酸-d-内酯 6-磷酸葡萄糖酸 5-磷酸核酮糖 葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶

17 4.2 The reaction of HMP G-6-P脱氢酶
Regulatory enzyme The enzyme is highly specific for NADP+; the Km for NAD+ is 1000 greater than for NADP+.

18 4.2 The reaction of HMP 内酯酶 水合反应

19 4.2 The reaction of HMP 6-磷酸葡萄糖酸脱氢酶 核酮糖-5-磷酸

20 NADPH + H+ is formed from two separate reactions.
The glucose 6-phosphate DH (G6PD) reaction is the rate limiting step and is essentially irreversible. Cells have a greater need for NADPH than ribose 5-phosphate.

21 核酮糖-5-P生成核糖-5-P 核酮糖-5-P 酮糖 差向异构化酶 醛糖 核糖-5-P △G0’= kJ/mol

22 Ribulose-5-P(核酮糖) is converted to xylulose-5-P(木酮糖) by isomerization
差向异构化酶 3位-D型 3位-L型 核酮糖 木酮糖 特殊生物意义:酮糖作为转酮酶的底物时,只有C3位为L型才起作用.

23 4.2 The reaction of HMP 4.2.3 The nonoxidative phase of the pentose pathway This entails extensive carbon atom rearrangement. 2C 3C 2C Transketolase(转酮酶) requires the coenzyme thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP), the transaldolase(转醛酶) does not.

24 HMP非氧化反应中的两个关键酶 不需要TPP 需要TPP 酮糖供体第3位碳为L-构型 转酮酶(转2C单位) 转醛酶(转3C单位)
转醛酶或转二羟丙酮基酶 转酮酶或转羟乙醛基酶 需要TPP 酮糖供体第3位碳为L-构型 不需要TPP

25 HMP非氧化反应中的两个关键酶 供体为酮糖 酮糖变为醛糖 受体为醛糖 醛糖变为酮糖

26 转酮酶催化的第一个反应 木酮糖-5-P 核糖-5-P 甘油醛-3-P 景天庚酮糖-7-P △G0’= 0.54 kJ/mol

27 转酮酶催化的第一个反应 活性形式 CH2OH CH2OH CH2OH CH2OH CH2OH 非羧酸基 HO-CH HO-CH R2 R2

28 转酮酶催化的第一个反应 R3 HO-CH CH2OH CH2OH CH2OH C=O HO-C-H R3

29 转醛酶的作用 景天庚酮糖-7-P 甘油醛-3-P 赤藓糖-4-P 果糖-6-P

30 转酮酶催化的第二个反应 木酮糖-5-P 赤藓糖-4-P 甘油醛-3-P 果糖-6-P

31 The nonoxidative phase of the pentose pathway
Ingested (吸收)ribose can enter the glycolytic pathway through the pentose pathway.

32 转酮酶 转醛酶 转酮酶

33 4.3 Regulation of the Pentose Pathway
Glucose 6-phosphate DH is the regulatory enzyme. NADPH is a potent competitive inhibitor of the enzyme. Usually the ratio NADPH/NADP+ is high so the enzyme is inhibited. But, with increased demand for NADPH, the ratio decreases and enzyme activity is stimulated.

34 4.3 Regulation of the Pentose Pathway
The reactions of the non-oxidative portion of the pentose pathway are readily reversible. The concentrations of the products and reactants can shift depending on the metabolic needs of a particular cell or tissue.

35 4.3 Regulation of the Pentose Pathway
Rapidly dividing cells require more ribose 5- phosphate than NADPH.

36 4.3 Regulation of the Pentose Pathway
The need for NADPH and ribose 5-phosphate is balanced.

37 4.3 Regulation of the Pentose Pathway
More NADPH is needed than ribose 5-phosphate; Fatty acid synthesis in adipose(脂肪) cells.

38 4.3 Regulation of the Pentose Pathway
The cell needs both NADPH and ATP

39 4.4 HMP途径的意义 产生NADPH,为各种生物合成提供还原力,如脂肪酸合成、固醇合成; 产生磷酸戊糖,为核酸合成提供原料;

40 4.4 HMP途径的意义 5. NADPH使红细胞内GSSGGSH, 对维持红细胞的还原性具有重要性;
HMP途径是植物光合作用中由CO2合成葡萄糖的部分反应途径。 这一代谢途径使三、四、五、六、七碳糖可以互相转化,是戊糖及四、七碳糖分解的代谢途径。

41 4.4 HMP与EMP途径的协调 Regulation between the two pathways of EMP and HMP
EMP 和 HMP 有密切的联系,有分支点和交叉点; 两者在生物体内的存在有一定比例; 两者的协调关系:  G G-6-P P-glucomate Ribulose-5-P   ═ F-6-P   EMP 抑制 抑制 此反应慢

42 4.4 HMP与EMP途径的协调

43 5. 葡萄糖醛酸途径 Glucuronic acid cycle pathway
1、这一途径也叫做抗坏血酸的途径,只在高等动物体内存在。 葡萄糖生成糖醛酸的一条路。糖醛酸是重要的动物粘多糖(蛋白聚糖)的构成成份,是肝脏解毒的物质。 2、由G-6-P或G-1-P开始,经UDP-glucuronic acid (葡萄糖醛酸)的代谢途径。 GlcUA经脱氢、脱羧等生成 (磷酸)木酮糖与HMP相联。

44 葡萄糖 葡萄糖-6-P 糖原 葡萄糖-1-P UDP-葡萄糖 葡萄糖醛酸
L-古洛糖酸 L-抗坏血酸 Vc 木酮糖-5-P


46 L-古洛糖酸 L-抗坏血酸

47 糖醛酸途径的意义 1) 肝脏中糖醛酸与药物或含-OH, -COOH, -NH, -SH等异物结合,随尿、胆汁排出而解毒;
2) UDP-glucuronic acid 是糖醛酸基供体,可形成许多有重要功能的粘多糖; 3) 可转化为抗坏血酸(VC,人及其他灵长类不能合成) ; 4) 通过木酮糖与HMP相联系。



50 HMP 木酮糖 NADPH 木糖醇 木糖 NADPH 木糖酶 木聚糖

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