Academy of Wisdom and Enlightenment

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1 Academy of Wisdom and Enlightenment
智覺學苑 欢迎 逻辑 第三节 22种常见谬论之8至10 22 common fallacies:8 to 10 主讲:李捷伟 , 郭灿東 Academy of Wisdom and Enlightenment (AWE)

2 22种常见谬论 22 common fallacies
1.诉诸自然谬论 Appeal to Nature Fallacy 2.非黑即白谬论(二分法,假二难) Black and White Thinking 3.人身攻击谬论 Ad Hominem 4.起源谬论 Genetic Fallacy

3 22种常见谬论 22 common fallacies
5.滑坡谬论 S Slippery Slope 6.诉诸无知谬论 Argument from Ignorance 7.采樱桃谬论 Cherry Picking

4 22种常见谬论 22 common fallacies
8.诉诸情感 & 诉诸群众谬Appeals to emotion & Ad Populum (Appeal to the People) 9.居先为因谬论 Post Hoc ergo Propter Hoc 10.稻草人谬论 Straw Man Fallacy

5 逻辑训练 Logic exercise 现在请您专注和澄清思维… 准备好了吗?Concentrate and clear your mind please… are you ready?

6 Appeals to emotion & Appeals to people
诉诸情感 & 诉诸群众谬论 Appeals to emotion & Appeals to people 8.诉诸情感 & 诉诸群众谬论:我们诉诸感情,或者证明一个结论是对的或者是好的。因为大部分人相信它是对的或者是好的。Appeals to emotion & Ad Populum (Appeal to the People): We appeal to emotion alone or argue conclusion must be true or good because most people believe it is true or good.

7 例子 Examples 1) 我认识的很多人都相信上帝,所以上帝可能存在。 Many people I know believe in God, so God probably exists. 2)我认识的大部分人都不相信上帝,所以上帝可能不存在。 Most people I know don’t believe in God, so God probably doesn’t exist.

8 例子 Examples 3) 吃动物是有道德的,因为我们已经吃动物几千年了(诉诸传统)。Eating animals is moral because we have been eating them for thousands of years (appeal to tradition). 4)只有像你这样非常聪明的人才认识到相对主义和决定论的真理,或者只有像你这样聪明的人才知道上帝存在(拍马屁或诉诸情感)。Only very intelligent people like you recognize the truth of relativism and determinism, or only people like you are smart enough to know God exists (apple polishing or appeal to emotion).

9 Appeals to emotion & Appeals to people
诉诸情感 & 诉诸群众谬论 Appeals to emotion & Appeals to people 记住你不能只凭人们相信的或感觉的去推断什么是真的才能避免谬论。Avoid by remembering that you cannot infer what is true from what people believe or feel.

10 Appeals to emotion & Appeals to people
诉诸情感 & 诉诸群众谬论 Appeals to emotion & Appeals to people 诉诸情感 Appeals to emotion 愤怒的证据 Argument from outrage 逢迎 Apple Polishing 负罪感 Guilt Trips 同伴的压力 Peer Pressure 群体思维 Group Think

11 Appeals to emotion & Appeals to people
诉诸情感 & 诉诸群众谬论 Appeals to emotion & Appeals to people 我们真的因为诉诸情感而合理吗?Are we ever justified in appealing to emotion alone? 你真的愿意相信10000年前地球存在吗? Would you have believed the earth was round 1000 years ago?

12 Appeals to emotion & Appeals to people
诉诸情感 & 诉诸群众谬论 Appeals to emotion & Appeals to people 练习:请同学们举出这种谬论的例子

13 居先为因谬论 Post Hoc ergo Propter Hoc
9.居先为因谬论/后此谬论(拉丁语“在它之后,也正由于它/后此故因 此”): 因为A发生在B之前,所以,A造成B. Post Hoc ergo Propter Hoc (Latin for “After this so because of this”): A happened before B, so A caused B.

14 例子 Examples 1)法案成为法律后,犯罪率下降。 所以,法案减少了罪行。After the bill became a law, the crime rate went down. So, the bill lowered the crime. 2)我祈祷得到一部宝马轿车,愿望实现了,所以祈祷是有用的。 I prayed for a BMW and got it, so prayer works.

15 例子 Examples 3) 自从上个月我开始吃鼻屎,我就没生过病。因此,吃鼻涕就像注射流感疫苗一样。Since I began eating my boogers last month, I haven't been sick. Therefore, eating boogers is like getting a flu shot. 4) 洞穴人敲打着洞壁,太阳又出现了。因此,敲打着洞穴的墙壁,太阳又出现了。Caveman beat the wall of the cave and the sun reappeared. Therefore, beating the wall of the cave caused the sun to reappear.

16 居先为因谬论 Post Hoc ergo Propter Hoc
记住你不能只凭人们相信的或感觉的去推断什么是真的才能避免谬论。 Avoid by remembering that you cannot infer what is true from what people believe or feel. 为了避免某种情况,建立一个科学实验或使用米尔的技术来测试因果关系。To avoid, set up a scientific experiment or use Mill’s techniques to test for a causal link.

17 居先为因谬论 Post Hoc ergo Propter Hoc
相互关系并不意味着因果关系。Correlation does not imply causation. 记住你不能只凭人们相信的或感觉的去推断什么是真的才能避免谬论。Avoid by remembering that you cannot infer what is true from what people believe or feel.

18 问题 Question 解释一下2009年某些科学家的如下的推理可能存在什么问题?Explain what might be the problem with the following reasoning of some scientists in 2009? “高密度脂蛋白胆固醇与心脏病的发病率呈负相关。因此,您应该采取调控高密度脂蛋白上升的方法以降低心脏病发作的风险。” “HDL Cholesterol is negatively correlated with the incidence of heart attacks. Therefore, you should take HDL-raising mediations to decrease your risk of heart attack.”

19 居先为因谬论 Post Hoc ergo Propter Hoc

20 稻草人谬论 Straw Man Fallacy
10. 稻草人谬论:为了在辩论中更容易击倒对方,有意无意歪曲其论点/论据。Straw Man Fallacy: We misrepresent an argument to more easily defeat it (intentionally or not). ,

21 例子 Examples 1)我女朋友告诉我应该倒垃圾。我回答说:“为什么我必须做所有的事?”My girlfriend told me I should take out the trash. I responded, "Why do I have to do everything?" 这是一个稻草人谬论,因为我把我应该做某事(即把垃圾拿出来),错误地说我应该“做每件事”。This is like a straw man fallacy because I took her claim that I should do something (i.e. take out the trash) and misrepresented it as saying I should "do everything."

22 例子 Examples 2)一名学生批评了第三个学期的部分分娩堕胎,因为她的对手只是在道义上为第一个学期堕胎的允许性辩护。A student critiqued third trimester partial birth abortions when her opponent was only defending the moral permissibility of first trimester abortions.

23 稻草人谬论 Straw Man Fallacy
为了避免这种情况,在任何说法中评估最有力的论据。使用善意原则。寻求真理,而不是胜利。To avoid, evaluate the strongest arguments for any claim. Apply the principle of charity. Seek truth, not victory. 为对立面做出争论。发挥想象力想象力。 提醒自己,许多真理只是部分的。 Argue for opposing positions. Develop imagination. Remind yourself that many truths are partial.

24 问题 Question 你认为大多数人会有意或无意地给出稻草人谬论吗? 解释你的理由。Do you think most people intentionally or unintentionally give straw man arguments? Explain your reasoning.

25 稻草人谬论 Straw Man Fallacy

26 22种常见谬论 22 common fallacies
1.诉诸自然谬论 Appeal to Nature Fallacy 2.非黑即白谬论 Black and White Thinking 3.人身攻击谬论 Ad Hominem 4.起源谬论 Genetic Fallacy 5.滑坡谬论 Slippery Slope

27 22种常见谬论 22 common fallacies
6.诉诸无知谬论 Argument from Ignorance 7.采樱桃谬论 Cherry Picking 8.诉诸情感 & 诉诸群众谬论 Appeals to emotion & Ad Populum (Appeal to the People) 9.居先为因谬论 Post Hoc ergo Propter Hoc 10.稻草人谬论 Straw Man Fallacy

28 智覺學苑 结束 THE END 感谢! Thank You!
Definition of Self/I/Ego

29 Academy of Wisdom and Enlightenment
智覺學苑 (AWE) Academy of Wisdom and Enlightenment 98 Glen Cameron Rd, Thornhill, Canada L3T 1P8 中文: 李捷伟 郭灿东 English: Tammy Jenny

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