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1.What is the most challenging job? Work as a salesman.

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2 1.What is the most challenging job? Work as a salesman.
2. Where did you find the part-time job? The internet. 3. When will you take CELST? Sunday. 4.What is not allowed in class? Play with cellphones. Working On the On Playing

3 /你认为她最喜欢的科目… /你认为她背单词吗? /你认为背单词有什么好处吗? 她最喜欢的科目是什么?
她背英语单词吗? 背单词有什么好处? /你认为她最喜欢的科目… What is her favorite subject? What do yo think is her favorite subject? /你认为她背单词吗? Does she recite/memorize English vocabulary? Do you think she recites/memorizes English…? /你认为背单词有什么好处吗? What are the benefits/advantages of memorizing English vocabulary? What do you think are the benefits/advantages of memorizing English vocabulary?

4 将来我们会在哪上课? 将来还会有教室吗? 将来的教室会是什么样子的? 谁会给我们上课? /你认为我们将来会在哪上课? Where will we have classes in the future? Where do you think we will have classes…? /你认为将来还会有教室吗? Will there be classrooms in the future? Do you think there will be classrooms…? /你认为将来的教室会…? What will the classrooms be like in the future? What do you think the classrooms will be like… /你认为谁会给我们上课? Who will teach us lessons? Who do you think will teach us lessons?

5 语法填空探秘(P208) Explore Rational Cloze

6 纯 介 空 格 冠 代 连 副 提 词形 示 变换 谓语 非谓 2015课标Ⅰ(Test 1) 2015课标Ⅱ(Test 5) 2.the 4.that/which 2.before/earlier 3.its 5.paintings 9.regularly 3.ability 5.slowly 9.natural 1.arrived 8.goes 8.conducted 1.built 4.using cool 助动词 词形 变换 谓语 非谓

7 纯 介 空 格 冠 代 连 副 提 示 词形 变换 谓语 非谓 2014课标Ⅱ(Test 4) 2014课标Ⅰ(Test 7)
3.the 2.and 4.or 7.that/which 8.Did 9.mine/me 10.suddenly 2.actually 6.clear 9.changes 10.patient 5.caught 1.was 1.being 3.disappointed stay 7.riding reduce 8.amazing 助动词 词形 变换 谓语 非谓

8 3+7 单词数量≤3 Findings 3个 7个 介 in; on; at; to;between; among; by等 冠
语法填空共考查10个空格,考查形式分为无提示词和有提示词,一般为____________原则。 3+7 in; on; at; to;between; among; by等 3个 a; an; the I; me; mine; myself; both等 定、名、状从; and,so,but, though等 时态+语态 谓语 7个 非谓语 doing; done; to do 派生词 fortune—fortunate--fortunately 变形 单词数量≤3

9 语法填空独门口诀 介冠代连谓非谓, 名从定从形转换, 形副比较有可能, 大写小写分清楚 单数复数分辨好。

10 Evaluate other groups’
是否符合3+7原则 考点覆盖率 区分度(难易点设置)0.6左右 书写工整美观 Awesome/Impressive/Couldn’t be better.

11 especially Many researchers believe adults, ________ (especial) parents and coaches, are the main cause of too much __________(agressive) in children’s sports. They believe children copy aggressive adult behavior. This behavior is then further strengthened through _______ positive and negative feedback. Parents and coaches are powerful teachers because children usually look up to them. Often these adults behave aggressively ___________, sending children the message that _________(win) is everything. agression both themselves winning

12 Many parents go to children’s sporting events and shout insults(侮辱)_______ other players or cheer when their child behaves agressively. As well, children are even taught that hurting other players is acceptable or are pushed _________ (continue) playing even when they ________ (injure). In addition, the media makes __________(violent) seem exciting. Children watch adult sports games and see violent behavior _________(replay) over and over on television. at to continue are injured violence replayed

13 especially Many researchers believe adults, ________ (especial) parents and coaches, are the main cause of too much __________(agressive) in children’s sports. They believe children copy aggressive adult behavior. This behavior is then further strengthened through _______ positive and negative feedback. Parents and coaches are powerful teachers because children usually look up to them. Often these adults behave aggressively ___________, sending children the message that _________(win) is everything. agression both themselves winning

14 Many parents go to children’s sporting events and shout insults(侮辱)_______ other players or cheer when their child behaves agressively. As well, children are even taught that hurting other players is acceptable or are pushed _________ (continue) playing even when they ________ (injure). In addition, the media makes __________(violent) seem exciting. Children watch adult sports games and see violent behavior _________(replay) over and over on television. at to continue are injured violence replayed

15 1. When I came into her room, she ___________(plan) for her travel.
2. Before we left, she ___________(plan) for months for the travel. 3. Three days ago, I _________(reserve) a table for two today, but I should have done it __________(early). 4. Three days ___________, I had ___________(inform) of the terrible news. was palnning had planned reserved earlier before/earlier been informed

16 5. Last month, our Student Union ___________(conduct) a survey among students on the use of i-pads.
6. Last month, a survey ___________ (conduct) by our Student Union among students on the use of i-pads. 7. A survey on the use of i-pads ___________ (conduct) last month by our Student Union aroused a great interest among students. conducted was conducted conducted

17 In common? 语法填空---短文改错?

18 语法填空 --- 短文改错 介冠代连谓非谓, 动词形,名词数,注意形和副; 非谓动词细辨别,习惯用法要记住;句子成分多分析,逻辑错误须关注。
语法填空 短文改错 介冠代连谓非谓, 名从定从形转换, 形副比较有可能, 大写小写分清楚 单数复数分辨好。 动词形,名词数,注意形和副; 非谓动词细辨别,习惯用法要记住;句子成分多分析,逻辑错误须关注。 介冠代连常常考, 一增一减要记住。

19 There used to be two brothers ________(live) in the nearby village
There used to be two brothers ________(live) in the nearby village. One is a farmer, and the ______ is a businessman. I know I have eaten a few cakes, but I still feel hungry. Would you please give me ________ cake? It is not easy to meet someone you love, but it may be _______(hard) to forget the one you used to love. 4. I can’t agree with you _______(much) on this point. living other another harder more

20 Pronouns 代词 none I have many dreams, but ________ of them has been achieved. I have two dreams, but ________ of them has been realized. I have two dreams, and ________ of them have come true. I have two dreams, all of _______ have come true. neither both which

21 Subjunctive mood虚拟语气 If I hadn’t come across the article, I ______________(feel) discouraged again about losing the competition. But for your encouragement, we couldn’t _______________(recover) from the disaster those days. ________ your support, I couldn’t achieve such great achievements now. She treats me as if I ________(be) a child, but I am an adult now! would have felt have recovered Without were

22 Verbs and non-finite verbs谓语和非谓语
She walked into the room, _______(put) down the bag, and lay on the bed. She walked into the room, and lay on the bed, ________(reflect) on what had happened in the day. _________(lie) on the bed, she couldn’t help reflecting on what had happened in the day. _________(drag) out of her bed by her mom, she felt upset. put reflecting Lying Dragged

23 Non-finite verbs非谓语 The little girl is too young to dress _______.
The little girl is too young to get _______(dress). __________(compare) those two phenomena, you will find something in common. __________(compare) with the former one, the latter suggestion is more practical. herself dressed Comparing Compared

24 Test 27 which The passage tells us a story ___________ happened __________ rats and a cat. The cat wanted to catch the rats but failed, _____________ the mother cat shouted like a dog. _____________(turn) around to her baby rats, she said, “Now you see how important _________ is to learn a second lanugage!” between because Turning it

25 They hurried towards their home, ________ was under a pile of large stones.
They hurried towards their home, ________ was located under the bridge. They hurried towards their home, ________ they would enjoy dinner together. which which where

26 关系副词(Relative adverbs)&关系代词(Relative pronouns)?
1. I will never forget this day _________ I spend with you. 2.I will never forget this day ________ I am with you. (that/which) 从句谓语要什么就给什么 this day when 从句主宾不缺就补状语

27 关系副词(Relative adverbs)&关系代词(Relative pronouns)?
2.I will never forget this day ________ I am with you. 3. I will never forget this day on_______ when this day on which 从句成分缺什么就补什么

28 Test 29: 1.I saw things that ___________(tell) a story without words.
2.I have a friend who ____________(tell) jokes all the time. 3. I have a friend ____________(tell) jokes all the time. told tells telling

29 Test 31 They are dramas _______(base) in one neighborhood that try to describe ordinary life in the UK. The playwriter ________(base) the story in his neighborhood at that time. Most of the dramas ____________(aim) at entertaining the housewives then. He ________(aim) at becoming a philosopher when he was a child. based based were amined aimed

30 1.______ one’s own 自己,独自   2.________ sb doing sth注意到某人正在做…
3.____________sth to sb; _________sb with sth呈送某物给某人 4._______ a low/price/speed 以低价/速... 5.take advantage ______利用 sth ______ sb; buy sb sth给某人买... 7.offer a _______ to sb; offer sb a _____ 搭载某人一程 8.swallow your ________收敛你的骄气 9.__________ sb winner宣布某人为获胜者 thankful _______ sth因为...而感激 on notice present present at of for ride ride pride declare for

31 lighten environmentally in in in develop/form within consult for
11. ________ the financial burden减轻经济负担 12.__________________ friendly 环保的  13.______ the first place首先 14.have trouble (___) doing sth做某事有困难/麻烦 15.persist ______ (doing) sth 坚持(做)某事 16.______________ the habit of养成…的习惯 17.________ easy reach触手可及 18._________ sb/sth 向某人/某物咨询/求助 19.turn to sb _____ help 向某人求助 20.if ______________________如果有必要的话,如果可能的话 lighten environmentally in in in develop/form within consult for necessary/possible

32 out in expense(s) of behalf behalf differences rise thought hesitation
21. to one’s _________________________ 令某人吃惊的是 22. carry ______ tests进行测试 23.___no time立即,很快 24.cut down ____________削减开支 25.regardless _______不管,不论 26.on _______ of sb; on one’s ________代表某人 27.cultural ____________文化差异 28.give _________ to 引发,产生 29. deep in _____________陷入沉思 30.without ___________________毫不犹豫地 surprise/amazement/astonishment out in expense(s) of behalf behalf differences rise thought hesitation

33 定语从句中先行词是物时,用that不用which的情况:
当先行词是all, any, anything, everything, nothing或被它们修饰时。例如: 有什么事情让你担心的吗? Is there anything that worries you? 所有能做的事情必须做。 All/Everything that can be done must be done.

34  2. 当先行词被形容词的最高级或序数词修饰时。例如
学习是我每天睡前做的最后一件事情。 Study is the last thing that I do every day before I go to bed. 3. 当先行词有the only, the very, the same, the last等修饰时。例如: 学习是我唯一想做的事情。 Study is the only thing that I want to do.

35 5. 当先行词既有人又有物时,用that。例如:
你刚才谈起的那位作家以及他的小说确实很著名。 The writer and his novels that you have just talked about are really well-known.

36 我写信邀请你参加4月1日在演讲厅举办的讲座。(which) 我想知道您是否能给我一些提高中文写作的建议。
I’m writing to invite you to attend the lecture which will be held in the lecture hall on April 4th. I wonder if/whether you can share some suggestions/advice with me on how to improve my Chinese writing.

37 售货员态度很不好,说这不是他的问题。 基于以上原因,我不赞成在课堂上使用i-Pad. The salesman treated me in a rude manner, saying it was not his fault. Based on the reasons above, I disapprove of using i-Pad in class. Based on the reasons above, I object to using i-Pad in class. Based on the reasons above, I oppose using i-Pad in class. Based on the reasons above, I am opposed to using i-Pad in class.

38 就提高语感来说,与背单词比较起来,背句子更有效。 我的建议是你应该坚持练习写英文日记。
When it comes to improving our sense of language, it’s more effective to memorize sentences, compared with memorizing vocabulary. My suggestion is that you (should) persist in keeping a diary in English.


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