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模擬試題解析 第二回聽力測驗: 看圖辨義.

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Presentation on theme: "模擬試題解析 第二回聽力測驗: 看圖辨義."— Presentation transcript:

1 模擬試題解析 第二回聽力測驗: 看圖辨義

2 題型介紹 1. 本部分共10題,試題冊上每題有一個圖片,請聽錄音機播出一個和圖片相關的問題,與A、B、C三個選項的英語敘述後,選一個與所看到圖片最相符的答案,並在答案紙上相對的圓圈內作答,每題播出一遍,問題及選項均不印在試題紙上。

3 例題 (看) (聽)

4 (聽) (看) Look at the picture. How much are the sandwiches? A. They are NT$16. B. They are NT$ 60. C. They are NT$ 35. 正確答案為B

5 應考錦囊 聽力技巧: 注意容易混淆的音。 基礎語法結構: 常考的問題不外是由wh疑問詞(如who, what, where, when, which, why, how...)配合時態所形成的問句。 圖片的重點: 每個圖片有一定考試焦點,必須以敏銳的觀察力預測出考題的方向。看圖片時,要特別注意圖中的人物、數字、標示箭頭等,才不會遺漏與作答相關的指示。 主題字彙: 常考主題大致可分為十大類 (1) 時間/日期 (2)數字/價格 (3) 職業 (4) 動作 (5) 位置 (6) 狀況 (7) 天氣 (8) 比較 (9) 服裝(10) 發音。

6 圖片的重點 每個圖片有一定考試焦點,必須以敏銳的觀察力預測出考題的方向。看圖片時,要特別注意圖中的人物、數字、標示箭頭等,才不會遺漏與作答相關的指示。 常考的題型大致可分為十類: (1) 時間/日期 (2)數字/價格 (3) 職業 (4) 動作 (5) 位置 (6) 狀況 (7) 天氣 (8) 比較 (9) 服裝(10) 發音。

7 解題技巧 眼要明---- 根據圖片線索,預測考題 耳要快----聽到問題, 由線索中確定答案。

8 第二回聽力測驗 試題解析

9 Keywords clock 7:00 sun morning food breakfast egg hotdog soup drink
Question 1: Keywords clock 7:00 sun morning food breakfast egg hotdog soup drink

10 Question 1: What meal is the boy eating? (A). Breakfast (B). Lunch
(C). Dinner

11 Keywords street old woman car traffic light cross
Question 2: Keywords street old woman car traffic light cross

12 Question 2: What is the woman doing? (A). Walking next to the street
(B). Crossing the street (C). Driving a car

13 Keywords tree cat scared man help save catch
Question 3: Keywords tree cat scared man help save catch

14 Question 3: What will the man do? (A). Find the cat (B). Save the cat
(C). Buy a new cat

15 Keywords four men suit watch in the middle bus stop
Question 4: Keywords four men suit watch in the middle bus stop

16 Question 4: What are the people waiting for? (A). A train
(B). An airplane (C). A bus

17 Keywords two girls run kite fly sun sunny
Question 5: Keywords two girls run kite fly sun sunny

18 Question 5: What are the girls doing? (A). Swimming at the beach
(B). Flying in a plane (C). Flying a kite

19 Keywords office man coffee hot spill
Question 6: Keywords office man coffee hot spill

20 Question 6: Why did the man spill the coffee? (A). It was too hot.
(B). It was very cold. (C). It was in a cup.

21 Keywords car accident fight argument
Question 7: Keywords car accident fight argument

22 Question 7: What happened to the people? (A). They bought a new car.
(B). They were in an accident. (C). They lost their cars.

23 Keywords woman wedding dress flowers mirror look into
Question 8: Keywords woman wedding dress flowers mirror look into

24 Question 8: Why is the woman smiling? (A). She is getting married.
(B). She just bought a new skirt. (C). She is going to a party.

25 Keywords river man boat fishing pole / rod go fishing
Question 9: Keywords river man boat fishing pole / rod go fishing

26 Question 9: What is the boy doing? (A). He's sailing.
(B). He's fishing. (C). He's buying some fish.

27 Keywords woman plant / flower shovel plant
Question 10: Keywords woman plant / flower shovel plant

28 Question 10: Why are the woman's hands dirty?
(A). She just picked some flowers. (B). She is cleaning her plants. (C). She is planting flowers.

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