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高等院校研究生英语系列教材 综合教程(上) INTEGRATED COURSE.

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1 高等院校研究生英语系列教材 综合教程(上) INTEGRATED COURSE

2 Exploring Human Nature
Unit 7 Exploring Human Nature 2

3 Practical Translation Focused Writing Final Project
Content Starting out Reading Focus Reading More Practical Translation Focused Writing Final Project

4 Starting out Task 1 What distinguishes human beings from other animals? Work with your partner to list the behavior that is unique to human beings, that is unique to other animals and that they have in common. (P191)

5 Starting out- Task 1 Based on what you’ve listed above, discuss with your partner the differences between human beings and other animals in terms of their nature and instincts. (P191) Reference: Animal instinct is ruled by desires, emotions and needs that have to be fulfilled regardless of the time and place. While human nature, which is also driven by those needs, emotions and desires, is mostly controlled by brain, which is related to logic, morals, backgrounds, religions, etc. When control is not present, our nature is basically nothing but animal instinct.

6 Starting out—Task 2 Task 2 The following viewpoints concerning human nature were contended by three prominent philosophers in ancient China. Who do you agree with? Do you agree completely or partly? Give specific examples to support your opinion. (P191)

7 Starting out—Task 2 Confucius: humans (or at least male humans) possess the capacity for perfection, although they must consciously strive to actualize it. Mencius: human nature is good, and people are naturally inclined toward virtue. Unfortunately, the negative elements of society tend to corrupt many people, and only a few are able to overcome them. Laozi: humans at birth are like uncarved blocks of wood (pu) and as they get older, society molds and shapes them. Education brutalizes people and creates the seeds of social turmoil and negative behavior.

8 Questions for discussion:
Starting out-Task 3 Task 3 Read the following story about Jimmy and discuss with your partner the questions that follow the story. (P192) Questions for discussion: 1. What made Jimmy become a thief before his arrest? 2. Was it his destiny, his nature, his life experience, living environment or something else that shaped his behavior?

9 1. Complete the lyrics by filling in the blanks with missing words;
Starting out Sad Movies Listen to “Sad Movies”, a song which tells a sentimental story, and do the following tasks: 1. Complete the lyrics by filling in the blanks with missing words; 2. Describe the characters of “I”, “my darling” and “my best friend”; 3. Tell which of these characters are universal to human beings, or in other words, are in the nature of all human beings.

10 Sad movies always make me cry
Starting out Sad Movies    Sad movies always make me cry He said he had to work so I went to the ______ alone They turned down the _____ and turned the projector on And just as the news of the world started to begin  I saw my darling and my best friend _____ in _______ I was sitting there they didn't see  And so they sat right down in front of me  When he kissed her lips I almost _____  And in the middle of the color ______ I started to cry  Oh-oh-oh sa-a-a-d movies always make me cry show lights walk Though died cartoon

11 And so I ___ up and slowly walked on home
Starting out got And so I ___ up and slowly walked on home  And mama saw the ____ and said, What's wrong?  And so to keep from telling her a ____  I just said sa-a-a-d movies make me cry  Oh-oh-oh sa-a-a-d movies always make me cry  Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh  Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh  Sa-a-a-d movies make me cry tears lie

12 Reading Focus On Human Nature

13 Reading Focus Background Information 1 Global Understanding 2 Detailed Information 3 Critical Thinking 4 Language Points 5 Vocabulary in Action 6

14 Background Information
Watch a video clip from the American hit TV drama series Prison Break, and discuss with the group: Michael Scofield said at the end of the clip: “The man you’re talking about died the moment I stepped into these walls.” Do you think Sara, the prison doctor, would take his word for it?

15 Reading Focus – Global Understanding
1 Introduction 2 Body 3 Conclusion (Para. 1) (Paras. 2-9) (Para. 10)

16 ______________________________________________
Reading Focus – Global Understanding Introduction ______________________________________________ Human nature is the basis of character, the temperament and disposition; it is that indestructible matrix upon which the character is built, and whose shape it must take and keep throughout life.

17 ________________________________________________
Reading Focus – Global Understanding Body ______________ of human nature Characteristics ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ H. Man’s inherent goodness is revealed by his countless acts of heroism, unselfishness and sacrifice. A. The basic nature of human beings does not and cannot change. B. No one wishes his nature to change. C. Human nature is ever true to itself, not to systems of faith or education. D. The constancy of human nature is proverbial. E. Human nature can be studied, controlled and directed. F. Man’s spirit is perfect, only the personality and the physical body become imperfect. G. Man’s majesty and nobility are taken for granted. Only behaviors deviated from the normal attract attention.

18 Human nature does not and cannot change; we can
Reading Focus – Global Understanding Conclusion ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Human nature does not and cannot change; we can only endeavor to understand man as he is.

19 Reading Focus – Detailed Information
Task 2 Choose the sentence that best expresses the meaning of the sentence from the text. (P198) Key: A D C B A C D B

20 Reading Focus Critical Thinking

21 The following are two sentences from the text (P200):
Reading Focus—Critical Thinking Step One The following are two sentences from the text (P200): 1. The constancy of human nature is proverbial, as no one believes that a man can fundamentally change his nature. 2. A study of history reveals that the people who walked this earth in antiquity were moved by the same fundamental forces, were swayed by the same passions, and had the same aspirations as the men and women of today. Interpret the sentences in your own words and tell your partner whether you agree with the author or not. Give specific examples to support your opinions.

22 Discuss in groups the following questions (P200):
Reading Focus—Critical Thinking Step Two Discuss in groups the following questions (P200): 1. As far as schools are concerned, what do you think they can do to make human nature closer to perfection? 2. According to the author, we can try to understand human nature. How do you think we can do this?

23 1. Each man sees himself as unique, and so far as he is
Reading Focus – Language Point 1. Each man sees himself as unique, and so far as he is concerned the hub of the universe, different from any other individual. (Para. 3) In this sentence, the stem part is “each man sees himself as unique and the hub of the universe”. so/as far as sb. be concerned: in the opinion of sb. e.g. 1)_______________________________(在美国人眼里), a lot of our hotels are below average. 2)______________________(在我看来), you can forget about it. As far as Americans are concerned As far as I’m concerned

24 e.g. 1) As far as traffic is concerned, there are no delays
Reading Focus – Language Point as far as sth. be concerned or where sth. is concerned: under the circumstances that concern sth. e.g. 1) As far as traffic is concerned, there are no delays at the moment. 2) Where work is concerned, I always try to do my best. 翻译:每个人都把自己看成是独特个体,而且,就他 而言,他就是宇宙的中心,有别于其他任何人。

25 Reading Focus – Language Point
2. Apologies are in order when Mr. Smith is mistaken for Mr. Jones. (Para. 3) be in order: be in a situation in which everything is conrolled, well-organised or correctly arranged e.g. (1) Please see that this room is in order when the visiors arrive. (2) I want you to arrange these in order, putting the largest first, then the next, and so on. 2) to be a suitable thing to do or say on a particular occasion e.g. (1) Is it in order to ask the speaker questions at the meeting? (2) At the end of a program, applause for the performers is in order.

26 3) (an official document) to be legal and correct
Reading Focus – Language Point 3) (an official document) to be legal and correct e.g. (1) Is your immigration papers in order? (2) I have examined the account books, and found them in order. 4) Something one does to be allowed by the rules in a committee,court parliament etc. e.g. Is it in order for me to park my car outside the building?

27 辨析: mistake … for …和 take ... for/to be...
Reading Focus – Language Point mistake …for …: to wrongly think that someone or something is someone or something else e.g. 1) A woman mistook him for a well-known actor, and asked him for his autograph. 2) The doctor mistook the symptoms for blood poisoning. 辨析: mistake … for …和 take ... for/to be... I __________ him _____ his brother. They are extremely alike. Did you __________ the margarine _______ butter? We ______ him _____ a coward, but we soon found out our mistake. Do you _____ me ____ a fool? took/mistook for mistake/take for/to be took for take for

28 Reading Focus – Language Point
3. No two people will ever draw the same conclusions from the same experiences, but each must interpret events and fit them into the mosaic of his own life’s pattern. (Para. 4) fit into 1) to be part of a group or system e.g. 1) Most film locations broadly fit into two categories; those on private property and those in a public place. 2) Unless the item is a very short one, I am afraid we can not fit it into the programme. 2) to be accepted by the people in a group or organization e.g. She fitted into the team very well. 翻译: 两个人从相同的经历中不会得出相同的结论,但是两 个人会各自分析这些事件并将它们融合到自己丰富的 生活模式中去。

29 Human nature is loyal to itself, instead of to any systems
Reading Focus – Language Point 4. Human nature is ever true to itself, not to systems of faith or education. (Para. 4) Paraphrase: Human nature is loyal to itself, instead of to any systems of faith or external teachings.

30 Reading Focus – Language Point
5. Each holds to the structure of the mold into which the soul was cast at the time of its individualization. (Para. 4) Paraphrase: Each human nature sticks to the characteristics and limitations of the mold where the soul is formed and develops its individualities. 辨析 hold to vs. hold on to hold to: to believe or behave according to a belief, principle, promise etc. hold on to: to keep something rather than losing it, selling it or giving it to someone else

31 hold to vs. hold on to Reading Focus – Language Point
Do you still _________ your intention of going to Australia? Whatever your argument, I still _______ my decision. The soldiers ___________ the bridge for three more days. I think I will _____________ these old records for now. hold to hold to held on to hold on to

32 Reading Focus – Language Point
6. People know from experience that an individual who in one year displays knavish characteristics seldom in the next becomes any different. Nor does a thief become a trustworthy employee, or a miser a philanthropist. Nor does a man change and become a liar, coward or traitor at fifty or sixty; if he is one then, he has been one ever since his character was formed. (Para. 5) In this sentence group, negative words “seldom… nor… nor” connect three negative sentences. And sentences beginning with the negative word “nor” are partially inverted: Nor does a thief become a trustworthy employee, or a miser a philanthropist. Nor does a man change and become a liar, coward or traitor at fifty or sixty;

33 Reading Focus – Language Point
Other negatives that require partial inversion when they begin a sentence as an adverbial element include: never seldom rarely nowhere little barely…when scarcely…when not till hardly… when(before ) no sooner… than under/in no circumstances in no way in no case on no account by no means not a single word e.g. Rarely ___________ (我看到过) such a beautiful sunset. In no case ______________ (你可以离开) the post. By no means____________________ (应该让他单独呆着). No sooner ____________________ (他去睡觉) than the telephone rang once more. have I seen are you to leave should he be left alone had he gone to sleep

34 Reading Focus – Language Point
代词 one 在这里替代的是上文提到的“a liar, coward or traitor ”。One 当代词替代刚提到的可数名词的用法还有: I want a photograph of you--would you give me one? My shoes are similar to the ones you had on yesterday. The first question is one which Jason has anticipated. Notes: one 可以替代中心词为可数名词的名词短语,中心词为不可数名词的话,用some 来代替。 e.g. If you want a drink, I’ll get you one. Shall I pass the butter? Or have you got some already? ‘s

35 If you like grapes, I will get you some.
Reading Focus – Language Point 当中心词为复数名词,前面无形容词等修饰语限定,只具有泛指意义时,要用some不能用ones。 e.g. If you like grapes, I will get you some. 如果可数名词前面有形容词等修饰语限定,用ones. At home in the United States his responses would have been normal ones.

36 e.g. Of the two choices, I prefer the latter.
Reading Focus – Language Point 7. The spirit is perfect, but when it inhabits human structures, it participates in the imperfections of the latter; and during its association with matter takes on the mortal weaknesses, desires and limitations. (Para. 7) “The latter” means the second or the last people or things just mentioned, here refers to “human structure”. e.g. Of the two choices, I prefer the latter. The former…the latter: often used to refer to the first and the second people or things that are just mentioned e.g. Where unemployment and crime are high, it can be assumed that the latter is due to the former. 翻译:精神是完美的,但它栖居到人类肉体结构中后,便参与其中,表现出后者的不完美。在它与物质的联系过程中呈现出凡人的弱点、欲望和局限。

37 1) to begin to have a particular quality of appearance e.g.
Reading Focus – Language Point take on 1) to begin to have a particular quality of appearance e.g. Her face took on a fierce expression. After the students put up christmas decorations, the classroom took on a holiday appearance. 2) to start to employ someone Is the supermarket taking on any more assistants? 3) to agree to do work or be responsible for something Don’t take on too much work-the extra cash isn’t worth it.

38 Reading Focus – Language Point
8. Man’s majesty and nobility are taken for granted, although his faults and weaknesses are constantly paraded before our eyes. (Para. 8) Paraphrase: Human beings are undoubtedly seen as great and noble by nature, although their bad behaviors often remind us that they are imperfect and have weaknesses.

39 take sth./sb.for granted :
Reading Focus – Language Point take sth./sb.for granted : 1) to expect that someone or something will always be there when you need them and never think how important or useful they are e.g. People took electricity for granted until their supply is cut off. She knew that she was in danger of taking him too much for granted. 2) believe that something is true without making sure He just took it for granted that he would pass the exam. Mr. Harper took for granted that the invitation included his wife.

40 9. Daily one reads of men saving others at the peril of
Reading Focus – Language Point 9. Daily one reads of men saving others at the peril of their own lives. (Para. 8) Paraphrase Everyday people read from newspapers or magzines of the stories of how men save others at the risk of losing their own lives.

41 do one’s peril: do sth. dangerous and that could cause problems
Reading Focus – Language Point the peril of sth./doing sth.: a danger or problem in a particular activity or situation e.g. the perils of starring in a television commercial Does he understand the perils of mountain climbing? do one’s peril: do sth. dangerous and that could cause problems These regulations are made for your safety; if you disobey them, you do so at your own peril.

42 Key: 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- A C B B C A B C A C
Reading Focus – Vocabulary in Action Task 1 Choose the answer that best explains the underlined word or phrase in the sentence. (P201) Key: A C B B C A B C A C

43 part ____ ___fold ___selfish/ selfish____
Reading Focus – Vocabulary in Action Task 2 Form new words by combining affixes and the root words given in the box, then choose a word in its appropriate form to complete each of the sentences below. (P202) in un mis de im tion -or ible ar ee ness dis er st al ly ment -ially -ial inal -ation -ist able part ____ ___fold ___selfish/ selfish____ ___perfect employ___ proverb___ refine_____ __destr ___ crim ___ ___take alter ____ li___ consider___ trait___ philanthrop___ ially un un ness im ee ial ment mis in uctible inal ation ar able or ist

44 6. Whether she is victim or ________remains unknown. indestructible
Reading Focus – Vocabulary in Action Task 2 1. There is little point putting a(n) _____________door in a frame that will rot in 10 years. 2. A woman ________ him for a well-known actor, and asked him for his autograph. 3. In their lessons at school, boys and girls may learn about such virtues as _____________, courage, discipline and love of one’s country. 4. Democracy, no matter _________, is still the best method of government. 5. Max walked past her, without acknowledging her presence by the slightest __________in his expression. 6. Whether she is victim or ________remains unknown. indestructible mistook unselfishness imperfect alteration traitor

45 proverbial Reading Focus – Vocabulary in Action
7. A(n) _____________amount of research was done here by our science department. 8. She may be stupid, but she’s not a(n)______. 9. We are a multi-national corporation with 140,000 ___________ worldwide. 10. As the story _______, we learn more about Max’s childhood. 11. The new theory is a(n) __________ of Corbin’s theory of personality development. 12. Andrew Carnegie was a true_____________, giving away millions to charity. 13. The _________ was sent to prison for 10 years. 14. Lisa is deaf in one ear and _________ blind. 15. His modesty is ____________. considerable liar employees unfolds refinement philanthropist criminal partially proverbial

46 Task 3 Reading Focus – Vocabulary in Action
Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in brackets into English. Try to use the expressions you have learned from the text. (P203) 1. _______________________(在我看来), some other arrangement would have been satisfactory. 2. The management control process should ___________________ ___________________________________________ (应该尽量评测既定目标是否已经达到). 3. Who’s that guy Ally ___________________________________ ________ (整晚一直专注地和他交谈)? It would be unwise to ________________________________ _______________ (仅凭一次调查结果就得出结论). So far as I’m concerned endeavor to measure whether predetermined goals are being achieved has been engrossed in conversation with all night draw conclusions from the results of a single survey

47 Reading Focus – Vocabulary in Action
5. ________________________ ________(他既没有朋友,也没有熟人), nor did he make any. 6. Only then ___________________________ (她才告诉他袭击的事). 7. Shelly, ______________ (正如我们所见), had met her through his uncle. 8. It was only lately ____________________________(他自己才成家). 9. I am afraid _____________________________________________ (你谈到的这些问题是体制固有的). 10. He liked_____________________________________________ ___________________________________ (工作认真的年轻人). 11. The teacher _______________________ (与以往不同) and gave out no homework. He had no friends nor acquaintances did she tell him about the attack as we had seen that he had had a family himself the problems you mention are inherent in the system young people conscientious in their work/young people who are conscientious in their deviated from her custom

48 Reading Focus – Vocabulary in Action
If you follow that course of action, it will be _____________ ____________________________ (冒着丧失自己生命的危险). 13. His life had ________________________ (呈现出一片新面貌). 14. I’m perfectly ___________________________ (能够照顾我自 己), thank you. 15. The furniture is made __________________________________ _________ (和200年前几乎一样的式样). 16. The lifeboat was sent out to _____________________________ _____________ (拯救沉船上的海员). 17. _____________________________ (葡萄牙参加了战争) by sending an army to France. 18. The difficulty is ____________________ (由于我们的无知造 成的). at the peril of your own life / at your own peril taken on a new dimension capable of looking after myself in much the same way as it was 200 years ago rescue the sailors from the sinking ship Portugal participated in the war due to our ignorance

49 Practical Translation

50 修辞的翻译 修辞是艺术,也是科学。根据修辞格的特征,修辞可分为词语修辞、结构修辞和音韵修辞三个方面。对不同类别的修辞格主要有三种翻译方法: 1.直译法:保留原文句子结构和修辞,努力再现其形、内容和风格。英汉语言中有对应修辞格的辞格(如明喻、暗喻、拟人、夸张、转喻、反语、设问、反问、排比等),一般通过直译法处理。 2.意译法:为了传达原文的确切含义,舍弃原文辞格的形式,从而使译文自然贴切,具有较强的可读性。若找到相似的修辞方式,也要认真加工以增强译文的表达效果。对偶、拟声、脚韵、双关、反复等修辞,常采用意译的处理方法。 3.弥补法:对无法翻译的辞格(如头韵、联边、回文、镶字、仿词等),可根据不同的语境采用不同的策略;内容重要非译不可的可通过换格、加重语气、加上脚注等办法补救;与原作思想力度和情节发展无重大关系的修辞格,干脆不译。

51 1. As it turned out, I went from the frying pan into the fire.
不料我跳出油锅,却又跳进了火中。 2. With so many carrots , I’ll be a real gem !(B.C. Muffins) 有这么多克拉(胡萝卜), 我是颗真宝石!(贝蒂妙厨发糕)    原文使用的暗喻,在译文中被完全直译,结构,形象,意义都得以保留。 这是美国Betty Croker食品公司宣传其产品之一发糕的广告语,旨在表明内容的实在,分量的充足,营养的丰富。原文用了谐音双关的修辞格,即carrots(胡萝卜)和Croat(克拉)同音异义。 译文将carrots处理成“克拉”从而与下半句中的“宝石”意思连贯,原意“胡萝卜”以加注的形式体现出来。

52 3. The Internet is also fun. You can write to old friends
3. The Internet is also fun. You can write to old friends. Or check out their web pages. Enjoy web based soap operas. Laugh at online parodies and jokes. Join in a live Net Event. Chat with other Internet surfers. 英特网也很好玩:你可以给老朋友写信,或查看他们的网页;欣赏网上电视连续剧;网上还有模仿的滑稽剧和笑话让你开心;你可以参与实况网络动态节目;与别的英特网冲浪者聊天。 4. The technology of millimeter wave guidance is still in its infancy now. 毫米波制导技术目前才刚刚起步。 通过直译原文由一连串短句组成的排比,译文条理清晰,语势如瀑。 拟人用法 “in its infancy” 译成“刚刚起步”,意思和修辞格得以保留,比直译“尚处在婴儿期”更符合汉语表达习惯。

53 5. With determination, with luck, and with help from lots of good people, I was able to rise from the ashes. 凭着我的决心,我的运气,还有许多善良人们的帮助,我终于得以东山再起。 6.The electronic devices are used in computers as switches that simple turn on and off. 这些电子器件在计算机中起开关作用,只是开开关关而已。 rise from the ashes指的是凤凰每五百年积木焚身,从灰烬中获得新生,要在译文中体现这一典故显然太过复杂。译文干脆舍去凤凰焚身的形象,意译为东山再起。 英语辞格押头韵的手法历来被认为是很难译的,汉语表达的叠音词琅琅上口,较好地弥补了原文的音韵美,又为意境的营造推波助澜,一定程度上保留了形和声两方面的美。

54 7. Embalmed in books, their spirits walk abroad.
他们那保存在书中的精神走向了世界各地。 8. A good book is often the best urn of a life enshrining the best that life could think of… 一本好书往往就是人的一生最好的归宿之所,它珍藏着人的思想的精华。 将人的精神像制作木乃伊一样用油膏和香料保护起来,这种说法在汉语中很难再现,译文舍弃了原文的修辞格,意译为“保存”。 Urn的意思是“收藏 东西的陶质器皿——瓮;放置死人骨灰的骨灰瓮”。在本句表示人死后保存他们思想精华的东西。译文淡化了urn的形象, 抛弃了隐喻修辞格,意译为“归宿之所”,意思清楚明了,通俗易懂,效果优于直译。

55 Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese
Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese. Pay particular attention to the rhetoric techniques. Paragraph One The constancy of human nature is proverbial, as no one believes that a man can fundamentally change his nature. This is why it is so difficult for one who acquired an unsavory reputation to re-establish himself in public confidence. People know from experience that an individual who in one year displays knavish characteristics seldom in the next becomes any different. Nor does a thief become a trustworthy employee, or a miser a philanthropist. Nor does a man change and become a liar, coward or traitor at fifty or sixty; if he is one then, he has been one ever since his character was formed. Big criminals are first little criminals, just as giant oaks are first little acorns.

56 Translation for Reference:

57 Paragraph Two I recalled his high spirits, his vitality, his confidence in the future, and his disinterestedness. It was impossible that it was the same man, and yet I was sure of it. I stood up, paid for my drink, and went out into the plaza to find him. My thoughts were in a turmoil. I was aghast. I could never have imagined that he was reduced to his frightful misery. I asked myself what had happened. What hopes deferred had broken his spirit, what disappointments shattered him, and what lost illusions ground him to the dust? I asked myself if nothing could be done. I walked round the plaza.

58 Translation for Reference:

59 Focused Writing Abstracts

60 Focused Writing — Abstracts
An academic abstract : tells a reader what is in a paper or research report; is usually placed on the second page after the title page; has the purpose of identifying the focus of the paper or research and to tell potential readers what will be covered in the full text; is a brief statement of purpose and scope, thesis, relevant theory and the methodology used in the research; does not provide detailed results, conclusions, or recommendations; is usually no more than 250 words. Note: A summary gives the reader an overview of the main points in a text. An informative abstract is rarely longer than one page and should never exceed more than 10% of the length of the original paper.

61 Focused Writing — Abstracts
An academic abstract may include many or all of the following points: 1) Motivation Why do we care about the problem and the results? What is the motivation for the research or report? The importance of your work, any difficulty encountered, and/or the impact it might have if successful. 2) Problem statement What problem to solve? What is the scope of work (a generalized approach, or for a specific situation)? What is the thesis, what is being proved? Not to use this inappropriate jargon unless it will be understood by intended readers. Note: the problem statement might be put before the motivation if readers would already understand why the problem is important.

62 Focused Writing — Abstracts
3) Approach/Methodology/Theoretical Basis How did you go about solving or making progress on the problem? Did you use simulation, analytical models, prototypes, surveys or quantitative or qualitative analysis of ignore, or measure? What, if any, established theoretical works underpinned your research? 4) Results What’s the answer? Indicate briefly what your results are and what they mean. No room for details. 5) Conclusion What are the implications of your results? Is it going to change the world (unlikely), be a significant “win”, be a nice “hack”, or simply serve as a road sign indicating that this path is a waste of time. Are your results general, potential general, or specific to a particular case?

63 How can you write an effective abstract?
Focused Writing — Abstracts How can you write an effective abstract? To begin with the introduction and the summary, if you’re writing an abstract about another person’s article, paper, or report: Read the article, paper or report with the goal of abstraction in mind. Look specially for the main parts: the purpose, methodology, scope, results, conclusions, and recommendations. Don’t merely copy key sentences, make an academic abstract no longer than 250 words. Keep phrases such as “this paper…”, “this report…”, “is described…”, “is report…” to a minimum. Need not explain the sections or parts of the paper. Avoid trade names, acronyms, abbreviations, or symbols. Only refer to information that is in the document and do not include your own or anyone’s opinion. Write in the third person: use passive verbs to downplay the author and emphasize the information.

64 Final Project Final Project

65 Role-Play Final Project Step One
Imaging yourself to be the red-haired beggar in Somerset Maugham’s story Bum. Make a monologue of your experience of meeting an old acquaintance at the plaza. Emphasize how his sudden appearance in your life affects your peace of mind. Words and Expressions you may use: to earn one’s living disturb interest come to an end recognize unfair superior luck be too much for

66 Words and Expressions you may use:
Final Project Step Two Suppose the author couldn’t get over the shock of meeting with the red-haired beggar after returning home. He would tell his friends about his encounter. Work together with your partner, and act out the conversation between the author and his listener. Your partner should try to help you recover your inner place. Words and Expressions you may use: figure out, far away, in nature, meals and shelter, come into one’s sight, on the tip of one’s tongue annoy, shock, point, brilliant, vague, attempt, note arrogant, vanity, humiliate, embarrass, acquaintance, misery, predetermine

67 Thank You!

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