Lesson 5 选课/選課 CHN 201 10/13/2010.

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1 Lesson 5 选课/選課 CHN /13/2010

2 Agenda Language Practice (vocabulary, grammar) Text Review

3 Language Practice: Graduation in sight
我的专业是金融。 我的專業是金融。 My major is finance. 我(不)打算拿双学位。 我(不)打算拿雙學位。 I (don’t) plan to double major. 我还需要三十个学分才能毕业。 我還需要三十個學分才能畢業。 I still need 30 credits to graduate. 毕业以后,我打算找工作,不打算念研究生。 畢業以後,我打算找工作,不打算念研究生。 After graduating I plan to find a job. I don’t plan to apply for graduate school. If you haven’t chosen a major yet: 我还没决定选什么专业。我還沒決定選什麼專業。

4 It’s your turn! p. 164 major: double major: credits: job:
Tell your partner what your major is, whether you wish to double major, how many credits you still need to graduate, and whether you plan to find a job or apply to graduate school after graduating. major: double major: credits: job: graduate school:

5 How many courses in a semester can you manage?
Can you deal with a heavy course load? p.166 受不了/轻(輕)松 unable to bear/relax 一个学期上几门课会让你受不了? 一個學期上幾門課會讓你受不了? How many courses in a semester can you manage? 一个学期上几门课你会觉得比较轻松? 一個學期上幾門課你會覺得比較輕松? How many courses in a semester can you take where you still feel relatively relaxed? Go around the class. Ask at least three classmates what kind of course load in a semester is manageable for them. Then report it to the class as follow: 个同学觉得上 门课会让他们受不了。 个同学觉得上 门课会比较轻松。 個同學覺得上 門課會讓他們受不了。 個同學覺得上 門課會比較輕松。

6 All things considered: 至于(於) as for
Topic: Aspects: A: 这个大学怎么样? 這個大學怎麼樣? How is this university? B: 我觉得这个大学教授很有名,图书馆书很多,教室很新,至于宿舍,我觉得有点儿旧。 我覺得這個大學教授很有名,圖書館書很多,教室很新,至於宿舍,我覺得有點兒舊。 I think the professors in this university are famous, there are many books in the library, and the classrooms are new. As for the dorms, I think they are a little bit old. university professors libraries classrooms dorms

7 It’s your turn! p.166 Practice with a partner how to give your opinions on various aspects of the topic in question. Topic: Aspects: 3. Topic: Aspects: jeans style color size price size furniture security deposit rent apartment restaurant steamed fish Chinese broccoli beef in soy sauce hot and sour soup

8 It’s your turn! p.166 Practice with a partner how to give your opinions on various aspects of the topic in question. Topic: Aspects: 3. Topic: Aspects: 牛仔裤 牛仔褲 样子 樣子 颜色顏色 大小 价钱 價錢 大小 家具 傢俱 押金 房租 公寓 饭馆儿 飯館兒 清蒸鱼 芥兰 芥蘭 红烧牛肉 紅燒牛肉 酸辣汤 酸辣湯

9 It comes with the job: 跟……打交道 to deal with
购物中心的售货员shòuhuòyuán整天跟买东西的人打交道。 購物中心的售貨員shòuhuòyuán整天跟買東西的人打交道。 The salespeople at the shopping center deal with shoppers all day. salespeople shoppers 售货员(員) 买(買)东西的人 teachers students 老师(師) 学(學)生 doctors patients 医(醫)生 病人

10 economics professors numbers bankers money and numbers 经济学(經濟學)教授
students in the Chinese department Chinese 经济学(經濟學)教授 数(數)字 在银(銀)行工作的人 钱(錢)和数(數)字 中文系的学(學)生 中文

11 Is there a control freak in your life? 管 to control, manage p.168
我父母常常管我穿什么(麼)衣服。 My parents always (try to) control my wardrobe (what I wear). Are your parents/siblings/teachers/friends/advisors overly concerned about your life/study/work? Practice with a partner, then report your partner’s answer to the class. parents food siblings classes friends major teachers work advisors

12 Creative money-saving tips 省下来 to save (money, time)
怎麼樣可以把錢省下來? How can you save money? B: 住在家里可以把 钱省下来付学费。 住在家裏可以把 錢省下來付學費。 Living at home can save money to (help) pay for tuition. Talk with your partner about ways to save money and the purpose for saving it.

13 Text Review Preliminary Questions:
How many characters are there in the text? What year of college are they in? Listening Comprehension: Which schools does Li Zhe want to apply for? What are the advantages of Li Zhe staying at his sister’s place? What is the disadvantage of staying at his sister’s place? What is the suggestion that Zhang Tianming gave to Li Zhe?

14 张天明:你要申请哪些学校? 李 哲:我想申请离我姐姐家比较近的学校,这样我就可以搬到她家去住,把房 租跟饭钱省下来。 张天明:不过在姐姐家里住可能不太自由。 李 哲:你的话没错,但是住在姐姐家的好处也不少。我再考虑考虑。 张天明:哎,我给你一个建议吧。你没什么工作经验,先找个地方实习一下,对 将来找工作肯定有好处。 李 哲:你这个建议真不错,我看我也不必去找指导教授了,就听你的“指导” 吧。 张天明:别、别、别,还是听听教授的意见吧。

15 張天明:你要申請哪些學校? 李 哲:我想申請離我姐姐家比較近的學校,這樣我就可以搬到她家去住,把房 租跟飯錢省下來。 張天明:不過在姐姐家裏住可能不太自由。 李 哲:你的話沒錯,但是住在姐姐家的好處也不少。我再考慮考慮。 張天明:哎,我給你一個建議吧。你沒什麽工作經驗,先找個地方實習一下,對 將來找工作肯定有好處。 李 哲:你這個建議真不錯,我看我也不必去找指導教授了,就聽你的“指導” 吧。 張天明:別、別、別,還是聽聽教授的意見吧。

16 Mahalo!

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