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我們見證了王昱求婚的過程…… We experienced Wang Yu’s marriage proposal to Nina

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Presentation on theme: "我們見證了王昱求婚的過程…… We experienced Wang Yu’s marriage proposal to Nina"— Presentation transcript:

1 我們見證了王昱求婚的過程…… We experienced Wang Yu’s marriage proposal to Nina
歪高與五四三同仁們共同製作 Made by YG and lab 543

2 在一個夜黑風高的晚上….. One night without moon light…… 在一個日式的小木屋中…… In a Japanese style wooden house…… 屋中站滿了世界各地來的高手…… Where full of specialists from all over the world…… 他們等這個決定已經好幾年了…… They all have waited for this moment for years……

3 王同學,先喝三杯我才理你! Hey, three cups before start !

4 王昱,要兩隻手才有誠意,剛才那杯不算! Wang Yu, using one hand does not count.

5 別哭,別哭,我陪你啦! Baby, don’t cry. We drink together!!

6 那可不可以陪我一輩子? 你會不會想太多了?! May I have Nina being my bride ?
Are you serious?

7 I still don’t think so ! Please …… ! 我不相信! 拜託啦!

8 This is not the first time …
It is a deal by this … 少來一套! 我先乾為敬!

9 別這樣嘛,來親一個! Come on, you will like the deal!

10 喔,那再一次! 王昱,你親到的是鼻子! Sorry, let’s do it again!
Wang Yu, you just kissed my nose.

11 Hey, wrong person!! 喂,王昱,你搞錯人了!

12 我們眼中的林玉儂小姐 Our Nina

13 她很端莊! She is sober! 她很細心! She is cautious! 她很勇敢! She is brave!

14 What are you thinking? What are you taking for? 妳在想什麼? 妳在照什麼? What are you peeping over? 妳在偷看什麼?

15 She could drive something much bigger !!

16 Nina: there is a charcoal !
玉儂: 那邊有碳的標本! Yoko: Really? 太田教授: 係金ㄟ嗎?

17 玉儂: 我們可以用看得就知道年代嗎? 歪高: 可以啊,美女的年紀我用看的就知道啦?
Nina: Can we date the rock by looking? YG: Yes, I dated girls by looking? 玉儂: 我們可以用看得就知道年代嗎? 歪高: 可以啊,美女的年紀我用看的就知道啦?

18 鹹蛋: 凱瑞應該知道! 玉儂: 學長這裡有幾次的地震事件? Egg: ask Kerry
Nina: How many earthquake events are recorded? 鹹蛋: 凱瑞應該知道! 玉儂: 學長這裡有幾次的地震事件?

19 Wang Yu, this baby pull kart looks the size of our baby!

20 王昱,你今天粧畫得很濃噢! Wang Yu, I like your make-up today !!

21 Question: How tall is Nina?玉儂有多高?

22 Nina is always taller than Wang Yu!

23 我們眼中的王昱 Our Wang Yu

24 這一張,玉儂一定喜歡! I think Nina would love this handsome boy !

25 I have longest legs in the world!!

26 This is a wrong choice! ㄟ…好像不太對唷?

27 Wang, can I take a break? 王昱,我可不可以休息了(Zzzz…)?

28 王昱,下次用講的不要用手好嗎? Wang Yu, please use oral language instead of body language next time.

29 Nina , help me ! 玉儂,救我!

30 Zebra Wang Yu! 斑馬王

31 他很有創造力! He is very creative !!

32 I promise to do everything for you ! 我願做牛做馬一輩子!我發誓!
Really ? Do you remember three years ago you promised YG a manuscript ? 你三年前發誓要把文章交給老師的?!

33 Question: Who is the strongest person in the world?誰是世界上最強壯的人?

34 It’s Kerry! 是凱瑞!

35 Question: Monolake有幾次火山噴發事件?
How many eruption events in Monolake area? Monolake有幾次火山噴發事件?

36 Oops… please ask Kerry? 這要問凱瑞?

37 我們眼中的小倆口 Our memory of this couple

38 They graduated together!

39 Playing dirt together! Driving advisor’s car together! 一起玩泥巴! 一起開老闆的車!

40 我正在拍露頭喔!! 我正在拍美女喔!! I am photographing the outcrop!! I am photographing a beautiful lady!!

41 綠衣人有時很礙事! Can we get rid of the green one?

42 Question: How much effort do parents make to raise a child from birth to marriage? 你知道小孩從出生到結婚要花多少心血嗎?

43 You would know when little Wang Yu gets married!
當小王昱結婚時就知道啦! You would know when little Wang Yu gets married!

44 What if you treat her bad?

45 Option 1: Stuff it up! 是用這個!

46 Option 2: Feed them! 還是這個!

47 Question: Which one is Nina? 哪一個是玉儂?

48 你可以去牽新娘了 You may go to get your bride now! 祝福他們…… All the best to Wang Yu and Nina !

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