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Howl’s Moving Castle By Diana Wynne Jones.

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Presentation on theme: "Howl’s Moving Castle By Diana Wynne Jones."— Presentation transcript:

1 Howl’s Moving Castle By Diana Wynne Jones

2 About the writer Diana Wynne Jones (16 August 1934 – 26 March 2011) was an English writer, principally of fantasy novels for children and adults, as well as a small amount of non-fiction. Diana Wynne Jones

3 About the story The idea for this book was suggested by a boy in a school I was visiting, who asked me to write a book called The Moving Castle.——Diana Wynne Jones

4 Sophie Hatter :the elder sister of the Hatter's hat shop,a clever and skillful girl
the Witch of the Waste :a wicked witch,who turned Sophie into an old woman Wizard Howl:a mysterious magician Calcifer:a fire demon in Howl's castle Michael:Howl’s apprentice(学徒),a nice,polite boy

5 sentence :usage of Synonyms
Sophie winced(vi.畏缩,退避) form the toilet, flinched (vi.退缩,畏惧)at the color of the bath, recoiled (vi.畏缩,弹回)form the green weed growing in the shower, and quite easily avoided (v.避免,回避)looking at her shriveled shape in the mirrors because the glass was plastered with blobs and runnels of nameless substances.

6 What I learn from this book
One should find his fortune by himself. ——different lives of the Hatter sisters--Sophie, Lettie, and Martha Love means that one can make himself a new human who will be much better. ——Howl's changes

7 The awards 2004年 – 荣获第61回威尼斯影展:技术贡献奖(Osella Awards for Technical Achievement)   2004年 – 第8回文部省文化厅媒体艺术祭动画部门优秀奖。   2004年 – 荣获每日电影:最佳日本电影奖   2005年 – 荣获东京动画:今年最好的动画奖   2005年 – 荣获东京动画:最佳导演奖(宫崎骏)   2005年 – 荣获东京动画:最佳配音演员奖(倍赏千惠子)   2005年 – 荣获东京动画:最佳配乐奖(久石让)   2005年 – 荣获22届茂宜国际影展:观众奖(Audience Award)   2005年 – 荣获31届西雅图国际影展:1st Runner Up,Golden Space Needle Award   2005年 – 荣获第62届威尼斯影展荣誉金狮奖(宫崎骏)   2006年 – 获奥斯卡最佳动画长片奖提名   2007年 – 荣获2006年度美国星云奖最佳改编剧本(宫崎骏)

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