Plato’s The Republic (the regime, the best political life) On the Ideal Regime 授課教師:陳嘉銘 【本著作除另有註明外,採取創用CC「姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享」台灣3.0版授權釋出】

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Presentation on theme: "Plato’s The Republic (the regime, the best political life) On the Ideal Regime 授課教師:陳嘉銘 【本著作除另有註明外,採取創用CC「姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享」台灣3.0版授權釋出】"— Presentation transcript:

1 Plato’s The Republic (the regime, the best political life) On the Ideal Regime
授課教師:陳嘉銘 【本著作除另有註明外,採取創用CC「姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享」台灣3.0版授權釋出】

2 Plato’s The Republic (the regime, the best political life) On the Ideal Regime
Concepts:politeia(regime), polis(city), guardian(their job, education and life), anger courage, music, poetry, noble lie, philosopher king, allegory of cave

3 人們真正要的是最完美的不正義? (作最不正義的事,獲得最多的金錢、權力、正義的名聲、社會地位和滿足所有其他慾望)
Gyge’s Ring 人們真正要的是最完美的不正義? (作最不正義的事,獲得最多的金錢、權力、正義的名聲、社會地位和滿足所有其他慾望)

4 如果宇宙沒有秩序,政治如何可能:詩的必要與死亡 vs. 宗教、理性(啟蒙)

5 Story of Achilles 1. Can he abide the law well. 2
Story of Achilles 1. Can he abide the law well? 2. Can he listen to reasonable speeches? 3. How to calm his existential anger?

6 Anger(orge/thumos) ‘Let anger be considered as a desire, associated with pain, for a visible punishment. Such desire is inspired by something that seems to be a belittling in regard to a man’s own affairs or those of those people of concern to him, when the belittling is not appropriate.’ (Aristotle, Rhetoric, 1378a30-32) 1.For Aristotle, anger, associated with pain and desire, leads to the public competition where claims of honor were contested. 2.An emotion was designated as anger when it sparked actions that were meant to safeguard honor and status.

7 Anger(orge, thumos) Anger as a structure of actions and feelings
as an emotional state (central to conflicts) as a desire for punishment as part of ethical character as forces that bring honor

8 Honour 1. Greatest external good. (Why?) 2. Different from (ordinary) praises. noble achievements -> honored only by those you respect. 3. About defending and asserting the dignity and worth of ‘the ways of life’ you(and your community) have valued and worked hard to maintain. vs. run and survive(without dignity and meaning of life) 4. Needs to be earned: and therefore is not ‘universal dignity of man’ that cannot be deprived. 5. Honour is always a particular person’s or community’s honour. 1. The most important and trickiest political good. 2. 對什麼我們這麼輕視無意義的亢奮或者台灣人的尊嚴,瞧不起民族主義,可是尊嚴又無所不在?Politics is about wording.


10 The Political Man: Manliness (Courage)
Brave Heart: William Wallace’s Speech before Battle Return of the King: Aragorn's Speech at the Black Gate Winston Churchill’s Speech: “blood, toil, tears and sweat”

11 A just man (放大版) A just city

12 A just man and a just city Political society and human virtue
1. The rules which make society possible are identical with the rules that make men good. (vs. wild leopard) 2. Nature has established such a harmony between the individual and society

13 The Greeks’ idea of Polis(city)
The community of men sharing a peculiar character and way of life, governing themselves, waging war and preserving the peace. (Your good life and human power can only be fulfilled by participating fully in a city.) Politeia (regime): such character and way of life is established by the organization of the city’s diverse elements. can be largely identified with the class of citizens who rule. the organization of authoritative offices in city Polites (citizen): one who belongs to the city.

14 Polis(city) 習俗、人的法律、神的法律、德行、親密情感、友愛、財產、憤怒、勇氣、家庭、性別、婚姻、出生、節制奢侈、文學、詩歌、神、宗教、醫藥、死亡 、運動、音樂、愛慾(eros)、文學、戲劇、烹調、甜點、軍隊、兒童教育、床邊故事、技藝、慶典、各種比賽、戰爭、自保、葬禮、 政治制度、知識、工作‧‧‧

15 Polis (city) and Modern State
Modern state different from polis Modern State (bureaucracy, legal institution, coercion) distinguished from Society Neutrality (life, property, basic good and right, justice primarily concerned with economic cooperation) vs. a peculiar character and way of life 3. Avoid comprehensive concepts of good life and virtue 1. Regime penetrate your character and personal conception of good life (現代不也是如此) 2.現代人不需要just character and virtue to be free嗎 3.我們真的可以不討論 good life and virtue就能解決當代的爭議嗎?(墮胎、基因、同志婚姻)

16 The First City (city of pigs, healthy city, the true city)
due to insufficiency 2.necessities drive everything 3.spontaneous order man one art: men are naturally different. 5.everything more plentiful, finer, easier 6.harmony of private and public interests need of government(no need of justice) [farmer, herdsmen, housebuilder, weaver, shoemaker、laborer, merchants...]

17 The Second City (city of luxury - feverish city)
你還要: 鹽、橄欖油、起司、洋蔥、甜點,想要柔軟的沙發,美容院,設計師,戲劇,音樂,詩人,舞蹈,各種技藝的工匠,這時候需要更多醫生,這些不是「生命必須品」。 你有這麼多慾望(內部失去平衡),你就想要掠奪鄰居的地,鄰居也想要掠奪你的地。這時候戰爭就出現了。我們需要專職保衛城邦的衛士(專職art of war)。

18 The Third City (of Guardian)
the guardians(衛士) 具備的特質 cruel to enemies gentle to ‘your dear ones’(philoi) 兩個天性成份的配合 spiritedness(thumos) philosophical nature 培養art of war 和 spirit,很可能對citizens殘暴

19 Education of the Guardian
Education of Music 1. tales: gods, hero, man 2. style: imitation(tragedy and comedy) 3. music: speech, harmonic mode, rhythm 4. all craftsman 5. love Education of Gymnasyum 音樂:熱情被魅惑的領域,建構了人的熱情和渴望的界線,決定了他們的生命調性。雖然參與了共同人性,但不同的音樂發展了不同面向,幾乎是不同種類的人。 (lie to the soul vs. lie in speech) 把不可信賴的阿奇里斯英雄,改變成可以信賴的公民戰士 阿奇里斯英雄對這個世界的existential rage。 但是spirited man真地有可能聽從理性嗎? 音樂的旋律:對最美好的事物有最敏銳的感受。 音樂:安撫我們的孤離、對立和憤怒,如果沒有音樂,人是不可信任的。

20 Life of the Guardian Woman Same treatment
Community of children and women Control of sex, marriage, children, family Abolition of private house, land and possessions. Including no privacy. 所有和body有關的desires(knows no limit, unpolitical, dangerous)都要被控制,才能解放人們對美善的追求。

21 最重要的統治者條件: Care for the City 如何可能?
從衛士中選出統治者 最重要的統治者條件: Care for the City 如何可能?

22 (time, speech, grief/pain, pleasure, fear)
Care for the City Men care most for what they happen to love. Men love ‘A’ most when they believe doing good to ‘A’ is also doing good for themselves. 「相信我的利益和城邦的利益合一」 不斷會失去信念,如何可能維持? (time, speech, grief/pain, pleasure, fear)

23 Noble Lie 1.他們認為他們所經歷的養育和教育過程,都是在地底下進行,當工作完成之後,他們就被大地,也就是他們的母親送到地上來。這塊土地,就如同他們的母親和保母,他們必須要保衛它,他們要認為其他的公民都是兄弟姊妹,都是這個土地所生。 2.統治階級一出生,靈魂就混了黃金的成分,輔助階級混了白銀,其他的工匠和農夫,則混了鐵和銅。神命令了統治者最重要的任務就是注意城邦小孩的靈魂什麼成分。然後指派他們到適當的位置。 1.Loyalty to a particular city always seems questionable.) 2.other societies of inequality vs. egalitarian societies) 3. the noble lie is designed to give men grounds for resisting men’s powerful desires and for their devotion to the common good.

24 Justice in the City (Three Classes of the City) Four virtues: wisdom, courage, moderation, justice Justice in Man (Three Parts of the Soul)

25 child, woman, laborer, craftsman, guardian, ruler, political classes
Justice is one man one art (each one minded his own business) (giving each man what is fitting for him) child, woman, laborer, craftsman, guardian, ruler, political classes

26 Allegory of Cave Philosopher King

27 What is the common good of the city?
The greatest good of a city: one-ness 2. Conflict between common good and personal good Happiness of the city as a whole Are guardians and rulers happy? 3. What is the reward of justice? Community of pleasure and pain (greatest extent possible)

28 Philosopher vs. the City (knowledge vs. the political life)
Philosophers have the best capacity of guarding the best city. 2.Philosophers don’t want to rule. Do philosophers care for the particular city? Are philosophers good citizens? 3.Will a city that cannot philosophize accept a philosopher? Philosophy is dangerous to all none-ideal cities (questioning gods and nomos). 4.The only fit between them and city is in the best city but such city seems implausible Difference from ‘Our age of Enlightenment’

29 反省理想國的幾個思考點: 1. 什麼意義下理想國是最理想的? 理想國享受的common good是什麼? 語言中的理想城邦 vs. 現實世界 2.每個人的personal, significant good 和common good衝突 正義(生活在正義城邦)的獎賞是什麼? Guardian為什麼不會想要住在寡頭政體? 3.政治的價值,被貶抑為我們對現實人性充滿 缺陷的妥協生活。每個人對參與政治的渴望,被貶抑為對自己的無知。 4.知識和德性真的合一嗎?(人民德性比較差?) 最好的道德德性真的來自於知識嗎?

30 版權聲明 頁碼 作品 版權標示 作者/來源 1-34 本作品轉載自
設計範本,造訪日期:2016年09月13日 依據著作權法第 46、52、65 條合理使用 3 如果宇宙……理性(啟蒙) 文字提供:臺灣大學  陳嘉銘 4 人們真正要的是最完美的不正義?......所有其他慾望 Plato, The Republic of Plato, trans. Allan Bloom (Basic Books, nd edition), Book V, pp 5 Can he abide the law well……his existential anger 文字提供:臺灣大學 陳嘉銘

31 版權聲明 頁碼 作品 版權標示 作者/來源 6 Let anger be considered ……when the belittling is not appropriate Aristotle, Rhetoric, 1378a30-32 依據著作權法第 46、52、65 條合理使用 For Aristotle, anger……safeguard honor and status. 文字提供:臺灣大學 陳嘉銘 7 Anger as a structure ……that bring honor 8 Greatest external good……person’s or community’s honour. 9 圖片製作:臺灣大學 陳嘉銘

32 版權聲明 頁碼 作品 版權標示 作者/來源 12 The rules which ……individual and society
文字提供:臺灣大學 陳嘉銘 13 Polis (city): The community ……authoritative offices in city 14 習俗、人的法律……政治制度、知識、工作 15 Modern state different ……concepts of good life and virtue 16 due to insufficie……laborer, merchants 17 你還要: 鹽、橄欖油……專職保衛城邦的衛士(專職art of war)

33 版權聲明 頁碼 作品 版權標示 作者/來源 18 The guardians……philosophical nature
Plato, The Republic of Plato, trans. Allan Bloom (Basic Books, nd edition), Book V, pp 依據著作權法第 46、52、65 條合理使用 19 Education of Music……Education of Gymnasyum 20 Woman Same treatment ……才能解放人們對美善的追求。 22 Men care most for what they……grief/pain, pleasure, fear 文字提供:臺灣大學 陳嘉銘

34 版權聲明 頁碼 作品 版權標示 作者/來源 23 他們認為他們所經歷的養育和教育過程,都是在地底……然後指派他們到適當的位置。
文字提供:臺灣大學 陳嘉銘 24 Justice in the City……Three Parts of the Soul 25 Justice is one man one art……guardian, ruler, political classes Plato, The Republic of Plato, trans. Allan Bloom (Basic Books, nd edition), Book V, pp 依據著作權法第 46、52、65 條合理使用 27 What is the ……the reward of justice 28 Philosophers have the ……‘Our age of Enlightenment’ 29 什麼意義下理想國是最理想……真的來自於知識嗎

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