Area of interaction focus

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1 Area of interaction focus
Unit title: 广州的春节– Spring Festival in Guangzhou Area of interaction focus Which area of interaction will be our focus? Why have we chosen this? Significant concepts What are the big ideas? What do we want our students to retain for years into the future? Environment This AoI was chosen so that we can consider how the Chinese celebrate their new year. Our environment and culture has a strong influence on what we do during New Year. MYP unit question What are the similarities and differences between Chinese and English New Year?

2 Festival 1.红包 2.放 3. 高兴 4.节日 5.春节 6.打电话 7. 新年 to let off 8.热闹
Match the picture to its Chinese translation – without your books! 1.红包 A B F 2.放 G 3. 高兴 A D C 4.节日 E 5.春节 D Festival E 6.打电话 B F 7. 新年 H G to let off 8.热闹 C Chinese New Year H

3 Apart from 除了…(以外)…还/也…
除了中文(以外),我还学习法文。 Apart from Chinese, I also learn French.

4 Apart from 除了…(以外)…还/也…
Apart from playing football, I also play basketball. 除了踢足球,我也喜欢打篮球。

5 该你做! Please translate the following sentence. Apart from 除了…(以外)…还/也…

6 Apart from 除了…(以外)…还/也…
春节,除了放鞭炮,我们还给红包。 Apart from setting off firecrackers, we also give red envelopes.

7 Apart from 除了…(以外)…还/也…
春节,我们除了见面说“新年好”,也一起吃饭。 Apart from saying “Happy New Year” to each other, we also have dinner together.

8 Apart from 除了…(以外)…还/也…
Apart from having dinner together, we also set off firecrackers. 除了一起吃饭以外,我们还放了鞭炮。

9 Pairwork: 大海:春节,你除了和全家一起吃饭, 还做什么? 小明:我除了和全家一起吃饭,还放鞭炮。你呢?
大海:春节,你除了和全家一起吃饭, 还做什么? 小明:我除了和全家一起吃饭,还放鞭炮。你呢? 大海:我除了和家人说“新年好”,也给朋友打电话。

10 Fill in the blanks: 你好,我叫大海,我十三岁。春节的时候,我们( )放鞭炮,人们见面还说( )。家人一起吃饭,大人给孩子们( ),孩子们穿新衣服。今年春节我( )了一个新朋友,我们一起玩得很( )。春节很( ),这个节日,全家都很开心。 除了 新年好 红包 认识 高兴 热闹

11 Recite the paragraph: 你好,我叫大海,我十三岁。春节的时候,我们除了放鞭炮,人们见面还说新年好。家人一起吃饭,大人给孩子们红包,孩子们穿新衣服。今年春节我认识了一个新朋友,我们一起玩得很高兴。春节很热闹,这个节日,全家都很开心。

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