賈伯斯的禪意人生 Steve Jobs and his Zen

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1 賈伯斯的禪意人生 Steve Jobs and his Zen
本文素材取自網絡 配樂:貝多芬月光曲~ 逍遙山人 整編 逍遙 山人

2 永留青史 一代曠世奇才 千秋科技巨人 逍遙 山人

3 圖片為1955年2月24日,賈伯斯在美國三藩市的出生地. 賈伯斯很小時,就開始追問:我是誰?我來到這個世界上是為了幹什麼?

4 you’re never going to get all the answers
And he said: you’re never going to get all the answers you’re never going to achieve perfect enlightenment but the journey is the reward. just being the seeker is in itself the important thing … a seeker is somebody who is open to spiritual enlightenment. Steve Jobs believed his whole life was on a journey ,… ………… a journey for enlightenment. According to an interview with Isaacsons

5 從 17 歲起,賈伯斯 就一直告誡自己: live each day as if it were your last 珍惜今天.活在當下. 生命是短暫的, 不久以後 我們都將走到盡頭。 如果你把每一天都當作生命的最後一天過,總有一天你的假設會成為現實。

6 In search of a Guru in India
Jobs was determined to go to India trying to find a spiritual Guru. He was joined by his hippie friend, Dan Kottke. Perhaps between 1974 and 1976, they spent between one and three months travelling around North India. 當時賈伯斯應是二十歲上下的年輕小伙子 They came back disappointed, especially after they met a famous guru, Kairolie Baba, who, was a con man [騙子]. They learnt a lesson: “We weren’t going to find a place where we could go for a month to be enlightened.”

7 Steve Jobs’ Zen Teacher in US
曹洞宗の禅僧 Kobun Otogowa (乙川弘文) He became Steve's zen guru from in Los Altos, back in 1970s He is credited for telling Steve to start Apple rather than becoming a Zen monk Kobun died trying to save his daughter from drowning in 2002

8 Jobs believed that Zen meditation taught him to concentrate and ignore distractions.
He also learned to trust intuition and curiosity over analysis and preconceptions. 對生死的思考,最終使賈伯斯修習禪宗 他對那些能夠超越有形物質, 或者形而上的學說極感興趣 也開始注意到比知覺及意識更高的層次 〜 直覺和頓悟 他1973 年, 已對修禪有較深的體悟了 …

9 賈伯斯的人生事業起步于禪修. 在創辦蘋果公司之前,他一度不知道對自己的未來該如何決斷, 他很想繼續修習禪宗,但是又無法放棄創業的理想, 於是向禪師求教。 禪師轉述六祖慧能的話: “不是風動,也不是幡動,而是心動.” 人生歷程中, 不管是制定公司產品策略, 還是直面人事鬥爭, 甚至面對生死挑戰, 賈伯斯一直都是在追隨他的心。

10 賈伯斯 定力驚人 直覺和穿透力 更是驚人 賈伯斯曾說: 1. 你的時間有限,所以不要為別人而活. 2. 不要被教條所限.
3.不要活在別人的觀念裡. 4. 不要讓別人的意見,左右自己內心的聲音. 5. 勇敢的去追隨自己的心靈和直覺. 6.只有如此,你才知道自己的真實想法. 7.這是首要,其他一切都是次要。

11 賈伯斯嘉言選粹 Steve jobs quote

12 坐禪讓人躲開了塵世喧囂、 避開了眾多表面的事務,回歸到問題本質, 致使賈伯斯具有高度發達的智慧。 living room
no furniture 此為賈伯斯在家裡盤腿打坐的圖片 坐禪讓人躲開了塵世喧囂、 避開了眾多表面的事務,回歸到問題本質, 致使賈伯斯具有高度發達的智慧。

13 Laurene Powell married Steve Jobs 18 March 1991 Yosemite National Park
Laurene Powell and Steve Jobs at their wedding Laurene Powell married Steve Jobs 18 March 1991 Yosemite National Park

14 Steve gave a memorable commencement speech at Stanford University
His advice to young students: Stay hungry, Stay foolish Stanford commencement address 12 Jun 2005 求知若飢,虛心若愚 這也是他的座右銘 History will remember its closing remarks

15 Oct 2003 Steve Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, but stubbornly refused any modern medical treatment for months. He tried alternative diets instead 最後八年的掙扎 Aug 2004 Steve Jobs finally had his pancreatic tumor removed by surgery Apr 2009 Steve received a liver transplant at the Methodist University Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. 5 Oct 2011 Steve Jobs died at home, surrounded by his family

16 乘風歸去 Steve Jobs died on 5 Oct 2011
When Jobs died his last words were recorded by his sister in her eulogy, they were, “Ow wow, Ow wow, Ow wow.” What ever he was searching for his whole life some seem to think he found it at that moment. Maybe what Jobs was seeing was the pure land …… or, the peace that we all search for … 乘風歸去


18 人各有志 記得當時年紀小 Steve Jobs with Bill Gates in 1985

19 風華正茂 儘在不言中 bill gates vs. steve jobs

20 Who did best following my statement ?

21 結束語 君不見,江山代有人才出,各領風騷數十年 君不見,人生天地間,各有所禀賦,為一大事來,做一大事去〜 〜 〜
逍遙 山人 逍遙山人 君不見,江山代有人才出,各領風騷數十年 君不見,人生天地間,各有所禀賦,為一大事來,做一大事去〜 〜 〜 如果賈伯斯當年,選擇不去創建蘋果公司,而是繼續其禪修之努力,則其人生會走向何方? 賈伯斯以親身經歷證明了→“明師可遇不可求” 智者雖逝,他傳奇的人生留給修行者,諸多想像的空間,供與後人研究探索〜 〜 〜 江水依然奔流着.眾人依然一步一步地走着自己的路.請問你是否由此獲得或深或淺的啓示呢?

22 Have a Nice Day Have a Nice Day Good Bye Good Bye 惜福去也 後會有期 惜福去也 後會有期
逍遙 山人

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