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Unit 5 Keep it up, Xie Lei.

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1 Unit 5 Keep it up, Xie Lei

2 池莉(1957~ ) ,当代著名女作家,湖北仙桃人,中国作家协会会员 。著有小说《烦恼人生》、《不谈爱情》、《水与火的缠绵》、长 篇小说《来来往往》、散文作品《怎么爱你也不够》、《老武汉》、《一夜盛开如玫瑰》等。获全国优秀中篇小说奖,首届鲁迅文学奖、红河文学奖、湖北屈原文学奖、金凤文艺奖,有多部小说被改编为电影、电视,有各种文字译本。

3 耶鲁大学 Yale University 总统的摇篮

4 Princeton University 普林斯顿大学
美国政治家的摇篮 位诺贝尔奖得主

5 麻省理工学院 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 科技宠儿的摇篮

6 麻省理工学院 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Zhang Chaoyang------CEO of Sohu)

7 科学家、文学家、政治家的摇篮;89为诺奖得主

8 牛津大学 University of Oxford

9 Harvard University

10 The University of Sydney

11 海归 海龟 turtle overseas studendt

12 Discussion What are the benefits of studying in a foreign country?
What are the difficulties of studying in a foreign country?

13 help us to be independent be difficult to communicate
benefits difficulties …… help us to be independent cost a lot of money be difficult to communicate with others be easier to learn a foreign language be tiring to live in a new country broaden our views enrich our knowledge be homesick and lonely learn advanced technology have new experiences

14 Keep it up, Xie Lei

15 Fast reading match the main idea to each paragraph. F B A C D G E
A. The general introduction to Xie Lei and her study B. The advantages of living with a host family. C. Xie Lei is studying in a foreign country--London. D. Xie Lei is getting used to the Western University’s way of learning. E.. The newspaper will follow Xie Lei’s progress in later editions. F. The difficulties Xie Lei met while living in London. G. Xie Lei feels much more at home in England now and is living an active life.

16 Detailed reading Which one is true about Xielei in para 1?
Read para1 and choose the best answer. Which one is true about Xielei in para 1? A. She went to London by train B.This was not her first time to go abroad C. She had been in London for half a year D. She was not willing to go to London .

17 Read para. 2 and 3 and tell whether the following are true or false
Xie Lei came to the university to complete a science qualification. 2. At first, Xie Lei didn’t get used to the life in London, now she gets used to it. F business T

18 Listening of doing a preparation course Benefits
1. to learn how to ___ ____ ____ Western academic requirements get used to of living with a host family 1. to learn more about ___ ____ ____ 2. to ask my host family___ ____ the new culture Benefits for help of having a tutor 1. to explain about why you cannot ____what other people had said without _______________them. 2. to ________ you to express your own ideas. write acknowledging encourage

19 Difficulties at the university
1.learning to read ________ texts and ________what you had read. 2. ______one’s own opinions and explaining the ______. different analyze giving reason Difficulties of a new way of life finding a __________ between study and a ________________. making new __________. balance social life friends

20 Read Para 6 and 7 and Underline the following phrases.
感到像在家一样_______________ 忙于做某事 _______________________ 在学习和社交之间有一个平衡 _______________________________________ 4. 跟踪某人的进展______________________ 5. 希望某人一切都好____________________ 6. 应该取得成功____________________ feel at home be occupied with sth. have a balance between study and social life follow one’s progress wish sb. all the best deserve to succeed

21 Xie Lei is a________girl, who went to London to complete a ___________
Summary Xie Lei is a________girl, who went to London to complete a ___________ ___________. She tried to ____ ____ ___ a whole new way of life there. Unlike some of the students who live in student accommodation, she lives with a ______ ______. Chinese business qualification get used to host family

22 When writing the essay, Xie Lei has some difficulties in understanding her tutor, but she finally ________ the idea and her marks ________. She says it’s important to have a balance ________ study and a social life and hopes to ______ ______ ______. accept improve between make many friends

23 Discussion In the autumn of 2014, you’ll enter your dream university.
What difficulties may you meet with during the first few days ? (diet, homesick, climate ,dialect 方言……) didn’t understand the local dialect…

24 Everyone will meet all kinds of difficulties in life
Everyone will meet all kinds of difficulties in life. We should face them bravely, adjust ourselves to the new situation and challenge ourselves constantly.

25 Homework Underline the words, phrases or sentences that you
don’t understand.

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