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第3部分 Unit 1. Lesson 1. Vitamins 主讲教师:黄昆.

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1 第3部分 Unit 1. Lesson 1. Vitamins 主讲教师:黄昆

2 Text A. Vitamins The article introduced the vitamins in two parts:
Part I: history of vitamin discoveries Vitamin C (scurvy), Vitamin B1 (beriberi) Part II: functions of vitamins and where we can get them from. 华中科技大学远程教学

3 You may be eating a good mixture of different kinds of foods furnishing all the calories you need; yet lacking certain necessary substances. 华中科技大学远程教学

4 may be doing … 情态动词表虚拟语气的用法 例如:
Have you ever thought what it may be doing to your health if you sit and watch TV hour after hour? 华中科技大学远程教学

5 furnish vt. 提供 furnishing (提供;装饰)
Home furnishing is a very important aspect when it comes to interior decorating. 华中科技大学远程教学

6 [疑问]已经 Has the school begun yet? 已经开学了吗? [同连接词连用]然而, 可是
yet :ad. 还,仍然; conj. 然而. [疑问]已经 Has the school begun yet?   已经开学了吗? [同连接词连用]然而, 可是   It is strange, and yet it is true.   是奇怪, 可是真的。 习惯用语   and yet 然而, 但是, 可是   another and yet another 一个又一个的, 接二连三的   as yet 现在还, 到目前为止; 到那时为止; 至今   but yet 但还是, 可是还   just yet 恰好现在   more and yet more 更要, 多而再多   nor yet 也不   not yet 尚未, 还没有   yet once more 再一次 华中科技大学远程教学

7 I want to buy an accessory for my car.
Accessory adj. 补充、辅助的 n. 附件、配件 例句: The antiberiberi substance at first was called an accessory food factor. I want to buy an accessory for my car. 华中科技大学远程教学

8 This disease causes the nerves to become inflamed and to degenerate.
    并列关系 华中科技大学远程教学

9 Vitamines are defined as organic nutrients required in very small amounts and essential for growth and for good health. Diseases such as beriberi, scurvy, and rickets that develop in the absence of vitamines are termed deficiency diseases. 华中科技大学远程教学

10 构词法 Vitamin Beriberi Cod-liver oil Biochemist Rice-eating
One ten-thousandth of an ounce 华中科技大学远程教学

11 Vitamins percent from Foods

12 Text B. Foods that fight cancer
本课文有着大量的利用-连接的构词法   Cancer-triggering   Mind-boggling   All-around   Non-milk-drinkers   Dark-green 华中科技大学远程教学

13 A whole host of .... (a large number of ,full of ...)
Interfere with (干扰) Compared with .... (与...相比较) 华中科技大学远程教学

14 科研英语中强调证据和数据 A recent review of 17 studies from 17 nations reveals that people who eat the most fruits and vegetables have about half the cancer rates of those who eat the least. A study at Pennsylvania State University found that feeding rats various garlic extracts and preparations reduced mammary tumors by as much as 71 percent. 华中科技大学远程教学

15 科技英语强调提供所引用数据的来源 提供所引用数据的来源是包括药学英语在内的所有科技英语的突出特点,原因在于
  提供所引用数据的来源是包括药学英语在内的所有科技英语的突出特点,原因在于 在科研论文,表现了对前期工作者的尊重(credit)。   对于读者来说,可体现所提论点的理论依据,更具有可信度。   对于有深入研究兴趣的读者而言,可以通过进一步查找所对应的引用数据的来源,深入细节研究。 华中科技大学远程教学

16 科技英语强调提供所引用数据的来源 In test-tube studies at Harvard University, beta-carotene had …. …risk of pancreatic cancer, according to a Johns Hopkins University study. A double-blind study of patients at The New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center found…. Researchers at Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, N.Y., discovered…. 华中科技大学远程教学

17 药学科技英语中重视数据的比较 One study found that in a group of Swedes, those who ate a citrus fruit almost daily reduced the risk of pancreatic cancer by one-half to more than two-thirds, as compared with eating citrus fruit less than once a week. 华中科技大学远程教学

18 Those with the least blood lycopene had over five times the risk of pancreatic cancer as healthy people with the most blood lycopene. Research conducted in Utah revealed that men who ate the most cruciferous vegetables had a 70 percent lower risk of colon cancer than those who at the least of such vegetables. 华中科技大学远程教学

19 英语翻译练习材料 1.研究人员发现普通感冒患者体内维生素C水平急剧下降,接近坏血病患者水平。
2.有些维生素溶解于水,而其它则溶解于脂肪,故它们分别被称为脂溶性维生素和水溶性维生素。 3.水果蔬菜富含多种抗氧化剂,该物质可以杀灭被认为能诱发癌症的的过氧化物自由基。 4.动物实验表明,大蒜有抑制结肠癌、胃癌等癌症的作用。 华中科技大学远程教学

20 英语口语练习材料 1.Saying is easy. Doing is difficult. 说起来容易,做起来难。
2.Seeing is believing.  眼见为实。 3.Speaking in public is a challenge to a lot of people.     对许多人来说,公众演讲一大挑战。 4.Losing someone you love is a painful experience.     失去你深爱的人是非常痛苦的遭遇。 5.Lying is a bad habit.  说谎是一个坏习惯。 6.Getting daily exercise is important.  每天锻炼很重要。 7.Parking is prohibited here.  此地禁止停车。 8.Raising children is a big responsibility.     养育孩子是一项重大责任。 9.Walking in the rain is romantic.  雨中漫步很浪漫。 华中科技大学远程教学

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