Chapter 6 – Asking for Directions II

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1 Chapter 6 – Asking for Directions II
Objectives: Ask and give directions on the street. Refer to distances including near, far, and from place to place. Give directions from one location to the other.

2 Connection Check Sound with Symbol
chăng yóu yín fēi háng hóng yùn dēng zhí wăng dōu de zŏu yuăn yào zhuăn zhàn jìn tiĕ chē 绿 gōng dào cóng chú guò jiù cūn

3 Asking for Directions II – Vocabulary
Listen & Repeat 銀行 银行 yín háng Olympic village 奧運村 奥运村 ào yùn cūn 郵局 邮局 yóu jú traffic light 紅綠燈 紅绿灯 hóng lǜ dēng 飛機場 飞机场 fēi jī chăng bus stop/bus station 公車站 公车站 gōng chē zhàn turn right 往右轉 往右转 wăng yòu zhuăn station/stop Zhàn go straight 一直走 yì zhí zŏu subway station 地鐵站 地铁站 dì tiĕ zhàn near jìn subway train 地鐵 地铁 dì tiĕ far 遠远 yuăn

4 Asking for Directions II Vocabulary
Say it in Chinese Olympic village 奧運村 奥运村 traffic light 紅綠燈 紅绿灯 銀行 银行 郵局 邮局 飛機場 飞机场 bus stop/bus station 公車站 公车站 turn right 往右轉 往右转 station/stop go straight 一直走 subway station 地鐵站 地铁站 subway train 地鐵 地铁 far 遠远 near

5 Asking for Directions II – Vocabulary
Listen & Repeat to ride from…to EX.搭地铁 從…到/从…到 EX.从这儿到那儿 cóng dào right at/in/on passed 就在 EX.地铁就在你的右边 過了/过了 EX.过了邮局 jiù zài Guò le should (would) arrive toward 就到 EX.搭地铁三站就到 EX.往左转 jiù dào wăng walk up to so/such 走到 EX.走到红绿灯 這麽/这么 EX.这么近 Zŏu dào zhè me

6 Asking for Directions II
Vocabulary ( Say it in Chinese) right at/in/on should (would) arrive passed toward to ride so/such from…to walk up to

7 Asking for Directions II
Vocabulary ( write it in Chinese) _____________ _____________ _____________ ___________ ___________ _____________ _____________ _______ _____________ _____________ _______ _______ _____________ right at/in/on should (would) arrive passed toward _____________ _____________ _____________ _______ to ride so/such from…to walk up to _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

8 1 飞机 这么 就到 搭 2 站 地铁站 远 近 往 3 地铁 邮局 一直走 就在 左转 4 公车 银行 从…到 走到 过了 5 公车站
1 飞机 飞机场 这么 就到 2 地铁站 3 地铁 邮局 一直走 就在 左转 4 公车 银行 从…到 走到 过了 5 公车站 红绿灯 往右转 搭地铁 这儿 Airplane Airport So/ such Should arrive To ride Station Subway stop Far Near Toward Subway Post office Go straight Exactly at/on Left turn Bus Bank From …to Walk up to Passed Bus stop Traffic light Turn right Take subway Here

9 Read and translate Asking for Directions II
Post office Near Exactly at/in Bank Subway Would arrive Airport Station/stop Walk up to Traffic light Subway stop From…to… Olympic village bus Passed… Go straight Bus stop Toward… Turn right To ride So/such Turn left Ride bus Far Airplane 就在 邮局 银行 地铁 就到 飞机场 走到 红绿灯 地铁站 从…到 奥运村 公车 过了… 一直走 公车站 往右转 这么 往左转 搭公车 飞机

10 Read and translate Asking for Directions II
Post office Near Exactly at/in Bank Subway Would arrive Airport Station/stop Walk up to Traffic light Subway stop From…to… Olympic village bus Passed… Go straight Bus stop Toward… Turn right To ride So/such Turn left Ride bus Far Airplane 就在 邮局 银行 地铁 就到 飞机场 走到 红绿灯 地铁站 从…到 奥运村 公车 过了… 一直走 公车站 往右转 这么 往左转 搭公车 飞机

11 Question words Where & Far/near?
1. “Where …? 哪儿 你去哪兒 2. “…at where? 在哪儿 在哪儿 3. “From…to… far or not far?远不远 从这儿到地铁站 看奥运 奥运 你的 右边 不远 不远

12 ORAL DRILL- 哪儿, 远不远 a. 你去哪儿? 我去厕所。 1.邮局 2. 飞机场 3. 银行 b. 从这儿到奥运村远不远?
Replace the underlined words with the words given a. 你去哪儿? 我去厕所。 1.邮局 2. 飞机场 3. 银行 b. 从这儿到奥运村远不远? 1. 你家…学校 2. 银行… 邮局 3. 地铁站…飞机场 c. 不远,从这儿一直走,走到红绿灯往右转,地铁就在你的左边。 1. 很近…往前走…路口…公车站 2. 很近…往下走,银行前面,奥运村

13 Asking for Directions II Translation
Post office Near Exactly at/in Bank Subway Would arrive Airport Station/stop Walk up to Traffic light Subway stop From…to… Olympic village bus Passed… Go straight Bus stop Toward… Turn right To ride So/such Turn lef Ride bus Far Airplane

14 银 行 奥运村 你 SPEAKING PRACTICE 红绿灯 学校 红绿灯 地铁站 飞机场
1. From your position to bank 过了红绿灯 ,一直走,银行就在你的左边. 2. From school to Olympic village 从学校走到红绿灯 ,过了银行,奥运村就在你的前面. 3. From your position to Airport. 走到红绿灯 ,往右转,在地铁站往左转, 一直走,过了红绿灯, 飞机场就在你的前面.

15 Write the following direction in Chinese
红绿灯 学校 银行 红绿灯 奥运村 地铁站 飞机场 1. From your position to Olympic village 2. From Olympic village to subway station 3. From Airport to school

16 Translate the following
1. “Where are you going?” “I am going to the movies.” 2. “Is it far from the Olympic village to the subway station?” “Not far; the subway station is right in front of the Olympic village.” 3. “Is it far from the airport to the hotel?” (Use吗 for the question) “Not far; the hotel is right in front of the airport.” 4. “From here going straight up to where?” “From here going straight up to the traffic light and turning right, Olympic village is right at your left.”

17 Asking for Directions II
Chapter Dialogue II A:你們去哪兒? B:我們去看奧運。 A: 從這兒到奧運村遠不遠? B: 不遠,搭地鐵三站就到。 A: 從哪兒搭地鐵? B: 從這兒一直走,走到紅綠燈往右轉,過了郵局, 地鐵就在你的左邊。 A : 這麽近!

男:你去哪兒? 女:我去中國飯店 。 男﹕中國飯店在哪兒? 女﹕中國飯店就在飛機場的右邊。 男﹕從這兒到飛機場遠不遠? 女﹕很近,從這兒搭地鐵,三站就到。 男﹕地鐵站在哪兒? 女﹕從這兒一直走,走到紅綠燈往右轉,過了銀行,地鐵 站就在前面,地鐵站的左邊是郵局。(draw a map) 男﹕謝謝你。 女﹕不客氣。

19 Map based on the previous Listening Comprehension
红绿灯 银行 邮局 地铁站 你在这儿 从这儿一直走,走到红绿灯往右转,过了银行,地铁站就在前面,地铁站的左边是邮局。

20 Listen to the conversation, write your answers in English, and say it back in Chinese.
1. Where is the woman going? 2. Did the woman say that it is far or close to the airport? 3. How did the woman tell the man to get to the subway station? 4. How far is it from here to take the subway to the airport? 5. What is on the left of the subway station?

红绿灯 朋友家 中文学校 图书馆 二号 公车站 同学家 一号公车站 地铁站 中国银行 国家银行 邮局 学校 英国银行 *Give each other a direction and guess where the destination is.

22 Test Give directions II
Based on the p.21 slice write directions: (20 points each ) From School to Subway Station. From Library to My house. From Post office to Classmate’s house. From My house to School. From British bank to Chinese school.

23 Presentation-Direction II Create a map from your house to school
Draw a map and tell the class: The transportation you take to school usually. Is your house far/not far away from school. The direction from your house to school.

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