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Module 4 The natural world

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1 Module 4 The natural world
Oxford English Module 4 The natural world 10 Air

2 Read and complete Air has no ______ or _______.
We cannot ____ it, but we can ____ it. colour shape smell taste see feel Pre-task preparation 1: 活动内容:Read and complete 活动目的:复习上节课的主要内容。 操作方法:通过填空进行复习。

3 Read and complete Air is __________. It is important to all ______.
It is also important to ______ and _____. We all need it to keep us ____. everywhere people animals plants alive

4 Read and complete Look at the _____ and the ______.
They all need it too. It keeps them _____ in the sky. kite balloon plane bird high

5 It has no colour or shape. It has no smell or taste.
We cannot see it, but we can feel it. It is everywhere. It is important to all people. It is also important to animals and plants. We all need it to keep us alive. Look at the kite and the balloon. Look at the plane and the bird. They all need it too. It keeps them high in the sky. What is it? It is air. Pre-task preparation 2: 活动内容:背诵课文 活动目的:检验学生对课文的熟悉程度。 操作方法:可抽单个或多个学生进行背诵。

6 How to make a parachute? Think and say Pre-task preparation 3:
活动目的:复习做降落伞的步骤,巩固已学,让学生进一步熟悉单元主题,并再次激发学生学习本单元的兴趣。 操作方法:运用复述的方式进行讲解。

7 Read and say 1. The parachute falls down slowly.
2. The parachute is open. 3. The parachute hits the ground gently. 4. There is air in the parachute. Pre-task preparation 4: 活动内容:Read and say 活动目的:通过朗读句子,复习降落伞的降落过程中的知识。 操作方法:可采取全班读、个人读、小组读等方式。

8 Air is very important! Why?
Think and say Air is very important! Why? While-task procedure 1: 活动内容: Think and say 活动目的:了解空气的现状,再次让学生懂得空气的重要性。 操作方法:头脑风暴。全班讨论Why is air very important?

9 Look and read The air is dirty in some places.
We call this air pollution. 操作方法:通过图片了解现状。 其他建议:pollution为拓展词,教师仅让学生感知词义即可。

10 Air pollution is harmful!
1 It’s harmful to the health of people 2 It’s harmful to the nature. 3 Air pollution spreads easily. 4 Air pollution is a global problem. 5 People should stop using coal. 其他建议:本页为拓展内容,请教师根据实际情况选择使用。

11 What’s the matter?

12 air pollution

13 Air pollution Air keeps us alive. We get sick if the air is too dirty.

14 Ask and answer Where does air pollution come from?
While-task procedure 2: 活动内容: Look and learn 活动目的:学习新单词smoke, factory。 操作方法:看图回答问题学习单词。 其他建议:教师可以稍加拓展:Air pollution includes all contaminants found in the atmosphere. Air pollution can be found both outdoors and indoors.

15 smoke

16 Where does air pollution come from?
Ask and answer Where does air pollution come from? It comes from the smoke.

17 Ask and answer Where is the smoke from? It comes from cars, buses
and factories.

18 factory

19 factory factories 提醒学生注意factory的复数变化形式。

20 While-task procedure 3:
活动内容:Say and act 活动目的:锻炼学生听力理解能力。 操作方法:教师播放录音,学生听录音,然后回答问题。

21 What’s the matter with Kitty?
Her eyes hurt. What hurts her eyes? It’s the smoke. 操作方法:教师提问,学生回答。 Where is the smoke from? It’s from cars, buses and the factory.

22 What’s the matter, Kitty? Are you crying?
I’m not crying. My eyes hurt. It’s the smoke. Where is the smoke from? It’s from the cars and buses. Look at the black smoke from the factory. It makes the air dirty. Let’s go to the park, Ben. The air is clean there. OK. While-task procedure 4: 活动内容:Say and act 活动目的:掌握对话内容。 操作方法:学生跟读,男女生分角色读。

23 活动目的:锻炼学生听力。 操作方法:教师播放录音,学生看图仔细听。

24 Yes. There are a lot of trees in the park. Trees keep the air clean.
The air is so fresh here. Yes. There are a lot of trees in the park. Trees keep the air clean. We should plant more trees and keep the air clean. Yes! We should keep our city clean. 活动目的:掌握对话内容。 操作方法:学生跟读,男女生分角色读。

25 How is the air? While-task procedure 5: 活动内容: Look and learn
活动目的:学习新单词dirty和clean。了解这是一组反义词。 操作方法:看图回答问题,学习单词。

26 dirty

27 How is the air in the picture?
It’s dirty. How is the air in the picture?

28 clean

29 How is the air in the factory?
It’s dirty. How is the air in the factory? It’s clean.

30 Read and spell factory smoke clean dirty 复习本单元的四个新学词汇。

31 Post-task activity 1: 活动内容:Say and act 活动目的:进一步熟悉对话内容。 操作方法:学生观看动画,然后跟读。

32 Post-task activity 2: 活动内容:Say and act 活动目的:锻炼学生表演和会话能力。 操作方法:学生看图说话,操练后进行表演。

33 API and Health Implications (Daily Targets) API Air Pollution Level:
Excellent Good Slightly Polluted Lightly Polluted Moderately Polluted Heavily Polluted 300+ Severely Polluted Post-task activity 4: 活动内容:知识拓展。 活动目的:扩大学生知识面,对本单元话题有更深入的了解。 操作方法:教师解释API的相关内容。 其他建议:本部分为拓展内容,请教师根据实际情况选用。

34 Homework 1. Listen to and read Student’s Book page 70.
2. Read, copy and spell the words: factory, factories, smoke, dirty, clean 3. Think about how to keep the air clean. 4. Finish Workbook pages 57 and 59.

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