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有主旨的解說 Thematic Interpretation

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1 有主旨的解說 Thematic Interpretation
讓我們做些改變! Making a difference on purpose!

2 學習目標 Learning Outcomes
結束之後,你將能夠…… At the completion, you’ll be able to … 解釋在解說 EROT 模式中的 T 是什麼意思。 explain the “T” in the EROT model of interpretive communication 解釋什麼是有主旨的解說,以及為什麼它是比較好的方式。 explain what thematic interpretation is and why it makes sense to practice it 舉出主旨的例子,並知道怎麼撰寫。 give examples of themes and know how to write your own

3 學習目標(續上頁) Learning Outcomes (cont.)
你還能夠…… And, you’ll be able to … 主旨式地思考。 think thematically 產生新的或是有主旨的解說方案的點子。 generate ideas for new or enhanced thematic interpretive programs 發展有主旨的旅遊或其他報告。 develop thematic tours and other presentations 告訴別人你學了什麼。 tell another person what you learned

4 解說的四個要點 Interpretation Has Four Essential Qualities (Ham-Weiler EROT Model)
1. 解說是愉快的(Enjoyable) Interpretation is enjoyable. 2. 解說是適宜的(Relevant) Interpretation is relevant. -- 有意義的 meaningful -- 個人化的 personal 3. 解說是組織良好的(Organized) Interpretation is organized. 4. 解說是有主旨的(Thematic) Interpretation is thematic.

5 Ham-Weiler EROT 解說模式 Ham-Weiler EROT Model of Interpretive Communication
根據兩個世紀的研究。 Based on two centuries of research 當四個要點都達到時,就可以確保有「成功的」溝通。 When all four qualities are in place, “successful” communication is almost guaranteed 「成功」意指遊客會專心並且抓住要點(主旨)。 “Success” means that visitors pay attention and get the point (theme)

6 有主旨的思考 Think Thematically
主旨  主題 Theme  Topic

7 用主旨來解說的原因 Communicating Themes Has a Purpose!
人們會記得主旨;忘記個別的事實。你這個人是由你一生中所學到的主旨累積而成的。 People remember themes; they forget isolated facts. You’re a walking, lifelong accumulation of learned themes! 主旨幫助你做準備。 Having a theme helps YOU prepare. 有主旨式的思考激發你的創造力。 Thinking thematically unleashes your creativity!

8 主旨式解說的原因 Communicating Themes Has a Purpose!
主旨是種信念;信念是形成態度與行為的基石。 Themes are beliefs; beliefs are the building blocks of attitudes and behavior. 有趣的主旨幾乎可以確保一場有趣的解說。 Having an interesting theme almost guarantees an interesting presentation.

9 為何主旨這麼重要呢? So why is it important to be thematic?
如果你想要造成一些改變/想要人們記得你所說的話。 If you want to make a difference / want people to internalize and remember what you said. 人們會忘記個別的事實,而記得主旨。 People forget isolated facts, they remember themes. 它讓你的準備更容易/更聚焦。 It makes your preparation easier / more focused. 讓遊客更輕鬆。 It makes the visitor’s job easier. 如果你想要改變行為。主旨是信念,而信念是態度和行為的基石。藉著傳播主旨,你是在種植一些種子(信念),它們將會影響(增強或改變)人們的想法、感覺與行為。 If you want to influence behavior: themes are beliefs, and beliefs are the building blocks of attitudes and behavior. By communicating themes, you are planting seeds (beliefs) that can ultimately influence (reinforce or change) how people think, feel and behave.

10 主旨是一段訊息 A Theme is a Message
它是故事的寓意。 It’s the moral to the story. 它是整體的圖像。 It’s the “big picture.” 它回答了「那又怎樣?」的問題。 It answers the question “So What?” 它回答了「那又有什麼了不起?」的問題。 It answers the question “Big Deal?”

11 主旨是整體的概念 Themes are Whole Ideas
它們以完整的敘述句來表達。 They are expressed in complete declarative sentences. 完整的句子包含有主詞和動詞。 Complete sentences have a subject and a verb.

12 撰寫主旨就是這麼簡單 Writing Themes is as Easy as THAT
完成以下三個句子: Complete the following three sentences: 主題:「大致說來,我想要告訴我的聽眾關於___________(主題)的事情。」 General topic: “Generally, I want to tell my audience about ___________(general topic).” 2. 特定主題:「再具體一些呢,我想要告訴我的聽眾關於_______________(特定主題)的事情。」 Specific topic: “At its most specific level, however, I want to tell my audience about_____ (specific topic).”

13 撰寫主旨就是這麼簡單 Writing Themes is as Easy as THAT
3. 主旨:「在聽完我的演說(或導覽、或和我在街上談話…等等)之後,我希望我的聽眾知道______________________。」 (主旨) THEME: “After hearing my presentation (or taking my tour, talking to me on the street, etc.), I want my audience to know that _____________ (theme) _.”

14 另一個方法:想想真正重要的事 An Alternative—Think BIG DEAL
用各種方式完成以下的句子,越多越好: Complete the following sentence in as many ways as you can: 「當談到這個主題時,我認為讓聽眾瞭解_________________________(主旨)_是非常、非常、非常重要的一件事。 “When it comes to my topic, I think it is really, really, REALLY important for this audience to understand that _______________ (theme) _.”

15 每個人都能撰寫有趣的主旨 Anyone Can Write an Interesting Theme
讓它更個人化 Make them personal 用「你」這個字來造句。 Build in the personal word “you” 與聽眾感興趣的事物做連結。 Link to things your audience cares about 「六種不同的蛇類住在這裡。」 “Six different kinds of snakes live here.” 「六種不同的蛇類住在這裡,而學會分辨牠們是很有用的,尤其是你在散步的時候。」 “Six different kinds of snakes live here, and knowing which is which could be very useful, specially when you’re walking.”

16 每個人都能撰寫有趣的主旨 Anyone Can Write an Interesting Theme
將它與無形、具象徵意義的事物做連結。 Connect with things of intangible symbolic importance. 「河川誕生的經過是很迷人的。」 “How rivers are born is fascinating.” 「河川誕生的經過就像嬰兒出生一樣地迷人與神秘。」 “The birth of a river is as fascinating and mysterious as the birth of a human.”

17 每個人都能撰寫有趣的主旨 Anyone Can Write an Interesting Theme
要善用類推。 Incorporate an analogy. 「活火山的內部系統包含了熱與氣壓。」 “The plumbing system of an active volcano contains both heat and gas pressure.” 「要瞭解活火山的內部發生了什麼事情,你只需要想想壓力鍋和搖晃過的香檳就可以了。」 “To understand what goes on in an active volcano’s plumbing system, you need only think of a pressure cooker and an agitated bottle of champagne.”

18 每個人都能撰寫有趣的主旨 Anyone Can Write an Interesting Theme
要善用譬喻。 Incorporate a metaphor. 「Chuck Berry 對搖滾樂的進展有很大的貢獻。」 “Chuck Berry did a lot to advance rock ‘n roll.” 「Chuck Berry 是搖滾樂的建築師。」 “Chuck Berry was the architect of rock ‘n roll.”

19 每個人都能撰寫有趣的主旨 Anyone Can Write an Interesting Theme
使用主動的動詞。 Try to build the active voice into verbs. 「這裡的沙漠地景是由嚴酷的風及乾旱創造出來的。」 “This desert landscape was created by harsh winds and drought.” 「嚴酷的風及乾旱造成了這裡的沙漠地景。」 “Harsh winds and drought created this desert landscape.”

20 每個人都能撰寫有趣的主旨 Anyone Can Write an Interesting Theme
避免以「是」當動詞的平鋪直敘的句子。 Try to avoid the verb “to be.” 「這棟建築五百年了。」 “This building is five hundred years old.” 「這些牆訴說著五百年來的故事。」 “These walls tell a five hundred-year story.”

21 讓你的活動主旨化的方式 Ways to Make Your Guided Activities Thematic
思考主旨,而非主題。 Think themes, not topics. 思考完整的句子,而非句子的一部份。 Think full-sentences, not parts of sentences. 思考「真正重要的事」——你希望你的遊客今天把什麼訊息帶回家? Think “big deal” – what message you really want your visitors to take home that day. 應用 E 和 R 讓你的主旨更有力。 Apply E & R to make your themes more powerful. 讓它們更個人化 make them personal 與具象徵意義的事物連結 connect them things of symbolic importance 使用類推與譬喻 use an analogy or metaphor 使用主動動詞並避免「是」 use verbs in active voice & avoid “to be”

22 應用 EROT 模式 Applying the EROT Model
以 TORE 的順序進行: Practised as TORE: 總是從主旨(theme)開始。 Your theme always comes first 接下來組織(organize)成四個以下的次主旨。 Now organize into 4 or fewer sub-themes 最後讓它適合(relevant)你的聽眾並且是有趣的(enjoyable)。 Now make it relevant and enjoyable for your audience

23 主旨寫作練習 Theme Writing Exercise
把以下的主旨敘述句子改得更好: Improve each of the following theme statements: 「我們的祖先面對許多的危險。」 “Our ancestors faced a lot of dangers.” 「台中是個很有趣的地方。」 “Taichung is a very interesting place.” 「自然保育需要你的協助。」 “Nature conservation needs your help.” 寫出你自己的主題以及三個相關的主旨。 Write your own topic and three themes related to it. 從以上的主旨中選一個並發展幾個(四個以下)支撐的次主旨。 Select one theme above and develop 4 or fewer sub-themes that support it.

24 摘要 Summary of Module 我們希望你學會了…… We hope you’ve learned that …
練習有主旨的解說是很重要的。主旨  主題。 Practicing thematic interpretation is an important thing to do. Theme  topic! 當一個強有力的主旨留在遊客心中時,解說能夠對遊客產 生深刻的影響。這就是解說的目的。 Interpretation has its most profound impact on visitors when a compelling theme is left in the visitor’s mind. This is the purpose of interpretation. 有主旨的解說不是只以有趣的方式傳遞事實。而是以 ERO 的方式來創造意義(meaning making)。 Thematic interpretation is not just entertaining fact-giving. It is “meaning making” in an ERO way!

25 摘要 Summary of Module 還有…… And that …
強力的主旨及有趣的次主旨幾乎可以確保一場有趣的演出。 Starting with a strong global theme and interesting sub-themes almost guarantees an interesting presentation. 寫一個無聊的主旨是很容易的。撰寫有力的主旨需要時間 及練習。然而,每個人都可以透過一些練習來做到。 It’s easy to write a boring theme. But writing a strong theme takes time and practise. Still, anyone can do it with a little practise. 小組可以創造出奇蹟!撰寫主旨時邀請別人一同參與。 The group can put magic in the message! Involve others in your thematic thinking.

26 摘要 Summary of Module 最後還有…… And finally, that …
最棒的主旨是發自你的熱情並應用你個人的知識及風格。 The best themes are those that emanate from your passion and take advantage of your personal knowledge and style. 有主旨的解說中,「成功」=TORE。一旦你有了有力的 主旨,你就可以創造成功了。(加進O、R、E) In thematic interpretation, “success” = TORE. Once you have a strong theme, you’re ready to create (adding the O, R, and E). 想要改變人們對襲產的想法、感覺與行為的解說員,應該 要練習有主旨的解說。 Interpreters who want to make a difference in how people think, feel and behave with respect to heritage, practice thematic interpretation.

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