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Unit Five The Professor and the Yo-Yo

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1 Unit Five The Professor and the Yo-Yo
I. New Words

2 a not too high opinion of one’s merits, abilities, etc. (about sth.)
1.modest: a.(1)having, showing, a not too high opinion of one’s merits, abilities, etc. (about sth.) 谦虚的,谦逊的

3 The young actress is very
modest about her success. 年轻的女演员对她的成功 非常谦逊。

4 Be modest about your achievements. 不要炫耀你自己的成就。

5 It’s not good to be too modest.

6 (2) not large in amount, size,
etc; moderate (数量、体积等)不大的, 适度的,中等的

7 live on a modest income 靠不高的收入生活 make very modest demands 提出非常适度的要求

8 2.display: vt. (1) show, exhibit
陈列,展览 (display sth. to sb.)

9 The peacock displayed its feathers. 孔雀开屏。

10 It’s the first time the painting
has been displayed to the public. 这是该画首次公开展出。

11 (2)(of feelings, qualities, etc.)
reveal, show (指情感,特性)显露,显示

12 当他们把消息告诉她时,她 表现出极大的自制力。 She displayed great self-control
when they told her the news.   当他们把消息告诉她时,她 表现出极大的自制力。

13 Her writing displays natural
talent. 她写的作品显示出她天赋极高。

14 n. act of displaying 展示;陈列;显示;显露 He did not like the boy’s display of bad temper. 他不喜欢那男孩发脾气。

15 on display: being displayed
被展示;被陈列 A collection of photographs was on display in the hall. 大厅里展出了一辑照片。

16 3.impress: vt. (1) have a strong effect on the mind or feeling of 给……深刻印象 (常用被动 语态,不可用进行式)

17 I was deeply impressed by
his speech. 他的讲演给我留下了深刻 的印象。

18 The book impressed a lot of
people. 那本书在很多人心中留下 深刻印象。

19 She impressed me as a woman
of great kindness. 在我印象中,她是一位非常 仁慈的女性。

20 (2)impress +名词+on+sb. 使铭记,铭刻 (与on 连用时, 宾语多置于on 之后)

21 My father impressed on me the
importance of work. 父亲要我铭记工作的重要性。

22 (3)make marks on something by pressing 印,盖(印等)

23 He impressed his initials on
the box. 他在那盒子上印上自己名字 的起首字母。

24 [注] impression; impressive

25 4.function: vi. work 运作,起作用,产生功 能;(……的)作用(as +名)

26 This machine is not functioning
properly. 这部机器运作不正常。

27 Some English adverbs function
as adjectives. 英语中某些副词可用作形容词。

28 She functioned as a teacher.

29 n. purpose, use 目的,用途,功能

30 The function of education is
to develop the mind. 教育的目的在于启迪心智。

31 The brain performs a very
important function; it controls the nervous system of the body. 大脑担当重要的功能;它控 制身体的神经系统。

32 [注] functional adj. 功能的,官能的 functional disorder 机能紊乱

33 5.frustrate: vt. (1) upset or discourage (sb.) 使沮丧;使灰心

34 Mary was frustrated by the
lack of appreciation shown of her work. 玛丽因工作得不到赏识而灰 心丧气。

35 Giving the child problems he
can’t solve will only frustrate him. 给孩子出难题只会使他泄气。

36 (2)to prevent the fulfillment
of ; defeat. 挫败;阻挠

37 The bad weather frustrated all
our hopes of going out. 恶劣的天气使我们外出的全 部希望都落空了。

38 [注] a) frustration n. 灰心;沮丧;不满;失望

39 Life is full of frustrations
for most people. 对大多数人来说,生活中 充满了令人失望的事。

40 b) frustrated adj. 灰心的;沮丧的;不满的

41  As a nurse she got very frustrated, but being an administrator seems to suit her.   她做护士很不顺心,但 当管理人员似乎倒很适合。

42 c) frustrating adj. 使人心烦的;使人灰 心的;使人沮丧的

43 I find it frustrating that I can’t
speak other languages. 我不会说别的语言,感到 惘然若失。

44 6.ambition: n. strong desire
for success, power, riches, etc. 野心,抱负;雄心

45 Nothing would stop me from
achieving my ambition. 没有什么能够阻止我实现 自己的抱负。

46 One of his ambitions is to
become a minister. 他的抱负之一就是当部长。

47 [注] ambitious adj. 雄心勃勃的,大胆的

48 7.immune: a. (1) be immune to:
be free from or unaffected by 有免疫力的;不受影响的

49 I’m immune to smallpox as a
result of vaccination. 通过接种我对天花有免疫力。

50 The president seems to be
immune to criticism. 总统似乎不受批评影响。

51 (2)safe from 免除的 (be immune from)

52 The criminal was told he would
be immune from punishment if he said what he knew about the murder. 罪犯被告知如果他说出谋杀 案真相会免受惩罚。

53 [注] immunity n. 免疫力

54 8.correspond with: vi. (1) to exchange letters with We rarely meet though we correspond with each other regularly. 虽然我们经常通信,但很少 在一起。

55 (2)be in agreement with, conform to 一致

56 His promises do not correspond
with his actions. 他的言行不一致。

57 [注] a) correspondence n.

58 correspondence courses
函授课 b) correspondent adj. 与……相符;n. 记者

59 c) corresponding adj. 相应的,相当的

60 All rights carry with them
corresponding responsibilities. 一切权利都有相应的责任。

61 9.present: vt. (1) give; offer
(present sth. to sb. / present sb. with sth.) 赠送;提供

62 They presented flowers to their
teacher. 他们献花给老师。

63 He presented her with a bunch
of flowers. 他给她献上一束花。

64 (2)state; set forth in words

65 Several new ideas were presented at the meeting. 会议提出了几种新构想。

66 (3)introduce 介绍;引见

67 He has the honor of being
presented to the Governor. 他有幸被介绍给州长。

68 [注] at present 现在,此刻

69 At present we are having a
meeting. 现在我们在开会。

70 10.beam (with): vi. smile happily or cheerfully 愉快地微笑

71 The winner beamed with satisfaction. 获胜者满意地笑了。

72 11.revert to: go back to (a former condition or habit) 回复,回返

73 He’s stopped taking drugs now,
but he may revert to taking them again. 他现在已经戒毒,但可能会 再度吸毒。

74 After the settlers left, the area
soon reverted to desert. 移民们离去后,这个地区不久 又变成了一片荒野。

75 12.exclusively: adv. only, completely 仅仅,独占,唯一地

76 He writes exclusively for the
Washington Post. 他专为华盛顿邮报写稿。

77 exclusive: adj. 排他的,专有的,不包括

78 The actress granted the
reporter an exclusive interview. 这个演员允许记者独家采访。

79 There are twenty-six days in
this month, exclusive of Sundays. 本月有26天,不包括星期日。

80 13.application: n. (the act of
making) a request, esp. officially and in writing 请求;申请,申请书

81 We made an application to the
court for an inquiry. 我们曾请求法院调查。

82 14.pursue: vt. (1) work at; be busy with 从事;忙于

83 He pursued the study of English
for five years. 他不间断地学了五年英文。

84 He had set his heart on pursuing his studies abroad. 他已决心去国外求学。

85 (2)to follow, esp. in order to
catch, kill or defeat 追,追捕,追杀

86 The policemen pursued the bank
robbers. 警察追捕银行抢劫犯。

87 (3)go on with 继续谈,谈下去

88 But for the time being he did
not pursue the subject. 眼下他不想谈这个话题。

89 [注] pursuit n. 15.approach: n. (1)method of doing sth. 方式,方法

90 We should find out a correct
approach to the subject. 我们应找到研究这个问题的 正确方法。

91 (2)the act of coming near

92 With the approach of Christmas, the weather turned colder. 圣诞节快到了,天气转冷。

93 (3)way; path 通路

94 All the approaches to the
airport were blocked by the police. 所有通往机场的路都被警 察封锁了。

95 v. move towards, come near to

96 The time for graduation is
approaching. 毕业的日子近了。

97 16.capable: adj. able, having the
power, skill 有能力的;有才能的

98 She is a very capable girl, very
capable, and very intelligent. 她是个很有能力的女孩,很 能干,很聪明。

99 This machine is capable of
improvement. 这台机器是可以改进的。

100 17.fortune: a. (1) luck 机会;(好的或坏的)运气

101 I had the good fortune to be
chosen for a trip abroad. 我真幸运,被选中出国旅行。

102 (2) wealth 大笔的钱;巨款

103 He made a considerable fortune selling waste materials. 他靠卖废料发了大财。

104 II. Language Points ease: free from mental stress; relaxed and comfortable 舒坦,从容不迫,自由自在

105 He tried to appear at ease.

106 He is at ease about the matter.

107 [注]① ill at ease 为at ease 的反
义短语,意为worried and nervous. 焦虑不安,感到拘束

108 The boy felt ill at ease when the
headmaster spoke to him 校长跟他说话时,这男孩有 些不安。

109 ② with ease 毫不费劲地,轻而易举地

110 He answered the questions
with great ease. 他轻易地答复那些问题。

111 2.point out: (followed by a that-
clause) call to attention; explain 指出,使注意(跟名词或代 词以及从句)

112 When the mistake was pointed
out to him he hastened to correct it. 当给他指出错误时,他马上 改正。

113 The guide pointed out the
principal sights of the city. 导游指出本城主要景点。

114 3.throw (sth. or sb.) off balance:
cause (sth.) to turn over or (sb.) to fall 使失去平衡

115 Don’t rock the boat. You will
throw it off balance and get it turned over. 不要摇晃船。你会使它失去 平衡而翻船的。

116 [注] keep one’s balance 保持平衡

117 She kept her balance and rode
the bicycle. 她保持平衡,骑上自行车。

118 4…….I displayed my few tricks
and pointed out to him that the incorrectly looped string had thrown the toy off balance.---

119 I showed off my skills of
handling the Yo-Yo and explained to him that the toy had turned over instead of rolling back up the string because it had not been looped in a proper way.

120 ---the military genius that was Napoleon
5.the personality that was Einstein: the personality which was the most striking characteristic of Einstein Additional examples: ---the military genius that was Napoleon

121 6.come to terms with: accept
(sth. usu. disagreeable) as it is; reach an agreement with 与……达成协议;与……妥 协,甘心忍受

122 Mr. Brown was once a millionaire and he can’t come to terms with being poor. 布朗先生曾经是个百万富翁, 因而他不能忍受目前的贫困。

123 It has taken Joe a long time to
come to terms with the fact he won’t be able to go to college. 乔用了很长时间才能接受他 不能上大学这一事实。

124 [注] ① in terms of 就……来说,从……的角度

125 In terms of natural resources it
is one of the poorest countries in Western Europes. 就自然资源来讲,它是西欧 最穷的国家之一。

126 ② in the long / short term
从长远 / 近期来说

127 ③ on good / bad terms with
和……关系很好/ 不好

128 He’s on good terms with his
employer. 他与老板关系不错。

129 7.He was the only person I knew
who had come to terms with himself and the world around him.---

130 Of all the persons I knew he
was the only one who was at peace with himself and the outside world because he accepted the world as it was and knew his limits as a human being.

131 8.He knew there were answers
beyond his intellectual reach.- ---- He knew that the universe had more mysteries than he could ever hope to solve, great as his intellectual capabilities were.

132 9.He was content to go as far as
he could He was satisfied with what he could achieve and would desire nothing beyond his reach.

133 10.He was beyond any pretension He was completely sincere and honest without the slightest intention to show off.

134 11.mean nothing / everything to:
be of no / great importance or value to (对某人而言)不重要 / 非常 重要

135 Fame means nothing to me.

136 Your friendship means everything to me. 你的友谊对我来说实在 太重要了。

137 much so that: to such an
extent that 到了这种程度……以致于……

138 He is ill so much so that he
can’t get out of bed. 他病了,以致于下不了床。

139 The children had a very good
time that day, so much so that they forgot to go home. 那天孩子们玩得太高兴了, 以致忘了回家。

140 13.take apart: separate ( a
small machine, clock, etc.) into pieces 分解开,拆散,拆开

141 It’s easy to take a watch apart
but difficult to put it together again. 拆开一块表容易,但是再装 起来就难了。

142 out: a) solve, find the
answer to 解决,算出,想出

143 Can you work this puzzle out?

144 I’ve worked out your share of
the expenses was $ 5. 我已算出你的一份花费是5美元。

145 b) make out, understand 理解,弄懂

146 I can’t work out the meaning
of this poem. 我理解不了这首诗的含义。

147 No one can work out how the
fire started. 没人能弄清楚火灾是怎么引 起的。

148 15.his name was a household
word: his name was well- known to everyone.

149 16.single out: separate or
choose from a group for special treatment or notice 选出,挑出

150 Why have you singled out this
incident for criticism? 你为什么单挑这件事批评呀?

151 They all did wrong; Why single him out for punishment ? 他们都错了,为什么单单惩 罚他?

152 Key to Study &Practice Vocabulary V. 1. few 2. A little 4. few

153 5. a few, little 6. a few,few 7. little 8. few

154 Ⅵ. 1. function 2. corresponded with each other 3. immune(to it)

155 4. at ease 5. displayed 6. approach 7. puzzle

156 8. a household word 9. capable of carrying out 10. presented with /offered

157 Ⅶ. 1. a series of 2. approaches 3. are pursuing

158 4. ambition 5. argued 6. come to terms with 7. work out

159 8. singled out 9. fortune 10. taken apart ease

160 12. observe 13. modest 14. application

161 Ⅷ. 1. He writes exclusively for the Washington Post.

162 2. The friendship your people
have for our people impressed me deeply during my visit in your country .(Or:I was deeply impressed during my visit in your country by the friendship your people have for our people.)

163 3. It took Joe a long time to
come to terms with the fact that he would no longer be able to go sailing again.

164 4. Jim ’s grandfather believes
more in fresh air and exercise than in medicine.

165 5. Owing to his poor education
he was frustrated in his attempt to find a good job.

166 6. Most American cities are
relatively small in terms of population when compared to Chinese cities like Shanghai and Beijing.

167 Word Building Ⅸ. emotional angry central delightful(delighted)

168 atomic exclusive feasible fortunate famous jealous personal capable

169 safe simple sandy original important valuable curious easy

170 Ⅹ. typewriter heartbeat honeymoon bloodtest airport motorcycle

171 schoolmaster crossroad necklace spaceship eyesight superpower

172 loudspeaker lifeboat sunrise rainstorm

173 Ⅺ. 1. handbag handbook handmade handsaw handshake handwork handwriting…

174 2. housebreaker housekeep housekeeper housearrest housemate housework…

175 3. workbook workday workmate workshop worksite worktable…

176 4. bookkeeper bookmark book review bookseller bookshelf bookstall bookstore..

177 5. riverside roadside bedside dockside inside outside…

178 6. classroom living room reading room waiting room consulting room darkroom…

179 Structure 1. Joe’s father was seen to return after dark.

180 2. The wind was heard to roar
through the trees.

181 3. I don’t think Tom can be made to take the boss’s orders.

182 4. The young man was seen to
enter the building next to the bank.

183 5. When she was in Shanghai
the actress was heard to say she had long thought of this city as her second home.

184 6. After the minister of education had finished speaking at the press conference,he was made to answer all sorts of questions.

185 Ⅲ. 1. The doctor advised that Mike (should) stay in hospital until he was fully recovered.

186 2. Cathy’s father insisted that
she (should) take a two-week rest before going back to work.

187 3. The chairman of the Trade
Union suggested that a special committee (should) be set up to look into the problem.(Or:The chairman of the Trade Union suggested that they set up a special committee to look into the problem.)

188 4. The commander ordered that our company (should) start the attack before dawn.

189 5. Knowing Jack to be a dishonest chap, I demanded that he (should) tell me nothing but the truth.

190 6. The dean of the philosophy
department requested that the visiting scholar (should) give a lecture on Sartre.

191 Cloze Ⅳ. (A) (1)bewildered (2) impressed (3) modest

192 (4) profound (5) displayed (6) ambition (7) singled out

193 (8) puzzle (9) capable (10) at ease

194 (B) (1) by (2) with (3) listened (4) gave (6) lecture (5) told

195 (7) sure (8) Why (9) for (10) agreed (11) two (12) hall (13) before (14) place

196 (15) began (16) single (17) success (18) people (19) shaking (20) followed

197 (21) before (22) stopped (23) a (24) listened (25) not (26) nodded

198 (27) did (28) thought (29) but (30) order (31) was (32) answer

199 Translation Ⅴ. 1.The little girl ran so fast that she was thrown off balance and fell over/down. 

200 2. I was impressed by his devotion to his research but I did not have the slightest interest in his profound theories.

201 3. Be sure not to say anything
capable of being misunderstood.

202 4. I was so bewildered by their
conflicting advice that I did not know how to act.

203 5. At first this complicated
problem frustrated them, but after thinking it over carefully they finally worked out a solution.

204 6. The head of the sports delegation beamed with delight when a yonug pioneer presented him with a bunch of flowers.

205 7. I really don’t see why our
English teacher should single out our monitor for praise since we have all done quite well this term.

206 8. I believe in the theory that
the higher animals developed from the lower ones.

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