Unit title: 假期 – Holiday

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1 Unit title: 假期 – Holiday
Area of interaction focus Which area of interaction will be our focus? Why have we chosen this? Significant concepts What are the big ideas? What do we want our students to retain for years into the future? Environment The different environments of different countries are in some way responsible for the way the residents of that country conduct their daily lives. The physical environment that you live in can affect the way you live your life. People from different countries spend holiday time in different ways. MYP unit question How does the climate of the country you live in affect your lifestyle?

2 Transport LO: Review transport and verbs used
Be able to ask how someone travels.

3 nǐ xiǎng nǎr 哪儿? Where would you like to go?

4 zěnme 怎么 how?

5 I am going to the city by bike

6 Tomorrow I will go to the seaside with my mum by boat

7 zěn​me 怎么 去? You how go? How will you go/get there?

8 写 Write out the new word and two questions on 第九页: zěn​me 怎么 how
Complete ex. 4 filling in the table. EXT: Write out similar conversations for each for the pictures in ex. 5.

9 Practise the conversations made up for ex. 5 一。你去哪儿? 二。你怎么去?

10 写 练习七 Respond to your Mum’s text.
EXT : Can you extend your response in any way.

11 火车 山区 汽车 德国 飞机 澳大利亚 自行车 农村 出租车 博物馆 船 法国 公共汽车 城市 火车 西班牙 自行车 海边 A B C 一
A ruler / I have / I don’t have 公共汽车 城市 火车 西班牙 自行车 海边

12 我坐汽车去海边。 你今天晚上坐出租车回家吗? 明天我想坐火车去农村。 星期六我喜欢坐汽车去城市买东西。 明年我和朋友一起坐出租车去法国。
Shuffle sentences 1. I am going to the seaside by car. 我坐汽车去海边。 2. Are you going home by taxi tonight? 你今天晚上坐出租车回家吗? 3. Tomorrow, I would like to go to the countryside by train. 明天我想坐火车去农村。 4. On Saturdays I like to go to the city by car to go shopping. 星期六我喜欢坐汽车去城市买东西。 5. Next year I will go to France with my friends by bus. 明年我和朋友一起坐出租车去法国。

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