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No. 3 Middle School of Longgang

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1 No. 3 Middle School of Longgang
Skills of Cloze Tests 完形填空解题技巧 卓 文 宏 No. 3 Middle School of Longgang


3 hospital night no / little pass but Challenge Yourself
1.Mr Black is a doctor, he works in the ______. 2.A nurse not only works in the day, but also works during the_______. 3.He is rather busy, so he has _____time to have lunch at home. 4.We have an English test this term, it's very easy, most students can _______this test. 5.The whole class went to the zoo yesterday, they were very tired ________happy. night no / little pass but

4 Skill 1:context(上下文、语境)
In New York, on a Friday night, a young artist stood at the gate of a train station. He was playing his _16_. His music was so great that many people put money into his hat. The next day ,the young artist came to the same place, and played the violin as usual. violin 16. A. piano B. guitar C. violin D. sax violin 【2009 · 连云港】

5 Skill 1:context(上下文、语境)
Once a king was walking around a pool with his ministers(大臣). Suddenly, he came up with an idea. He asked, “How many baskets of are there in the pool?” …. as big as the pool, there is one basket of water… baskets of basket of water 41. A. fish B. flowers C. water D. apples water 【2009 · 黔东南】

6 Skill 2:logic(逻辑推理) When we talked, I discovered(发现) some differences in school life between the US and China. For example, each class lasts fifty minutes in the US. It is a little __44__ than that in China. We usually have forty-five minutes in each class. fifty forty-five 44. A. shorter B. longer C. earlier D. later 【2009 · 重庆】

7 Skill 2:logic(逻辑推理) My mother often asked me,“What is the most important part of the body?” I thought sound was very important to us as humans,so I said.“My ,Mommy.” She said,“No.Many people are deaf(聋的)… sound deaf 17. A. ears B. eyes C. body D. head 【2009 · 苏州】

8 Skill 3:regular collocation(固定搭配)
When two people are in a conversation, the speaker will only look at the listener from time to time, in order to make sure that the listener does pay attention what he or she is speaking… pay attention 48. A. for B. of C. with D. to to 【2009 · 兰州】

9 Skill 3:regular collocation(固定搭配)
In the morning, the king went to visit the pond. To his surprise, the pond was only filled with water! What happened? Yes! Everyone had the same idea that man. the same 48. A. with B. to C. as D. of as 【2009 · 泰安】

10 Skill 4:grammar analysis(语法分析)
As a reporter, I think I will meet lots of people and I should be friendly to them. I think I'll also make many good and live with them, because I don't like living alone. many 25. A. friend B. friends C. friends’ D. friends’ s 【2009 · 泸州】

11 Skill 5:background knowledge(背景知识)
All over the world people swim for fun. Swimming is enjoyed by people of ages, from the very young to the very old. There are many places for people to swim in swimming pools. 32. A. all B. none C. some D. both 【2009 · 东营】

12 Skills of Cloze Tests (完形填空的解题技巧)
1、context(上下文、语境) 2、logic(逻辑) 3、regular collocation(固定搭配) 4、grammar analysis(语法分析) 5、background knowledge(背景知识)

13 Step 1:Read-though (跳过空格、通读全文、掌握大意)

14 Which is the main idea of the passage?
It’s about the rubbish out of the windows that may hurt others. It’s about the dogs that the owners don’t take good care of. It’s about the problems in our community and how to solve them.


16 Step 2:Easy first, hard later (瞻前顾后、先易后难、各个击破)

17 Today, I am very happy to have a meeting with you
Today, I am very happy to have a meeting with you. At the meeting we will talk about the _31_we have these days. We all know the problems of _32_ and the objects falling from windows are getting worse. We have _33_ lots of letters about such problems. So_34_ is time for possible ways to work out these problems. problems letters B A C B

18 Some dog-owners don't_35_ their dogs well enough, and they let their dogs make mess on the roads and in gardens. This makes the environment _36_. I would like to tell the dog-owners _37_ their behavior is too bad, and at the same time they are_38_ people feel unhappy. We should keep the environment _39_. A D B D A

19 It is reported that some people_40_ rubbish out of the windows
It is reported that some people_40_ rubbish out of the windows. It is dangerous because falling objects _41_hurt others. It is against the law. We should put up a notice to teach people not to do so. If it is found, we will record the_42_ and address of those people who throw objects. Then, a warning will be given and_43_ will be punished by law. C A D C

20 A safe and comfortable living environment is important to us
A safe and comfortable living environment is important to us. _44_ we try our best to care for our community, it will be a good place to_45_ in. Thank you for your coming. A B

21 Step 2:Easy first, hard later (瞻前顾后、先易后难、各个击破)

22 Step 3: Re-read and check (复读全文,逐个核对,验证答案)

23 Steps of Cloze Tests (完形填空的解题步骤)
1、跳过空格,通读全文,掌握大意 ≈2mins ≈10mins 2、瞻前顾后,先易后难,各个击破 3、复读全文,逐个核对,验证答案

24 Step 1:Read-though (跳过空格、通读全文、掌握大意)

25 Step 2:Easy first, hard later (瞻前顾后、先易后难、各个击破)

26 Step 3: Re-read and check (复读全文,逐个核对,验证答案)

27 【2009·宁波】 A C B D

28 Tips to Close Test: 1.注重首、尾句。 2.克服畏难、急躁情绪,耐心通读全文。 3.切勿看到一个空格就急着选出一个答
案,必须纵观全文、通篇考虑。 4.动笔时先易后难,注意从文中同样结构或 类似结构中寻找提示,大胆地作出猜测。 5.如果选项从语法角度无法确定,则必须从 语篇(前提示、后暗示)意义上加以鉴别。

29 Have a try! 【2009·福州】

30 Have a try! 【2009·福州】

31 Have a try! 【2009·福州】

32 【2009·北京】

33 【2009·北京】 B C A D

34 Close tests are interesting and challenging, though difficult.
Bye! Close tests are interesting and challenging, though difficult. So much for today ! And thank you for your attending!

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