常见问题解答 II. App上重置并清空数据库之后,手机app找不到圣诞灯怎么办? I. 打开APP,发现并连接不了圣诞灯怎么办?

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Presentation on theme: "常见问题解答 II. App上重置并清空数据库之后,手机app找不到圣诞灯怎么办? I. 打开APP,发现并连接不了圣诞灯怎么办?"— Presentation transcript:

1 常见问题解答 II. App上重置并清空数据库之后,手机app找不到圣诞灯怎么办? I. 打开APP,发现并连接不了圣诞灯怎么办?
四.此页面会显示未建立连接的圣诞灯,点击会自动跟圣诞灯绑定并建立连接。 点击返回按钮到设置界面。 一.给圣诞灯连接电源。 二.打开app,开始搜索附近的圣诞灯并建立连接。 三.在圣诞灯首次被连接或者被重置之后,app配对连接的时候,会提示用户输入通信密码,确保控制安全。 二.打开app,开始搜索附近的圣诞灯并建立连接。 一.给圣诞灯连接电源。 五.设置 设置界面提供功能如下: 手动选择连接桥、圣诞灯的绑定与解绑、组操作、手动设置通信密钥、连接方式选择(手动、自动)、数据库清理以及连接设备重置功能。 点击“Group Manager”跳转到组操作页面。 五.设置 设置界面提供功能如下: 圣诞灯的绑定与解绑、手动设置通信密钥、数据库清理以及连接设备重置功能 点击“Group Manager”跳转到组操作页面。 七.选择需要控制的设备 设备页面可以显示所有创建的灯组,以及所有建立连接的圣诞灯,单击需要控制的对象,跳转到控制界面。 四.此页面会显示未建立连接的圣诞灯,点击会自动跟圣诞灯绑定并建立连接。 点击返回按钮到设置界面。 六.创建控制组 新建控制组,并给连接上的圣诞灯进行编组操作。 点击下面的“Devices”选项卡。 八.控制 控制界面包括开关、模式选择以及定时器功能。 五.选择需要控制的设备(单灯控或者组控) 控制页面可以选择所有创建的组,以及所有建立连接的圣诞灯,单击需要控制的对象进行控制。 六.创建控制组 新建控制组,并给连接上的圣诞灯进行编组操作。 点击下面的“Control”选项卡。 六.控制 控制界面包括开关、模式选择以及定时器功能。 常见问题解答 II. App上重置并清空数据库之后,手机app找不到圣诞灯怎么办? I. 打开APP,发现并连接不了圣诞灯怎么办? 1. 请手动杀掉app,并重新打开。 III. 在圣诞灯上操作重置按钮后,手机控制不了该圣诞灯怎么办? 请从下面方面进行检查: 1. 请确保打开了手机蓝牙开关; 2. 请确保附近圣诞灯连接上电源; 3. 请尝试耐心等候(不同型号的手机寻址时间有差异); 4. 请尝试手动后台关闭APP,重新打开APP; 1. 请在app上,对该圣诞灯进行删除解绑操作后重新搜索。(不推荐在设置页面重置所有设备) 手机型号以及版本说明: 仅支持iPhone4S及以上设备,支持IOS版本7.1及以上。 2. 仅支持带有BLE4.1及以上的Android手机,支持Android OS 4.4及以上。

2 FAQ II. After App reset and clear the database, the phone app
IV. This page will display all the unbound Christmas lights, and choose to establish a connection. Then choose return button to setting module. II. Open app, auto-search Christmas lights nearby and establish a connection. III. Enter the communication password to ensure security control when the first time to use app or the light was reset. I. Ensure the light adapter connected power. III. Enter the communication password to ensure security control when the first time to use app or the light was reset. II. Open app, auto-search Christmas lights nearby and establish a connection. I. Ensure the light adapter connected power. VIII. Common Settings Settings module provides single light bind/unbind functions, group operation, access to enter communication key and reset all bound lights. Choose ‘Group Manager’ to create groups. V. Group Operation Users can create customized groups, and add the relative lights in. After that, choose ‘Device’ tab item. VI. Device List Device module will display all bound lamps and groups, choose one to jump the control page. VII. Control Control module provides the power switch, mode selection and timer functions. IV. This page will display all the unbound Christmas lights, and choose to establish a connection. Then choose return button to setting module. VIII. Common Settings Settings module provides single light bind/unbind functions, group operation, access to enter communication key and reset all bound lights. Choose ‘Group Manager’ to create groups. VII. Control Control module provides the power switch, mode selection and timer functions. V. Group Operation Users can create customized groups, and add the relative lights in. After that, choose ‘Control’ tab item. VI. Device List Device module will display all bound lamps and groups, choose one to control. FAQ II. After App reset and clear the database, the phone app can not control Christmas lights. App can not finish automatic connection to find lights。 1. Try to kill the background APP manually, and reopen the APP; Please check the following aspects: Make sure smart phone has turned on Bluetooth switch; 2. Make sure the Christmas light has connected to power; 3. Please keep patient to the connection (difference exists between different smart phones); 4. Try to kill the background APP manually, and reopen the APP; III. After reset operation on the Christmas light adapter, the phone app can control the light. Please use app to delete or unbind the light, and re-search to bind. (Not recommended to reset all lights in setting module) Smart phone OS system notes: Only supports iPhone 4S and others above, IOS version 7.1 and above. Only supports Android phones with BLE4.1 and above, Android OS and above.

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