Maths at Harrow: 在哈罗学习数学

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1 Parent Presentation   “Mathematics at Harrow and Home” 在学校和家中学习数学 Miss Lang

2 Maths at Harrow: 在哈罗学习数学
Taught skills and methods progressively throughout Pre-Prep小学阶段循序渐进地教授数学技能和方法 Given plenty of opportunities to apply their Mathematics 有大量运用数学技能的机会 No cap on year groups, all levels of Mathematics are catered for 没有年龄限制,老师将根据学生的数学水平提供指导 Given regular assessments to ensure children are secure with their subject knowledge 定期进行评估,以确保学生具备充足的学科知识 Maths is interactive, plenty of resources, children see the links to real life contexts 数学是一门综合性互动学科,帮助孩子们与现实生活环境相连接

3 Maths Outside of the Classroom: 课堂外的数学学习 LSAs: 课外课
Dawes Club – For the gifted and talented, invite only 只限于有数学天赋的学生 Focus Intensive Mathematics – For some children working below the expected level for their year group 数学强化课 – 针对低于预期数学学术水平的孩子 Competitions: 竞赛 Primary Mathematics 最主要的 FOBISIA 竞赛 ACAMIS Maths Quest 数学比赛 Tri-Mathlon 数学比赛 Hosting a Harrow Mathematics Competition later in the year 今年下半年会举办哈罗数学竞赛

4 Maths: 数学 A great resource for at home: 在家学习的资源
At Harrow we find that often children are stronger in the number area of Mathematics. The area which at times hold them back is Shape, Space and Measure, and in particular the English vocabulary. 在哈罗,我们发现儿童在数字方面通常比较强,弱项是平面几何、立体几何和度量,特别是英语词汇。 Children cannot progress to next Harrow Level unless meeting the requirements in Number and Shape, Space and Measure. 除非满足“数字、平面和立体几何和度量”知识水平的要求,否则学生无法升入下一等级。 A great resource for at home: 在家学习的资源 Maths Dictionary, can be found on Taobao 淘宝上可以找到数学词典 There are lots of songs that can especially help the younger children with their vocabulary and understanding. 有很多歌曲可以特别帮助年龄较小的孩子学习词汇并理解。 Links can be found on Firefly. Firefly上有链接

5 Mathematical Vocabulary 数学用语
Children need to be secure in their Mathematical vocabulary in both their native language and English. 学生应该能熟练运用母语和英语中的数学用语 Days of the week 星期名称 Months of the year 月份名称 2D / 3D shape names 平面、立体几何形状名称 Names of operations 运算名词 Time 时间

6 The importance of Multiplications, Place Value and Number bonds
乘法和数字组合的重要性 These areas of knowledge are vital for your child to succeed in their Mathematics. 这些领域的知识对于孩子在数学中取得成功至关重要。 Your child should regularly practice their number bonds and multiplications. 您的孩子应该经常练习数字组合和乘法。 Year 1 – Know number bonds to 10 知道10的数字组合(比如3+7=10) Year 2 – 2, 5 and 10 times tables 熟悉2、5、10乘法表 Year 3 – 3, 4, 6 and 9 times tables 熟悉3、4、6、9乘法表 Year 4 – 7, 8, 11 and 12 time tables 熟悉7、8、11、12乘法表 Year 5 – Be secure in all their times tables 熟练掌握全部乘法表 Links to websites for practice can be found on Firefly. Firefly上有网站链接供练习

7 Maths in Action 生活中的数学 It is important for children to see Mathematics in real-life situations and understand the relevance of it in everyday life. 让孩子们认识到数学在实际生活中的重要性,我们的日常生活与数学密不可分。

8 Shopping 购物 Count the amount of items 计算购买物品的数量
Work out how much so many items will cost 计算购买物品的总价值 Estimate how much shopping will cost 估计购物的花费 Work out the change you will receive 计算找零

9 At the Airport 在机场 How many suitcases can you see? 计算携带的总行李数
What time does the flight go? 飞机起飞时间 Which flight goes at ... time? 哪架航班几点起飞? Work out the time difference to country visiting 计算时差 How long is the flight / what time will you arrive at destination? 飞行时间/ 到达目的地时间

10 Cooking 烹饪 Count how many carrots / mushrooms etc 计算所需食材数量
Weigh the ingredients 称重 Measure the liquids 液体测量 How long does it take to cook? 烹饪时长 What time will it be ready? 烹饪完成时间

11 Any questions? 问题?

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